"To think: This all started when a man fell in love with a woman who didn't love him back."

"To think: This all started when a man fell in love with a woman who didn't love him back."

If only Robert Baratheon wasn't such an incel..

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Other urls found in this thread:


Lmao if you think that's the trigger

Jon Arryn started the rebellion when he refused to surrender Robert Baratheon and Eddard Stark to King Aerys II

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Tyrion says it. Like you know more about the show than the people who make it lmao

The show is based on books. The history of Robert’s Rebellion is clear. The showrunners are ignorant of the story they are telling.

>based on
nothing that uses this phrase is 100% literal translation you absolute moron


How pissed are people going to be when Jon kills Dany tonight and Bran becomes king?

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>Bran becomes king

the one thing that I think is bullshit. And YES, I do think the writers are dumb enough to leak all the other information just to get people talking about it.

My question is why does the show think Rhaegar and Lyanna loved one another? He literally just wanted her so he could produce a son to fulfill the prophecy

This line proves how little those two idiots actually respect the source material. It also makes you a fucking moron for parroting it OP. Fuck you.

If only Lyanna Stark wasn't such a slag

>I don't like what the writers say so it's wrong

they're literally the writers, user. What they say, goes.

why are people so fucking stupid? wars don't happen because stupid shit like that. the mad king was fucking mad and the maesters were already conspiring to overthrow him.

Is he talking about Robert or Rhaegar?

>Blaming everything on Robert.
They are really pushing this shit are they when it was Raegar, an already married man, who goes after Lyanna.

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>starting a war because a prince wants a new wife
>starting a war over your best friend sister who you only saw once
Really none of this would've ever happened if it wasn't for that fat fuck writing these books.

>ditch your wife and kids for some northern bitch
>all because of some prophecy shit
>a fucking war starts as result
>but it`s cool, at least you impregnated the bitch so your heir will save the world
>lol jk lets have arya kill the night king

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King's Landing burned because Jon couldn't love Dany.

if only she wasn't such a fem....A CUTE A FUCKING CUTE. SHE'S FUCKING CUTE!!!

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>who goes after Lyanna
Betrothed to Robert. Love has nothing to do with it.

The king was mad and burned alive Ned's father (warden of the north) and older brother, you forgot that apparently.

This is now a Battle Baratheon : Bobby thread.

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name one lmao

>implying Robert was ever in love with Lyanna and didnt just fucking smash targaryen shits because he couldnt get what he wanted

>Your heir then kills your baby sister and then fucks off.

You did forgot the part where Aerys burned his best friends older brother. You also forgot the fact that Brandon Stark would've not gone to Kings Landing if Lyanna and Rhaegar didnt do their honey moon.

So yes. Fuck the SJW writers who are trying to push here that it was Roberts fault and not putting the blame both on Rhaegar for going after a betrothed whore and Lyanna for spreading her legs to a random womanizer after lecturing Ned that she hates Robert for being a womanizer. What a fucking hypocritical whore and she deserves to die a whore's death.

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They have behind the scenes lore videos that come with the DVDs that are canon. The details of Roberts rebellion are explained and its pretty much the same as the book. Fuck off and do your research before you post stupid shill

Robert sired an entire platoon of children, won three battles in a single day, killed Rhaegar, took the crown, beat the shit of the Sea Niggers and lived his life to the fullest, none dared to oppose him, and he still managed to rule over a prosperous and golden period.

Rhaegar's stupidity thinking he could run away with Lynanna in secret caused a huge uproar resulting in her brother and father's brutal death and almost killed another brother.

Their selfishness was the cause of Robert's Rebellion.

>idiot OP and showrunners completely forgets that the mad king burned neds brother and father alives and then called for neds and roberts deaths

OP confirmed faggot

He didn't respect STannis enough, that was his one flaw.

>plays the harp to peasants
>spends most of his day sulking over the ruins of Summerhall
>cries himself to sleep
>clinically depressed
>muh prophecy
Remind me who is the incel again?

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could've been the perfect hand

>Your face when Sam comes running back and says all sweaty
"Jon I made a mistake, Ashara Dayne is your mother and you are Ned Starks bastard.

He would have dealt with Cersei and the incest shit properly

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>cue cutscene of a perfectly casted Ashara Dayne riding on boromirs cock for 20 minutes


>behind the scenes DVD extras are more canon than the show itself

the cope is real

>one characters who was too young to even remember the rebellion and has been making errors and miscalculations for seasons trumps the actual characters explaining the events
holy fucking retard batman

It all started when Aerys burned Lord Stark, his son, and Lord Arryn's nephew, then demanded Ned and Robert's heads. Did D&D even read the wikipedia summary of the books?

sadly, no one is perfect.

