/RBMK/ Chernobyl - Cherno-Chan edition

user.. you want to penetrate me with your thick control rod right?.. right???

HBO miniseries Chernobyl.

Great gallery about chernobyl:

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Other urls found in this thread:


You beat me to it, thanks

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I unironically watched this because of these threads

And I enjoyed it alot, so thanks. Looking forward to the next episode.

Would be cool to go there on one of the tours, they seem surprisingly cheap

4 0 0 bubbles

thanks comrade.

Post radiation music

why is vernon kay in episode 2?

Their lives are so grey and empty it makes me feel great about mine. This boy is staying tuned.

It is the first thing that Yea Forums memed and I liked it
It's a strange feeling...


What was your """reaction""" to the first two episodes?


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I really enjoy the show, though I must admit, I was """critical""" at first.

Why did everyone wear asshole-glasses back then?

внимaниe-chan vs reactor-chan, who would win?

>Would be cool to go there on one of the tours, they seem surprisingly cheap
One site says that a scheduled one-day tour would be between 89 and 165 dollars. Definitely not expensive.


Do you taste metal /rbmk/?

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They make one kind of hat, one kind of a car and one kind of glasses. Soviet efficiency.

Edit of

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What do you think is the """core""" demographic for this show?

Because the USSR didn't put a huge focus on ensuring a healthy supply of consumer goods.

impressive, very nice.

Carlos, please fucking stop.

love it.

Nice comrade Anoniev

What...What if a Geiger Counter becomes radioactive itself?

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Indeed, comrade Anonov.

make it a tad bit brighter for better thumbnail view and change his shirt from blue to white and you're set.

More like Gayger Counter, ammirite?

The makers of the show actually quoted that as one of the easiest things about making the show. They said that when they wanted to look up what kind of a helmet a miner wears, there was only one type of a helmet that was used by every miner everywhere. It was THE mining helmet.

That's also why they could film the Pripyat scenes in Lithuania. The Soviets built housing pretty much the same everywhere, so you'll find similar scenery in Lithuania as you do in Pripyat (back in the day).

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I really wish this was going to be longer than five episodes. There's more they could have told and we'll only be able to have these threads for three more weeks.

The entire first response to the accident could have been at least two episodes easy. The way they skim over the firefighters is a travesty

kek, absolute state of consumer good procurement.

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Maybe they will make another about Fukushima?

These have been the most enjoyable threads since /tpg/


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Hopefully there'll be some WW2 stuff coming.

So steam make electricity?

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steam make electricity

Steam moves a turbine. The turbine makes electricity.

As an east european, can I just say how amazing the prop department is. EVERYTHING looks like stuff from my early childhood. That awful, depressing aesthetic. Even the hinges of the fucking toilet seats are legit.

I genuinely think this show might be a test of how many people would be interested in potential S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series or something like that

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Only when it pushes turbines

Where is the elephant located? Have we seen the place it grew yet?

Official radiation music


This looks half decent

burn shit. create steam. steam forces turbine to move. turbine harnesses electricity

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>on the edge
>of the crater

Turbine turns generator. Generator makes electricity.

>It lies beneath Reactor No. 4 of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, under reactor room 217.

I remember watching an episode of River Monsters where the host went and caught catfish in one of chernobyls cooling ponds. The officials gave surprisingly little fucks.

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Rate my local nuclear power plant, Yea Forums (currently in the process of being decommissioned and turned into a processing plant for nuclear waste)

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because it's a superior design, your sharp field of vision is larger

>Misha, put that rock down and help me with the valves!

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I like the ball.

Good. Now I no longer need you

hm, what about the Luftwaffe perspective?

I hope they don't show the three volunteers dying because they actually survived

Cute ball

I have a feeling that they don't.

It looks full of life

Not brutalist enough with that round thing, still pretty ugly tho

looks like it's falling to bits.


