"""dragon""" Alduin from Skyrim

>"""dragon""" Alduin from Skyrim
>is actually a Wyvern
>"""dragon""" Smaug from the new Hobbit trilogy
>is actually a Wywern
>"""dragon""" Drogon from Game of Thrones
>is actually a Wywern

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Other urls found in this thread:


will you ever have sex?

king ghidorah son

incel btfo

Dragon from Dark Souls 3 Ringed City is actually a dragon

>unironically naming a "dragon" drogon

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>dragon Drogon
very funny OP but what's the dragon's real name?

A wyvern is a style of dragon just like how chinese dragons dont have wings

They are not Wyverns. Wyverns have yellow eyes and a connection with the element of Earth.
Those are all Drakons, because they have hard scales and are connected to fire.

actually dragons look retarded

No, because Hollywood/the entertainment industry is filled with hacks and bandwagoners

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The one in the pic is Rhagel. Drogon is flying aside it.

>king ghidorah
it's three headed wywern

Both don't exist so they can be whatever the authors say they are. Wyverns in asoif are actually a thing too, they just don't breathe fire

Which is a style of dragon

That's a Chinese myth dragon

>he takes his dragonlore from autistic neckbeard sources like DnD monster manuals

>not from ancient sources such as legends and christian iconography where dragons are just giant serpents.


get fucked

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depends. here in my country dragons can be great serpents who live in caves and kidnap women, or traditional dragons with arms. they are typically tied to lakes and rivers too.

I miss real dragons

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Yeah that looks retarded

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Dragons on christian paintings are mostly small and ugly
Dragons are a representation of Satan and making Satan big and powerful isn't the point

oh and the serpents grow wings sometimes

looks like shit.
Double shoulders = retardation

Dragons are the most overused ficitional beast.

Wyvern style Dragons are now the standards thanks to mainstream movies, shows, and video games...I don't see the issue really since they are not real animals so naming classification is not set in stone.
I mean, at least they look less retarded than the ones with six limbs which just doesn't make any sense anyway you look at it.

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Harder to animate 6 limbs than it is to animate 4.

i'll just leave this here

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I honestly have no idea why literally ALL of pop culture in the 2010's decided ever dragon in their media needed to be a wyvern. I can't wait for this faggot decade to be over. People will look back on it the same way they look back on the fucking 70's.

They don't make sense regardless due to square cube law.

it does look retarded though. why does it even need wings if it has four legs?

this nigga ain't got no wangs



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Not relevant at all but I've always wondered what the interanl organs of a centaur are. Does it have a human stomach and then it passes to a horse stomach? Does it have 4 lungs and 2 hearts?

Dragons in high fantasy are meant to be THE apex monster, who can thrive and is deadly whether in the sky, on the ground, or even in the water. A grounded wyvern dragon without arms is worthless, while a dragon with arms and wings can still kick your ass.

Dragons are very interesting and its weird how a ficitional creatures is a staple of human mythos.

In the beginning, the world was created by Nana-Buluku, the one god, who was genderless. Nana-Buluku made itself a companion named Aido-Hwedo, who was a rainbow serpent. The dung from this serpent or dragon created the mountains, and nourished the earth so that plants could grow. The writhings of the dragon created rivers and valleys.

When the world was complete, it was so overladen with plants, animals and mountains that they feared the world might collapse. Aido-Hwedo offered to help by forming a great circular loop, with its tail in its mouth, and enfolding the world (see Ouroboros).

Because Aido-Hwedo could not tolerate heat, Nana-Buluku created a great cosmic ocean for him to live in, and there he has stayed. He was fed iron bars by red monkeys that lived beneath the sea. If and when the monkey’s iron supply runs out, Aido-Hwedo will be so hungry that he will eat his own tail and cause the apocalypse.

Vertebrate hexapods are a stupid idea to begin with.

An insect-like dragon would be a cool concept, though. A Bombardier Beetle-style chemical spray could account for the fire breathing.

