Alita: Battle Angel General Discussion

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Other urls found in this thread:

timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20190709T00&p0=136&msg=ALITA RELEASE&font=hand

>GOT petition became huge and then this petition got recomended to them
Makes sense. Lots of news articles about the GoT petition driving people to change.org, and then they see the Alita petition recommended to them. At least the Alita 2 petition has a chance of actually being effective. I don't think anyone signing the GoT petition has much hope of it coming to pass.

Panzer bride when?

Firs for wholesome comf

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Its amusing you think repeating conversations, recycling tired memes and occasional comfy posting will get you to #999. They won't. You're gonna need a lot more fresh discussion and OC then that.

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Europe screenings:

German fans are planning to get an IMAX 3D screening, maybe in Sinsheim. While we wait for that:

May 19th: 3D in Berlin UCI Luxe Mercedes Platz
Moscow, Russia: Everyday until at least May 21st
May 20th: Barcelona, Spain
May 23rd: Lepe, Spain and Barcelona, Spain
June 1st: IMAX 3D in Oslo, Norway at 14:30 or 15:00 local. Fan group have reserved 120+ tickets
June 5th: Berlin, Germany: Open air Freiluftkino Hasenheide Volkspark in Neukölln, Berlin
June 7th: Cologne, Germany: Open air Sommerkino
Westfalenpark PSD Open Air kino in Dortmund: Still collecting surveys

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OP, here - I actually agree with you. I'll lose interest in having these threads if there's no discussion, news and OC.
I was pleasantly surprised to see that the petition is gaining steam, but otherwise I'm going to see John Wick and Detective Pikachu while I wait for the BD/digital release.

I really love these posts. Somehow they make me feel /comfy/

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What do you guys even discuss in these threads at this point?

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this image is really cute i like it

>*I Got 5 On It begins to play over the Us trailer*

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Oh man you're still here Asuka. I love you even though you doompost

> 6 days ‘til beach meet

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>While the movie didn’t do well in the US Domestic Market, it was a huge success in International territories and made enough money for a sequel.
>Earliest estimates put the release date for the movie around somewhere in 2022.

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I hate to admit it, but between the end of the theatrical run, the obscene wait for the Blu-ray, endless bickering, scarce OC, terse discussion, and a gradual slowdown making the incessant shitposters harder to drown out, May has been a pretty miserable month for /alita/. I try like hell to keep the fire burning, but it feels like I'm putting in significantly more than I'm getting out at this point and it's starting to wear on me. Maybe I should just take a week, bury myself in writing, and hope I return to a thread back on the upswing.

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Let me guess: An article regurgitating old quotes from Cameron and Rodriguez? Or is there anything new here?

>general for a flop

>That's so cool!

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that's what you get for trying to force a general for some mid tier at best movie that wont get a sequel.

I understand your feeling and there's nothing wrong with stepping away. This community and these people are amazing but at the same time people's individual mental health and wellbeing is more important than this place. We'll always be around for the BD even if we drop now. Good luck with the writing HF and I hope you see you back here soon!

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>there was a time when we didn't care whether news was rumours or not we got pumped anyway if the article was positive
>now we bitch and moan about positive articles
Maybe we do need to take a break from having these threads. Our mood is getting tiring and dismal these days.

I can't believe that three months in we're still here RENT FREE

>I heard you were the heroes of Iron City!
>I am not impressed.

I can. Most of you are pathetic weebs circle jerking to some jap cartoon looking little girl.

Never underestimate the power of autism and the loneliness of internet shutins desperate for community.

>R E N T
>F R E E

>generic weeb action movie
>Yea Forums doesn't care
>generic weeb action movie with a cute autistic girl
>/alita/ general #586

have sex, incels

Frankly, much of news has become incredibly lazy. I think we’ve just been clickbaited by too many no-news stories. At least this one appears to be written by somebody who read the Cliff Notes on the manga.
It’s not all negative, of course- at least it’s not flat-out lies like some of the publications wrote.
If nothing else, Alita has taught me to be more cynical about the absolute state of movie critics, and to appreciate actual journalists with integrity when we see them.

>Normies super angry about Game of Thrones
>Disney shills can’t bring themselves to call them shut-in incels, even if it’s literally the same people raging

You're a treasure, really. I need to stop obsessing over the quality of each thread - I know we've got plenty of good times still ahead of us. A little spell of separation might be just what I need. And I'll be sure to bring a new story or two along when I return.

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Has this one been posted before? Mocap costumes are just so funny to me.

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The shot from the art book of gangsta made everyone lose their minds when we first realised his name. I think that was back in /abag/

stokes engaged
we're not really learning anything new from these sequel teasers but at least it's getting the idea out there.

hello friends!

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nothing wrong with taking a break.

