autism voice
>dude what about if we interview people when they can barely even talk or form coherent sentences lmao
Why is this so popular?
because people like to see other people suffer
>come up with a cool concept
>gets extremely popular
>do nothing but invite literal who niggers, famous niggers and jews on the show, and barely anyone else
Who would you invite on?
Alex Jones
Because it's fun you autistic incel, have sex
Famous people who aren't black or jewish
Gordon Ramsey was a great guest. Washed out celebs that most people still remember like Steve-O make great guests. Bill Burr was good. I'd invite Aidan Gillen and whoever else I could get my hands on.
Their guests are fuckin awful, just look at who they have on
>Key and Peele
>h3h3 (kikes)
>Neil deGreasy Tyson
>Scarlet Johanson (kike with plastic surgery)
>Michael Cera (chinless unfunny kike)
>Natalie Portman (kike with plastic surgery)
>Kevin Durant
>Kasey Neistat (kike)
>YG (literal who nigger)
>Seth Rogen (kike)
>Jeff Goldbloom (kike)
>Hannibal Burress (literal who nigger)
>Seth Meyers (kike)
That's just what is popping out the most looking at a list of their videos. I didn't even list the ok black guests like Kevin Hart, Shaq, Terry Crews because although they are black, they still make for good guests.
Michael Cera isn't Jewish.
>Michael Cera isn't Jewish.
Michael Cera isn't Jewish.
Jared Taylor
He's Italian. Also most European Jews aren't even Jewish but Italian converts which is why they look similar.
Jewish mother, looks jewish, born and raised in Jew York, hired by Hollywood because of his rat face and jewish genes therefore he is jewish.
>b-but wikipedia says that he is an atheist! you can't be jewish if you are an atheist!
have sex
the YG episode was the second funniest one. he barely felt anything
Literal nobody. If I wanted to hear what some nigger had to say I'd ask for your e-mail and talk to you.
Cockman is an English surname.
Yeah, and Shekelstein is a German surname, what's your point, you disgusting rat?
>Hannibal Burress (literal who nigger)
You fucking take that back. Him and Eric Andre had one of the best comedy shows in years.
It's a part of complex. A hip hop channel by origin.
>Eric Andre
found the brainlet
It's an occupational name for a cook's servant. There's nothing Jewish about it. Not every name with "man" on the end is Jewish.