In this epic there is a huge dragon named Tiamat who is the personification of the ocean and chaos, who is the mother of all that exists, of even the gods. She is an uncontrollable creature made of “formless primordial matter” [5]

Her partner was Apsu, the personification of the freshwater abyss that lay beneath the Earth. With their union, when saltwater mixed with freshwater, the first gods were born – Lachmu and Lachamu, who begat Ansar and Kisar, parents of Anu, Bel and Ea.

These offspring irritated Tiamat and Apsu – so they decided to kill them all. Ea discovered their plans and struck first, killing Apsu in his sleep. When Tiamat heard of this she flew into a violent rage and created a legion of eleven monstrous creatures – a viper, a shark, a scorpion man, a storm demon, a great lion, a dragon, a mad dog and four nameless ones – which she assigned to her new husband, her son Kingu.

The young gods were terrified, knowing that they were no match for the powerful Tiamat. They persuaded Ea’s son Marduk to be the champion of the gods by promising to make him the supreme god and ruler of the universe. Marduk fought well and was finally able to shoot an arrow into Tiamat’s mouth, cleaving her dragon body in two. From her upper half he made the arc of the sky and from her lower limbs he created the earth. He also slaughtered Kingu, and from his blood and bones Marduk created the first humans. He then firmly fixed the stars, arranging the constellations of the zodiac, and created the moon – “sets him as a creature of night, to make known the days monthly without failing”. [

2 fucking ribcages.

We will, when Paolini blows whoever he needs to for a proper Eragon adaptation.

Engage in intercourse

Dude did it really ruin the whole decade?

Imagine being fucking retarded

Imagine being so much of a faggot that you apply D&D naming conventions as if they are a real thing.

A "Dragon" is just a big lizard with wings. Nobody actually gives a shit about the number of legs it has

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Literally only autists care about dragon leg numbers

They differ by legends anyways

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It's just visually bland in my opinion. Even with a wyvern type dragon, there's the possibility of variety and cool and striking designs, but across most media I have seen everybody who uses the wyvern design makes and animates the exact same thing over and over, with the same overall look and drab colors too.

God of War had six limb dragons.
They looked fucking dumb though, hence why the one you actually fight doesn't have wings, it felt like you were fighting a big Komodo dragon instead though.
They really don't work when it comes to animating them realistically as animals.
They looked even goofier in Dragon Age games.

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thats a wyrm not a dragon

IF you post on Yea Forums you're as a pathetic retard faggot as the Nazi OP. Ate least you're not a clown world fren Nazi though, so you're marginally less mentally retarded.

Dragon's Dogma proved to me the Dragon design is infinitely better.

When the Dragons in that cast spells they do it with their forelimbs, and when they grab you it holds you just like a human would before smashing you into the dirt like a person would an insect.

It shows intelligence and makes Dragon's much more intimidating than a flying bat-lizard will ever be.

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I think Wyverns work best as evil dragons while the classical ones as good dragons.
One moves like a big bat and the other like a horse.
I like both, but prefer Wyverns because they just look more threatening.

That looks goofy though, more like a guy in suit in a Kaiju movie instead of a living animal.

this desu. Fuck wyverns

Well, in the game itself the dragons are former humans to begin with, note the five fingers.

you sound autistic or chinese

Well, Guillermo wouldn't have the same ring to it

Too many words you didn't know?

Faggotry is a spectrum u fag

Traditional dragons feel slow and ungraceful as compared to someone like Smaug.

based brainlet, go to read your D&D bullshit

There's no creature on earth with six limbs. Either have four, or eight.

dont mind me, just being the best dragon

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wtf is this retarded bullshit

Tengil did nothing wrong

Wyverns are the ugly niggers of dragonkind, and they are being grossly overrepresented in media!

There's no creature on earth the size of a dragon that can fly.
There's no creature on earth that can breathe fire.

dragons in retarded high fantasy

Someone needs to stop feeding that dragon.
That's animal cruelty.

>bringing logic into a giant fire breathing fantasy lizard

scary as fuck when I was a kid

Why does human even need aeroplane if have four limbs?

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>literally every vertebrate has four limbs
>assume dragons are an exception because of descriptions by people who thought giraffes looked like this


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And I suppose crawling around on wings like a paraplegic isn’t? Wyvern faggers out

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How come people only argue about realism when it comes to dragons, and nobody ever throws a fit about hydras, centaurs, pegasi, or any other fantasy creatures who can get away without their designs being hamstrung by realism?