Obligatory reminder that Lyana Stark is the biggest whore on the entire universe:

>Cheat on his loving and loyal husband for another guy with a family
>Get his brother and father killed because she was horny
>Instead of trying to avoid things to escalate into a full war, she decided to remain hidden out of cowardice
>His slutiness still echo through the pain and dead of hundred of thousands

I hate this bitch so much

>Arthur Dayne watching in the corner and stroking Dawn

>Daenarys becomes incel and new conflict arises
It's like poetry it rhymes

>characters who were involved don't have a bias
wew lad.

>loving and loyal husband
She wasn't married to Robert yet. Also
Robert was a whoremonger even back then.
>Get his brother and father killed because she was horny
>Instead of trying to avoid things to escalate into a full war, she decided to remain hidden out of cowardice
What could she have possibly done at that point? The Lord of the North and his heir burned alive, along with the heir to the Lord of the Vale, the king calling for the execution of the new Lord of the North (her brother) and his best friend the Lord of the Stormlands....what was Lyanna going to do? Ask everyone to sit down and discuss things politely?

It started when Bran caught Cersei and Jaime together, and Catelyn escalated it. Though it would have ended if Ned had listened to Renly. There were many chances to avoid what was to come.

They were as good as marry
Robert was loyal
Their family died because she was too stupid and/or too horny to think straight. She was the true murderer of his own family

Yet he was cuckolded and those bastards inherited his crown.

>conveniently ignoring all the times in the show its mentioned what happened to neds family
>ignore all the times jaime talks about the mad king burning them all
>ignore all canon material outside of the show that explain details already in the books but couldnt have fit in the show only due to time contraints
>cherry pick one characters interpretation who wasnt even around at the time
how does it feel to be a massive fucking retard

>defending a whore
You are have the big gay, and you are small penis D:

>all dead within 5 years of his death
>cersei dead
>dany will die tonight
>Gendry lives on as lord of storms end


You can't be a cuckold if you're unaware of the cuckolding.

Sure thing, roastie

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when youre engaged/betrothed to someone the idea is that youre going to be married and cheating is just as bad. Youd understand if you had sex, got a gf and got engaged,

>show lore
As of yet tommen is still king

>Robert was loyal
He wasn't. He knocked up a whore in the Vale right after being betrothed to Lyanna, Ned remembered it in a flashback.
>She was the true murderer of his own family
It's hardly her fault that the king responded to a reasonable request of "make your son give back my daughter" with "I'm going to burn you alive, then kill your son, and for good measure I'll kill your other son and oh what the heck let's thrown in that baratheon kid too". Nobody could have predicted Aerys doing something so absolutely insane.

>What was Lyanna going to do?
She could at least let Ned knows that she's FUCKING ALIVE AND WELL!? She is his sister for Christ sake but she rather side with that blonde pretty boy womanizer(who is married already yet still took another woman so that counts as a womanizer nigger) and leave her brother and her betrothed in the dark like the leg spreading hypocritical whore that she is.

>Based Bobby B.
Yeah no

The whole watching thing is a modern fetish meaning of cuckold.
It actually just means raising another mans children even if unknowingly

>the idea is that youre going to be married and cheating is just as bad.
So when Robert fucked Mia Stone's mother after being betrothed to Lyanna, that was cheating right?

He was burning men alive (and worse) long before he burned Ned' brother and father, he was already THAT batshit insane.

In that case Stannis is still around fighting in Roberts meanwhile the Lannister regime will fall much quicker and earlier than in the show. Edric Storm, an acknowledged bastard still exists in perfect safety across the narrow sea. Meanwhile Tommen is doomed to die.


But Robert was a womanizer too. This isn't some chaste knight getting his pure maiden stolen at the altar, Robert always loved fucking around and gave no indication that he was ever planning on stopping.

Yes. I don't fault Lyanna for not wanting to marry Robert but how it went down might have been the worst way and time possible.

Lyanna is a whore that killed her brother and father.

You don't even know what the word incel means, I'm pretty sure you know cuckold and cuckoldry by heart, right dipshit?

Jon Arryn started the war not fucking Robert Baratheon. It wasn't even Robert who got mad when Lyanna was taken, it was Brandon Stark

Rhaegar should have just overthrown his father first. Then he could have done whatever he wanted.

Targshits are the creator's pets user, you should've known this would happen.
Their legions of tumblrina faggot fans also would sperg out if it turned out Rhaegar wasn't their beloved anime prince.

Gods you're dumb

Unfortunately user Rhaegar was an absolute retard and failed at everything he did

Robert was so much of a chad he became an incel, if that makes any sense.
Any woman he wanted he got, but the one woman who didn't love him back drove him into depression and obesity.

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That's true, and after Brandon stark and his father was murdered did the houses started rebelling. It's a gross misrepresentation to say Robert started it all because she didn't love him back. If the Targ shit didn't burn every motherfucker he could none of this shit would ever be started. This fucking midge

Robert wasn't married, nor did he have two children, unlike chief Targshit.