Can confirm. It looks a lot more harmonious than today's degenerate individualism also

>H-Hello Id like to place an order for 5000 tonnes of sand and boron please... yes deliver to Chernobyl Power Plant. Do you have helicopters?

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Where is this? Looks dope

Not a nuclear power station, but r8 mine pls

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>tfw Dyatlov is having core-chan warm butthole all to himself

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report to survival-block 73, comrade. We'll see you at atheism class.

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Visiting Pripyat and Chernobyl in August, has anyone been?
Also, anyone visited Kiev?

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I watched E01 and enjoyed it, although I was moderately stoned which probably helped. The bong accents (same as mine) were distracting for a bit but I soon got over it. I'm torrenting E02, is it worse or better?


looks like a depressing bong village

never been to Ukraine, scared of the mob.


>I'm torrenting E02, is it worse or better?
Same to better.

not great not terrible

made me lol

Eating pussy is gay as fuck

Historical dramas, even set in non-English speaking countries, only work when the majority of the cast have bong accents.

>greenhouse gases are bad
>decommissioning nuke plants
Explain government

Nuclear waste is also kind of bad.

Sellafield in Cumbria, UK

>Between 1950 and 2000 there were 21 serious incidents or accidents involving off-site radiological releases that warranted a rating on the International Nuclear Event Scale, one at level 5, five at level 4 and fifteen at level 3. Additionally during the 1950s and 1960s there were protracted periods of known, deliberate discharges to the atmosphere of plutonium and irradiated uranium oxide particulates. These frequent incidents, together with the large 2005 THORP plant leak which was not detected for nine months, have led some to doubt the effectiveness of the managerial processes and safety culture on the site over the years.

>theyre dropping sand and boron on the fire
>its what I would do
>Yes Im sure it is (because youre a stupid MAN AREN'T YOU!?!?)

atom spooky

I've been there! You can see it from the beach nearby, kinda creepy. There's a museum in a nearby town too which is pretty cool and has loads of information about it along with some old military stuff. I can't remember names because I was about 10 years old but it was a cool trip.

Step aside, nerds. You'll be shining in the backseat.

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Hello gomrades! XDDDD Dis general is for disgussion of margsism-lebonnism, da ideology of revolutionary socialism and gommunism.

Gommunism is da next stage of guckery following real society.

Wat exagtly is gommunism according to gommies:

>Gommunism is a stage of guckery in which the produgtive infrustrugture runs away from gommie country, and no goods are produced and beeple starve. XDDDD
>Gommunism in full form is obressive, statist society dat follows maxim "gib gib gib!" :DDDD
>To achieve gommunism we must replace broduction with murderous obressive rulers liek me, fug working glass beeple. XDDDD Struggle while I liquidate you all lol. When capitalists run away we win and I kill you all. Eventually the functions of state cease and state becomes murderous and indistinguishable from other gommies. Da state withers away liek da people.

GL uses philosphy of gib and starve, see here:

It is recommend you kill yourself so you can avoid starving.


Da sdages of gommunism.

>Sdage one
Bourgers aren't allowed to vode :DDD but otherwise da system is digtadorshib of gommies. Everything is stole by digtadors and digtadors rule all.

>Sdade two
All beeple who aren't digtador glass starve. XDDD Once glass disabears and we steal everything more beeple wither away. Bolice begome unnecessary as beeple are dead lol :DDDDD Central blanning begomes unnecessary begause sgarcity caused starving. Money is all ours.

>Sdage three
No beeple. No food. My money. Much benis.

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Sellafield is over 60 year old. It's probably time to let it wind down it's operations.

please die, preferably sooner rather than later

I actually don't find smart women threatening, I think they're kinda hot. Have I ascended, lads?

Not great, not terrible

Any buyers?

when theyre constantly dabbing on men who are supposed to be smart its annoying

made me kek


Commie detected

So why didnt they just put water in the core? Will they finally explain it in the next episode?

