They're not cells anymore I guess
They're not cells anymore I guess
The cells argument is a bad one anyways. A fetus is just a bunch of cells but so is 1 year old baby and so is a 20 year old man and so is a 90 year old man.
>ruining the country more because you hate roasties/worship a dead kike
Imagine being this pathetic
your child support payments
>Bitching about conservatives using conservative logic in a largely conservative Florida case
Are you retarded?
do americans really judge race based how mexican they are
I'll never understand how pro-murder people can't understand this. The argument of "well the baby is a parasite on the woman's body anyway" is disgusting as well. Or the "But it's not a human baby until it's passed through the woman." So when you take the body parts out of a woman they are only then human body parts?
Kill all Libs.
Are you implying there's a contradiction you fucking idiot?
Yea Forums - Television & Film
Men who support abortion aren't gettinf laid or married to their miserable wife
True, I hate my wife.
>AI waifus and test tube babies will finally kill off the eternal roastie problem soon
I can't wait lads
can't wait until every Trump voter is mandated a concubine
we really need an abortion center in every black neighbourhood on the planet
The problem is a lot of people enter the abortion discussion already assuming that the zygote is a human. If they do so then they must argue a case for when killing this specific group of human is okay which is really fucking hard.
For someone pro abortion, they should focus the debate on what makes a human.
Uhh, this news isn't talking about that american jap user, right?
>Make an anti-abortion thread on /pol/
>Get a handful of replies calling you a troll or a negro-lover and nothing else
>make an anti-abortion thread on /pol/
>300 replies, 250 of which are in support
What the fuck happened? Boomers? Election tourists? Larping Christcucks?
Just hypocritical statists being hypocritical statists.
Pretty much what Planned Parenthood's MO is.
Rural and suburban retards who relate to the Sneed meme.
>if the opinion of a board doesn't align with mine, there must be some kind of conspiracy going on
Go back
Why do you insist that the human genetic code is "sacred" or "taboo"? It is a chemical process and nothing more. For that matter -we- are chemical processes and nothing more. If you deny yourself a useful tool simply because it reminds you uncomfortably of your mortality, you have uselessly and pointlessly crippled yourself.
Yes. The woman has the ability to opt out but the man does not.
>cut off foot - convicted of first-degree murder of foot
It's okay to kill a human if they take a life, rape, or commit sexual assault on a minor. Pretty easy.
When people make the cells argument they aren't talking about a fetus, but before that when it quite literally is just cells dividing without any features.
>It's okay to kill a human if they take a life
I don't think you'd agree with this. There are plenty of solid moral argument you can make for killing another person. The most obvious would be in self defense. Like if someone breaks into your house with a weapon or you find yourself in a country in a state of war or if a political ideology threatens your life.
Half of /pol/ abandoned Trump and the board when it became clear he was a senile old man being taken advantage of by his Jewish son-in-law and the Israel lobby. The other half decided it doesn't matter as long as the libs are triggered and now larp as evangelical christcucks
If a zygote it human, they actually need to be counted for the census. It's pretty funny when you think about it. Also, if the child is stillborn or the mother miscarries, they'll have to author an official death certificate despite never having a birth certificate. I wonder if the computer records are actually set up to handle that.
I don't get it you retards are always saying how everyone is retarded niggers need to die etc but you want more people to come into the world cause muh morals? you guys are just pretending to care right?
If you can't see the difference between aborting a "potential" baby and forcing someone to abort their wanted baby then I don't know what to say.
A zygote is literally a human. It is a separate organism that is part of the human species. There is literally no way to argue in any biological capacity that it is not human. What you are all doing is creating some made-up philosophical justification of what a "human" is, which can of course mean whatever the fuck you want it to men, and is an entirely separate definition from the biological category. It's just an excuse to kill things you want to get rid of, and it would be better to just be honest about what you're doing rather than lie about biological facts.
this, it is not a baby until it goes to a college.
>If we considered them human it would make our paperwork difficult therefore we can kill them
First I've heard this argument.
If zygote is a human, then everyone can be human: women, niggers, gays.
Im still waiting for anyone to provide a solid objective standard as to why the unborn aren't alive and human...
all the assholes on Reddit cant
It's not possible because they are literally living human organisms.
No, no, you don't understand, it's only a bunch of cells when the WOMAN wants to murder it.
Otherwise, it's a human life.
Abortion bans would inevitably cause a general retard epidemic.
You know why you don't see Down syndrome potatoes in the streets that often any more? It's because the pregnancy screening methods in developed nations have improved significantly over the years, and the abortion rate is above 90% (nearing a 100 in Scandinavian countries).
Nah, I 100% agree with killing someone if they take a life or rape a child.
Only white people and Japs are 100% anti-death penalty, but at least Japs have the benefit of near-nonexistent violent crime rates.
not possible, doesn't mean you have to care. the wants of the living (outside of the womb) come first, also fuck off we're full.
I support abortion, I just think people should be honest about what they're actually supporting rather than hiding it behind a bunch of bullshit sophistry.
I was wondering the same thing I mean medically they must have a definition on when life begins or when it becomes something different from just another part of the mother so why are people debating it with feelings when we already have facts to work with?
Don't worry we will just kill em. There is nothing wrong with it, right?
Agreed, the wants of men also come first.
Women don't matter and should be property.
how far along was the fetus?
Right well at least you are honest... you just think some human life is fucked because fuck them.
the reddit assholes are avoiding saying something like that because that is too harsh
they would be higher, planned parenthood is doing gods work