I feel myself becoming less intelligent as I listen to this shite

I feel myself becoming less intelligent as I listen to this shite

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why 95% of his guests are either jewish or black?

You don’t feel that way from visiting Yea Forums either?

It's entertainment you dink. People don't leave the circus feeling more educated.

Joe sided with Alex, & he lost me.

His podcasts are low key uninteresting and boring. He's also a low key terrible interviewer who consistently takes on the position of the young padawan who has to learn and his guest are vain enough pricks to fall for it. It's stoners and chicks disquising as dudes being interviewed basically. It's ground zero for botched Californians.

Pretentious and anemic.


What are some good podcasts, Yea Forums?

He acts as the viewers self-insert and is comfortable enough to not pretend to know-it-all, and that's a bad thing?

I started watching this recently and ive grown to be really interested in the common topics he brings up like AI and futurist shit.

Whats a better resource for this type of info? cutting edge futurist discussion

This poster thinks he's far smarter than he really is.

Chances are you were dumber, listening to the show made you smarter, but getting bored made you dumber.

>low key

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What are some good podcasts for bro stuff?
I'm mainly interested in the fighting, training, hunting, adventure stuff on rogan. I don't care for the politics, science or celebrity stuff.

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probably 80% of them are non jewish whites

This desu. He passively supports all these shitty people but is too much of a coward to openly admit it.

your not watching it on DMT


He hardly has black guests

Jocko, Goggins, Hanes, any MMA episode, Rhonda Patrick...

It is when he keeps interrupting and either derails or recaps in more 'simplified' words. I can tell you all about Joe Rogan's hobbies and habits. Don't know much about his guest though.

There's no actual point to what you're saying, you're just complaining but trying so fucking hard to seem intelligent on a tuvanese bong forum. Absolutely embarrassing.

I feel like you should be on his show. You seem like the listening type.

he only gets the famous black comedians he's still waiting for eddy murphy

stop now

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>Don't know much about his guest though

That's because you actually have to fucking watch the podcast instead of pretending you do.

I don't listen to 99% of his podcasts but isn't his entire schtick to have interesting guests to cover interesting topics? You could count the black populace capable of contributing to this on one hand

One of his guests was a black pro-gun christian conservative.

But that doesn't fit with the /pol/ narrative, so you fucks 'memory-hole' it just like any other information you're afraid to confront. But it's ok when you guys do that. Just not other people.

Alex is based

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You’re a pussy and a retard

You’re just a retard

>dude can you imagine explaining smart phones to people 100 years ago?
>I can talk to people anywhere, and it has a camera too
>fucking crazy man
actual thing he said in the only episode I listened to

So he brought on an otherwise irrelevant pro-gun christian conservative simply due to those stances being unusual for the race of the one holding those stances?
That sounds like fetishization of an ethnic group into stereotyping them espousing certain political and religious opinions. Joe Rogan is a fucking racist bigot.

so stop listening retard lmao

go back

Whats up with eddie

Just listen to Howard Stern, its about having fun with no pretense of delivering important information. Rather interesting ideas about life and whatnot are obsereved by getting guests to open up about stuff. I think its a bit odd, Howard Stern might as well not exist because this board is comprised of early twenty somethings who cant afford a subscription. You get what you pay for, why are you listening to low effort talk shows? Of course they have no quality control or standards to hold themselves to.

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i used to hate alex jones but then i looked into the facts, and now i realise that i was wrong.

Having listened to Bennington I'm kind of afraid of what Howard Stern has turned into

I still find it odd that he had Kid Cudi on. Twice I think as a matter of fact

you is a faggot

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Stop then dummy.

I liked his podcasts with Brian Cox

When will he have good guests again? He hasn't had one since Alex Jones. Also fuck him and Kanye for not coming through again

It's good content m8

You know Kanye is a temperamental control freak. He would never agree to anything unless he felt all the details were perfectly under his control. Thats also why we'll never see Nardwuar vs Kanye

Joe Rogan is a pseudo-intellectual don't waste your time.

The latest Graham Hancock episode is comfy kino.

I'm not sure Rogan even pretends to be an intellectual

And thats a goodthing!

I stopped watching after he brought that flaming faggot Adam Conover on the show

You're listening to some faggot fuck who lives behind a gate and has been hanging out with degenerate comedians for like 3 decades.
Gee no shit.

Did you actually watch that? Joe just kept poking holes in everything he said and Adam made himself look like a fool.

How in God's name can anyone listen to those 2 podcasts and not like Alex?

All the shit he talks about is retarded. Can be seen by how he shills for UBI. Just read some sci fi, it'll be about as accurate as these jokers.

Honestly, Joe doesn't really bother me. What bothers me is the legion of simpletons who listen to him and his idiot guests - and are suddenly like duuuuude DMT, duuuuude UBI, duuuude regressive left. Literally, I know several people whose entire wordview is shaped by Joe Rogan. It's pathetic.

He occasionally has on a legit guest. If you want to get smarter by listening to one of his podcasts listen to one of the several ones with Peter Schiff on it.