I'm a member of the Brexit party

Blowout soon fellow Stalkers

Doesn't Kasparov have a higher IQ than Hawking?


Comrade Kantfasefakstov! There's waifus on the harddrive.

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How long could you have sex with an exposed core before you died?


>carry the 2 and....15,000 Chernobyl is outputting 15,000 roetgen at close proximity. But ofcourse! Along with my calculations that graphite is on the ground and roof this means the core is open.

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1) IRL Dyatlov thought that core is ok it was just hydrogen tank bc RBMK cant explode
2) According to instructions BY NO MEANS you should stop cooling down the core

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In your case, longer than normal.

I'd say a good 10 minutes.

got me, you bastard

> swabs window
> determines exact location of meltdown 400 miles away
> instantly has meeting with ex shoe salesman
> knows how to speak code to random secretary
> whips out full schematics of Chernobyl she somehow has
> boron and sand? Those silly silly men
> teleports to Chernobyl
> instantly has meeting with the highest heads of states
> womansplains to them how dumb they are

Is there anything this woman can’t do? white bois BTFO

did they drink vodka at work like fatty boss?

I need this in 3440x1440

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c o n g l o m e r a t e ::::: c h a r a c t e r

It's a shame leftists are so fucking stupid, thankfully here it looks like the bill to aid our nukes will pass.

she also knew the tanks were full

stalker soundtrack basically
try MooZe - sleeping in ashes v1

The links don’t work

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wear a raincoat, you'll be fine.

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Did they intentionally make a black comedy?

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>According to instructions BY NO MEANS you should stop cooling down the core
Yeah, if you stop cooling the core, you get a meltdown. That was a pretty well known scenario. Dyatlov probably only had that well-known scenario in mind and couldn't think that the unthinkable had happened, so he just kept focus on cooling / preventing meltdown.

How did they only go up to 3.6?

To be fair, she inferred that from the pressure readings.

>roadside picnic is kino book
>stalker is kino game
>stalker is kino itself
>chernobyl is kino series
Why is this setting so pure kino, lads?

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nothing can protect you from getting your soul stolen

All tragedy has an element of comedy

we need more core-chan


>determines exact location of meltdown 400 miles away
Well no. She determined that the source was the closest station. But they seemed to be fine, so they tried Chernobyl, which had its lines of communications cut.

Also, the Swedes determined that a Soviet nuclear station had gone kaboom just from the spread of the fallout.

It truly is

I rike it

because, at some deep level, men want disasters to happen because it ramps up our survival instincts and we get to do something other than sit at a computer all day getting dabbed on by stacys.

You're delusional

what are some good ideas for the drawfags?

>which had its lines of communications cut.
NO! nonononoonnoono! No one answered the phone. The line was fine.

>c-can you smell that?....its Uranium 235! From Chernobyl according to my estimations. We need to alert Gorbachev

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They had an air particulate detector that picked up on the radiation, nothing about that scene was hard to believe

Reactor-chan dabs on the electronic equipment they attempt to clean the roof off with.

audibly kekd at that line

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I think the creators said that there was an initial belief that the source of the radiation was inside the facility before they determined that it was definitely coming from the outside. Probably can't show it in that much detail for time reasons.

when did they try to clean the roof with electronic equipment?

>They had an air particulate detector

reactor-chan hanging out with the liquidators

Considering that the reactor number 4 exploded because of a safety mechanism test, I'd say that it was a black comedy from the start.

>fireman responding to ignited tank
>is called ignatenko

See, legasov... if the core had really exploded his name would have been explodikorev. idiot.

too real man

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delete this

>> knows how to speak code to random secretary

Talking in code is actually fairly easy as long the topic of conversation is obvious to both parties and both understand that conversation is probably being overheard by others.

Its very common in criminal circles when talking on the phone or online these days. You just talk about a movie you've seen recently, tell a made up anecdote or something along those lines or talk about people who don't actually exist. Only time that decent criminals talk openly about crimes today is when they are basically walking around outside and there's no phones around. Even if the cops are tapping your phone, its entirely possible that other criminals might be.