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>I remember being in that thread.
>It was /alita/ #3.
>Let me tell you how we came together to create OC back then. Everyone in the thread worked together. Some had suggestions, some had criticism, some had shoop skills and everyone had great ideas. Jerome didn't bother us either. We just laughed if they tried to bring us down.
>Yep. Those were the days.
>*stares blankly while fondly thinking about how things used to be."

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>alita animated
Would you be fine with a followup animated series in this style as a conciliation for not getting another big budget movie? Jim, Rob, Rosa and their crew return as well an no Disney interference.

I can't even remember which thread I entered this general. Somewhere in the single digits but this sounds really familiar. Have I been here that long? We'll always have stuff like this to look back on.

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not that user but I'd be fine with an animated series AFTER our sequels and not a moment sooner.

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I’m hyped for motorball and space scenes. As a sci-fi freak, those space megastructures is something that deserves the “live action” (actually photoreal CGI) treatment.

>scarce OC

Big fat fucking lie. We've made some of the best OC we've ever had in May, actually.

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that recent courier-Alita was incredible. Already excited for the next one.

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Your post is complete bullshit. Sure there has been some OC recently. Most of it has been forgettable like your pic related though. Don't you dare mistake bland OC for classic Alita memes that built these threads. Modern OC is just a rehash of those memes, again your pic related is an example of this. Nothing has been created lately with the impact of the classic memes. Nothing fresh gets picked up and consistently reposted anymore. Even now the most posted Alita memes were created months ago and don't you forget it.
It was nothing but a rehash kiddo.


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>heeeey jaron, I saw what daddy did to you yesterday, I'm so glad you came to that decision to get that ol dusty neovag removed and replaced with that robust piece of pipe he laid down there for you
>speaking of laying pipe
>y..you know you have to break in all your new parts, right jaron?
>you can pee right? Good. Have you tried the.....other functions? I...I can help you if you want

>suddenly jaron(formerly jazz) starts to feel something moving around in his pants, something new....something Ido gave him
>Alita's eyes get even wider
>let me help you jaron, have you ever done this? No? Oh that's right, those sick doctors mutilated your last one
>well I always like to be the first one anyway
>alita tucked her little robot fingers into jarons ironic robot print boxers and began to tug
>Jaron shrieked
>oh Jaron, it's okay, I'm sure daddy didn't give you anything to be ashamed of
>it was true, of course. It was his greatest work, his masterpiece. It was the finest robot wiener in all of iron city

That was one fucking thing. I could post dozens more. Here's another one.

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>Nothing fresh gets picked up and consistently reposted anymore.

You're full of lies. There's great new stuff all the time.

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Some more excellent May OC

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Jerome is begging for new OC. Poor guy...

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>tfw Asuka-fag has been using reverse psychology to pump us up into posting more and making more threads all along

Never change, friend.

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>Alita: Battle Angel made her move and swiftly pulled down Jaron's (formerly jazz) underwear and shrieked
>aaaah dad what the heck did you do?!?
>Ido ran in surprised then saw what was going on, and smiled, admiring his work
>alita, I gave him two penises!
>I know, but WHY
>ohh alita, you see, Jaron (formerly jazz) is now a multifunctional wiener bot. Do you see all the metal ports all over his body? Those are wiener ports. You can do many things, for example...this!
>with the push of a button he pulled off one of the robot wieners and carefully made his selection, examining all of his options, knowing he selected each location for a very specific purpose
>aaaaah this is perfect. Click* the neck port. You see with a neck wiener, there are a lot of things you can do!
>alita stood in horror as she watched her father remove a penis from his multi penis robot creation and stick into jarons neck, looking more proud than ever. Jaron stood in silence, unsure of what he had further become. He looked as if he longed for death until....
>alita in this position, there are many options. Say you are stroking Jaron with your little robot hands but also want to suck him. Well now you do both!
>the doctor reached down and grabbed one robot wiener while kissing the neck wiener simultaneously making strange grunting noises. Jaron looked like he was about to fall over

Girls who wear chokers are my weakness

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>Ido stopped, and turned to alita. "Okay demo is over, now it's time for the real thing. We don't call you an angel for nothing"
>"uuh umm okay dad". Alita got up nervously.
>Jaron stood like a dazed idiot who finally realized what it was truly like to have a penis, and better yet, two robot wieners
>"umm I guess I'll start down here."
>alita began to kiss Jaron's (formerly jazz) pelvic wiener, cautiously, becoming familiar
>Jaron (formerly jazz) was gleeful with excitement and began to explore his own neck wiener, grabbing and tugging at his new neck appendage
>Ido spoke up "now Jaron, there is also a port on your forehead for that robot wiener. I think in time you'll figure out what that's for"
>Jaron wasn't sure but became more excited trying to figure it out
>meanwhile alita: battle angel was battling the big robot wiener with the back of her throat as she realized she had a gift.
>she stood up, kissed Jaron (formerly jazz) on the lips the moved over to his neck, working the neck wiener with her mouth
>"alrighty you too, I'll let you get to it". Ido said with a chuckle and abruptly left to the sounds of alita sucking his greatest creation's neck wiener

Huh I added that choker and some guys wanted this done a thread of so back, and only got round to doing it. Didn't even see this before I started adding this guff.