I bet you're one of those pseudo boomer incels who get buttblasted when someone mentions feathers in dinosaurs.

I too have watched Maps of Meaning

I guess since they don't exist nobody gives a fuck what they are called.

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Wyvern style Dragons > Chinese Dragons > Retarded six limbers

Away with you little shits

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>Implying dinosaurs haven't been ruined with that faggotry

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based as fuck


wyvern style dragons are boring as fuck and overused. they all look and move the same.

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>Shoe program nigga
Niggers are funny

In my head-canon the skyrim dragons have arms and fairly nimble clawed hands which allows them to use tools. They etch things with their claws, which is why the dragon writing system looks like dragon claws engravings.
That's the way I imagined the dragons in the game. They are kind of like evil wizards in intelligence, but can, when they feel like it, just act like furious beasts.

It's a shame they weren't depicted like this a bit more. I think Parthurnaax and his autism was the closest thing to being the best representation of a dragon in elder scrolls lore. Basically some super powerful creature that naturally commands a universe bending language that will roost upon some mountain and stare at you oddly, asking you weird little questions for its own entertainment. Basically super powerful trolls.

I like dragons

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Dragons Dogma Grigori and is kino

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Is there a mod for skyrim which turns wyverns into dragons?

I just know some clueless exec ordered them to put wings on it.

ever seen an ant?

this is from the 15th century

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Are there actually any live action films with chinese style dragons? They seem rare as fuck.

Coat of Arms of Henry VII of England 1485-1509. this is also when the Welsh flag with its 4 legged 2 winged red dragon began

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He pretty.

Old school dragons are basically the equivalent of old school dinosaurs, retarded looking now in retrospect.
Why would anyone defend those dumb lumbering looking beasts other than for nostalgia sake?

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Having usable arms automatically makes them more versatile in use, as more than just animals due to being able to gesture and manipulate objects like a person.

Because he has Downs

Even the iconic Maleficent was changed to a Wyvern style dragon.
You lost, bro

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I didnt know Saint was a Wyvern slayer

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Having usable arms and a set of giant wings on their back makes everything regarding mobility worse.

dude, she doesn't even turn into wyvern, her dumb raven does which I am not sure if it's worse or not.

Why don't people change angels to not have wings and arms too?

ever seen a bat?

>old school dinosaurs
You mean the ones that are like dinosaurs?

A dragon with 4 legs is powerful in presentation, more able to interact physically with the world beyond being a monstrous presence, and doesn't look like a bat with a long neck and a tail. A dragon clomping around on its forewings is aesthetically displeasing, ungainly, and undignified, with the head held close to the ground. A biped with winged forelimbs is mundane in its derivation.

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Aye they’re retarded rat monkeys that crawl around on their bellies

Where do they say they're wyverns?

>Wyrm Ball Z

Reminder that Reign of Fire pretty much established what Modern Movie Dragons look like.

My cobalt netherwing drake has 6 limbs and is sexy as fuck. Wyvern niggers eat shit.

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>tfw the only notable piece of media to actually call a wyvern a wyvern is Sonic 06

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I like how the moment they try to make six limb dragons in a realistic looking interpretation, it just looks fucking retarded.
I think old school dragons should be reserve to more cartoony stuff, the moment they try to use realism it really shows why they don't work.

>mfw accidentally go in over leveled and wreck his shit
I should have gone after him when I first found him
Would have been a hard fight but worth it. I was applying D&D/Pathfinder logic and assuming I needed really high levels.

Because angels don't flap their wings to fly.

>the monster that is the literal posterboy of fantasy, the epitome of the impossible should be dumbed down to the level of a mere mundane animal
Nah, fuck you and anyone who thinks like you. People like you are no different from those hacks who have absolute contempt for the very source material they are adapting and show no respect or reverence toward it

>dinosaurs are fictional creatures from my childhood

Always preferred griffons myself.

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I prefer dragons, but I like them too and do wish griffons were used more.

47 Ronin

nigger all insects have six legs

6 limbed dragons look retarded

They do not. Stop samefagging.