Hell its extremely common in some circles on sites like facebook and twitter. You made a public statement about something inane because then there's no clear link to the specific people they actually are communicating with.

how many x-rays was it equal to?

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haha only one sir, nothing to worry about

Before they sent people out they tried some little robots to push the graphite off of the roof. All of it was rendered inoperable and they determined that people would be needed to go out.

>liquidator-sama, why can't you stay longer than 90 seconds?


fucking feet, it is literally the standard for our autism on this site

Radioactive / 10

Just how badly has this show BTFO chapo trannies?

This user is smart like me. Just think of how all our core-chan , 3.6 memes are unintelligible to outsiders.

something about that melancholic beauty. same reason why urban exploration (usually of abandoned places) is loved by many people.

3.6 or 15 million, depends if we have the key to the safe. Or we find the safe, or if the one in charge comes to work.

based mg42 poster

>posters talk about being friendless and sitting in room

theres at least one commie seething in every thread for some reason
the USSR is long dead dunno why people would still try to defend it

>The radiation levels in the worst-hit areas of the reactor building have been estimated to be 5.6 roentgens per second (R/s), equivalent to more than 20,000 roentgens per hour. A lethal dose is around 500 roentgens over 5 hours, so in some areas, unprotected workers received fatal doses in less than a minute.
>However, a dosimeter capable of measuring up to 1000 R/s was buried in the rubble of a collapsed part of the building, and another one failed when turned on. All remaining dosimeters had limits of 0.001 R/s and therefore read "off scale". Thus, the reactor crew could ascertain only that the radiation levels were somewhere above 0.001 R/s (3.6 R/h), while the true levels were much higher in some areas.

Why do people defend the Confederacy?

>The radiation levels in the worst-hit areas of the reactor building have been estimated to be 5.6 roentgens
well its not great but not terrible

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This show is barely about Chernobyl too. It's almost all about how fucked the USSR bureaucracy was and how nobody can fucking say anything because of the fear of getting gulagged. "Lemme just pretend I didn't see those tungsten blocks I just saw"

>Only proper memeometer is in a safe no one has the key to.
Tell me this was made up.


>swabs window
>determines exact location of meltdown 400 miles away
Spectrographic machinery can distinguish between radiation made by bombs and by power plants; they say this in the goddamn show. She calls the surrounding nuclear plants to ask if they know something about it. Chernobyl is dead silent. Seems pretty obvious something's gone tits up, innit?

>instantly has meeting with ex shoe salesman
You're allowed to show up at your mayor's office and ask to see him y'know. Only "extra" thing she did was insist on meeting him now instead of later.

>knows how to speak code to random secretary
This one was a bit weird idk if it's based on something nuclear physicists did back then or what.

>whips out full schematics of Chernobyl she somehow has
Why the fuck would the INSTITUTE FOR NUCLEAR STUDIES not have the schematics for the RBMK, at the time the most cutting edge and pioneering design in service? This is like asking why the IRS has your tax files.

>boron and sand? Those silly silly men
Sheer projection. The only thing she knew that Legasov didn't was that the water tanks were full. Legasov knew sand and boron weren't a long term solution.

>teleports to Chernobyl
She arrives at Chernobyl at night; the last time we see her it's mid-day at the latest. No teleporting here.

>instantly has meeting with the highest heads of states
"hey mr gorbachev, half the country is going to be semi-permanantly uninhabitable in about two days. One of our most prominent nuclear physicists has an idea of how to stop it. However, because she's a femoid and talked shit to one of our guards, we're not going to bring her to this do-or-die meeting."

Also keep in mind that Legasov (IRL, idk what he is in the show) was not a nuclear physicist by profession, but rather a chemist. He understood RBMKs and nuclear waste management but it wasn't his speciality.