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sad to say that I dont drop by here frequently as before. I feel disheartened when the first thing I'll see is a comment from a troll poster or just people arguing. But I really do admire you veteran alita anons for always sticking around even if things are not going good. I do hope it gets better one day. Well Good night friends!

>Captain Marvel on Blu-ray in 3 weeks
>Alita hit theaters a month earlier, yet isn't even announced for Blu-ray yet
Waifu fags BTFO hard

Night, friend!

>tfw we have posters from all over the world, so we get to get comfy and say goodnight to people all the time.

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It's coming out July 23rd, Brie-waifu-fagging friend.

Good things come to those who wait user, you never heard that saying?

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More fan art and mango screenshots incoming

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this image is wholesome
too wholesome...
let me fix that

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Except sequels.

Hey there lil guy!

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Compliments to your crew

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>over 500 Alita Generals
And then, for no reason at all, Hitler was elected to power.

Rosa would also like to complement the crew, for the good time she had last night.

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are other movie fans here getting ideas from this general?

>A bitch!

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>Freg is hapy

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There's actually another post before that one that was the first time posted. archive.4plebs.org/tv/thread/110867584/#110867688 Who knew that picture I took would spawn so much OC.

>May OC

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Ido's neck looking sketch as hell.

>tfw finally watched the movie today because of these threads
>tfw i cried after the movie because i will never have a girlfriend like alita and never ever tried to ask one female out in my life
i hate this feel bros

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Can you add a side of the nose stud piercing and a few ear piercings?

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How did you watch it?

I know a few old spinsters - male or female - who have really active and fulfilling lives, even if I never knew them to be in a relationship while I’ve known them.

i watched it online the site is called movie4k
yeah but i accomplished nothing in my life so far and im just a wagecuck rotting away at home, i dont even have friends because of my social anxiety

I dont have any friends either. I dont talk to anyone.
We are alone, together

How many days has it been since the last time an Alitanon got ALADDIN'd?

I am so sorry fren, the version you watched is light years behind the mega we got so If you fancy a re-watch please use this...

But yes I very mush felt the same way as you did after finishing the movie ;__;

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0 days since last Aladdin'd

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maybe. More power to them if they genuinely want there to be a general for it.

Is this the version that has the sound out of sync? Because the one I got from those threads was badly synced and I have up on watching it.

i'm sorry friend. happy you basically enjoyed the movie though

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Where? I must've missed it

You guys are missing the point. All of these are made using existing OC made months ago..
Bland. No use whatsoever.
Boring and no meaning outside of this thread.
This one is most certainly nothing special. Courier Alita has been around for months. There have been several renditions already.

So you've added glasses and choker to an existing meme. Its nothing special and certainly not terribly original. It does show a moderate amount of ingenuity though and does have some function outside of this thread. I am sure Yea Forums could have some fun with her.

This one is a cute and fresh I'll give you that. Sadly not much use or meaning outside of this thread though.

And what's with you guys getting lazy and not cutting out fresh Alita's? Don't give me any crap about how that is the job of one fag named Cut Out Fag or whatever handle that namefag goes by. Get to work you lazy faggots. I want to see some fresh fucking cutouts and OC right fucking now.

>inb4 hur why don't you (you) lazy faggot
If you fuckers knew who you were talking to you wouldn't dare open your fucking mouths to me that way. You would be groveling at my feet begging to lick my toes. Never forget, anons without names built the foundation, the walls and the roof of the house called /alita/. Don't you ever forget that..Ever.

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Nah the audio on the one I linked is 10/10, it was synced by some user. But you would not be able to tell If I hadn't of told you.

> Those cute derpy eyes

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I'll check it then. But is it possibile that audio can get out of sync, depending on player used?

Oh no, the psychopath pothead is back to ruin the thread... lets hope the psychopath anti pot doesn't show up like yesterday. What a buzkill you two autists are

An anime adaptation of the manga from beginning to end, yes. A follow up series to the movie, no.

Just checked the adress and yeah, that's the video I downloaded and sound was out of sync. I don't know what that depends on then.

The side of the sign she’s looking at is in Spanish, by the way.

Works fine in both the default Windows player and VLC for me.

Thats a lot of effort that went into that post, user. Effort that could of gone into some "good OC".

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>I want to see some fresh fucking cutouts and OC right fucking now.
pretty bossy for somebody contributing nothing beyond autistic whining.

Huh ima re download it and see if thats a problem for me.

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>Avatar: Released 2009

>Alita: Released 2019

What did Jim mean by this?