Don't bother arguing user, you'll make his head hurty if he has to think

I'm more of a hydra guy

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I hope you're memeing because it's a reference to her deceased husband Drogo

>Alduin the World Eater
>A’Tuin the World Turtle
>Marturin the World Turtle
Any lexifags want to help me out?

Uhh, there aren't any creatures in nature with 7 heads retard

>never heard of Quetzalcoatlus
there used to be though

>Dungeons & dragons invented dragons
>not those britbongs from a thousand year early
>not the yellowshits form even before

Get sex

This picture clearly shows why 4 limbs are better.

Just look at the reach of his arms. Literally pathetic.

Meanwhile if hands are on the wings he has normal reach.

Movies abandoned six limb dragons because they look stupid.

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play dragon's dogma

The best actual Dragons we have are from WoW prerendered cinematics. Sindragosa and Deathwing look great

Here’s your actual dragon cunt, now fuck off

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Do autistics really don't see how dumb the six limbers look?

I’ll defend the exec by saying that GoT is currently popular and it makes sense to have a similar image in order to attract customers

who cares?

6 legs and at least 1 pair of wings

based draco

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its magic niggia i aint gotta explain shiiiiit


kys OP

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thats retarded though, if you copy GoT everyone will see it as latching on to something thats just currently popular, Chinese dragons have been around for ever 2k years and the product was Chinese oriented. it also heavily dates your product especially how everyone hate this season

>implying movies didn't abandon them because they were harder to animate and model, as well as latching onto the realism meme in fucking fantasy of all things

I would disagree. The fact that it's not a typical Chinese Dragon makes it stand out from all other dragon logos that would be found on the Chinese market. Even if the public do notice that it's simply pandering, they still notice. I've already won simply by making them aware of my product as opposed to walking right past it.

Also regular people are very susceptible to marketing tactics. Things that you or I may find cringy or blatant work very well with the general population.


The sorcerers apprentic (or how ever you spell that shit) got one for a brief moment.

One just came out this year

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Yep, retarded

what the fuck is this garbage?

Probably Sekiro

>Yea Forumseddit trash
why do they insist on parading their autism on every board?

>he's a featherfag


t. filtered by Genichiro

Drogo is Dothraki for dragon


A wyvern is a dragon

the best dragons are actually lolis

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/tg/ is the worst board on Yea Forums

that honor goes to /trash/

she has 6 limbs

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Dungeons and Dragons is the worst thing to ever happen to fantasy. It took Tolkien's finely crafted and meaningful legendarium and turned it into a bloated, incoherent mess to appeal to the lowest common denominator virgin nerd. All the wonder and majesty that fantasy can bring to the table is lost in an autistic display of character stats and mind-rottingly boring "lore" that is complex for the sake of being complex for nerds to orgasm over rather than being crafted for the purposes of wonder, intrigue and uplifting of the human spirit, which masters of the genre such as Tolkien aspired to and achieved. Sitting at a D&D table is one of the most soul sucking, bland experiences it is possible to live through. A bunch of self-congratulating spotty nerds laughing at the wackiness of the events that transpire in the inane high fantasy world created by the often insufferable game master. They'll either want to bore you to death with the lore they've taken months of their pitiful lives to create, or they'll simply let the disgustingly silly antics of the fat nerds play out. Either way it is an insufferable experience.

I highly suggest no normal, well-adjusted person ever go near Dungeons and Dragons. It is a pit of filth worse than most of the autistic hobbies you can think of: Star Trek, cosplay, anime, videogames etc etc. Please just learn an instrument and join a band, or go and work out at the gym. Spend a night at the pub with a group of normal people. Whatever you do don't go near a D&D table or associate with the fat neckbeards that partake in the hobby lest you become a fat neckbeard yourself.

>tfw the only real dragon in recent years is Kanna

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nice pasta
upvoted and subscribed

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the witcher 2 actually had a real dragon

Watch Dragonheart if you want to see a dragon.

That’s as shit a dragon can be. More shit than the spider in IT.

>Smaug from the new Hobbit trilogy
>>is actually a Wywern
Firedrake (from the north)

Gw2 doesn't have this problem

Came here to post this