Entire world watches shitty American flicks

>Entire world watches shitty American flicks
>Americans never watch European or Japanese K I N O S
It's not fair, bros

Attached: 1dxl1v.jpg (700x700, 63K)

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wojakposter holocaust soon

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>Japanese K I N O S

Maybe you guys should improve your special effects and CGI to the point that doesn't look like it was made in the early 90s first. Seriously, every high budget film I've ever seen made by Europeans or the East Asians is worse than even the most shoddy and mediocre vfx company Hollywood has to offer. Get good, you foreigners.

Tell them to make better movies.

>Maybe you guys should improve your special effects and CGI to the point that doesn't look like it was made in the early 90s first.

Blocks your way


Pssh, nothing personnel, comrade

>giant swastika on top of german tank

Attached: 1520106341684.jpg (396x385, 31K)

Make kino first

o beautiful
for spacious skies
for amber waves of grain
for purple mountain majesties
above the fruited plain
God shed your grace on thee
and crown thy good
with brotherhood
from sea to shining sea!

Attached: Screenshot_2018-09-16-20-47-23-743.jpg (381x714, 124K)

Recommend me jap kinos
I only watched Mamoru Oshii

Only chinks have market large enough to support big budget movies, other countries wouldn't be able to turn even 50 millions film into a profit, because their population is too small

I don't speak meme. Sorry pal

>japanese """"""acting""""

Attached: Acting.webm (712x400, 2.92M)

Why are girls so cruel, bros?

Americans can't into subtitles

European and Japanese kinos must be bad in burger standards then.

Because the Japanese overact everything and make ridiculous facial expressions to convey emotions. It's like watching a movie where every character is played by Jim Carrey in yellow face.

if the world stopped watching our shitty movies we'd stop making them. the worst blockbusters made by Hollyjew only make their money back because of foreign plebs.

>Entire world watches shitty American flicks
They do?

>dutch angles
>wide lenses
director should be shot

its just where most capital is accumulated. Spain produces more kinos per capita than america but nobody watches them except spaniards. Americans just mass produce shit for profit for the whole world to see. If you retards grew a good taste this wouldn't happen, yet we still have GoT and Marvel threads.