>Nobody ITT has mentioned the Two Sisters theory or the fact that we know Rhaegar abducted and raped Lyanna, not married her

He was literally based wholesale off Henry VIII, user, so yes. Except based Henry got what he wanted, or at least thought he did.

Not to mention the show goes out of its way to shit on Robert, Stannis and the Baratheons in general.

this bait is so pathetically weak kys

>This all started when a man fell in love with a woman who didn't love him back.
It did...?

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Who knows, maybe the prophecy was a 16 year old girl from ice country, or it stated it was supposed to be the girl he falls in love with.

Reminder Robert's father went to Essos to find a wife for Rhaegar and died at sea. His parents' death was probably the catalyst for his drinking and whoring. Then Rhaegar went and stole his betrothed. The Targshits stole his parents and his betrothed, fuck them.

Imagine being so stupid as to argue that the writers of a narrative don't control the narrative.

Roger Rabbit isn't real, user

Yeah D&D have a weird beef with the Baratheons. Stannis' character assassination was the worst, but Renly also goes from "Young Robert and widely respected" to "haha gay".

Yeah Rhaegar really jumped the gun on that one why the fuck wouldnt he stabilize shit before doing something so risky ill never understand.

Not the attractive one, you know how women work.

There definitely a lot of Edward IV and Henry IV in Robert as well.

>waaah Robert is a whoremonger
>runs off with a married man
fucking Northern thot

I think its a dislike of masculinity/honor in general. The northmen really get fucked over like the Baratheons as well, meanwhile the scheming and corrupt Varys, Tyrells and Lannisters are whitewashed. It really speaks volumes about the moral fiber of D&D.

No, it all started because Targshits couldn't toe the line because they're self-righteous pricks
>Incel Rhaegar gets a big head over a book that says he's the chosen one and tramples all over royal conduct for MUH LOVE
>Incel Viserys decides to ally with a band of nomadic savages for MUH RIGHTFUL THRONE then can't keep his stupid mouth shut around a group of people who don't give a shit about his lineage and gets killed for it
>Incel Danny overthrows ancient dynasties and creates a massive power vacuum in the east, which will likely be at war for decades, because MUH SLAVERY
>Proceeds to bring over horsemen savages to rape and pillage before killing a bunch of innocent civillians because MUH THRONE
It's extremely clear that Targ madness is in each and every one of their diseased line, some of them just hide it better than others.

>Edward IV
Its amazing to think that the guy Robert was partially based off was even more of a chad than Robert IRL

This. The northmen were willing to fight to the death for Ned's memory because they loved him and his honor, but in GoT continuity only the most scheming, vilest murderers prosper.

How was any of that wrong. Is he implying Robert new about the marriage?

>then your heir's crippled cousin gets the throne because a bunch of tertiary players thought it might be a good idea

Jons fine though

they completely removed the northern conspiracy and the idea that an Umber would fight with the Boltons who killed his dad is laughable.

They killed off another honorable character in Berristan too, seems like there might be something to the theory

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It's wrong because the Robert-Lyanna relationship was one of the least important factors in the start of the rebellion. Compared to more significant things like:
>2 decades of scheming by Rickard Stark to set up the STAB alliance through strategic political marriages in order to form a power block
>Aerys being an unstable psycho who burns people for enjoyment, specifically a Lord Paramount and his heir
>The Crown Prince abducting (as far as anyone was aware) the daughter of that same Lord Paramount, who was betrothed to another Lord Paramount
>Rhaegar spurning his wife and 2 children to run off with an underage girl
>Aerys demanding the heads of Robert and Eddard, who were all but sons of yet ANOTHER Lord Paramount and being fostered by him

It's as if the Targaryens did everything in their power to destroy themselves. They even fucked it up even more by pissing off Tywin so much he took it upon himself to murder Elia and her two infants and sack the capital. Even the Tyrells were so disloyal to the crown they deliberately did nothing except sit around Storm's End and wait for the war to be over.

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>I think its a dislike of masculinity/honor in general.
Well, those two things are the antitheses of Jewery.

actually unironically yes
the (((showrunners))) set a very low bar

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The way Ned/Robb are mocked and ridiculed for their honour after their deaths, even by their own family just oozes D&D bias.

that's one of the shittiest things i've seen on this site.

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Dayne needs to be fixed and replaced with Targaryen

Just watching season 1 right now. It's so much better than what we get now of course but it's also pretty clear on why Dany is evil now. Think about episode 1 in which she's emotionally repressed and hypnotize herself with the dragon eggs to forget her rape. Think about episode 6 in which she doesn't even try to spare her own brother when it was easy to just discard him.

Dany is psychopath from the start, it wasn't obvious to all because she was surrounded by barbarians and monsters. But now she's in Westeros it's obvious, she's not fit to live in a civilized society. Mormont is the biggest dick to like her despite knowing this full well, Barristan was senile and Tyrion the biggest foul

Lyanna wasn't underage

They were both described as attractive (at the time anyway, obviously Bobby let himself go later).