Graham Hancock was decent. He's at least fun to listen to.

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after schaub, rogan is unironically one of the world's most interesting men:
world famous comic
black belt in bjj
anouncer for ufc
intelligent renesaince man
knowledgable in all topics
biggest podcast in world
great pool player
famous actor
great body
ect, ect...

catholics aren't white

All of which is cancelled out by his insufferable douchebag "alpha" personality. His old videos of Jamie just following him around socializing are pain inducing. All of his "friends" only ever hang around him to get a piece of the gravy train; he's outright abusive to them sometimes.

Although cucks like Duncan Trussel bring it on themselves

>can you imagine explaining X?
>proceeds to very clearly explain it
fucking kek

>doesn't talk over his guests the entire time and only give them a one minute plug for their book.
why is that a bad thing?


You think coming here is making you more intelligent?

Not really, just an observation me and plenty others have made. He has some good episodes but he's the type of human being I desperately avoid irl

>listen to Howard Stern
stopped reading there. You probably wrote some gay pseud rant afterwards but I didn't even read it because you opened it with such a retarded line

>butthurt comedian hack detected
sorry he abused you, be funnier loser.


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>schaub meme

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I literally only know JRE.
good luck with this though

kek I'm a neckbeard loser but even I'm probably more comedically talented than Joe

why can't you admit that schaub has talent and charisma? do you think millions of people are wrong?

I've never heard of a single show in your picture, so:

Same. There was a cool old dude that owned a small record store I used to go to and he had Info Wars playing on his laptop in the back. My immediate thought was "hmm.. guess the old dude might be a bit off". Now I know I'M the retard for having believed the media's shit about Alex.

was this the guy who hosted fear factor and had one arm shorter than the other?

why does he put hot sauce and jalapenos on everything?

I only know conspiracy farm, higher side chats, those conspiracy guys and tin foil hat.

Expanded perspectives, astonishing legends, lighting the void and Richard Dolan are pretty good.

cytu DOT be/r/pol_Watches_Cops

im too busy flappin my cake horn to listen to radio

>no sleepycast
cringe boomer

His non-opinionated learners position is what allows him to attract guests from all around the political and professional spectrum.

Hé doesn’t, he does know when it comes to comedy and WEED. He defends weed like it’s some super drug

based honestposter, I take it back.
you aiight whiteboi

they've been friends for years you douche.
since back when Alex was protesting Bush, yeah that's right

He made Joe look like an intellectual giant but I agree I couldn't finish listening to that sickening fag

only thing schaub has more of is CTE, watch out if you see him, you might get secondhand CTE, bruh.

>at least 3 different conspiracy podcasts
>2 different lifting podcasts
you're pissing away your free time, mostly on whats likely useless fake news. even if you lift as a hobby, what is there to really learn at this point that you can't get from a quick google search

Rogan is cringe and redditpilled

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>Is 5'1

>Corbett report
Very based

Joe vs Nardwuar when

He hasn't had an interesting guest on since Ron White.

Then stop listening, you crayon muncher.

Wouldn't that imply that he's pretending to be an intellectual? He's pretty up-front about being a dumbass.

seems completely pointless but what do i know

Unnecessary horse dung.

>low key
>low key

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Reddit-tier riff
Waste of a good digits

It was a beta move for Joe to drop the feud AFTER Alex brought his daughter into it.

His podcast comes down to the guest his stand up is mediocre at best and he will continue to spawn more and more hacks like pic related. Rogan isn’t even a top 20 stand up and he’s got all these new guys sucking his dick to get on his podcast and learn the art of comedy from him. Dark times ahead.

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Jre is based but it's only as good as the guests he has on.
Only ones I genuinely enjoyed was Alex jones Elon munsk and James damore
Get lost

Truly a Peak Human

Could you try not to wear your baggage from being bullied in high school quite so openly? It’s unbecoming

>I thought his comedy special was bad
>dude you're a fucking hater
People are fucking morons. Not liking something doesn't make you a hater.

>He passively supports all these shitty people but is too much of a coward to openly admit it and get himself deplatformed.

joe needs to have warwick davis on the podcast

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> I’m probably better than [world famous successful talent] kek
Jesus christ...

I like him.
I like The Joe Rogan Podcast, but you need to realize one thing: Joe Rogan himself isn't a smart man, he's not intelligent by any means, but he's got good instincts, he 'seems' to be a good judge of character, and he's got an infectious lust and passion for life and all it's mysteries. His mind is like a well: he can't get enough things to fill with it regardless of whether he understand it entirely or not.
I like that his podcast is capable of bringing lots of high profile people on and getting them to talk about shit they wouldn't normally divulge in a more personal environment. Joe Rogan is great at actually asking and getting the answers to things that people don't fucking ask because they're just a low level fucking peon who has to appease their masters.

His views on AI, technology, and futurism are a little juvenile and childish though I will admit.

Hey Jamie, pull up that Leuchter report again.