>women and children first
Is this why Yea Forums hates the movie Titanic so much? Why is common sense so despised?
Women and children first
do the life boats not need to be rowed?
certainly men have a better survival rate than children in those circumstances
>women and children first
Titanic is an incredibly rare example of this. You need men to navigate and row the lifeboats.
I don't understand why women and children were prioritized first when men have billions of kids swimming around their testes, meanwhile women can only have kids once every year and kids are not part of the equation as that's pedophilia. Seems a little whack if you ask me
When you read up the history of the titanic, it becomes downright rage inducing. The sheer incompetence of every single crew member on the ship made the disaster so much worse. For example:
>they only had half the amount of life boats mandated by safety regulations
>when someone said "women and children first" the crew thought it was "women and children only". Men were actively not allowed on the boats, even if there was room to spare
>the ship itself was a disaster of technical design and was basically a glorified showboat not fit to handle sea travel
Not necessarily historically correct.
Murdoch's side of the ship (I believe it was starboard) saved 75% of the survivors because he was jampacking his lifeboats with men and women.
An island with 1 man and 5 women can on paper produce at least 5 children within a year. An island with 5 men and 1 woman can only ever hope for 1 child (barring twins, etc.) in that same amount of time. Simple as.
Rowed where though? They're hundreds of miles from anything
This is yesterday's ethic.
Modern women deserve no special treatment as they consider themselves equal and don't respect male prerogatives.
so Yea Forums isn't banned in NZ then
Oh it's the same exact thing today, they just like to pretend it's not for Twitter points.
Like that mutt lover Bill Burr said, as soon as a house fire breaks out you won't find a single feminist there, they all convert on the spot.
bill burr tells jokes. he's not even normal pundit level of informed
Yea Forums loves titanic you titanic newfag
>Save the weaklings and let the productive people die
T-thanks Christian morality
>women and children first is for population concerns
>do this ethic in a modern state that literally has no chance of a population crisis
Pretty sure the human race wouldn’t go extinct if they let men and women equally onto the lifeboats on the Titanic.
Titanic was set in 1912. Women and Children were seen as soft and weak.
Man I forgot all about Maddox
And men were/are seen as disposable.
No men were seen as strong and capable.
And disposable. Men have always been viewed as disposable.
I imagine your MRA lifestyle has won you some valuable friends online
I imagine this sort of passive aggressive insult makes you feel like you've made an argument.
Not an argument. It’s not an argument.
post the pasta where rose gets moist thinking about men dying
passive aggression means using passivity as aggression, like if I didn't take out the garbage when you asked me to to stick it to you. I'm actively insulting you by calling you a MRA keyboard warrior, and it seemed to land. check mate.
>I made fun of his sex life, maybe this means women will finally have sex with me!
Yikes. Project harder
Still waiting for that argument
They need to get some distance between themselves and the sinking ship because it's gonna suck them in when it goes down.
I doubt you'd know one if you read it
Still waiting.
>sorry sir we want as lowest survival rate as possible
This. It's some tribe-level shit where losing 50% of women would be a catastrophic event.
The men would go on to live lives that are productive and helpful to society
The women would just be widows living on welfare
Should always be men and boys first if you think about humanity overall
That's not how water works, retard.
>built by men
No, I hate it because poor people good, rich people bad
Yes, you're being passive by not straight up saying what you mean, but implying something negative as an ad hominem. You're acting like a woman, basically.
Fuck this stupid attitude I don't give a shit about any women and children that aren't in my family. I would literally push unknown roasties and kids overboard to save myself and family in that situation.
incorrect, I said exactly what I meant and you were butthurt by it.
Hey buddy, where’s your argument?
The idea when someone says "women and children first" is that a man would have a better chance of surviving than a woman or a child who are more frail. This automatically confirms that women are as frail and fragile as children, or that they need to survive to raise the children.
But a feminist would be like nooooo we're all equal so feminists as always ruin everything, even for other women.
I'm insulting somebody not making any sort of case, you might want to read the URL. reddit's that way.
What did you mean? That I made some valuable friends? Is that what you meant, or were you implying something different?
So you have no argument essentially. Basically I win. :)
yes I meant that while bitching on forums you've met lots of people who agree with you
Every boat has crew members in it too
Au contraire, men were seeing as more likely to survive where women and children are put on the same plane as weaklings who would easily die
So you think such people have value? That is what you said, and you were being direct, yes?
One boat literally had 12 seats full out of 65 when it left the ship
That's the fault of the men aboard for not killing the people controlling the lifeboats and taking them for themselves.
oh shit, you think I was insulting them instead of you? no I meant I think YOU are used to kvetching and getting patted on the back by your buddies. ironically men choosing to die to let women and kids live is something to be applauded not something to gnash your teeth over.
But you said that I made valuable friends. That would be a good thing wouldn't it? You said that you were being direct so I'm trying to read your words in that regard. But you seem to be implying that you were indeed making an effeminate, passive-aggressive response, and meant something other than the face value of your words? Which is it?
did you mean unironically you stupid fucker
I just assumed they put one crew member on each "women and children only" boat
stay out of this retard
I think you may need to reread the wikipedia article you're sourcing, champ
>I think you may need to reread the wikipedia article you're sourcing, champ
user, if you're going to tell me that you are being direct with your words, the only way I can read it is that you're happy that I've made valuable friends online. If that's the way you feel then I thank you for the sentiment.
Lol name-calling, really? How old are you? Do you really think that's helping you case?
ironically by pretending not to understand english you're being passive aggressive, but I'll give it to ya it is grating
>white knight melting down ITT
>insult one guy
>Nyyuuuhh where is your argument good sir!
damn my white knighthood getting btfo
>"I wanna go on a lifeboat too"
>"but women and children f-first"
>"o-oh, very well, I think we can make a little e-exception heh.."
And that's why you should lift folks. Also, even if they had a gun your chances of survival are much higher if you attacked them instead of just waiting for your turn to die by drowning/freezing to death.
This bait is weak, but you're a nigger regardless
Yeah because the crew members didn't know how sturdy the boats were, or how many could fit. The life boats were tested to hold 65 average sized men. And since women and children smaller and lighter, more than 65 people could be saved with each boat. Many more could have been saved if it weren't for crew incompetence. Hubris and bad ship design caused it to sink. The ship traveled quickly at night through ice fields because they wanted to reach New York one day earlier than intended.
Cope, not an argument
please don't post shit like this thinking you know what the fuck you're writing faggot.
Also, there were not enough life boats. Only enough to save about half. There were originally meant to be more, but ship was told to be unsinkable, so they removed many and kept the rest for show. The evacuation started too late, leading to more panic and even less people being saved.
Yup they lowered the number of life boats because it would have cluttered the decks and not look so good.
>facebook group for upcoming titanic game
>the worst autism you'll ever see
people are asking shit like "are there cobwebs in the closets?"
part 2
People like it because of shit like this
>spend a week or so with one random artist you cheated on your fiance with
>he dies because your fatass couldnt scooch over and share the door
>get rescued
>remarry a different guy
>spend multiple decades with him, raise children together
>die of old age
>greeted in heaved by that one guy you cheated on your fiance with when you were 23
the BTS of TItanic is just as incredible as the movie itself. I recommend the Titanic movie book if you dont have it already, more behind the scenes images and art of the film.
You really shouldn't be surprised, Rose spent the entire film by being something of a cunt.
it was only 3 days even worse
>april 10 titanic leaves dock
>april 11 im king of the world
>april 11 night - they meet
>april 14 they have sex
>april 14 titanic sinks jack dies