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this movie sucked


That Alita 2 won’t be released for another 10+ years

Kek, faggot
Kill yourself

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Hey what's up everyone

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Quit your whining

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>Hey Rosa glad you could make it!

Re-downloaded it and used the default Films and TV player on Windows 10 and VLC and it worked fine again.

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I just want to give her a hug. So cute.

Alita chose the Frank Reynolds way to die and got revived due to it.

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nursing a hangover lol but comfyposting is helping and it's been pretty rainy today. Comfy levels through the roof.

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Rosa was a pretty much no-name actress and Rodriguez was starting to lose his claim to fame from his past successes. Then came Cameron and hit both of their careers into overdrive with a sledgehammer with Alita.


Bored with nothing to do
Probably going to head out with a bro to see John Wick and do reckless shit

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I don't care who the fuck you are, you can go fuck right off and never come back to this thread and never make new OC and you will not be missed. Someone will step up to the challenge and replace your OC-making efforts, but no one will want to step in for your shitty attitude.

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>Sadly not much use or meaning outside of this thread though.

Where are you expecting these to 'have meaning' and be shared outside of this thread? The United Nations? Reddit? Facebook? A fucking Discord server? You're actually suggesting we water down our memes so they're more accessible to normies? Are you fucking kidding me?

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This made me kek more that it should of...

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I guess the cliches about mentally unstable neet incels always visiting Yea Forums are true. If there ever was proof of this.

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I just realized Casper Van Dien was in this too, in a minor role. What the fuck. Did they actually read my mind and see what I would like, then make the movie based on that?

He thinks these threads need to be of high quality conversation and they must have fresh OC daily. He insulted people over it
Yesterday he threw a hissy fit because someone else pointed out that the weed business in America is run by the chinese drug cartels or something like that.
He dropped his spaghetti all over the thread trying to defend weed smoking and went on long rants about it.
This guy is actually autistic or something.

Good night, anons. Sleep well.

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even more weird is that he's almost completely CGI too lol

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No, you fucking idiot, I was one of the psychopaths from yesterday. I was the pro-not all weed is sold by cartels guy. Maybe this is the pro-all weed is sold by the cartels guy, but I don't think he is.

But you assuming people are the same person just because they both mass reply or they have similar grammar is fucking retarded.

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Night user stay comfy

This and Romo's were my favorite quick bit parts.

That's not really weird though. In both Invasion and Traitor of Mars he's entirely CGI.

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I thought it was kind of vague if Ido managed to kill Amok but I guess he did. It would've been neat to see him come back in FA. Romo is definitely underrated though. Perfect blend of fromage and cool design.

> more obvious bait faggots getting (you)s
I’m disappointed /ALITA/
Lick my nuts

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>it was kind of vague if Ido managed to kill Amok
Are you kidding? Ido describes how killing him didn't help him get over the loss of his daughter. Ido most certainly killed him.

Both of you guys are ruining these threads.
Both of you post reddit style. And you ruined yesterdays thread with your stupid bullshit. You made the thread yesterday unbearable with your retarded horseshit.

And now that orher autist is shitting the thread today as well. Both of you are aids

I meant weird as in 'I thought they slapped some prosthetics onto his bare torso but no' kind of way.

Also Johnny Rico- err, Casper Van Dien, did a paintball match with fans of Starship Troopers as a promotional gimmick. The guy seems pretty apt at dealing with dedicated fans.

Jerome is trying to divide the /alita/ fan base.
Do not let him.

Bite me.

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I know he killed him, the wording was just kind of vague as to whether or not he actually claimed the kill.

>implying AIDS is a concern in a cancerous thread

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As the guy who made this gif, I agree. I never wanted to get to #999 anyways. Numbered generals are for fags and we agreed to stop numbering at /ABAG/ #99. The autists brought this upon themselves.

Just make Alita threads and post stuff you like in them. Why is that so hard? Why do you need numbered generals? Really think.

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Hey honey

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No need. The weed already rotten your brain.

You already do that by calling people Jerome all the time.

Every movie has fans who suck. You're one of them.

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What's so bad about cancer

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>the weed already rotten your brain

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maximum floof

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>Jerome tries to instigate a fight by reverse calling others jerome
It wont work this time jerome

>my brain, oh no it HAS BEEN ROTTEN!!

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We must go FLOOFIER!

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Dude no one gives a shit if you are a degenerate. Please let it go.

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I had mild interest in the movie at first, but learning Casper was in it was actually the selling point for me seeing it in cinema.

Obviously you do otherwise you wouldn't be calling people degenerates for no reason

wow you can fit a lot of cocks in your mouth

>Are you all prepared /ALITANS/?

We must fight back the horde, we survived the minor skirmish last week. But the REAL battle begins tonight.

As I have words from the front line that the finale battle will begin tonight at 21:00 Hours. I expect all /ALITANS/ to report to their unit commander by at least 20:00 Hours.

