Best african american actress at the moment

Best african american actress at the moment.

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Other urls found in this thread:

she's got too much of an alien face for me

Can we get a chocolate milkers thread going lads?

that's not Regina King

she's one more potatoe diet away from looking like a chipmunk

Made for white cock


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what does the AMWF poster think about this?

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Need to wipe dat ash of ya pussy, girl

Imagine owning dozens of these and being able to fuck them at any given time without having to put up with their bullshit

gonna go jerk off

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that fat lady who does comedic movies and look like a football player

Holy shit bros


Kiki Layne from If Beale Street Could Talk

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Meagan Goode is better looking and a better actress. Taraji is an insufferable airhead irl

fucked based. If I had a time machine i'd go back to 18th century Barbados and have a huge plantation mansion with a harem of Rhianna type mulattas that i'd fuck daily, if they complained i'd whip em

She's got a pompous nigger bitch look.

yeah but Meagan is a smoker while Taraji is not

i bet she squirts chocolate milk from those milkers

this clip has been floating around for a while. did this chick ever do anything else or is this all there is of her?

why is she a thing all of the sudden? she looks like a random, old, ugly, angry bitch.

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Blessed thread

that documentary about her was some serious cringe, you can tell her sons just want her to stop this shit

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Fuckin' a, user.

>Best african american actress at the moment.

Nope. That would be Octavia Spencer.

>better actress
Name one performance from Meagan better than Taraji in Hidden Figures or Benjamin Button.

Zoe Saldana

>Octavia Spencer

How do I get a black gf as a white boi Yea Forums?

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Le white SJW whore. Next!


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Meagan Tandy?

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This is the average /tvpol/ poster

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Why do you pretend to be white, south american scum?

but that's not Rihanna

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I'd rather discuss their acting careers

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actually I'm from /int-sp/

Halle Berry was great in john wick 3, she needs to be in more films

she's like an older but more attractive Larson

She took this photo right? She stuck her arm out and snapped it herself? And then she posted it because she was pleased with the result and wanted everyone to see it? Jesus that’s depressing.

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are there white guys that actually don't like rihanna?

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she should get a spinoff

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thats not idris elba

I'm seriously considering finding a black gf. I can't take this anymore.

good luck

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only the ones that are gay

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>so hot

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Unironically what is she actually famous for? All i know her from is the karate kid remake

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I'd have to assume most white guys first fap to a black had to have been for either rihanna or halle

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>a black gf

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My GOD. Delete this, I'm serious

>even this guy has a gf
What's your excuse?

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>that guy in the background

You a'right whiteboi

I'm alright looking.

I really enjoyed her work in the Barbershop movie.

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Dating animals doesn't count as havibg a gf. I could kiss my dog all day but that wouldn't make it my gf.

Why is their kid Mexican?

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Hey Yea do I get a smart black gf?

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We broke up a few months ago and Yea Forums has never allowed me to heal with threads like these.

Because it's not their kid

you don't, you just date them, fuck them and leave them after a few months, repeat

welcome back to the fold, you can never truly leave this place user

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>even beta get hot gfs

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acting wise, viola davis or regina king.

looks wise, kylie bunbury, tati gabrielle or gabrielle dennis.

How do I get a black bf?

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If Nicki wasn't plastic, she'd be a 9/10

Rhiri is my number 1 favorite black girl in the whole world. She's perfect.

i go to get tendies regularly and the black cashier girl would always chat me up (she's a highschool senior apparently.) a week ago she asked me out. needless to say i can never go back there again. i have to drive to the next town to get my tendies now

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Blackpilled but not blackpilled


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>she's a highschool senior apparently.
Good call. 17 year old ass is tempting but too dangerous.

Who is she???

dangerous how?

skin diamond

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FUCK niggers and negresses. Worst fucking "people" on this planet.

something something dominant/recessive genes

>even Yea Forums has a chance at love
Don't waste it

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Just because a monkey gives me a hug doesn't mean I shoud fuck it.

no sorry

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im living with my parents while i go to the local college. i can't invite her over here that would be awkward. i do own a home on the other side of my state tho

for me it's ana foxxx, kira noir, sarah banks, and teanna trump

No I don't.

Samefag,your kind is extinct

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Why do you call black people african-americans?
They never step foot in Africa
They don't speak any african language
They couldn't survive for a second there
So why don't you just call them black people?

Viola Davis would like a word...

call her a nigger and ask if you can squeeze her delicious, plump bottom.

he said black actress not blacked actress

>Loving movie was released in 2016

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>African American
Theron is far more talented.

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mine was nicki minaj. god damn i've spilled gallons of my cock shlurm to nicki's huge fat ass

Black women look like literal apes.

>Yes,I only date black women,why asking?

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>She never ran away with Reese and her kid leaving all that robot wars shit behind.


nicki is one major semen demon, I didn't get into her until like a year or two ago though

there's always that one seething wh*toid femcel in these threads

Based. Check out Leilani leeane

damn, imagine penetrating her bouncy ass while she moans cross-eyed with her tounge out

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He said African American.

surprised he's not spamming the metoo ape yet

As soon as I saw that image I imagined him grabbing it by the ankles and smashing it into the ground.

Am I a good man user?

could totally see that happening

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You're so fucking American.

Damn. Yea Forums is pretty based.

shut up and impragnate a thicc, big booty negress

I'd rather end up forever alone than be with a coon.


I wish I could fuck her with my chubby gf holding her down. That'd be kino.

Because third world pieces of shit get carried by white men

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>he still hates niggers
get with the times, semen muncher

in my eyes those two are both the same race.
fuck niggers, fuck spics, fuck italians and fuck the united states of america

Bestiality is wrong.