Reminder Jon and Aegon are actually twins and Aegon actually doesn't hide his silver haired Targ looks but his Stark looks. Everyone telling Jon he looks like a Stark was actually foreshadowing for Aegon.

Mormont just wants to fuck her and Barristan is so desperate to serve Rhaegar again he'll take any Targ

Wait people are mocking Ned because he dared to do the right thing?

No, bobby was a chad, but Rheagar was considered actually attractive. Like not handsome but genuinely beautiful.

>"To think: This all started when a woman fell in love with a man who didn't love him back."
This is what they’ll say about Daenerys 20 years later

Bobby was the big, burly manly man and Rhaegar was the fit and trim male model type. They were both attractive but in vastly different ways.

Barristan was the quintessential boomer wanting to go back to the good old days.

>hurr durr everything was foreshadowed
Fuck off Dumb and Dumber. Ain't fooling anyone.


They truly did screw over Tully and Martell in the show.

>Lord Glover
>No Northmen come to Jons aid against the Boltons
>Even Jon to an extent

Almost everyone in the show shits on Ned and his honour, same for Robb.

You think house Arryn was treated any better ? The Vale vanished into thin air

What the fuck do they deserve to be patricians on the same level as Stannis and Roose

watched this episode a few days late and I couldn't believe this became a meme, it wasn't even obnoxious, I wouldn't have noticed at all if you spergs hadn't made it a meme
Fucking Arya coughing while trying to escape the city towards the end was WAY more obnoxious

I quit watching after the fourth season, the writing was very clearly becoming shit by then and I'm a bookfag.

How wet Dany got over Khal Drogo talking about killing the men in their iron armour and raping their women was all i needed to know that she was bad news.

You think we watch the show ?

Don't worry, I believe House Arryn got the short end of the stick as well. The show doesn't care for houses not named Stark, Targaryen, and Lannister.

>he says, in one of literally hundreds of threads full of people discussing the show
man you made me look dumb

No, it started when Jon Arryn refused to surrender his teenaged, innocent wards to be murdered by an insane king. I feel like the writers are on a completely different soundwave than what happened in the books or even in the first season.

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GRRM doesn't care about House Arryn either. Sucks because the Vale is definitely one of the top-tier kingdoms

Having the Baratheon Stag in the opening made me think they were going to play an important role. EXPECTATIONS SUBVERTED

We're memeing the show, who has the time to actually watch it ?

It certainly is my good friend. Shall we have a toast over it?

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Why Jon Arryn who had Ned Stark and Robert Baratheon as wards, got promoted to Hand and effectively ruled the Seven Kingdoms ended up taking a noname asshole like ser Hugh as ward ?

Gendry is gonna end up King

I’m honestly worried about the wine aunt uprising. mostly I don’t have enough smokes to last me while I weather the storm in my man bunker (all bros are invited, it might get pretty sweaty in there though)

How can a show who had a fully naked 5 years old actress on cam back in season 1 managed to end up with 8 seasons and no condemnations ?

Greyjoys also got screwed heavily. They lost all the cool Lovecraftian elements to them in the show and just became dull and bland pirates.

Hugh wasn't his ward, exactly. He just brought him up to knighthood.

it's stupidly funny though

anyone got a link for a free stream that isn't brettygood or suptv
cheers lads

>fully naked 5 year old actress

thats just a complete bullshit lie

Its extra ironic because they became the exact stereotypes that theyre accused of in the books: cowardly, weak, dumb and uncultured.



Episode 7 my friend

>it was a (((maester))) conspiracy
Oh come on now

>How can a show who had a fully naked 5 years old actress on cam back in season 1

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No. Hugh became a knight AFTER he killed Arryn, as a reward. Before that he was just a ward.

Idk maybe same reason National Geographic hasn't been arrested.

>more wine, your grace?

side note: Lancel = Lannister incel
bravo dabid

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Why the rules aren't the same if you pretend you're not a pedo ? Even not sexualized nudity is enough for fapping. Also some guy in the production asked that little actress to get naked for money.

Lancel isn't an incel, he nailed Cersei.

Believe me, this guy fucks.

>he nailed Cersei
Not due to being a Chad, though, but instead because Cersei is a relentless whore.

which part? I've literally skimmed over it and the only nudity is the prostitutes who are clearly not 7

>Almost everyone in the show shits on Ned and his honour, same for Robb.
And it is so stupid. Tywin cares nothing for honor and even though he won, his victory was short lived precisely because of the means he used to achieved. Ned and Robb may have lost, but they held the loyalties of the North and in the long run the Starks would prosper while the Lannisters would most likely go extinct.

D&D are slezy jews that know nothing of honor, loyalty or any such similiar qualities.

