Dog fucker is onto us

Dog fucker is onto us

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No one cared who he was until he fucked the dog

>raping dogs is okay because we kill other animals for food

Did Dick and Adam?

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I don't care what Adam Johnston fro yourmoviesucksDOTorg (yms), the dogfucker who supports bestiality, thinks as he rapes a dog.

He brainlet incarnate. Doesn't pay attention to/understand what's going on and then says it's stupid while acting smug. Absolute tard.

he's been coming here for years though
a guy that used to work for him even made a thread about adam and exposed his degeneracy

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Explain to me why its okay to eat but not rape

yeah he said it in his video as well, guess some pick up on trends very very late

reminder that even ignoring the dogfucker shit, adam is a huge pleb with the shittiest taste imaginable


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If you fucked the dog would it die?

There's literally nothing wrong with it.

>reminder that even ignoring the dogfucker shit, adam is a huge pleb with the shittiest taste imaginable
Do you think Adam promotes the dogfucking so that he's not endlessly mocked and ridiculed for his perma-15 y/o edgy boi taste in cinema?

Putting bestiality asideahahahahaha

because needless torture is morally wrong and if you can't understand that you're a psychopath

Nature does not care about morality

Raping dogs is not fine. They should really cut the dicks of dogfuckers. That or you break their legs and strap them permanently on a wheelchair.

yeah but humans do, sane ones anyway

Hurt feefees is not an argument.

If nature doesn't care, Does that mean I can put you in my basement and torture you? That would be sick.

You can try, but you won't.

adam, you need jesus

why are zoomers such disgusting deviant

your movie sucks
more like
your dog fucks

>hurting this animal is very not okay and it triggers me a lot
>hurting this other animal is totally fine

Dog and cat fags have the worst cognitive dissonance I swear, bonus retard points if they also eat meat while crying about muh doggo got hurt oh noooooo

based and redpilled

there's a difference between torturing an animal for pleasure and humanely killing an animal for a purpose
absolute brainlet

Who says the animal is not enjoying it?

True. Why just last week I stuck my sword through a kid at McDonalds and his parents were crying and screaming at me. What's the big fucking deal? I was gonna eat him later, he had a purpose. Fucking weirdos

Should be legal to rape and torture furfags instead to be honest family.

ugh, why are normies so violent?

>hurting this animal which feeds and employs millions of people is the same as me fucking a dog in the ass
neck yourself furfag

furfags rape animals to death and molest children so it's a fair deal

A very small percentage does. Us regular people don't want to hurt animals, we just want them to be happy.

The animal because you aren't a very good lover. You clearly haven't had sez before.

You obviously know nothing about animals.

Why do fags care about dogs so much? Nobody ever answers this

inb4 uhh t-they are cute and uhhhhh

nah animal rape and pedophilia is widely accepted among the furfag communities and it's already been exposed
very nasty people