Whoa... she's right you know

Whoa... she's right you know...

Attached: bestshot.png (572x390, 229K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Looks like shit


Wtf is this? Zombieland?

Zombieland was my guess too.

This girl turn you down or something?

Yeah it is

zombieland 2 is gonna be garbage

People that post twitter screen caps should be strung up by their testicles and left to rot.

>literal who twitter cap #175218053
Fucking zoomers.

woah, it's so KINO. Almost as KINO as SNEED AND FEED but not quite as KINO as LE GOOSE. He's just like me you know.


Why? Why is it the best shot? Don't just say it's the best without saying why you believe so. Because I believe this is the best shot.

Attached: 1358287305178.jpg (1920x1080, 1.19M)

Remember when Yea Forums had threads where people posted screencaps from movies and people tried to guess the movie?
Whatever happened to those?

Attached: 468157568.jpg (257x196, 9K)

This is what happens when you're raised on Marvel's drab garbage; your standards are lowered so far you're blown away by a slightly pretty shot. There are hundreds of films that have cinematography that's more aesthetically pleasing than Zombieland's cinematography.

Attached: lawrence_of_arabia_R5after.0011800.jpg (1920x1080, 204K)

Attached: tumblr_myzk1kfLUd1s5bh5uo1_500.gif (500x375, 849K)

Work of art that film is

Attached: zhywp1kh1iy2b2jhzzqt.png (2560x1049, 2.32M)


Women should stay away from art

Why is Chewbacca talking to a random girl

Sorry roastie that would be this

Attached: searchers.jpg (858x357, 23K)

That movie was made back when you have to really know what you're doing to film in extreme sunlight and make it look good, it's impressive to this day. Too bad zoomers only care about neons & silhouettes.

because she is carrie's daughter

>not a single white male

Good start, but I feel like the shot could do with more women in it.

Attached: toilet.gif (144x192, 433K)

it was ruined by anime posters like you :^)

*chug bottle of soilent*
*tweets about female representation in capeshit*
*buys 20th ticket to Avengers Endgame*

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Attached: HolyGrail167.jpg (800x441, 45K)

Attached: North by Northwest-01.png (1920x1080, 2.86M)

mmm dat framing

Attached: 1554943956146.gif (402x222, 2.45M)

>aspect ratio

you get the point, asshole

Attached: The last of mohicans - End scene HD 720p Extract.mp4_snapshot_14.20_[2012.04.03_23.39.39].jpg (1280x720, 283K)

Tarrant shooting

Attached: ouatitw.jpg (858x357, 32K)

Attached: Reign Aw crumbs.jpg (1920x1080, 735K)

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Attached: hundstage4.jpg (1591x980, 147K)

What film?

>our entire rebellion crushed?
>s'all good sweetie

Nothing somber or remorseful just another bender after a long day of nu-wars

Attached: Speed (86).jpg (1680x952, 186K)

Her name is Yanny

Yeah, The Last Jedi's ending was a total downer when you think about it and yet all of the characters act like everything is fine. Imagine if at the end of Empire Strikes Back Luke and Leia laughed everything off and said "I'm sure Han is doing well."

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 55K)

Camping in Wadi Rum as a child really was special.

Attached: d7f3a84000d935abcc56e1bdf2a064d5.jpg (990x450, 76K)


Attached: joi ad.jpg (685x385, 22K)

Thats my fetish

Attached: 1481102250754.png (519x537, 635K)


Attached: The Road Warrior (42)xx.jpg (2549x831, 349K)

Not obscure enough

Attached: silenceandcry_02.jpg (1020x435, 113K)

Attached: PowerDVD9 2012-10-28 01-24-15-42.png (1680x952, 1.3M)

And people say this is better than fury road

I love Fury Road, but The Road Warrior is the best film of the franchise.


Attached: thread troll.png (1800x1578, 199K)

Attached: Le Ambassedeur (2016).jpg (1920x1233, 482K)

That's because you think of road warrior when you think of mad max

Hes putting the moves on her

I'm not saying why. It's not even a direct shot from BTTF.

Yeah, because it's the best one.

Only because of it's status as a classic

He's recommending a good physiotherapist to solve her virgin neck posture.