The vale is the perfect place to have a final standoff against the white walkers.

A vietnameese girl running from napalm bombs isn't sexual. In GoT, the very same scene you see the naked little girl you have two women having graphic sex for 10 minutes. If it's not subliminal pedopropaganda, idk what lt ks

>If only Robert Baratheon wasn't such an incel..

Yeah, if only he would just kill himself and Ned Stark after Aerys killed Brandon and Rickard.
Imagine being such a retard.

I said she was 5 and it's the very beginning of this scene

Fuck you're right

he was her little bitch boy.
he was involuntarily sexually active (insex?)

Brandon got captured when he went to King's Landing asking for Rhaegar's head. Because he thought he had abducted her. Then Aerys demanded Rickard go to KL

oh shit you're right wtf

>involuntarily sexually active
So... rape?

And somehow everyone is fine about that. Where are soccermoms when you need them ?

Not surprising considering David Benioffs dad was the head of Goldman Sachs and part of both the Bush and Obama administrations on key economic councils. Just by that virtue im sure David is more aware of how bad its really gotten.

Littlefinger set up the Jon Arryn thing to set then against each other too

idk I was trying to be clever.
but basically yes, by the (((modern))) definition of rape.
more likely he was probably happy to fuck Cersei, especially when she was still super hot before the dumb dyke haircut (plus who wouldn’t want to fuck the queen)

Renly shouldnt have been such a fuckboi who was willing to kill the brother who saved his life as a child so he can continue to suck cock.

To be clear, Robert's Rebellion likely would have happened even if Robert didn't give a shit about Lyanna. When Lyanna disappeared, everybody thought Rhaegar kidnapped her. Bran Stark, Ned's older brother and heir to Winterfell, rode south the King's Landing, kicked in the Red Keep's front door, and demanded that Rhaegar come out to pay for his crimes with his death. Rhaegar wasn't home.

But Aerys II was. Aerys, already a pyromaniac lunatic at this point for unrelated reasons, viewed Bran's actions as dangerous and treasonous. Aerys imprisoned Bran, then imprisoned his father Lord Rickard Stark, when Rickard came south to negotiate for Bran's release and get to the bottom of things.

Being a lunatic, Aerys murdered both Starks. Rickard was burned alive with wildfire while Bran was set up in a mechanical noose with a longsword just out of reach. He strangled himself trying to reach the sword.

Ned, hearing that the Mad King has killed his brother and father, and Prince Rhaegar had supposedly abducted his sister, rose in rebellion. He would have done this regardless of Robert's involvement in the matter. It became "Robert's Rebellion" because he ended up declaring his desire to take the Iron Throne upon deposing the Targaryens, whereas the Starks never gave a fuck.

Read more about it here: awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/Robert's_Rebellion

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Bobby was described as a maidens fantasy
A 6'5 gigachad

>book cercei will never rape you

Jon Arryn rose in rebellion first when the mad king demanded that he send Robert and Ned's head to him

that picture is dope

why even live?

We almost got Benjen and Stannis as head of their houses

Imagine the things Benjen did before he took the black. I imagine it involve girls. Young. Very young. And reindeers.

>Like you know more about the show than the people who make it lmao

I'm so mad that this has unironically become a valid argument now.

How different would it have been if bran lived and ned died instead

The point of my post is that the war was about more than Robert feeling cucked, and would likely have happened regardless of Robert Baratheon's relationship to Lyanna Stark. So the idea that the Rebellion happened "because Robert's an incel lolololol" is simply inaccurate.

Thanks, its a favorite of mine.

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He's right, though.

>he thins controlling the narrative == respecting source material

>>Like you know more about the show than the people who make it lmao
Welcome to the life of every dragonball fans.

Yes, this is why everyone followed Robert, not because of the Mad Cunt

You don't have to respect something to control it, dotard. They could (and do) run this shit into the ground, and they're still the writers. And you aren't. Cope.

Bran was set to wed Catelyn, and Cat only married Ned after Bran died to salvage the Winterfell/Riverrun alliance.

Bran was much more hot-blooded than Ned, and also a much better warrior. He already had several bastards before wedding Cat. I suspect that if Brandon became Lord of Winterfell during the Rebellion but Ned died, the North would be much more recklessly run, much more pugnacious. His relationship with Cat would also be strained from the very start, who had a tough time getting over the presence of one (supposed) bastard, Jon Snow. Imagine how she'd react to a whole litter of them from swinging dick Brandon? It would have been a rocky marriage.

Idk if Brandon would have been chosen to be Hand of the King the way Ned would have, since the two men didn't quite know each other as well and Ned and Robert did. Thus, the War of the Five Kings probably would have developed much differently, if it happened at all, since the Lannister vs. Stark thing all started when Robert traveled North to see Ned about being Hand.

