Why did they shit on Thor so much?

Why did they shit on Thor so much?

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Hes a white male and it was making their target audience uncomfortable with their lack of masculinity.

Haha can you imagine being a fat alcoholic playing video games all day?

>Ahaha Male depression is funny ! Look at him crying in front of his mom !

white male

I thought it was sweet, even tho it wasn't "real"

haha no, that would be crazy!

It's pretty funny like racism.

Even though he was fat and depressed he was still deemed "Worthy" by his hammer

Was this a body suit or real?

the scene with his mom was only good thing in this movie

I really feel as though hemsworth was like, "im not playing thor unless he's fat" and the mouse ended up having to give him the fatsuit he wanted

Too strong, had to be nerfed. Meanwhile Captain Marvel literally has no weaknesses or character flaws.

They didn't. Chris Hemsworth is naturally funny and they (Taika Waitit & Russo Bros.) wanted to utilize that with the evolution of the character-- even in cba mode. He blames himself for the destruction of half of the universe's population and all his family is dead and . You try working out and not drinking with that kind emotional baggage.

They didn't. The fact that being depressed made him no less worthy was actually a nice touch. Hell he was still bullying Star-Lord by the end of the movie even though in Infinity War everyone else bullied Star-Lord for being the fat one.

whoa... powerful...

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Fat Thor only existed for Stark's Lebowski quip.

It's obviously a body suit. N-n-nobody gets fat like that, right bros?

I know right?

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>Why did they shit on Thor so much?
They do it in the comics all the time. Jews don't like Nordic gods. Except Stan lee, apparently, who decided Thor is stronger than The Hulk and in fact, the strongest marvel hero.

>tfw you realize Stark has watched a character in a movie that looked just like Obadiah Stane

based Stan Lee

Outside of Infinity War this is the best Thor has been

You wouldn't react like that. Or did you kill half the population of the universe and know this?

Fallen heroes are a staple of this kind of story. Think of Liu Kang from the original mortal kombat series. He was once a warrior strong enough to defeat an other dimensional king, then he was degraded into a soulless zombie at the whim of an evil god.

This but ironically.

Dude thor fucked up big time. He could have beat thanos if he AIMED FOR THE HEAD. potentially trillions+ people are dead and it's all his fault. Immagine what that'd do to you.

He was clearly at a point where he could one shot Thanos whenever he felt like it at the end of IW. They kind of had to nerf him, or he would have been able to do what everyone here was complaining Captain Marvel might do.

why does he look like Sargon?

Daily reminder if you are a fat lazy shut in alcoholic that just plays video games all day then you, my friend, have cucked yourself out of life. I can’t go more than 3 hours of video games on the weekend without having to do something productive. Why? Because I know my worth as a human being is so much more than in a virtual made up world. Grow up.

Yet here you are

How come Thanos with all the stones had trouble vs. Dr. Strange, Spider-Man, Iron Man, and the GotG but Thanos with no stones could solo Thundergod Cap, Stormbreaker Thor, and Mark 3 billion Iron Man?

Body suit. Endgame and Infinity War were filmed back to back so there was no time to gain weight and I doubt Chris Hemsworth would have done it either way.

This iteration of human civilization is also a virtual made up world so whatever

Yet you shitpost on Yea Forums wew lad

Thor in this movie was literally me irl

Dude, we're living inside a fake simulated world

It's unlikely this is base reality.

Wew please tell us these amazing productive things you do.

Then I will explain why it’s basically same shit.

Any paki or prick that says it ruined his arc is a dumb cunt.

>Thor 1.. Arrogant. Confident. Courting for wars. Wants to be King. Becomes his true hero self and finds a GF.

>Avengers.. Last time he saw his betraying brother he was essentially dead into a wormhole. Struggling now he's back and wanting to take over Earth where his gf lives and promised SHIELD he's an alley to earth problems

>Thor 2.. Mum dead. Brother "dead". Just wants to go chill on earth with his GF now after giving up his rightful place to the throne.

>Avengers 2.. Hero of Earth who saves the world again. Leaves on a mission onto find a bigger threat that's coming.

>Thor 3. Dad dead. Friends dead. Brother alive. Has to "kill" sister.. Hammer dead.. Finally takes mantle of King. Not with GF anymore.

>Avengers 3.. Brother actually dead. Half of his people dead. Blames himself for having half the universe or whatever dead.