Attached: PowerDVD10 2014-07-27 00-07-30-62.jpg (1920x1080, 415K)

Attached: ivan.jpg (960x720, 325K)

Attached: tenor (3).gif (498x270, 1.39M)

I like that scene from Sicario where the cool operators are walking in the dark while the sun is setting in the horizon
Cool shot

Attached: mv5bzjgxnmjjmgutmmm0zi00nzg0ltg1ywytmdmxzdi3mdbhzgy4xkeyxkfqcgdeqxvyntayndq2nji-_v1_.jpg (1272x720, 251K)

came to post this

Attached: LaHaine.jpg (1280x720, 68K)

it's so dense

Attached: 349584536.png (1920x1080, 1.69M)

Attached: kino.png (1920x1080, 1.62M)

It is, Fury Road feels like a cartoon compared to the Road Warrior.

It is

Since you asked, I’ll post. If you manage to spot 2 films, I’ll post the next 3x3.

Attached: 17388D30-C687-4221-9497-B6E394304EB2.jpg (1675x1500, 608K)

...and it's a classic because it's the best one.

Attached: l'ambassadeur.jpg (1366x738, 259K)

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Attached: 1547069751951.jpg (2800x1575, 3.72M)

what movie

BL is filled with such kino shots

Attached: Barry_Lyndon.jpg (1920x1080, 461K)

>implying any of these posters actually have testicles

Attached: tpreturnmedium.png (1379x1781, 3.78M)

>We lost this battle too

Attached: 1557573748753.png (497x549, 210K)

not enough shots from the bridge over the river scene

this was fucking great, feels like not enough people know about it

Twitter girl said something on Twitter

Incel sheep repost it

I love how this looks like a low-key party in someone's apartment and everyone is just chilling and hanging out. In the context of the story it's just hilarious.

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Attached: cia.jpg (732x558, 96K)

Attached: giphy.gif (436x187, 1001K)

i still can't believe how fucking beautiful of a shot this is

not him, but top right is Whisper of the Heart and middle right is probably Woman under the Influence.

top shelf kinography

The Cat Returns and I know I saw top middle but I can't remember it.

Blood Diamond and Cat Returns.

Attached: the_prisoner.jpg (1200x872, 230K)

Best movie ever made.

Both right.
Blood Diamond correct.

Attached: D0F74E22-B8ED-4AA3-B206-94DC0A87E4BD.jpg (1675x1500, 439K)

It's a staged false flag operation.

A lot of famous historical photos are actually staged.

Attached: index.jpg (255x198, 9K)

Attached: foamedium.png (1708x946, 3.47M)

>and everyone is just chilling and hanging out.
Wait, they're not?

top right is Ikiru and middle might be Hard to Be a God

Attached: littlewhite.jpg (720x480, 23K)

Roger Deakins is the best current day cinematographer

Can you help me find out what movie is this?

Attached: 01.jpg (1920x1080, 68K)

I really don't get the "obscure = good" argument. It's true that the "popular = good" argument is a load of bullshit, but that doesn't mean the opposite is true. The true indicator of quality is if a work withstands the test of time. For instance, Fritz Lang has been dead for decades and yet his films are still widely praised and discussed. He has withstood the test of time.

Middle left is The Phantom Carriage

isn't he gay though?

No, James Purefoy Ellis is a woman. Look her up.

Dog Days (2001)

I remember exactly the moment when I saw it for the first time as 11 years old.

Everything about it blew my mind.

btw it was in some TV show about new movies and full of trailers and behind of scenes. I loved that stuff.

Trannies are still men

Middle right is Possession

Attached: maxresdefault (23).jpg (1280x720, 127K)


Nice, all right.
Now something a little more harder.

Attached: FE7E030A-A6CE-4CB6-916B-C5E6FA282154.jpg (1675x1500, 508K)

Because in the next movie she gets WOOKIED

top left is Babettes Feast

Why would one care? It's not like he's pushing some kind of agenda by way of of beautiful shots and superb framing

Attached: 19-05-19_13.56.48 Queasy.jpg (1793x800, 297K)

Right series, wrong shot.

Attached: 1536025337460.gif (498x274, 1.32M)

babbette’s feast top left, alice top right
red balloon middle left
might be way off but isn’t bottom centre from crouching tiger?

because that is exactly how the gay problem is propagated

I accuse you of a wasted life

that's a fucked up movie. i liked it, but i'm not sure i ever want to see it again.

The final shot of the film is of a white male. Have sex Incel.

Shit, that's actually really good.

starting to think women aren't that bright...

you can literally taste the fact every aspect of this scene was created by focus group testing for maximum inclusiveness

Attached: 444041441f2268fb844135672d550210.jpg (3000x1996, 1.59M)

Attached: 1535117445073.png (786x666, 424K)

I think top right is that experimental take on Alice in Wonderland, think it was just called Alice.