TLDR: have sex, incel

5.6 per minute. Not 3.6 per hour.

>start watching cause of Yea Forums
>rural working class Russians have thick British accents
Welp, there goes my immersion.

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What's that white spot on his lower throat?

better than some terrible forced russian accents desu

cherenkov effect. perfectly normal

It's got a real Death of Stalin vibe to it.

Maybe you should stop watching telly, gov'nah?

the soviet union had a big black market and it was pretty standard to lock expensive shit up so some gopnik doesn't steal it so he can sell it later, a lot of times with a lock that had two keys required to open it held by two people

do you have a license for that immersion?

3.6 Memes/second

Depends on if you drink your 3.6 milk a day

as an eastern european I prefer the british accent to americans/brits actors play what they think is the slav accent. It's great what they did. This and Death of Stalin did it perfect

i watched due to Yea Forums and desu i really enjoyed it

it's kino as you fags would call it, amirite?

>gets offended over jokeposting
Why does this only happen when the fictional female character is being made a joke of? I don't see people rushing to defend dyatlov or main scientist man?

Sounds like a misrepresentation, but they didn't have proper equipment on hand at the beginning at least.

Of course, it was possible that it was only accessible to certain people that were no longer on duty. The experiment that exploded Chernobyl was actually supposed to be performed during the day, but it got pushed back so far that the day shift had actually left.

Also, apparently when they actually got a proper dosimeter, they just ignored the result because it was so high. "Must be faulty." These people were seeing graphite on the ground, but still believed that the core was intact.

She had no way of knowing where the radiation comes from. Don't be stupid. Even the Swedish Nuclear power plant when it caught traces of radiation needed help from the Swedish government to determine where that radiation is coming from. That Mary Sue knew where, how and what happened to Chernobyl in the first 5 min, all the while living in a propaganda filled state that was the Soviet Union where all the information you get is what the government wants you to receive. Don't try to defend this shit.

The show wouldn't have been made without some sjw shit. Just be thankful she didn't figure it all out while a big black fella was up in her guts.

What's he gonna do with 750,000 men? Use there bodies to clog the big hole in the ground?

Soviet mindset of producing goods and services was "one size fits all" so if you wanted access to government goods, you'll get them but you'll get what they approved for, mostly because the one size fits all policy was cheaper and more efficient.


report to residential unit 36

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Radiation here is kind of a cosmic horror we cannot understand through senses. It's invisible, and by the time you know you are affected it is too late.
It shuts down organs, burns you, destroys you from the inside. You either live knowing you will die soon, or you live in fear of some cancer killing you painfully in the future.
It is the ultimate unknowable enemy

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>Death of Stalin
my man

>Even the Swedish Nuclear power plant when it caught traces of radiation needed help from the Swedish government to determine where that radiation is coming from.
The Swedes knew that it came from a Soviet reactor based on the composition of the fallout. Of course, it's a bit difficult to know for sure where it came from since there was 1000 kilometers between the Swedish plant and Chernobyl.

Thank you sunburn kun

the lesson of the story is never trust night people with anything important, their brains are fried from disrupted and abnormal sleep patterns

>destroys you from the inside
Inside and outside. I think one doctor once described it as a "three-dimensional sunburn".

AFX is the father of this


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it was more like
>I want 5000 tonnes of sand and boron now! Deliver to Chernobyl Power Plant tomorrow or you'll see you grandfather's tomb in Siberia

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They should have showed all the safety measures Comrade Dickhead bypassed to run his test on the reactor.

nightshift guys are...off

>t.doesn't have any clue what "brutalism" refers to

>no graphite

Yes, 2 hours of people pressing buttons and reading manuals.

*sigh* I feel an explanation coming.

If they're not completely stupid they'll go through it all later in the series.

>Shcherbina, I am struggling to resolve this major issue...for I am but just a man. A feeble man with a feeble brain. You know women have larger brains than men, Boris? If only there were one on the otherside of that door right now..