>Avengers 4.. No chance of bringing anyone back. Gets so angry just kills the thing that ruined that chance. Can't take anything back.

Of course in Avengers 5 he was going go be a mess. His whole families dead and so his half the universe and its his fault. Plus he's a viking. He just wanted to get smashed and eat at a remote seaside village.

It was great he let himself go in mind, weight and hair. I hope he stays that way for a while in GOTG3.

so fuck u and thank u for reading my Blog.

They also fucked Hulk. Apparently his arm is going to stay broken.

What bothered me at the end is when they're at the funeral. General Ross is actually stood a bit behind Hulk and friends.. Not even a small scene of awkwardness that the fact the beast that Ross has been hunting is now essentiall y Green Banner. They skipped too much shit in Endgame or deleted it coz there test audiences are 89 year old women.

That's a pregnancy belly.

t. beer belly pro

captain marvels dyke haircut was the worst part of this movie.
everytime she was on screen, jesus

This was the most moving character in the movie. Especially when he got to see his mother one last time.

wow please tell us all about your worth as a human being among hundreds of millions, a significant portion of whom are better than you

>the strongest marvel hero.
>thor or hulk stronger than reality warpers

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Have sex, incels.

>posting on Yea Forums

remember to sweep your mum's basement, Cletus

Sounds about right.

Physical strength. Not power level strength.

>unsubordinated as fuck
>causes many troubles in Asgard and destroy it
>exceeds in vices like alcohol and women
can still use Myonhir. how? why Stark can't?


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He was taken by surprise and had no armor/weapon on Titan. On Earth he had also just shot missiles at the compound, taking them by surprise/disorienting them. Art of war, nigger

Different mind state, 2014 Thanos was still in conquest mode plus he knows these people killed him and tried to reverse what he did.

No, it could have been emotional bu instead they made her a cold bitch who immediately knew he came from the future which is completely retarded. She didn't even care.

i have only 1 girl i talk to/friends with (im gay) and she is a feminist that pisses me off sometimes but i wont tell her not to show my power level.

and she's an MCU fan also. shes into body positivity and into defending fat women.
And i was shocked when she was laughing explaining fat thor and how laughable it is.
I almost took my mask off and started a cynical talk about retarded 2 sided woman logic


Thank me my depression doesn't take away my value as a god.

All women are like that, never take their word for it, always assume they have an agenda.

it's okay to make fun of fat people

>it's okay to make fun of fat men

They're outclassed severely by others in Marvel.

if only we all had magic hammers that could tell us if we're still depressed or not

Because he was so powerful in Infinity war he could solo a full powered Thanos with the gauntlet and all infinity stones so they needed to nerf him for the rematch?

Nah, the scene with his mom is probably Thor's best moment

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When he could finally admit to his mum he was from the future everyone laughed in my theater but it actually just hurt my heart. Because Chris Hemsworth really sold the "oh god I just want to be honest and tell you but can't oh shit now I can" relief, and the sadness as well.

He looks so much hotter with a beer belly. I wanna rub it.

>Nordic God
>Captain America was one of the few people in the movie to get his happy ending and was white but I'm a faggot and glossed over it
You guys will claim just about anything as an attack on you huh?
Fuck off stewbrain

Fucking jews desperately r trying to ruin the germanic gods for good. A stupid jew gf as a wife of a mighty nordic god? Yeah, why not. Make him fat and disgusting just to ridicule him? Ooooh these shekels! Have capt burger use his hammer cause thor obviously doesn t care about his fate and honor? Adolf surely will turn in his grave. Just pray for no more movies of thor because it hits new lows by fucking every new movie.

Reminder that time travel is like a fork in the road. Nothing actually changes and the other path still exists (Thanos winning). The current MCU just went backwards and took the different path.

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if they made a woman the fat joke people would be outraged

welcome to 2019.

literally laughed out loud when he made the black a queen

kill yourself you dumb nerd

>Yea, LADZ, imma just leave all responsibility behind to the BLACK KWEN and goin't crash in me homie's van

I kind of see why does this character click on you demented manchildren. Grow up for fuck's sake.

>ave capt burger use his hammer cause thor obviously doesn t care about his fate and honor?
the first movie is literally about Thor being humbled retard. He would mind Cap using the hammer because he doesn't view himself above him. The only difference between them is pretty much just lifespan.