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Reminder that people who unironically label anons "Jerome" are schizoids who hear voices in their heads.

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will there be another series that generates as many pointless threads as GoT has? Memes, discussion, whatever is fine but I truly don't get how every thought produces its own thread.

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okay, jerome

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Yeah I never really got the whole Jerome thing

>jerome tries to emasculate someone in the thread
Oh Jerome, oh Jerome

Roger Roger

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"Those who bare ill vibes against /ALITA/ shall forever be known as Jerome" -Battle Angle 2:17

I'll post some to hoard off the GOT threads, but Alita has become a bit of a burnout for me. I love the movie with all my heart, but I think I killed all my enthusiasm and long term support by being so fucking active the first two months, it actually became a detriment to my health. I've forced myself to pursue other media the past few weeks. Really, my final work and magnum opus will be the movie dub and the detailed analysis. At which point, I'll move on from the threads for good.

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That's not what schizoid means. You're thinking of schizophrenics.

Reporting for duty

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>Good to hear, units on the western flank are in position, and will stay put, until give the order advance.
>I may be forced into radio silence on this channel, just to make everyone aware.
>And remember, stay safe out there fren's.

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I'm doing my part!

Attached: doingmypart.jpg (600x336, 209K)

Attached: 23232.png (720x847, 533K)

Let Amélita heal you.

Attached: amelita.jpg (1449x816, 314K)


Attached: 1557989815629.png (378x379, 220K)

Fixed that one for you

Attached: Fixed.png (720x847, 510K)

Are you sure you'll be able to stay away!?

Unless all this Jerome shit, is still as rampant when the BR drops, then I could see leaving /ALITA/ as a bit easier...

Attached: 1554225287220.png (594x538, 361K)

Congratulations. You got me to respond. Here is your (you) and some fresh OC faggot.

Attached: this faggot again.png (1920x1080, 1.43M)

It's bittersweet but your contributions to the general will always be treasured. see you around when Fallen Angel is announced.

Attached: handholding.webm (960x402, 2.81M)

Does anyone else have a newfound love for the Chinese after this film? Because I think the chinks really pulled their weight while westcucks were fawning over some marvelshit.

Attached: china1.jpg (675x1200, 82K)

I’ll be at John Wick 3 at prime time... but I will be here for the aftermath.

Attached: 509BCC1A-B0BA-43EF-A960-6D7865872E68.jpg (1200x765, 156K)

Oh god, dont encourage him. He will keep fucking the threads.

Well all the Chinese tourists we get over here in the UK just seem so fucking dense and void of any commons sense.

So this definitely has changed my perspective on them quite a bit, in a good way!

I loved chinese aidiences when they embraced Coco and when they saved World of Warcraft's box office.

Americans are truly burgers. Fat, greasy, full of chemicals.

it's a really good movie user, enjoy it!

Attached: 1555137845525.jpg (1242x1150, 1.03M)

Nothing to do with Jerome, but when you're posting in every single thread, sometimes for more than 6 hours at a time, and being creative that whole time, it does take a toll on you. I'll get some more OC out, but I probably need to move on.

Attached: yeahsure.webm (960x458, 850K)

the Chinabros are magnitudes more insane and rabid than we are. If Fallen Angel only released in China I would honestly totally understand. They were/are hyper organized and effective. We're scattered here and have to contend with a lot of obstacles just to even keep ourgirl in the discussion. We'll do better next time though.

You asking about jennifer Connelly's breast size was very funny
I will never forget that. Made me laugh so much.

I saw John Wick but I never saw the second one. Is it worth it to see the 3rd one without seeing the 2nd one? Or should I just torrent the 2nd one before going for the 3rd?

you need to torrent it, 3 won't make any sense dude

I think I'll watch 1&2 back to back, then go see 3 in the theater.

Yeah I understand that feeling desu, but I think Ill be here to the end. Unless the breads get really bad towards the end...

Just do whatever makes you happy.

That's what Alita would want!

Attached: alitasurewhynot.png (502x488, 302K)

>that feel when Peaches is abandoning us

Attached: when the beginning of the end hits.png (679x538, 420K)

that's what i did, and i'm glad i did. better hurry up if you're going to catch 3 later today. the torrents for 1 and 2 don't have captions for the non english parts (russian and other languages), so you'd have to have the srt files that only play captions during those parts. i can drop those in a vola if you need them

same here. There's no other community I enjoy posting with as much as this one. I'll be here til the bitter end. which I hope just means we quietly fade away after our sequels.

Attached: doc's gonna be pissed.png (966x464, 518K)

>Ill be here to the end. Unless the breads get really bad towards the end...
Uh you mean like the last few weeks? Its been so horrible at times. Its like only a handful of us alitabros are even active anymore. I'm not even sure how much longer I can last. I don't want to feel like I gave up and I certainly don't want to miss the end if its about to happen. Its all become so tiring lately though.

just means another will take up the mantle. If I had the means to do the video editing he does I'd love to contribute more than some simple photo edits.


