ITT: Movies females can't understand

ITT: Movies females can't understand

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1/10 movie

Imagine the smell

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Took my then gf to the theatre to watch this movie when it came out. Big mistake bros. Big mistake.

t. female

Le me: is there the crusty crab?

SpongeBob: no this is Patrick


You silly bastard.

>6 Fs
>9 Us

Master and Commander
The wrath of Kahn
Troy (in so far as Achilles dying for glory)
What else

I have above average IQ and I still had to watch it multiple times to understand

Terminator 2

Fury Road

They can't understand how the bend and snap scene makes my pp feel.

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>Persians were the bad guys
Greeks have had it coming since they destroyed Troy


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I'd like to know why you thought that was a good idea.

>implying that Trojans weren't Greek

they were persians

No they were hitites

>they were persians

They were hellenic. They worshipped Apollo


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My mom likes this film, every time I suggest to watch a flick set in antiquity she insists it to be either "300" or "The Passion of the Christ".


>t. Hasn't watched the BBC documentary covering troy as a sub kingdom of the hitites

Helenes didn't show up till end of the bronze age. That's partly why the dark age happened, they (Dorians that later became helenes) kicked the Ionians and mycenaeans out

>BBC documentary covering troy as a sub kingdom of the hitites
forgive me. Ill learn

They forced gender equality on it you retard

>le screaming reddit muscle man

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>he doesn't know

Unironically have sex

You are forgiven. 6 part doc is on youtube for free "in search of troy"
It's an older one but it's quite good

>95% of the movie is braindead fight shit or a hunchback telling a story
>everything negated because a woman says something in the end
Have fun.

"How faggets view masculinity" the movie

Reminder women call it gay and faggot call it islamophobic. If you didn't like this movie you're one of the two.


t. faggot/10


Women can't understand film in general to be quite honest.


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They would never let this beauty be made today

Pic is ultimate nonwoman movie

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Hollywood doesn't make profound movies anymore. It's all braindead capeshit now.

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It was pretty good, the only time zack snyder's style really worked at least for me.
The cast is great except gorgo, dilios narration was ebin and most of the visuals are 9/10 stuff you never see even with cheap technology available now because the creativity is gone.

every movie that isn't a chick flick and even then females can barely understand

Troy was independent of the Persian empire along with the fact it was Troy that provoked the Greeks due to some guy being horny and taking used goods over Asia where he could have gotten any 10/10 he wanted

Correct. Its less about money these days and more about pushing an agenda

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Great movie. Completely shits on a glorified garbage like Enemy at the Gates.

>git gud: the movie
Probably accurate. Maybe Crank is in the running, but that's the two purest types of nonwoman movies.

They were lydians or phyrigians you retarded asshole. "Persians" didn't even control persia yet when the oldest version of the Iliad was written.

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MouseCUck spotted

Good Time
The Revenant
Batman v Superman
Hacksaw Ridge

Based Kinoisseur Mom

We Were Soldiers

Wrath of Khan and Gladiator suck though.

My mom and sister both liked this movie.

So "movies" then

>Gladiator suck
Yeah I'll bet The Patriot sucks too right?

This was a genuine surprise, pretty good watch.

>Hack Snyder

Genderqueer spotted^

God father
The good the bad and the ugly
The last samurai
BladeRunner 2049
Rocky 4

They do understand it
the women rallied the rest of Greece together thanks to the sacrifice of the 300 and then they pozzed the Persians properly. I read it in a book.

That's a movie for nobody.

.t Xerxes

Despite the meme potential blade runner 2049 is hot garbage.

Get your T levels checked, pizza face

Get your brain checked, liberal arts tard

this, the fact that its "muh manly film" shows how effectively american sitcoms degraded and deformed modern men.

Idk man, she always focuses on spartan abs, and bites her lips in the scene where Jesus is whipped.

Like I said, heh

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More like daddy the movie

t. Ephialtes


Women like the first part of Braveheart for the love story, but lose interest after his wife dies.

Facts. And if they like it, they probably see Fletcher as an antagonist. Which means the movie went way over their heads.

ALso Greek culture turned homosexual. The term “go Greek”
Means anal sex

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Hittites existed long before the ancient Greeks. They were the arch nemesis of Ramses II

honestly probably this, the joi arc was an important thematic progression in the blade runner universe (we're all just code, what is nature of consciousness etc) but most women I've spoken to can't get past the robotic fleshlight male fantasy bs

based, 300 is fucking garbage
just watched the sequel for the first time yesterday. I liked the first film pretty well but the second is miles ahead of it.

Literally impossible for women to understand this film

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Women pretty much cannot comprehend any medium that doesn't revolve around one person's love for another, they are too small brained to grasp any higher purpose and are basically walking incubators