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>Oh fug put em bacg in

This retarded shit shouldn't be nearly as funny as it is


You get the memes you paid for.

Reactor-chan breast comparison against внимaниe-chan

Yes autist, the only option to explain why the accident happened is to show every lever flipped during the test....or nothing.

Too bad they couldn't condense that into a few key safety measures that were bypassed to help explain the explosion rather than "boom" the episode starts.

Fatal Radiation dose is one of the scariest ways to die possible. You can literally be killed and not even realize it until your body starts to melt from the inside. Think about that poor guy Sitnikov, all he did was peek at the reactor from the roof and was doomed to die just like that.

Kiev is weird, looks like a mix of Sovok with Shanghai or something. Wery close to cyberpunk, fuckton of hipsters and beautiful girls.

I was wondering why they were doing the test at late night, then I realized that they probably didn't want to crate a power outage.


I hope so

Sitnikov even lived for like a month after the accident.

More like we're all substance abusers and it's more conducive to our lifestyles.

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he melts in the next ep. his face like jello

Wrong. They wanted to do the test during day time. However, another power station went offline during the day and Chernobyl was requested to delay the experiment in order to meet power grid requirements.

>Anyone seen the good dosimeter?

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yes its in the safe underneath reactor 4 tee-hee

I shouldn't laugh at this. But I do.

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Also, that was one of the reasons why they were so ill-prepared for the experiment. It was supposed to be performed by the day shift personnel, but they were already at home.

You have my attention. Show me.

>it was all just a practical joke
at last i truly see

No shortage of excuses.

That was also what gave them the massive amount of xenon that was present when they actually tried to run the test and couldn't get the power to the baseline

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hes talking about the "attention attention attention" girl that was playing over the speakers as they evacuated the city

yes its in the core. everything is fine only 3.6 roetgen. some plonker fucked up the feedwater

We actually have actual announcement recordings of Pripyat evacuation.


To be fair, the series is more about the people and actions needed to mitigate the accident and not the accident itself

>i really don't see why we should need it

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>Shcherbina, they cannot fly directly over the whore.. um i mean core

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according to my readings, we don't see her fase

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how do I draw this good?

Yeah, even the tagline of the show is "What is the cost of lies?"

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shut in, no friends, doodle all day in paint

Because everybody was an asshole back then

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Have they fully removed the chimneys for the Windscale piles yet?

Did remind me a lot of The Death of Stalin, especially when they met the party secretary and the first thing out of their mouths was "we've prepared a list of those responsible" and constantly trying to score political points at the meetings by denouncing each other.

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/ic/ sticky


>But I would take 5000 Rs
>and I would take 5000 more,
>just to be the man who takes 1000 Rs to fall down by your core

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3.6 minutes

water pump leak, no worries

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Why can't we have sound enabled already? This would be even better with music.

Why didn't the Soviets have any sort of radiological protective equipment laying around? They would have needed it for doing maintenance anyway

he dies`?

Nuclear power is really the craziest way we have figured out how to boil water.


No, it will result in crazyfrog music on everything.


um guys, Reactor 4 finished construction in 1983.
Is Core-chan a loli?

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In 2003

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it's a shame that we won't be seeing more of this absolute chad

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not all heroes wear capes

Boris dies in 1990

General dude dies in 2003

and you already know about the guy who an heroes

that would be unironically based

>Nuclear power is really the safest, most efficient and greenest way we have figured out how to boil water.
Fix'd 4 u.

You forgot one thing though. SHE DOESN’T EXIST. They may as well had iron man show up and tell them they were dumb.

everyone knows RBMK reactors mature faster than normal girls

do you think a loli would have tits like these?

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Did shcherbina die from radiation effects or just because he was an old man?

Watching E02 now

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A true Chad.
Does his duty and fucks off once its done. Has no patience for commie political shit - he's there to get the job done and that's it.