In order to get this shot they had to make a scaled up ring that was something like a foot across, and a scaled up chain you could use to tow a car.

{spoiler]have sex[/spoiler]

Attached: art literally art.png (1317x1080, 1.18M)

>might be way off but isn’t bottom centre from crouching tiger?
It is

>this thread

Fuck off with your pretenious sudo garbage
I rather watch bottom of the barrel capeshit than your boring shit that you pretend to admire.

All right except the bottom mid, it’s not Crouching Tiger. It’s Chinese Odyssey: Cinderella with Stephen Chow.

Attached: F720CBD5-2E59-480F-BE16-F7E322DC32A8.jpg (1675x1500, 534K)

Attached: ee5654fc9395ece300972fb2983aa923[1].png (1280x692, 1.21M)

middle is ugetsu

Go back to your capeshit, faggot.


Attached: 8F0B94A5-FABE-4A94-8E6C-740D4A8B8961.png (539x214, 97K)

Attached: DYPHQWUWAAUlncx.jpg_large.jpg (1038x720, 159K)

Right movie, wrong scene.
Gets me hard every time.

Attached: 03146-1.jpg (500x270, 16K)

nice aspect ratio

Really is my fav from BL, it's just like a painting,

Attached: 1553894452474.jpg (1200x675, 145K)

>exposing for light and it's still a bit overexposed

Girls who wear stockings in public are asking to be raped. FACT.

Shots from my short film, give a rating Yea Forums

Attached: Skärmbild (774).png (1920x1076, 2.07M)

Attached: Skärmbild (767).png (1920x1080, 3.13M)

That's a very nice shot user

it's just so obvious and bad looking. same when they swap the hobbit actors for some little people stand ins. and all those forced perspective shots involving the hobbits. just bad

no idea why people worship these movies so much

>haha epic doggo is holding a gun to his head lol how wild and cool
Fuck you boomer niggers

Thinking contre-jour is the height of artistry is the best pleb indicator I've come across.

Newer movies can be better than classics

Attached: 1551578545621.jpg (1000x419, 60K)

Uncle Boonme and is that some kind of Ozu top left?


Both right, top left isn’t Ozu but Bergman. You’ll probably guess it now.
Here’s an easy one, but after this I won’t go easy anymore.

Attached: B8AF0844-2A26-4CD6-8385-357DB01F1D59.jpg (1675x1500, 646K)

why are all of your pics squished? Kinda defeats the point of highlighting good shots.

There are 0 white males in this scene and that's a good thing.

iTS gOT brIGHT multICOloUred LighTs. itS speCtaCuLuR.

Wide-frame screenshots don’t look as good in 3x3 format as center-frame. Having it be about 1500x1500, the whole package looks good while still managing to be enticing.


What is bottom left, need to fap.

>reeeeee how dare you discuss good films! You're pretentious!
>I proudly prefer mindless garbage over good films!
Pure cancer.

Fuck you, zoomer.

Attached: KINO-00120.jpg (864x368, 77K)

watch more movies or get better taste


Die already

Journey to the West, though there’s hardly any fap material in it. Instead, check La Belle Noiseuse, Ju Dou, any of the Meiko Kaji’s exploitation films Female Prisoners, Kari Wührer’s Vivid is literally HNNGG material, also Bertolucci’s Stealing Beauty & The Conformist are quite sensual.

Attached: B57C4FEB-96CE-4213-9A89-C1FB0E3735EE.jpg (1675x1500, 441K)

Classic Dano

Attached: therewillbeblood.jpg (750x420, 133K)

Attached: ZV06Dlo.gif (432x227, 1.65M)

fucking normie scum

Attached: 1429538696050.jpg (1280x544, 124K)

innocence, blood diamond, whisper of the heart

Name a better world building opening than this


>Person stands in front of a sunset
"Damn, now this is good cinematography"

Attached: cover.png (1177x662, 40K)

Isnt bottom left just an unused shot from hard to be a god?

Should be "L'Ambassadeur." Le/La/L' works like A/An. If the word starts with a vowel, you need to use "L' "

Attached: KINO-00130.jpg (864x368, 63K)


That's how Kubrick wanted the movie to look like, he looked at a bunch of period paintings to help him frame the movie and holy smokes, did he nail it.


My favorite shot of all time

Attached: 6kqohj4cu4i21.jpg (1238x908, 88K)

you can see the helicopter, what a hack

thats the ghost

Name them. Only recognize a few.

