How would you fix the disasters that were seasons 3,4 & 5?

How would you fix the disasters that were seasons 3,4 & 5?

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saged & reported

I thought 3 and 4 were fine
I would fix 5 by making it something less ridiculous, like Walter lies in order to get Jesse off and then dies of cancer in prison. Or, surprise twist ending, he beats the cancer but has to live the rest of his life in prison and his family hates him. Hank still dies, that was kino.
Last scene is showing how he is miserable but had become a huge legend on the level of Charles Manson

Gee I don't know faggot, I don't really consider any of those seasons a 'disaster' how about you share some of your ideas? Oh wait, you don't wanna look like an even bigger cocksucker

He never had cancer retard. He always had the gotee.

Nothing, they were perfect
You're just forcing yourself to be a contrarian

remove the neo-nazis.

>Billions. With a B.

Change the final boss from biker gang to Madrigal + Schrader

Walt should have had to kill Hank. and not like oups i shot you mike. He should have to do it in control. Like put his hand over Hanks face so he can't see his eyes.
It's only this if we already had seasons 1 and 2 as they were but really he should have had to kill Jesse like this much earlier and ended the show about there

All of them were good.
At the end instead I was really expecting a scene where it cuts to some kids playing laser tag, one of them gets hurt or something, and a worker goes to get the manager. He walks into an office and closes a door, and the name would be "Heisenberg", but it wouldn't show the manager's face in an attempt to question whether or not Walter "disappeared".

I thought every season was good--even 5. My biggest complaint is the fact that Nazi bikers ended up being the final boss which seemed kind of lame compared to a cartel druglord.

you're supposed to be over 18 to post

Best TV of all time:
The Wire
Sopranos (1-5)
Breaking Bad 1&2

I have never managed to watch the series past the moment where Gus dies.

Get rid of the neo nazi gang and the machine gun flash forward, have the final season be a proper arc about Walt rising to the top and experiencing a ruinous downfall as a result of his own direct actions and going too far down the rabbit hole.

Change that to Sopranos 1&2.

3, 4, and 5 were fine. They probably should have stuck with Madrigal as the main villains, but even at it's "worst" the show is still great.

Time, to die


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Does it bother anyone else just how bad Gus was at speaking Spanish?

t mexican

I only noticed because I watched Narcos and then binged Breaking Bad. I don’t even know Spanish and I could hear the huge difference.

remove the plane crash (was that 2?)
season 4 ends with Gus successfully assassinating Hank
Jesse continues working for Gus in season 5, Walt is forced to leave town because Gus says he'll kill him if he sees him again
cue Ozymanfias scenes of Walt being torn apart from his family
season 5 starts after a timeskip, Walt has built up a new meth empire from North Dakota or whatever the fuck, eventually Gus realixes that Walt is encrowching on his territory and sends Mike to hunt him down
Mike is outsmarted and killed by Walt, learns from Mike that Gus is holding his family captive
goes back to NM to end things, faces off with Jesse at the end and ultimately kills Jesse but is killed by Gus