Im the guy who maintained his bricks over the years and installed satellite.

Well that's ok then.

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watched both episodes

pretty good series, any movies that retell the story like this?

Any other good series with actors playing out the events teevee recs?

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same. Just finished E01.

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She could determine it came from a reactor, phoned the nearest one, then the next nearest (when she didn't get an answer could determine it was them).

What she couldn't do, is immediately determine what had happened, that the tanks were effectively still full because of the immediate disaster containment efforts (I need water in my core) and that she needed to go there immediately.

For reference, the Swedes determined it was from a reactor but needed their government to talk to the commies to find out which one.

Imagine sitting at home and hearing that outside...

All of history is a black comedy

Literally destroys your dna. It is designed by nature to kill life at its core.

Scherbina's official cause of death is [DATA EXPUNGED].

only docudramas. bbc does a descent one

at least her outfit is fairly accurate
t. slav

In the morning

Most likely due to age, he was born in 1919 after all but his work in Chernobyl probably didn't help

what I don't get is if the exclusion zone is still supposedly so dangerous and contaminated - how come animals and plants live there normally?

And fungi have adapted to it.


Practice. I would recommend the /ic/ sticky, but the actual board tends to crush the hope out of newbies. The basics come from learning how to draw basic shapes in perspective, then you use that skill to create people/objects out of simple shapes, then its just a matter of learning line control, anatomy, fabric, etc. to build on those shapes. Thats the basic premise of draftsmanship, then you learn value, color, and brush techniques for the painting part. The more you practice, the easier it is to "wing it" with meme images like this. You really have to dedicate yourself to learning if you want to be decent.

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So autism and a drawing tablet. Got it.

Same way Gaben can only get up to 2

also this

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it becomes useless, happened during the Manhattan project

I’ve always wondered why can’t we just eject nuclear waste into space? Then it would be totally green. Or dump it on a pole.

I wonder if a modified version of that could be used to clean up nuclear waste.

I don't know who the person is drawing all the core-chan stuff. But you're doing good work.

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You wouldn't exist today if not for radiation. Radiation like all things is good in moderation and dangerous in excess

Watching this show really does make me want to play stalker. I should play SoC.

Would be really interesting.

Further proof mushrooms are aliens

Because rockets go boom.

after September 11th, people in Ireland somehow got in a panic over the idea that someone might fly a plane into Sellafield and the government sent iodine tablets to every house in the country.

36? I've seen worse


maybe if we had a space elevator to lift all that shit to orbit reliably and then load it up on a rocket and fire it at the sun or something

maybe toss it at jupiter?

a humble offering to my comrades

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Because nuclear waste is very heavy and $$$ per lb to orbit costs are ruiniously expensive. If we ever had a really cheap way to lift stuff into LEO en masse then yeah, chucking it all into the Sun would be the safest way to permanently dispose of it but it's probably easier to figure out a way to contain it on Earth than it is to design a lift vehicle or mechanism that would be cheap enough to be used as waste disposal.

>[YouTube] Inside Sellafield

Christ, what a shit show

wont the binoculars act as a radiation magnifying glass?

very good very good
my sole criticism is not enough mullet

dyatlov's hair is his pride
he's like samson

pure dread

Better to take in reactorchans glow

I save em all

would he had eaten the whole exposed core?

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>However, another power station went offline during the day
that explains the graphite

Can someone tell me how so few people died? Did the Soviets just lie? Surely thousands should have died, but on record there are only 30.

just have to get through the /got/ explosiom then kino is back on the menu

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when's the album gonna be released ? the music's great

I hate it. Every bit of it. It's very existence as art exemplifies the loneliness of this fucking place. And I hate that I fantasize about it.

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>implying he wouldn't make friends with core-chan and take her on adventures throughout the world slowly but surely killing humanity in the process

Plz don't push your revolting vore fetish on core-chan, she's pure.