>leave all responsibility
What responsibility? Being mayor and signing papers of a small village?

(you) earned it

Imagine if it had been Natasha gaining all that weight and there had been jokes about other characters not recognizing her, asking her how long she's been the receptionist, etc.

Leftist hypocrisy and double standards are tacit acknowledgments that men can "take it" and that women and those with the minds of women (leftists) are fragile.

>Then Thor does admit it, thanks to an unplanned encounter with his mother Frigga (Rene Russo) back on Asgard in 2013. Frigga knows she's looking at a changed version of her son, and not just because he's fat. He explains to her that he's failed at who he's supposed to be, and that's when Frigga delivered what was for me the most powerful line in the film.

>"Everyone fails at being who they're supposed to be."

>It's not immediate, but after hearing that — the lesson that all he can do is succeed at being who he is — Thor begins his climb back, with another key piece of knowledge: He's still worthy of wielding Mjolnir. He's still the God of Thunder. He's still a good person with a good heart and good intentions. He's just sick, and he needs to get better.

>Thor's journey is different from his Avenging pals Tony Stark and Steve Rogers, because they both aspire to be something more than they are. They begin their MCU stories in a place that requires them to become something more. Thor begins his story with a literally mythic reputation and destiny, and then realizes he can't possibly rise to meet that because, Asgardian or not, he's perhaps the most human Avenger. He is crushed under the weight of his own expectations, and it is only by learning to accept that he'll never meet those expectations that he can grow beyond them into something that's perhaps even better.


Did you not watch the movie? Thanos still won. The whole point was they couldn't change anything in their past. They just had to figure out a way to undo the snap which they did. They changed other realities but that has no bearing on the current timeline.

One of the girls in my friend group thought the movie sucked because Thor wasn’t hot.

They didn't undo the snap. They just went back in time to before the snap took place and then went to a timeline where the snap never happened. But it had always never happened in that timeline, so they changed nothing.

>They didn't undo the snap.
Confirmed for not watching the movie.

>They just went back in time to before the snap took place and then went to a timeline where the snap never happened.
When did this happen? Also, you're contradicting later scenes when Peter Park mentions himself getting re-snapped. You're also forgetting the interaction between Scarlett Witch and Thanos. That was GoTG Thanos in Endgame not Infinity War because he was killed by Thor in the beginning.

>But it had always never happened in that timeline, so they changed nothing.
Again. When did this happen?

If what you're saying is true, they would've killed Thanos when he was younger but Banner outright says you cannot change events in the past because they already happened.

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imagine being too retarded or adhd to follow the plot of capeshit.



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>tfw understand enough Arabic to read "Parker" in arabic

imagine debating capeshit

The scene with his mother is the exact opposite of what your implying.

Fucking kek

>grow up
>implying we havent done that already


Thor is a powerhouse superhero. Him not being king and adventuring with the GotG saving the universe is literally the right and moral thing to do.

Nigger stop saying that. Youre nothing special.

>dozens of off-topic threads are A-Ok though!
The thing is this thread is at least on-topic. Why don't you bitch about the race baiting or political hot topic threads? wait nvm gotta dilate

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Of course Thor would be more emotional than his mom. She didn't have go through years of him being dead; he went through that. It wouldn't make sense if she broke down too. And she didn't come off cold, just very understanding. It's classic elder shit, man

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She's right

based Inceldur

so much truth. All I see in the mcu audience are things that want to be cucked

I liked reading that

They didn't want Ms. Marvel to have competition for strongest avenger

Thor just wanted to have fun with the GOG friends, so he told valk to stay in nu asgard an be queen. So if anything happens it will be totally her fault. Like "Hey man, I just gave her what she wanted, im busy saving the universe you know, is not my fault if she can't handle some heat or cold or whatever"


was stan retarded?

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The real question is, why did they do my boy Hulk like that?

subverting leading men and ruining their character arcs is all the rage now

living the life

Since was this shitting on Thor? It was like a warning for white males stop being onions faggots and man up.

wish it was a jeb! guac bowl lads

How did they shit on Thor? The only person getting shat on is Quill, and for no fucking reason either.

Haha, that'd never be me...

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why is OP always a faggot?