Attached: Nova_laughing.png (312x433, 122K)

I doubt Ido claimed the kill. He didn't become a Hunter Warrior til after he killed Amok. I think only Hunter Warriors can claim kills right?

the trolls are just extra aggressive this past week. Good periods go by and bad ones come. It's natural and we've probably got many more people waiting to join in once the bluray releases.

Attached: dontneedallthiscrap.webm (960x402, 2.48M)

imagine running your fingers through that floof

Attached: 1555190166257.png (885x568, 823K)

Alita would probably be disgusted by every single one of you, if you would meet her for real.

Attached: Alita vs Pervert.jpg (1761x917, 113K)

You'd need to have 8 fingers in each hand.

Yeah its interesting at the moment, but once some stupid shit starts I just ignore it and do something in the mean time. Keeping an eye on the bread to see if anything actually interesting pops up, If I haven't posted anything myself....

Just let the retards fight it out and try and interject some actual Alita convo where you can.

Good to hear fren!

Yeah, we say that, but in total honesty, it really is mostly the same 20 or 30 people posting constantly to keep the threads moving, I say that as someone who's done it. There are times when it's just me and one other user. I could go way back and show all the (You)'s I'd get in a thread because it really is just me. It is time to admit this is just an extremely niche film. There are people who don't even know this movie exists, let alone the threads. I'm amazed we have lived this long and I think it's a great accomplishment, but let's be real, we don't have a big fandom. We just have a small, loving one.

Attached: noalit.png (1280x538, 822K)

Attached: kim-moon-hee-02.jpg (1920x2561, 776K)

The fandom is bigger than just us but a lot of people can't stand reddit or discord so nobody wants to try and recruit anyone from there

>We just have a small, loving one.
it's enough for me. We don't need to be slaved to this place though. Breaks are necessary.

requiescant in pace

No, she'd love all of us, even the disgusting and ugly ones. If you have a pure heart, she will love you, for that is the nature of an angel.

Attached: anon.png (597x309, 205K)

>we don't have a big fandom. We just have a small, loving one.
That's how it is with cult movies, it's much better like this because the alternative is an invasion of normies that would turn this into cancer in less than a minute.

>last few weeks have been the lowest of low points for /ALITA/
>constant troll attacks and few posters all that really engaged
>now this
Truly we are posting in the end times.

Attached: 1551500055446.jpg (956x960, 112K)

It's funny, who would've thought a 400 million dollar film is a niche film. Fucking Marvel has ruined everything.

Attached: grrrr.png (552x514, 301K)


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The thread became more aggressive and more horrible as Game of Thrones premiered,
Think about that... it was Game of Thrones fans that came to destroy these threads

It will be nice once the BR drops, and god know's if we get news on a sequel as well. I'd be happy ending these threads and taking a break from /ALITA/ when we eventually have to stop these threads. With the thought of knowing that all you /ALITANS/ are out there in the world. And would be happy to come back and do this all again for the sequel. (if circumstances allow..)

And simply that there are other people on this earth that loved this movie as much as I did.

Attached: 1554074187459.png (408x436, 54K)

Wish I didn't leave, but I gave up my janny duties and OC duties just a week or two ago, I really fell off the threads, probably resulting in the threads having this problem. I'll stick around for a bit.

Attached: novatowers.png (1280x720, 1.54M)

Then that would be redundant


Attached: 1553717399902.jpg (773x948, 112K)

Disney has, more so. I went to see the Pokemon movie yesterday and the first trailer was for Toy Story 4. Like just let the franchise be done, jesus christ; stop reanimating these corpses and having them shuffle out like dutiful slaves. There's no interest in doing anything new. It's just endless regurgitation.

Attached: getbackokay.png (1280x538, 1.11M)

God damn, I didn't know it was legal to make cyborgs this THICC ....

Attached: IDOBONOCULARS.png (740x538, 504K)

thanks, Satan-Peaches.

>replies 211
>posters 43

Oh so the “fan base” is around ~50 incels on 4channel? Gotcha. Not sure what these threads are even for because you and I know there is no meaningful content or discussion coming out of them. But I guess if the Alita general gives you some purpose in life go for it. Just know we are all laughing at you.

Janny duties?
Peaches was a janny?

Here's a tip for fans here who are sick of that crap like me:
Just literally avoid Disney, and you're life will instantly be better. Serious, most other movies offer something unique or try, even ones that seem like products, look harder. But watch anime, read manga and comics, just disconnect yourself specifically from Disney and you will have more fun in life. It's worked for me.

Attached: giveheart.webm (500x500, 1.35M)

>Retards laughing at retards at the mental hospital

>retards pointing at retards for being retards

Oh gee....

*Your life damn it my tendency to use the incorrect grammar
Yeah, we just discussed that.

