This movie was a fucking masterpiece, and I'll tell you why...

This movie was a fucking masterpiece, and I'll tell you why. There are many reasons but the 1st and foremost is they didnt shoehorn in some bullshit "romance" between Keanu and Rachel Weisz.
There was no sex, no love interest, they just told their fucking story (with the greatest depiction of Satan ever put on film) and then they left. That was it. No bullshit romance tropes, cringy love scenes, or relationship bullshit, just badass demon-deporting and an overall disturbing and creepy feeling in a supernatural world. Badass.

Attached: MV5BODRiNmFhY2EtMGY2OC00YjI2LWIyYjQtYzFiM2ZhNjdhYzE4XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNDY5MTUyNjU@._V1_UX182_CR0,0,182 (182x268, 13K)

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Gabriel is cute

I like it too.

This movie began my love of Tilda Swinton. Absolute pristine delicate beauty

> This movie began my love of Tilda Swinton. Absolute pristine delicate beauty
She was cutest as Gabriel

>tfw no Constantine 2 with Keanu

Attached: crying wojak.png (633x758, 16K)

It gets hate for the same reason the Resident Evil films get hate, because the fanboys don't think it's close enough to the source material. They want a carbon copy of the comics

i agree i love that movie and the ost

>Critics Consensus: Despite solid production values and an intriguing premise, Constantine lacks the focus of another spiritual shoot-em-up, The Matrix.

Attached: Constantine (2005) - Half-Breed.webm (868x360, 2.92M)

Cult classic, because it never received the widespread appreciation it deserved.

The only thing I don't like about the movie is how ALL the sidecharacters get sacrificed? They are all just fodder, basically...

That's JonCon's thing. EVERYBODY around him dies. Most of the time because of him.

Attached: 1524202136632.jpg (1987x3054, 1.16M)

I briefly played RE 1, until it bored me, and hate the film series

Is it? I'm not familiar with the source material. But seeing the movie always leaves a bit of a downer on me, because none of the people can even return for a sequel, if there ever is one. (Except Shia's angel, maybe.)

The hellblazer comics are gay as fuck, tho. Constantine was only ever cool when he was in swamp thing.
Only thing i don't like about the movie was shia. But he was killed so it's ok

Comics fag is even worse than bookfag

The depiction of Hell in this movie is kino.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 68K)

Yeah, he gets people killed, sent to Hell, whatever, all the time. He's honestly a pretty awful person. He's a hypocritical Liberal, he's a "punk" anti-authority type, he's basically the kid who never grew up and is just a constant contrarian. He gets people in bad siatuations and then sacrifices them to save his skin. He's not exactly a bad guy, doing all that out of malice, but he creates more problems than he solves.
>it's a "JonCon has to save a bunch of innocent brown blokes from evil nazi Demons while taking a shit on the Bible, by ramming a dildo up a nun's ass and allowing her to discover the pleasures of orgies" issue

>they didnt shoehorn in some bullshit "romance" between Keanu and Rachel Weisz.
That's good, then I can self insert as jewfus love interest myself

...around 14:09

You jest. But ennis run (the gayest most obvious self insert i ever laid eyes on) was literally just that. There's a fucking side plot that goes nowhere about some evil white nationalists fighting against blacks and pakis. But the worst was the waifufaggotry. Ennis literally used john as a self insert to be with his ideal woman. And his waifu is a cunt

Yeah I know, that's why I wrote all that. I haven't read all of it (it's 300 issues ffs), but considering there is a NeoNazi arc every 10 issues, it didn't seem that far fetched a plot to me.

this is what Constantine should sound like:


Tilda Swinton as the White Witch gave me a boner.

Did we watch the same movie? She was definitely a love interest by the end of the film. It just had a noir style end to the romance

>tfw no Constantine 2


Learn English

>There are many reasons but the 1st and foremost is they didnt shoehorn in some bullshit "romance" between Keanu and Rachel Weisz.
>There was no sex, no love interest,

Gavin Rossdale couldnt act if someone pointed a loaded Mossberg 12 gauge at his balls. But christ if he isnt a good looking dude. No homo.

Have you SEEN Bram Stokers Dracula? Christ on wheels, he couldnt do a British accent is someone pointed a loaded Mossberg 12 gauge at his balls.

Why was Satan in John Wick 2?

Attached: john-wick-chapter-2-106219.jpg (660x439, 37K)

They never even kissed you fag. Or had any physical contact that was romantic. They hinted at a kiss a couple of times, but that was only when he was putting that protective amulet on her neck or at the end when he gave her the spear.

AHHHHHHJHHHHHH fuck you WB!!!! Bring back Keanu Constantine 2!!!!!!! Reeeeeeee

>not wanting romance between a man and a woman like God intended.
Yikes, are you some kind of incel?
Have sex.

Let me guess, he plays some kind if russian.

Every movie doesnt have to be some kind of fucking love story. Its refreshing to find a movie that just tells the fucking story without saccharine formulaic Hollywood focus-group-approved tropes


Attached: 5ac6428915e9f94fc64e9bce.jpg (900x588, 144K)

Have sex, incel.

Good thing no one gives a fuck what comic book nerds think

That's like casting that dude from Leon.
It's going to be some French fag charavter.

It's a bloody disgrace, it is. I haven't seen it for meself, and wouldn't bother, to be honest, but my mates who is all sorts of keen on cinema, they told me it's a right proper muck up. Keanea Reeves is about as fit to play Constantine as he is a stick of wood, I hear. Bloody DC Comics is outright diabolical, stealing the rights from the poor creators like that. There ought to be a law to ban American comic books company from this plane of existence, says I. Alan Moore is a proper genius. When it comes to film adaptations of his brilliant work, I just don't want to know.

Every good story has romance unless your a fag

I liked how this movie is against smoking and alcoholism

Try harder

I can’t believe you responded to that post.