Netflix's Resident Evil

what are your hopes and expectations Yea Forums?

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A random interracial couple appearing halfway through for no reason whatsoever

this. Imagine paying for netflix.

The story will only be interesting for the first six episodes and then fizzle out fast.

This honestly. One main character will be black, then there will be another interracial couple that pops in just to share a long kiss on screen.
Netflix is disgusting.

NETFLIX should stick to low budget teen comedies.

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I hope for regular threads crying about (((netflix))) and forced diversity literally ruining people's "life".


More SJW propaganda.

Disrespect for the source material and not a big enough budget since Resident Evil is un-adaptable and the people in charge of this new project.

Jill will be black. Chris will be mexican. Of course Wesker will still be white.

>those thighs

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>since Resident Evil is un-adaptable

First game is mainly just 3 people running around an almost empty mansion with the occasional single zombie here or there. A couple of zombie dogs in a hallway. Some undead crows in an art gallery. A fucking stationary plant in the basement. And a CG tyrant fight on the roof. Done. Easy to film.

Romero tried that approach and ended up being a mess, it even has a script

>Resident Evil is un-adaptable

How so?

Here's your Leon bro

Claire or any of the female protagonists will get BL*CKED of course.

>making an accurate adaptation that makes the fans happy and gives us better ratings and profit
>nah, we have an agenda to push

White women can become immune to the t-virus if they receive a gallon of negro cum directly into the melanin receptors in their vagina

shame about her ogre face

Yall are gay as fuck. This obsession isn't natural. I'm glad u faggots are going extinct.

Wait what. Netflix is doing a Resident Evil show? Fucking why? Someone please tell me this is a joke

It's just an inevitability. The series can go in a million directions but this is the one thing that is 100% certain to happen.

>thread about resident evil
>a bunch of anons start thinking about interracial sex
Yeah, nah, you're just gay

It can't be worse than the last few movies they released. You retards are getting upset over nothing. Everything since 2 or maybe 3 was hot garbage.

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>random interracial couple
...So Leon and Ada?

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Not a joke

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They aren't a couple. She rejects his advances every time resetera tranny.

Its the state of the world today everything has to have a disgusting forced interracial couple and a grouchy old racist white guy.
Birdbox was shit.

lmao at that forced diversity

If they just follow the official novelizations they'll be gold.

>resetera tranny
what the fuck does this have to do with resetera or trannies? are you schizophrenic?
Yes I know they aren't really a "couple" but she kisses him and there is still sexual tension/flirting between them, which I'm assuming Yea Forums would REEEEEE at if it was Claire and some nignog

>a bunch of anons start thinking about interracial sex
We're talking about Netflix, so...

You are using lies to try to refute the forced diversity argument we smell the resetera tranny on you.

They are not a couple. She keeps playing him to use him. They make this obvious game after game. Sorry, your false equivalency failed.

I fantasize about the smell of Ada and Claire's assholes. The video game made me so horny and lonely.

Can go gay and have Leon and Luis as our interracial couple if Spanish is exotic enough

No, it has to be a black man and white woman.
That is all that matters to their "producers".

>thread about Netflix
>user starts thinking about interracial sex
As I said, you're gay. Grow up low test shitbrain. Get off the computer

Ha ha, Netflix and Amazon are going to rape everything with brand recognition. Fucking everything.

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user you actually have brain problems, I hope you're baiting
I literally said they're not a couple. I played the games, I know she's using him
where? what lies? can you tell me where the lies are? Why are you getting so upset about video game characters?

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James Wan isn't producing anymore so Ive lost most of the interest I had