Attached: now ain't that just crazy.png (408x449, 277K)

Are you the one that trashed my organically healthy and active Alita thread that wasn't numbered and didn't include a link to any previous threads?

Because fuck you. "Gave up" my ass. They probably didn't even want you.

Attached: 1556057151303.png (700x814, 356K)

There's some thicc Alita fan art for sure

Attached: 8341u4icpno21.jpg (604x900, 91K)

>Peaches was Jerome and a janny

Attached: gasp.png (469x309, 138K)

No that wasn't me, nothing wrong with that thread.


I'm already there. There's no more Tron shit to buy and they're not making any more.

Attached: Tron.Uprising.S01E15.State.of.Mind.720p.WEB-DL.x264-mSD 1.jpg (1920x1080, 305K)

I do avoid Disney whenever I can help it. If there's a way to truncate $$$ going to the mouse's coffers I do it. I've even basically convinced my mom that Disney is essentially just a real world OMNI-CONSUMER-PRODUCTS. The Disney that was is gone forever.

Attached: 58453955_651968845244141_5177728529519023346_n.jpg (1080x1080, 109K)

So I actually do have a question about the movie and I don't remember if they explained it in the art book, but how did Zapan get to the state he's in? Why just a front of a face on an elaborate robot body? Who built it for him? What's with the aztec calender on his back?

Attached: 00000000000000.png (533x518, 334K)

>double trips confirm a jannie on the inside has been protecting these threads all along
>it was the fucking namefag known as Peaches
I am not sure how I feel about this. Too much was getting deleted far too often from these threads. It pushed a lot of Yea Forums regulars out in some of the bigger shit storms. You took it too personal Peaches. You infected these threads and shaped them inorganically. You may not have like some of those conversations but they should have been left up. Worse, you have proven Jerome right. He has been claiming a jannie was protecting these threads. They were right. Thanks a lot for turning this little section of Yea Forums into your own curated garden. I hope your health does suffer. You deserve it for the damage you have caused to these threads and Yea Forums in general.

Attached: now this comes to light.jpg (783x108, 19K)

shut up you gigantic dummy

Attached: ido-not-happy.png (591x1040, 785K)

Which of the original 9 covers was your favorite?

Attached: covers.jpg (3600x2880, 3.1M)

Go back to tumblr scumbag. May as well do it now. These threads won't last long without an inside jannie pulling the strings.


Hard to choose between 2 and 8

I don't think it's explained anywhere but my guess is:
>no-name HW with more attitude than anything else lucks out hard and finds the Damascus blade.
>basically lets him hunt on easy mode so he gets rich quickly
>invests into an aesthetic body that doesn't seem to be as functional as it should be

No, there was time when mass deletions got out of hand, but that was never me. I would just get the obvious troll and off-topic or nsfw gone. Remember I was fine with classy lewd.

Attached: lookup.webm (500x500, 946K)

#7 looks incredible.

Attached: panzerbride.jpg (2139x1528, 1M)

2 and 6 are my favorites.

>Peaches was /our/ janny
I hope our bigger trolls aren't in this thread. We will never here the end of it if they are. Thanks for not banning me and only deleting my shitposts btw.

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Attached: 35d5cd4u48z21.png (599x600, 718K)

Fuck me, I want those glasses.

The one and the same
Hail peaches

Attached: 09-SATANICTEMPLE-articleLarge.jpg (600x400, 38K)

w2c those sick shades? Also nice, very r a r e Kishiro.

Attached: hinxlinx2.png (590x587, 494K)

They must be fan made, but they real cool tho.

Attached: 1554162806257.jpg (451x460, 15K)

But question, if the blu-ray seriously doesn't come out for another goddamn two months, you guys want to start doing the dub now and I'll just transfer the files to the blu-ray cut?

Attached: hair.webm (960x458, 2.12M)

Your not the only one. I stopped coming here 2 weeks ago. I couldn't continue because i had an depressive episode and /ALITA didn't help (nothing did).
I had to do some extreme shit, now that i am back the slow decline of my favorite thread on /tv is depressing me too.
I really hope the digital and Blue Ray release of the movie brings some fresh blood and enthusiasm.

Oh fuck off with your “Jerome” shit

Five hundred threads of your lunatic ravings. The first 20 or so were tolerable and even a little funny. After that you belonged in a padded room.

I can't believe it got pushed back another damn month. Most movies now come out three months after it's theatrical release, Alita will have been a fucking half a year. Disney really wanted to kill it.

Attached: sweet.png (1280x720, 745K)

They had those at the Iron City Experience, I have a couple pics of me wearing them

Yeah we could do, would save some time in the long run...

timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20190709T00&p0=136&msg=ALITA RELEASE&font=hand

50 days and 1 hours till the Digital release..