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the seed is strong

sure but fucking negresses is based. it'll piss of the nigs

that's what the jews want you to think


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they literally dont push for fucking negresses, they push for white women to fuck nigs

>sure but fucking negresses is based
If you're shitskin that already has a sickness sure

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>Bestiality is wrong
>Fucks a dog straight after posting
What did this wh*te girl mean by this, lads?

lmao @ being a nigger

I don't care about niggers beyond keeping them away from me, sheboons included.

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that one triggered /pol/ack itt

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good enough, user. dont waste time hating them, its like hating a cat for eating mice

>that one nigger lover who exists

he's still going

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I'm a modest man, my dick can't satisfy that
I'd just apologize and leave the room

why do niggers all do this stupid dodge backwards bullshit without even trying to block any shots?

Thoughts on Vincent Cassel

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but you post on /pol/ you slovenian nigger

>of course i would marry and have kids with a black woman

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based black women

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>black women

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I think she was good in Person of interest

nah, my boards are Yea Forums, /int/ and /gif/

As a black woman this is my ideal life.

A man of fine tastes.

Why do ape chasers lie so much?

He cute

Blacked and Goodpilled
Hope for more Darla in Shazam 2

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>Eni Aluko
At least have an Anglophone name you dumb bitch.
>t. dating an African named Stephanie

do you need glasses? Look at the dates

Tf is this corny shit? You working overtime Columbo? Nobody cares.

>Light Skin or Step Mom

>being racist

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And? You still posted and probably still do post there.

He learnt about it from /pol/

nobody cares

I think Berry disappeared for awhile because she was a huge pain in the ass to work with

She supports jussie, fuck her.

>trying to hide yourself
Why are sheboon posters such liars bros

As much as I jerk off to her videos ... she's not a good actress

>Anglophone name better than african one for black women


Oh look
Another nonwhite behind it again

Am I crazy in thinking that she's a perfectly fins actress ? I saw nothing wrong with her performance in battleship or Valerianian

This. what a total faggot.

who hurt you user?

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Eve is obviously the stepmother user he was previously married to a white lady lol

An anglophone name means you've culturally colonized them. And that's the entire point.

She's probably half black and he's super white
Like rashida jones


Embarrassing post. Neck yourself.

Why are all those people in the background wearing the same outfit ?

Why do you lie, mudslime?

Not American

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I was watching Wolf Of Wall Street the other day. Anyone notice Moriah Mills in the strip club montage? Think Leo dicked that before hooking her up with a porn producer?

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Eve is full black she’s not the mother Julie Brangstrup is

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>tfw I live in the whitest area on earth
>no black girls
I hate this place

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>My cum in the middle

Well at least you don't have to deal with niggers.

what's your problem desu?

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I hate you larpers more than anything. You make us real chocolate specialists look bad. KYS all of you.

Fuck you! I just want to marry a black woman :(

It’s funny how you sound like all the black men you hate so much

Funny and a legit benefit. There's also the fact that you only have to measure up to Tyrone. So not having 4 other side chicks and a criminal license is equivalent to having a holiday mansion and a car.

U gay?

Yes,I'm a white male and I want a black boyfriend

>Meagan Goode

When's the last time Meagan Good was relevant? Haven't seen her in like 10 years

she's never really been relevant, she was in that shazam movie recently though

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Outsiders trying to push stuff on Yea Forums

new Shazam movie

Favourite black porn girl? Currently really fucking into Lala Ivey.

Shame she isn't in more stuff.

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isnt it Anya Ivey?

Best girl incoming. Rock the boat anons.

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Wish u didn’t. I want my African name back dammit

Best RnB song. Best RnB girl.

Lol larp but sure. If true good luck mate

he's pretty based so probably.

God she is so fucking hot, I'd do anything to bring her back... uwu

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>doesn't live near blacks
>is obsessed with them
Yep, checks out. You snd every other cucked white piece of absolute shit.

Fuck. Love those fake titties on her.

Good stroke material

Two different girls. Lala's relatively new.

Cry about it, Mbungu Bongo.

Fuck, meant to reply to this:

Guess it's what I get for typing with a boner.

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>bestiality thread

How do you see yourself Yea Forums in 5 years? I see myself as pic related

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Good luck, user.

They think they're Muhammad Ali in his prime.

Makes a change from the kissless mulatto nazi threads.

Yeah that “cultural colonization” really worked out for you and me. it’s weird how whites who took us from other Africans didn’t realize that we were probably too dense to assimilate properly in America. Having a white name doesn’t matter

Her body is great but she has a serious chimp face and the body can't compensate for it.

cause maybe it’s not a proper fight. with y,know rules or anything of that sort. I mean blocking isn’t a rule but honestly why tf do you care

damn you just know how nervous this huwhite male was the first time he pulled down those panties and buried his face in it

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Thicc black wife. Qt asian maid who occasionally for a bonus cleans more than just my sheets. Latina fitness instructor who helps me work on my love muscle. In summary, wall to wall brown girls.



>white facial features
blacks cant compete

She's a pretty fucking great actress.
The difference between her real personality, gestures, and vocalization, and some of her acting roles i've seen, is fucking drastic and meticulous. She can take on different masks easily.

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Why I would like her? She is ugly.

you're not white achmed

She’s in the new Black Mirror

>of an a

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>"you mean female actor, sweaty"

She is hardly black at all, like 1/4th or even 1/8th, and he's turbo-white. She has the genes for blonde hair and blue eyes and at that point it's 50/50 if she passes it on or not.

But she’s 100% black?

>she was a huge pain in the ass to work with

crew were sporting boners

Well that aspiration is safe

do you prefer you black girls thicc or thinn?

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For the last time, these are not her kids and she’s fucking black.

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Based Luol Deng

go back

i like black girl with big milkers and a litlle chub i dont care about ass

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