True Lies

What kino is this?

Attached: KINO-00006.jpg (1280x546, 296K)

Ghost Dog: The Way of the Samurai

: )

Agreed, now sunrises, that’s where the real kino is.

Attached: 8B0D4C1E-3EE8-49AF-B85B-E1F59B3D3E66.png (1280x720, 344K)

Attached: Brother.jpg (1280x532, 203K)


When is this? I saw it like a week ago and don't remember your image.

Attached: KINO-00108.jpg (608x336, 58K)


Papillon was gorgeous

I think the first one is Wages of Fear

I was lying to get you to watch Ghost Dog. Sorry homie.

Fighting Elegy by my man Seijun Suzuki

Attached: KINO-00122.jpg (864x368, 80K)

Guess that's why I didn't recognize the stills. Not a fan of that movie.

I'm a different poster, but just curious. I'll second Ghost Dog but also Branded To Kill, which it steals some stuff from.

Attached: KINO-00107.jpg (608x336, 39K)

Thanks :)

Thanks based frenchautistbro

Bottom left is La Cite des Enfants Perdus and middle right is Possession


Attached: sc3a9tlo.jpg (940x702, 73K)

Fucking hilarious how this made it into the cut.

wow haha i 'member this from that jap movie

Attached: 1489291206532.webm (700x392, 2.81M)

I always wondered how much Ridley took out of Thief when he shot Blade Runner

Attached: thief.jpg (1140x606, 104K)

The shadow is out of frame if the projectionist or person transferring it to DVD does their job properly.

Bottom left is Arrietty. What is bottom right I keep seeing it.

you only think that because you already see the world from that perspective midge

People stopped watching movies

That's THX 1138

I liked it better when Guy Pearce was limping along with the rifle in his hand and Sam Houston was just waiting there, the setting Sun in between them

>Anime can’t be kino

Attached: 52BCBF1A-186D-46C2-919D-8737F66EF92C.jpg (640x640, 78K)

>La Belle Noiseuse, Ashes of Time, The Tribulations of Balthazar Kober
>The Strange Colour of Your Body’s Tears, Finisterrae, Ga, Ga - Chwala bohaterom
>Hard To Be A God, Ju Dou, Bugsy Malone

Attached: D47E46E2-F68A-40CD-A8DA-C7032498642E.jpg (1675x1500, 575K)

Why is this a thread?

Attached: Blue-Velvet-11.jpg (1296x648, 333K)

The force is female

I'm sorry, I forgot we need the first 5 pages to be /got/.

This is exactly like the decoration blogs I follow on pinterest.

Attached: 1555472612827.gif (909x890, 501K)

not even the best shot in the same scene you incel

>"best shot" thread
>it's full of still images
Pathetic display

Attached: 1556214295023.webm (1100x576, 2.24M)

Attached: ari.jpg (940x727, 78K)

Attached: 1549847537401.webm (800x450, 832K)

squalor kino

That's not even the best shot of that movie, but nice webm nevertheless.

Attached: 1549831504430.webm (1128x480, 2.92M)

hurr twinky cwismas ligysts

Pure kino. Post more German expressionism.

What the fuck is this???

What film is that?

There are no best shots in that movie, they're all purely beautiful

Attached: 1494263412959.webm (1920x1040, 2.3M)

Das Cabinet des Dr. Caligari is my favourite

Attached: 1919.jpg (1200x789, 250K)

Attached: 1538063914230.png (502x74, 16K)

Polanski's Macbeth

Macbeth by jew pedophile rapist

Roman Polanski's Machbeth
Hands down the best direct Shakesphere adaptation ever put to film

terrible taste

>implying anyone has 4chanX
Some of these kids are still posting on the vanilla mobile site

Oh shit, I remember trying to watch that and then I remembered I hate just about everything that man touches. Trevor Nunn did it better

Attached: lady m.jpg (1280x720, 34K)

what a hack

Attached: Die-Parabel-von-den-Blinden.jpg (600x431, 56K)

Not even close to being in the top 3 Macbeth adaptations

Attached: macbeth.jpg (650x366, 98K)

Attached: 16908215430274.jpg (1774x1305, 203K)

Damn.... people walking in a line. Bergman truly btfo

Attached: 928B13A2-1161-40AD-87DA-D552EBF13302.jpg (1254x1771, 373K)

I knew something about this was familiar but I never realised it was taken from Branded to Kill, damn