Digital release is early July at least

Kishiro and his dorky plaid paperboy caps. Looks cute

>I really hope the digital and Blue Ray release of the movie brings some fresh blood and enthusiasm.
it will, I'd be surprised if it didn't draw in some new people. At the least, we'll have a field day with updating our huge archive of OC.

Attached: archway.png (888x494, 378K)

Attached: AL89.jpg (1024x768, 103K)


Attached: alita-battle-angel-epk-ABA_179_ZAP_0400_v0199.87447_rgb.jpg (1200x675, 127K)

>all those (you)s

Attached: 1552426868495.png (300x264, 59K)

>You touch him again, and I collect your fucking head

Hold on, user, that's one F-bomb too many

Take your meds fag

7 is my favorite for sure

Attached: h8mwjycyjxs21.jpg (1080x1635, 216K)

And my hiyaaah!

Attached: 1558209254364.png (500x522, 212K)

I don't get it

I dunno it's just weird Alita fan art

this art is unsettling lol

Attached: oh-man-he-srs.png (340x372, 134K)

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Why didn't the doll body have a cute little belly button


Lol what a weird show

meant for

I don’t think Alita qualifies as a cult movie. It has too much mass appeal to qualify as that. Its fandom might be more fanatical than that of the protected classes (MCU, Marvel, etc.), but among general public I think you’ll find that most who saw it liked it and would welcome a sequel.

yeah there's plenty of people who saw it and went on with their lives but unfortunately the ones who seem to get the most notice are the ones making 'lol eyes' jokes. I wish the the normie percentage of people who saw it would start calling for sequel news.




Attached: 60392714_2358661847530715_3557585470714019840_o.jpg (1440x895, 171K)

I've overheard people leaving the theater assuming that a sequel is coming, and looking forward to it. These people won't be clamoring for a sequel because they assume it as a given. Maybe that's part of the reason why the petition went up so fast, on the back of GoT.

That's awesome. Is it available in a higher res?

>I've overheard people leaving the theater assuming that a sequel is coming, and looking forward to it.
that's something at least. And the recent articles going up sooooortttt of alluding to sequel talks, even though none of it is really 'new' info, are at least getting the idea out there. I mean after countless 'it's a flop, it needs x-million dollars, etc' bullshit we need more articles pushing for sequels.

Attached: most-guys-would-be-intimidated.png (1280x538, 1008K)

I'll get those Tanji lines to you tonight, soldier.

Attached: Tanji Smirk.webm (500x500, 846K)

Sweet, he doesn't have many lines, so you can do his entire role.

When the original pic was posted isn't what's all that important though. That other thread is because everyone got in on turning the pic into material for OC, that gangsta cut out for example arose in that thread.

Been looking for one, I'll post it if I find one.

Not user, but how'd you want them, like do you have site that would be best to unload them, for you?

I'm going to do them all in one sitting on Vocaroo.

Record all the lines, put them in a .zip file, then upload it to mediafire, mega, or some easy to download site. I'd prefer all lines be in chronological order of the film, this can be in one long take, that can work, or if all the lines separate, at least number them in order.

Aight, sounds good!

Throw a tantrum and run your mouth if you want. Jerome was right though. An inside jannie has been protecting and curating these threads. Its complete bullshit and not the norm for Yea Forums/nel. This isn't reddit remember?

>Its complete bullshit and not the norm for Yea Forums/nel. This isn't reddit remember?
are you saying the 'norm' is endless shitposting in threads that self-contain because you're a husk of a person with nothing in their life beyond bitching about 'muh Yea Forums!!' lmao fuck off retard

Are you saying the jannies shouldn't be doing their job?

who baking that bread

I can if you want
Can i bake bread?

god i hate white people

No. Peaches is a mod and he protected these threads from trolling.

go for it bud



He quit?

bluray release soon. been waiting for this a while bros, never read the animes though. i wonder are they worth for person who doesn't anime?
this and joker are this years movies for me and maybe shazam, i like the chuck guy.

Alita is bonita

Do I have to spell it out? I did.
Watch anime in general. This sounds total fucking weeb, but lots of the stories told over there are just simply better.

But..who will protect us?

right on


Yeah the manga is great but if you don't read comics you might not get into it

New New New New New New

>the 'norm' is endless shitposting in threads
This is a correct description of what Yea Forums is all about. The rest of your post is trash. Be thankful for this (you) newfag.
No. I am saying jannies have been taking these threads personal and curating them based on their personal preference rather then the board's guidelines.
>protecting threads from trolling
and baby sitting shit flinging conversations isn't the job of the jannie's on Yea Forums you fucking tourist. Their job is to remove illegal content, off topic OP's and little else especially on a board as contrarian as Yea Forums. If you weren't a newfag tourist you would know that shitposting, trolling, yelling at each other is the norm around here. This comfy happy go lucky everybody should be nice to each other faggotry is abnormal for Yea Forums you fucking cunt.