Villain quotes greek literature

>villain quotes greek literature

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Never happened.

>smart and nihilistic villain listens to classical music

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Post one

>villain has a glass of red wine and looks out of window while speaking

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>villain quotes Shakespeare

>villain draws comparisons between himself and satan

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>hasnt watched kino
ruh roh

>Villain reads "the art of war"

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which one
post it

>Villain's beliefs are exactly the same as the protagonist's beliefs, just more radicalised
>We're not so different you and I

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>villain is beefy AND smart

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>villain is an ethnic minority woman in a wheelchair

>villian is playing chess
>against himself

>villain lives in a penthouse in a high rise building that the protagonist has to fight his way up to

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Don't forget that he gets upset over something and breaks the glass at the end of the scene

>villain is the protagonist of the previous movie/book

>checkmate in two moves

>foreign movie expects me to watch it

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>Villain is clearly just an insert of a political figure the author doesn't like

>he doesn't know it

>villain quotes tupac

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>villain doesn't behave like normal folk because apparently he needs to let everyone know he's the bad guy

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>villain lives in the middle of the high rise

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Just post it you fucking faggot


Περὶ τίνος ταινίας ὁ λόγος;

>cool character with devil may care attitude
>lives in a large refurbished loft with exposed pipes and bricks
>has to take a large freight elevator up to his "pad"

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>Protagonist quotes Shakespeare

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>Villain is literally the Devil

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>take a massive shit
>still weigh 4 lbs more than I did yesterday
what the fuck