What was the mosasaurus eating for the three years after the park closed...

What was the mosasaurus eating for the three years after the park closed? It would have eaten every fish in the lagoon in the first month.

Attached: makingmosasaurus_4.jpg (960x540, 99K)

me :3


dinosaurs near the shore

You would be dead and unable to post with your Yea Forums friends if that were the case, user.

>this is good content on Yea Forums these days

not to mention the mosasaurus in JP is like four times the size of the largest specimen ever found in real life.

fish that got in through small holes in the barrier

it reflects the OP's post, thats for sure.


Attached: 123832.jpg (210x295, 13K)

groupie thots

It probably starved to death.

I thought they started messing with genes in world to make the dinosaurs crazier cause the tourists were already bored with the standard dinosaurs?

Miss the good ol days were people were writing compelling essays about the cryptic themes in soviet cinema, about the revolutionary undertone in the Japanese filmmaking industry.
But that was before, before the awful marvel and star wars fags, before the disgusting trannies.
Just like s&g, this board needs a good purge

There's nothing wrong with the thread. You're just bitter because it's Sunday morning and your life is going nowhere.

How did they make the Mosa in the first place? Last time I checked mosquitoes can't breathe underwater.

burning bushes.

eat ass

it's even better - it changes size during the movie. sometimes it is bigger and sometimes smaller

I like the part where in JW the tank is land locked in the middle of the island, not even attached to the river. It was very smart of them to make sure if it escaped it couldn't get into the ocean...

But then in JW2 the pen is now on the ocean and has a door leading out into open water...

Attached: Jurassic_World_Map_Full.jpg (1399x2100, 987K)

Probably cute girls who fell into its tank.

Attached: 1555178954729.jpg (467x524, 108K)

>What was the mosasaurus eating for the three years after the park closed?
The intro of Fallen Kingdom is a few weeks after World. It escaped three years prior.


I can pretend that three years of zero maintenance on a tropical island with regular hurricanes could erode the land and create an actual lagoon by merging with the small lake and the two rivers on the eastern side.

But that doesn't explain where the seawall doors came from.

However, in reading this thread, I realized that the mosasaur scene was basically pointless besides "ha ha sub got eaten", and now think that it would have been much more interesting to show a tracking shot of the destroyed tank enclosure and a tracking shot of eroded land down to the sea to hint that the mosasaur escaped into the ocean.

>The intro of Fallen Kingdom is a few weeks after World. It escaped three years prior.
I guess I could buy this explanation. Would the wydyno have been stripped to a bare skeleton in that time by fish? Doesn't seem like the mosasaur chewed it up too much since the skeleton was mostly intact.

Dude it’s just a movie

>Would the wydyno have been stripped to a bare skeleton in that time by fish?
Do you have any idea how damaging water is to organic material? I had a buddy that helped out the coast guard and they fished out a body that was a few days old. It was literally seeping through the netting like wet crackers.

Not only that but you had a massive creature feeding on it.

It's fun to talk about dumb shit seriously

how is that not obvious

Mosquito larvae are literally born in the water. They eat tiny fish and tadpoles.

Mosasaur wasn't that big.

I wish they wouldn't hate real dinosaurs. In the game they introduced deinonychus. It was a great opportunity to introduce their first feathered dinosaur, but they turned him into a retarded monstrosity.

Bitch bitch bitch bitch

>bigger mosasauur theory