Thats true

Lel :')

a life worth living for

games are fun, nerd


You guys are pathetic. Literally nobody is stopping you from being a masculine white man, if you were naturally masculine you would understand this. It's ao transparently a projection of your own insecurities in your manhood and lack of a proud cultural identity

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are fat alcoholics really this triggered by unter thor or are they just memeing

t. insecure tranny
fuck outta here with your psychobabble sociology pseudoscience shit

He might have the most interesting arc

This. There's literally nothing funny in his situation.

>Why did they shit on Thor so much?
That's what depression actually looks like, man. You don't cut yourself, turn your room black. You surround yourself with comforts, false positivity and refuse to leave your cocoon. I actually commend them for getting it right, and I think the film is okay at best.

This is me.

>seething at an actor putting on a fat suit
>calls others insecure

>Virtue signalling on Yea Forums
Literally kys plebbitor beta orbiter incel.

look at this goon who can't enjoy himself on a weekend without feeling guilty. yikes

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Thor really starts to bother me. I don't want him in the GotG

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ehhehe .. fuk

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All they managed to do on titan was draw one drop of blood from thanos. He even says all that work for so little.

I find it funny how everyone says it "shit" on Thor yet every guy I know fucking loved the fat boomer look.

Guy turned into fucking Reinhard/a Kul Tiran from WoW.

It was mostl CGI.

They almost got the gauntlet before Quill chimped out

That wasn't intended to be comedic until the salad line at the very end, idiots.

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obviously body suit. theres no physical evidence man has ever gotten that fat and lived.

Thanks, but I'm just gonna be a piece o shit lazy bastard tonight. I'll try to keep your words in mind though, even if you are baiting.

It kind of backfires because he's still the best character in that pos movie.

I would've genuinely gotten fat for the role

he was the only once in the cast that could survive a fat depression arc and still hold his fanbase

jokes on your
im a skinny wageslave who smokes weed and watches movies when im off

still not better but at least im not ruining my liver, skin, and organs besides maybe my lungs, perhaps.

Ok Christian Bale

Exactly this.


After he passed on being captain America to a black man lol
The Nordic Valhalla is destroyed, Captain America is BLACK, all hail Wakanda

>it's another "americans butchering scandenavian lore" episode

It's mjolnir, you autist.

dumbest reeddit shit ever, having to full create headcanons to explain the dumbfuckery of the movie
even the fucking writers vs directors have different opinions, that shows how dumb this movie was, even compared to IW

also yes, your post is literally reeddit, because thats a reddit hosted filename. I only know because of the porn, and RIP that ygwbt and other cool amatuer subredddits before they got banned for 'revenge porn' shit. fucking faggot reeddit admins. then user-ib died too. what a fucking horrible year that was.

He's literally me funny sad fat clown mommies boy who sits around all day playing vidya on pc because his life went to shit

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young high school aged boys are her weakness

the movie was about how each hero deals with grandiosity and lack of meaning. I dont see how this is inconsistent with Thor's character, he has nothing to fight for and no one to love.

you posted this footslag all over a thread in Yea Forums. Plz stop or at least up your slag game.

I think my friend is stupid. He thought the reason why Thor was depressed was because he was afraid of Thanos.

in a way yes, he's afraid of failing again.

>no stretchmarks
>perfectly tanned
>barely a pot belly, no fat on the sides
>most women would consider it a dad bod and still fuck them

wow so fat and disgusting

The world shit on Thor. The writers just showed what that looks like. And they needed to nerf him in the face of past Thanos

>the best thing that can happen to him is dying of old age even though he's like 30

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Another steel reserve casualty

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>knows reddit filenames
>went to reddit regularly enough that he misses boards there
go back

Banner essentially killed the Hulk and stole his body.

Yeah, failure. Not Thanos.

So much. Same with the Hulk.

He represents Norse paganism, our ancient white history and heritage, thor Ragnarok and everything after is literally an attack on us

an autist calling an autist an autist.

You can throw the new boogeyman of the season word around all you want, he's still right.

>he got his happy ending you fucking loosers, so what if that included him fucking off and a "passing the torch" scene to a nigger (rather than his best friend)
uh huh

Sam was his best friend in the present, he had been working with Sam longer than he had Bucky in Endgame

Don't worry, he'll die in GOTG 3 and Valkyrie will be the new Thor.

Making space for femthor

Fucking kike

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It’s called character arc.


>femthor Portman
I'm in

he didn't have all the stones till he got to earth....


Seething amerimutt fatties

>retard Yea Forums anons can't even get that one