Idk what Brandon would have done about Jon Snow. Would he raise Jon, the son of Rhaegar, whom he hated? Idk. I can't help but feel Jon's early life would have been much rougher, though.

Littlefinger also wanted Sansa to fulfill the Jenny of Oldstones story. His obsession begins when Loras gives Sansa flowers at the joust

It’s like poetry

Fuck off and eat your crayons dabid

Petyr wanted Sansa because she's the spitting image of Cat when she was younger.

Rhaegar Targaryen was a fucking moron. And it is quite apparent after episode 3. Him running off with Lyanna was one of the stupidest things anyone could have done. It led to every modern conflict that westeros had to suffer through. Lyanna was an idiot too, for not leaving a note behind, saying something like: Fuck Bobby B, I'm running off with Rhaegar. Instead she makes it look like she was kidnapped, prompting her family to confront the mad king about his son stealing their kin. And Rhaegar was an idiot because he threw his house and Dorne under the bus. Such a careless and cruel thing to do (especially for a so called 'man of the people'). If he did it with only love for Lyanna in mind, then he was more destructive and caused more death and damage to the realms of men, than the white walkers managed to do. But some people will insist that it was the necessary thing to do, since he wanted to fulfill the Azor Ahai prophecy and save the world from the WW. And even that is a shitty excuse, because Well, Jon didn't save a damn thing. Arya saved the world and Jon was just kinda there. So Rhaegar's decision to fuck over the entire 7 kingdoms for two decades, was a fucking stupid and useless move, no matter his motivations.
I know all the blame lies on D&D, but within the shows context, is Rhaegar the worst character ever?

He was a Targ, and like all Targ fucking shits, they always acted like they were fucking demi-gods and above even other nobility, which is why they fucked with everyone and everything without consequence.
Their downfall was inevitable, the only reason why they lasted this long was because of dragons.

Why did King Aerys want Robert and Eddard again?

No good reason beyond being insane. Theres a theory that Varys was gaslightimt aerys and may have had a hand in it but its just a theory.

His son stole a young lords wife and he just made another young lord an orphan. If both of them went back and raised their armies, a rebellion would break out. He might have been mad, but even he knew that Bob and Ned could starts some shit. So he wanted to nip that at the bud too.

Chad move
I have the boyfriend of my ex who threatened me
Real chad don't let girls go scott free
they gotta realize they fucked up

>just a theory.


I mean it in the sense that it isnt 100% confirmed but theres evidence to suggest it

I was referencing Game Theory at the end of his videos he says "it's just a theory... a GAME THEORY" So i was referencing that by saying GOT THEORY instead of Game Theory!

Not many, people are down on Daeny now. They might still be irritated that it's some gormless bitch like nuJon who puts her down

And now Danerys is burning an entire city because her nephew won't fuck her

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she's not a bitch but yeah

>it has to be obnoxious to be a meme
Classic redditor doesn't understand the memes he steals

He has to be talking about Rhaegar falling in love with Lyanna here. This is before the cat was out of the bag on Jon's parentage - only Bran and maybe Sam know at that point. Besides them, everyone else still thinks Rhaegar kidnapped Lyanna. That really is what started it all.

Kill yourself you fucking retarded scum.

t. another user that thinks he is way smarter than he is and is too dumb to realise the books aren't the show

The war started when Aerys killed one of the Great Lords, his heir, and a host of other nobles without grounds or a fair trial and then demanded Arryn hand over Robert and Ned for execution. The king went too far and his lords rebelled. It made perfect sense. Lyanna was merely the spark. It would have never came to war were it not for Aerys being insane.

>antithesis of jewery
Go choke on your father's dick you retard.

He isnt wrong you know

Don't expect anyone to respond to you when you type like a facebook faggot.

Nope he's totally wrong.

I havent watched any theory video since like s5-6 it was back then i realized dabid were too stupid to do anything interesting

No you are, kike. Fuck off.

You know what subverting expectations means Dabid? It means that those in charge of the script get critized by every clever little twat sitting on their fat asses.
But if they start subverting their own expectations, that’s the end. For them and the clever little twats not knowing what subversion is.
This is not the end. Not for us. Not if you lot watch the show and keep getting subverted.
And then we move on and you get to destroy Star Wars and we get to wish that fat jew basterd had finished the job.

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Go kill yourself you retarded piece of shit. You're wrong on this just as you've been wrong about everything else in your life. Now go die.

The writers can't even keep track of stuff they wrote, like they said in Stannis first appearance he was burning people. He wasn't he was burning statues of the seven to show he rejected that religion. They are the same morons that say shit like "Creatively it made sense, because we wanted it to happen".


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Arryn is barely relevant and should be replaced by Manderly.

