Family always drags me to watch shitty movies

>family always drags me to watch shitty movies
>”do you want to go see Secret Life of Pets 2 when it comes out user?”
>say no that would be a ticket wasted on me but I will go see Joker with them
>my mom rolled her eyes and said “of course you would...”

What the fuck is she trying to say?

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She's saying that you need to move out and find a job/girlfriend. And she just wants you to see normie movies so you'll be able to interact with normal people.

Roll you eyes back at her and say
>Judging by your response you know I don't like faggot/kids movies.
>So why the fuck are you so dumb as to ask me if I want to go?
She'll probably say she was being nice and just offering.
So you say
>How is that being nice?
>typical women for ya.
>deluded and so full of shit that they think asking a question that they already know the answer to is being nice
Then go back to the tendies.

She’s laughing at the dichotomy you presented between 2 children’s films.

I'd rather watch Secret Life of Pets 2 than Incel Manifesto 9001

Your mom knows you're a gamer lol

Top kek

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Kill her

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Kill yourself

As usual, we gamers get no respect.

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Joker trailer got twice as many views as Star Wars 9.

She knows that instead of watching the movie with them you'll just use it as a digital babysitter while you cunnypost on Yea Forums so she'd prefer to at least hear them not making a ruckus. Simple as. Shitpost or no, we can all agree this actually does happen to some user's and not realizing the meaning behind it makes me glad most of you fucks won't breed.

brutal. flawless. epic.

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Just go see the dumb movie with your family, one day they'll all be dead and you'll wish had

this is why Marvel movies are ultimately a good thing, very few of them are horrendously bad like Secret Life of Pets and they come out often enough so they can easily be watched for normie points

It's not about the movie, it's about being with your family. I have watched thousands of crappy mainstream films with my family, eventhough we all like intellectual fedora films, just for the fun of it, and being together

I saw this on r/Yea Forums too based redditbro.

>What the fuck is she trying to say?
Boomer failed to raise you intelligently.

Boomers are victims too though. They were raised on shitty movies/tv. They were trained to fail.

FUCK YOU. I wish my parents were alive I'd go see whatever dumb movie they wanted to take me to. My dad used to take us all out to a move and then dinner as a family when he was alive. I never said no even if I wasn't particularly interested in the movie, because I loved being with my mom and dad. Spend some time with your family before they're all gone.

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