Looking at the box office like

>Be Detective Pikachu
>Have Ryan Reynolds
>Become box office flop
Why didn't you save it?

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Is it really a flop? I just went to see it and the theatre was packed. What are you trying to shill for here tho

complete flop. doing Shazam numbers

Not paying to see ugly diversity token leads playing characters that were originally white. Don’t give a fuck what the film is, I already stopped going to see Marvel films because of Valkyrie,
MJ etc

it's not looking good

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What would the numbers look like if the main character was white?

EASY billion

justice was probably the thing that was least wrong with the movie. if it had better writing everyone would b telling their friends to see it, but as of now it's not really worth seeing on the big screen. feels like a netflix movie with a good effects budget.

do you incels really think a minority lead is what kills a movie? please

It's at 287m, overseas numbers not counted yet

>that were originally white.

yeah but this is a front loaded movie. it's dropping rapidly with i think 50-60% drop week to week. You also need to factor in marketing budget which was at least another 150-200. Also you don't get as much money from overseas as domestic %wise

this is why movies like Alita, which made their production budget back still was hoping for a bigger box office

Change one thing to fix the movie. Hard mode don't use the word minority or race

Attached: Justice-Smith-Pokemon-Movie.jpg (1000x500, 84K)

if it was a cute white boy like in the game it would have probably made double the amount.
so far only fat neckbeards who remember pokemon from their childhood went to see it.
with a cute white male lead women would have shown up as well

The kid’s character wasn’t originally a swamp beast looking thing, he was a cute white kid that could probably be played by a score of young Hollywood actors, but for some reason they cast ugly.

Quite sad desu, I went in expecting nothing and it was slightly better than mediocre, that being said I'm 25 so a lot of my enjoyment was probably just nostalgia bait trash. Do zoomers even like Pokemon?

I would make the cast attractive and appealing, there I fixed it.

change the skin pigmentation of the protagonist

But I did see it.

How about getting some people that can act? I wanted to kill myself whenever the black retard and the walking eye candy opened their mouths to speak.

This. I’m female and I was going to take my niece to see it but we both puked at the repulsive lead actor in the trailer so nah.

no, kids these days are only into fortnite and have nostalgia for call of duty.
only manchildren really still care about nintendo properties

Needed more underground pokemon whore houses.


>non animated

>meme reynolds

who knew this would flop?

is this why it flopped? btw what scene? anyone have it? I didn't see it either

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Dare I say based and redpilled.

have sex

Lost againts Endgame again with John Wick killing both.

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i still have faith in chadtective kinochu

lmao that was pretty dark. I remember the parents muttering after that scene. lmao stupid kids.

Instead of it being based on the game Detective Pikachu, base it on Pokemon Yellow

what exactly was it? I didn't see it either

why would you ever make live action pokemon?

look at Pikachu, man
he's cute as fuck

you realize all movies are fake right user?

im saying animated pokemon would do 100x better

There's over 20 of those

Saw this today. Why can no one direct comedy any more?

>character delivers joke punchline
>5ms later the scene changes.

You need to give jokes a chance to sink in and have characters react. The people that cut trailers can do comedy better than the actual film directors.

Other thoughts:

Terrible acting partially from the MC, but mostly from the reporter girl.

The writing was terrible too:

>"we discovered your father died being blown off of a bridge whilst speeding away from an exploding facility. We assumed natural causes so didn't investigate at all"
>"maybe we should do something with this whole 'I wanted to be a trainer' subplot.... Nah lets save that for the sequel"
>"oops the story doesn't really allow for a sequel. Oh well"
>"I thought mankind was all evil but your father showed me otherwise, that is all the character arc I have sorry. Also, for some reason I couldn't have just written you a note"
>"This city looks a lot like London but with CG neon pokemon signs doesn't it? Amazing how there's only 1 guy with a British accent"

Thinking about it, pretty much the only good thing about the film were all the non-Pikachu Pokemon interactions which kinda seemed to come from a different writer/director. It was enough to take the film from terrible to passable though.

you're overthinking a pokemon movie user

It was a mimed scene, it didn't show anything.

>talking pokemon
>mutt MC

Who thought that making a movie that's nothing like the popular games and anime would fail. Truly shocking.

the real kek is that if John Wick opened last week it would still beat Pikachu

Dead end subplots are never forgivable and even the most basic kids films can do proper character development.

It's still fair game user, we shit on the anime movies (even though they really are for kids) why can't we do the same with this?

aladdin Brightburn and godzilla are all coming out soon too

The annoying thing is that it probably kills the chances of a proper Pokemon film.

Good. Leave asian stuff with asians, they have no place in hollywood's foul, degenerate hands.

An animated one without Ass Ketchup would be nice.

>didn't go to any superhero movie on the past 3 years except logan
>didn't go to john wack after boring second movie
>went to pikachu with a gf
It was fun: only half a theatre at the opening, not a single child, fine visuals, very bad choice for main actor. And I don't care about grossings. Why should any of you? I very doubt your income depends on it

It's the poke version of San Francisco. The London buttplug and underground signs really took me out of the movie.

Japanese live action is even worse than Hollywood.