Wow you really are convincing user wtf i love kikes now

fuck off lady

>oh no
Fuck off
I don't speak to the mentally deficient (aka white people)

It would have been a grevious scandal and done harm to House Targaryen but wouldn't have led to war were it not for Aerys flipping out. I guess Rhaegar's mindset was he'll cause a scandal and him and his House were be harmed in the short term but he'll also fufill this prophecy he's been obsessed with, so all will be good in the long term.

hi aggro

He was a Chad. Excellent warrior, inhumanely beautiful/handsome, beloved by everyone, and had other Chad bros like Arthur Dayne.

>"To think: This all started when a man fell in love with a woman who didn't love him back."
>If only Robert Baratheon wasn't such an incel..
They already explained IN THE SHOW how Aerys murdered Rickard and Brandon. They can't excuse it as a book only detail.

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>Euron reaction gif
Was any character more poorly adapted than him? Show Euron came across as some particularly mad and violent reaver that would have flocked to the real Euron once he became king and became Euron's mad dog that he occassionally unleashes during raids or battles like how Tywin did with the Mountain.

Eddard's father and brother committed treason and Bobby B was Eddard's best friend.

>Was any character more poorly adapted than him?

kike btfo

the white walkers

>The Virgin 'Finger in the bum!' Show Euron vs. The Chad 'When my men see my sails, they pray" Book Euron

Sorry sweaty all you did was expose yourself as mentally ill.

Will Euron be the final boss? Like the Others are there causing chaos and so on but Euron's ultimately the mad man presiding over the apocalypse cause he believes it will make him a god.

>Posts indisputable evidence
>kike doesnt even reply to it just engages in ad hominem
>throws in lefty buzzwords for good measure
lmao at your life

>people actually defending Robert cuck Baratheon
Stag fans really need to gas themselves.
He literally did nothing right in his entire reign
>got cucked by Jamie and raised three bastards without even knowing
>gets cucked by Rhagear everytime he goes to sleep
>sired millions of bastards ensuring that their'd be a succession crisis in the event of his demise
>literally put the crown in debt
>gets killed by a shitty fucking boar
>his "peace" was tenuous at best and had rebellions and literally went to shit the moment he kicked the bucket
>couldn't even kill off all the targs so he didn't even accomplish his life goal
Name a bigger cuck in Westeros.

Still a Gigachad before being king though. Imagine having a night of fun drinking with him and Ned in some nice tavern in the Vale.

>indisputable evidence
No you didn't post any "evidence" you posted a screenshot of something that was literally not relevant to anything and yet you still tried to pass it off as evidence because you're a fucking retard.
The fact that you actually think the screenshot was indisputable "evidence" highlights how much of a mentally ill person you are.

>They didn't even give him an eyepatch.
What the hell?
I think Euron will play more into the story by being the only leader of a faction, that doesn't join in on the war against the dead. Maybe he will cripple the good guys, to make the odds a lot more unfair, or maybe he will loom over the battlefield, waiting to see who comes out victorious, so he can take them down.

>Still a Gigachad before being king though.
>got cucked by Rhagear
>couldn't even keep his loyalty to the girl he loved
>every single person in Westeros wished Ned became king over him
Nah he was always a cuck.


>>every single person in Westeros wished Ned became king over him
Ned would have sucked as king.

Jorah by fucking far its not even a contest

Jorah didn't raise any children that were not his own.
Which Robert did three fucking times so no Jorah ain't any a bigger cuck than Robert.

Where? I've read the books more than once and I can't recall any overwhelming 'Ned should have been king!' sentiment. If there was any, it would have been entirely retroactively years into Robert's reign because Robert was still immensly popular when he ascended to the throne, beloved by his men, and so on.

>dany will be dead
>Rhaegar is dead
>cersei is dead
>her bastards are dead
>Gendry set to be Lord of Storms End

Can i get a free stream link?

Robert didnt raise cerseis bastards at all lmao are you fucked. Nevermind Robert returned the favour 10x and has like 13+ bastards

>Cuck! Cuck! Cuck!
Get's tiring hearing that shit used unironically in conversations. He was 6'6, ripped and built af, handsome, and slept around a lot because he could have almost any woman he wanted. That's Chad.

I think the show was always shit but you have reminded me the instances of it being subtle in 2011, like when Ned firsts meets Gendry and stares intently at him and the actor's resemblance to Addy around the eye area is enough to convey he's his bastard. No dramatic music or anything like that either.

doesn't matter when your wife is a breeding mare for the house that kills you and destroys your empire

Cersei says it mockingly to ned as a way to insult both him and robert but its pretty clear the user youre replying to is very feminine so it isnt surprising xer would take cerseis word at face value.

And what part of that has anything to do with the post you first quoted you utter moron?

>This line proves how little those two idiots actually respect the source material. It also makes you a fucking moron for parroting it OP. Fuck you.
Nothing to do with how they control it, you absolute imbecile.

I'd be ashamed if I was as little as 6 times smarter than you.