Awesome film

Attached: AD6033DC-D877-4AD6-BD85-A7D309B92F1E.jpg (1280x720, 54K)

they are hiding

Attached: 63354-tumblr-inline-nzkezzhguo1sh134d-1280-169-lg.jpg (768x431, 52K)

this scene confused me

>i'm 16 and my taste is fucking superior

>consumer cuck
>that cheeky fight club poster in the back

sensible chuckles were had

Attached: 941642a62e56eb49416c701fede4bb50.jpg (2362x1821, 605K)

>Trevor Nunn
>English theater director
>actually comparing a stage play someone filmed to an real movie

Attached: 1552548910688.gif (240x228, 845K)

You hate Rosemary's Baby and Chinatown?

>implying Polanski ever did something that came even close to this

Get the fuck outta here

Attached: absolute madman.png (807x465, 331K)

Throne of Blood would be the best. By "direct" I meant a direct adoption of the text. And in that regard it is

First one, yes. Second one, great casting, I found it empty and uninteresting however.

Are you splitting hairs faggot?

Attached: jfkpara1.jpg (913x361, 60K)

Attached: handsoforlac.jpg (3028x1704, 534K)

2015 Hamlet is trash compared to Polanski's. The performances just don't fit Shakespeare's text at all

Middle hard to be a god?

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It's not "splitting hairs" to say there's a massive fucking difference between a stage play someone plopped a camera in front of an a feature film.

I could go 10 miles and see something like this in person, though.

Whoever they got for Mac and his Lady were absolute shit. It's like that time Kubrick did Barry Lyndon and cast Ryan O'Go O'Man O'Neal to be a doey eyed faggot throughout. As a result, the film suffered


This looks like Giallo. Is it?

Attached: cool cinematography.png (1920x1080, 2.53M)


Attached: msc14.jpg (1675x1500, 1.35M)

lolita 62

Attached: hands-of-orlac-the-1924-001-depression-interior-bfi-00m-niv.jpg (1000x728, 108K)

Movie was produced by Playboy


The difference being that the minimalist lighting helped enhance the performances and set the tone in the McKellen/Dench one while in Polanski's Macbeth we had great cinematography servicing a great script and some of the most insufferably worst casting in film history. Movies are just theater with a second take option.

It's a pretty shot but there are tons of movies with better stills.

Attached: 1428656183238.jpg (2880x1197, 729K)

Attached: vlcsnap-2019-05-20-01h24m34s416.png (480x360, 91K)

Listening to the soundtrack right now. The wicked Flee is a great score.

What the hell are you even talking about? Finch's performance was goddamn brilliant. The fact that you compare it to Barry Lyndon and claim that's a negative only proves your plebianism

>no shots of John Hurt

There was a time when this movie would get a ton of threads here on Yea Forums

Performances were absolute horseshit, get fucked. I don't even get your last point, but whatever, I'm sure you'll find coherence one of these days.

>Movies are just theater with a second take option
Jesus, you must be seriously braindead to actually believe this
The filmmakers is at once a musician, a painter, and a craftsman. He creates a work that, though carefully structured editing and cinematography, brings you through a narrative in a way stage play couldn't dream of doing in a thousand years.
The fact that you even consider them similar means you haven't seen enough movies.

Attached: 111931707925370.jpg (720x960, 70K)

Attached: 0D333FB9-28EB-49BF-8D39-517397EA836E.jpg (1920x1080, 160K)

I'll put it simply so an idiot like you can understand:
Polanski's Macbeth is a masterpiece.
Barry Lyndon is a masterpiece.
The performances in each of these films was a work of genius on the part of the actors and their directors.
Got it?

bottom right is Kubrick Lolita

Lesser Polanski is better than that shit.

Fury Road has so many kino shots that often times the best ones are often the most fleeting

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Attached: LiT title.jpg (844x452, 43K)

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You beat me to it.

Attached: my companion of african descent.jpg (500x500, 47K)

Letter Never Sent? On the middle right?


Attached: Spies - Fritz Lang.jpg (624x474, 71K)

Attached: mvng.png (1199x720, 1.13M)

Attached: L'Ambassadeur.jpg (668x1100, 170K)

A great film with lots of wonderful shots, not to mention plot, is A Matter of Life and Death/Stairway to Heaven

Attached: Peter-June-plane 4.jpg (500x374, 41K)

>not posting the very kino shot

Attached: sorcerer.jpg (1136x567, 126K)

Attached: Smiles of a Summer Night.jpg (1280x943, 208K)