Let's talk about movies for a change, I really enjoyed this film.
Let's talk about movies for a change, I really enjoyed this film
that's not a movie, it's a flick.
Was definitely a charming little flick
If you've liked or associated with Pokemon in any capacity you'd get something out of it I reckon. Came across as very genuine.
>They're gonna turn m into a lampshade!
Jesus christ raimi
eradicate yourself, /pol/nigger.
saw it tonight, it was good but a little weird with the pacing. could have spent more time in the city too. 6.5/10.
I fell asleep after the Mr. Mime interrogation because I'm still adjusting to my new 3rd shift job. I'm mad, because it seems like I missed out on a few more fun pokemen moments. Glad you liked it, I'l probably wait for an acceptable stream to pop up. I thought the crowd I was in for Endgame was terrible, but I went to see John Wick 3 two nights ago, and I lost my fucking mind at all the people in the theater who couldn't shut the fuck up for two hours and just watch a fucking movie. American theaters are trash.
>Get me the Hell out of your mother's rape dungeon!"
Reynolds got fucking dark for a kids movie.
The giant mountain sized torterra was the peak of that movie, also not-Misty's actor is really fucking hot.
Disagree with me, it's inevitable. I liked Netflix's Death Note and I think I'll like this too. Nostalgia weeb stuff shouldn't be taken too seriously.
Why is it flopping?
where's all the Yea Forums talk about this?
migrated to /vp/ or is like shazam all over again?
Because it's meh movie.
>no one, ever
It was a pikaflop like shazam
It's not GoT
ryan reynolds is legit annoying. his voice it's like if someone was spouting out memes unironically in public
It's doing significantly worse than expected in China, but fine everywhere else. It's predicted to be the biggest video game movie of all time, and a sequel is already in the works.
Movie was pretty good, not what I expected. Marketing for this was shit, made it seem like it was for kids instead of sad aging boomers.
About 2 decades too late to cash in on the pokemon craze
Are you 6 years old?
>That ditto scene
Shit looked like something straight outta IT
Really reached that uncanny valley, but then I think it was purpose.
The movie was really fun to watch, but it was really predictable. The trailers spoiled basically every twist in the movie, except for the Ditto and Torterra parts, and the giant Torterras were kinda obvious after they saw the Torterra garden
Would you guys rape Pikachus little butthole for a billion dollars? much like Kevin Nash in the summer of 92
There were retards on Yea Forums that actually believed this movie would make over a billion.
Let that sink in.
excuse me, thats my wife you're talking about.
Based and Redpilled
I would rape anything for a billion
isn't it doing ok in China tho? Made a decent 40m on opening weekend
A few quibbles:
>showed Mewtwo in the opening act, should have kept it obscured
>should have dialed down the Ryan Reynolds quite a bit
>the part with the giant Pokemon didn't really serve any purpose except to get Pikachu wounded
>too much show, then tell qua main character backstory, should not have spelled it out like they did
>the "man-pokemon fusion" thing was too weird
>the gas balloons were ripped off from Batman
But beyond that, there's the kernel of a good movie in there. Maybe they'll do better in a sequel.
Also part of me wanted it to be R-rated, with Pokemon causing some actual bodily harm to people. But it's a children's movie in a children's franchise, so I don't fault it for that.
>The giant mountain sized torterra was the peak of that movie
that part was stupid
confirmed for incel zoomer. shit plot, shit characters, shit acting all around, awful pacing. only good parts were cgi and battles, everything else was so fucking boring. so glad I only paid $5 for this turd. i'm a huge pokemon fan and I was so disappointed by this piece of garbage.
would have been if you could see what was actually happening. went on way too long and the reveal was lame (they just lay back down)
yeah. Particularly the way pikachu got injured, when everyone should have died 20 times over.
It's doing fine in China. Its still at #1with over 60mil before the second weekend has been added
It was decent. The nigger actor was probably the weakest part. Made no sense how this nigger had a white father.
Seemed a last minute diversity slot.
he had a black mother. This was shown repeatedly
Should have been a full-on buddy-cop flick and kept mewtwo for a sequel or something.
It it was all about busting some team rocket's plan concerning the purple gas it would have been far mroe enjoable.
I liked it overall. Was fun.
Every other part was dumber though
>Ditto turning into any human you want
Imagine the possibilities.
It was pretty meh
His mum was black you retard have you never seen a mixed race person before? I swear racists are the dumbest faggots in the world, their brain is fucking melted by right-wing propaganda
Me too. It wasn’t a masterpiece but it was cute and fun.