Robert wins in the end sorry femcel

>Robert didnt raise cerseis bastards at all lmao are you fucked
>stags fags still trying to deny their king being a fucking cuck
>That's Chad.
He was an idiot who would cry to his sleep everyday because Rhaegar cucked the shit out of him and took Lyanna from him nevermind the fact that Jamie also cucked the shit out him too and had him raise his three incest born bastards.
Doesn't matter how many women you've slept around with if you end up being a numale cuck who ends up fucking up his kingdom.

God I wish the Iranians just nuke your people out of existance.

>Robert wins in the end sorry femcel
No he didn't
Other people fixing Robert's mistakes don't make him a winner sweaty.

Okay cersei youre so clever go drink your wine

>>Gendry set to be Lord of Storms End
How is that a fucking win?
If anything it proved how much he fucked up because if he actually did his job properly Storms end wouldn't be going to a bastard who had to be legitimized by a fricking targ.

>numale cuck
Done with this conversation. You're a buzzword spamming idiot.

Your lineage surviving and inheriting while your enemies die one by one isnt losing in any way you stupid fuck. Robert was forced into a shitty marriage but chose good friends who avenge him after. Femcels juat cant understand based bobby its truly a disgrace.

>literally no argument
enjoy your cuck king

Plus the nobles still used the 'Robert has the best blood claim' angle to legitimise his ascension to the throne.

Better than Casterly Rock being left to whoever the fuck sorry lannibitch

Swap Bolton with Manderly or Veralyon

>I don’t have enough smoke
What brand?

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By the way, anyone got a stream for the finale?

Essentially Arnold scwazenegger vs Ryan Gosling

strims.gg is fucked, anyone got any other links?

More like that pic of tom hiddleson and that male model guy.

>Your lineage surviving and inheriting
Due to no effort or any action of your own. It also disregards the fact that he was the one who ended up fucking his lineage and putting it at risk in the first place.
So no it's not a fucking win if anything it's a loss for him.
>but chose good friends who avenge him after.
What good friend avenged him later?
>Femcels juat cant understand based bobby its truly a disgrace
Keep wanking your cuck king who ended up fucking his realm and is a disgrace to his lineage
But hey at least he had sex so everything is fine right and he's totally based and a chad right?


Manlets just can’t take a joke

>no argument

Youre lucky i even dignified your idiotic head canon ramblings with a (You) next time dont be such a buzzword spouting rageaholic and youll be taken more seriously

Guys I just found the #official LEAKED ending to Game of Thrones.

>Jon sits on the throne
>"Well, looks like this throne isnt doing favors for my back! Get me some icy hot. Oh! Look, a song of ice and fire for my back!
>Jon holds up a box of icy hot GoT edition to the camera
>Tyrion smacks his lips, he goes for wine, but thinks.
>"You know what? No more wine, I heard Qyburn invented something new... Bold... Refreshing...Coke."
>Tyrion cracks open a thirst quenching coke and takes a sip while the camera zooms in on one of seven official Game of Thrones collectors cans. #CanForEveryKingdom
>Bronn arrives at Highgarden
>"You know, its a big castle for me. Might be hard to defend. Good thing that Bran let me know that ADT is offering a 10 percent off code when you mention the word THRONES. I may be fuckin rich, but its good to save money for peace of mind."
>screen immediately cuts to footage of Daenerys and Jon riding spectacular fully CGI rendered dragons doing BADASS barrel rolls and aerial stunts while "Right Now" by Van Halen plays in the background.
>Camera zooms in on Daenerys, points to the camera and says "Capitol one, what's in your wallet?"

HBO does it again guys. Bravo.

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I sure hope I can get a stream link when this starts.

He isn't an incel, you moron.

>Youre lucky i even dignified your idiotic head canon ramblings
>resorting to ad hominem and going I-i won't even dignify your argument with a response to cover up his lack of rebuttal
Come on I thought you were better than this?
At the very least admit that you lost.

It's always easier from the outside looking in

Cat only cared about Jon because he was acknowledged and lived at Winterfell with her kids
She literally says I could've forgiven a dozen bastards

Fucks cersi
Fucks multiple women
Fucks a different white everynight
Bros with everyone in the 7 kingdoms

Yup he’s an incel alright

Fucks Cersi
Fucks multiple women
Fucks a different woman everynight
Bros with everyone in the seven kingdom

You’re right op what an incel.

>defending incels
Have sex

Marlboro menthol 100s
the white mans newport

but show euron is also a jobber

So if Robert didn’t fuck Cersei then Danny wouldn’t genocide anybody? The Night King wouldn’t btfo everyone? Tywin of all people wouldn’t force Cersei to be used as a cum dumpster?! Jesus Christ, you are just as retarded as D&D.


Stop taking the bait, retard. He’s fucking with you.

Nice bait but much of that is objectively wrong and the rest is not the whole truth.

Look at this retard. Is it your first time on the internet, kid?