Tfw no good horror movies

>tfw no good horror movies
What the fuck lads

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is "the Room" even worth playing? ive only played 1-3 and with the exception of 3 they were fantastic. i really saw a drop in quality at 3 though...

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Its pretty fucking good compared to everything that comes after. The final act drags on a bit, but the atmosphere is probably the most unnerving out of all the original Konami games

it's a very unique game compared to the first 3, not quite as good but still pretty damn great especially compared to all the trash that came after. Has some genuinely bone chilling moments, especially near the end when you find the secret in the room

>good compared to everything that comes after.
yeah but i havent played those, only 1-3. How does it compare to those?

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ah cool thanks

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Help me please help me please help me please help me please help me please help me please helo me please help me please help me please Help me please help me please help me please help me please help me please help me please helo me please help me please help me please Help me please help me please help me please help me please help me please help me please helo me please help me please help me please

What's wrong with 3? It's the most refined of the first 3 games? Plus Heather is a fucking cute.

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NO. 4 is a decent game but compared to SH 1+2 it is utter shit, nowhere near as scary, no atmosphere. Does have a decent soundtrack though.

Agreed. I think SH3 serves as a great direct sequel to the original.

It's still worth playing at least once. There's some neat stuff in there.

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video games are unironically the ultimate medium for horror. I can watch a dozen horror movies or read a hundred horror stories no problem, but a genuinely scary game? yeah now that's some good shit that sticks with you.

In 4 the most notable difference is literally the room you spend a good portion of the game in, whenever you're done exploring the game you will always come back into it to find some new shit like the .gif in OP, it's been a really long time since I played 4 but I'm pretty sure you can outright miss some of the spooky stuff that happens in the room if you're not paying attention, it's pretty neat.

That shit made me feel genuinely crept out.

Had it on the original xbox, after playing SH2. I agree if you're a fan of Silent Hill it's worth a playthrough but it's a big bag of chips compared to a proper meal. It's just not substantial.

>tfw we will never ever ever never get Silent Hills
Wtf lads, P.T. was kino

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It's a great but flawed game. 1-4 are horror classics. The rest can be ignored. The movies never happened.

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I wouldn't place it above the first 3 games but in hindsight i think 4 is genuinely underrated, definitely worth a playthrough

I think "FUCK KONAMI" to myself a few times a week easily.

on paper 4 looks great: you're a guy trapped in a cursed apartment who slowly uncovers the truth behind a string of killings, your own home turning more and more hostile as you make progress. the problem was the execution.

the gameplay sucks but imo the atmosphere/story/horror elements are the most unique and memorable of any of the silent hill series

It was too action orientated.

is this Yea Forums

There are 2 Silent Hill Movies so no.

Tell me what is the best horror movie and best horror video game

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>best horror movie
Texas Chainsaw Massacre
>best horror vidya
Silent Hill 2

Jacob's Ladder and SH2.

>the best horror movie?
Forrest Gump t b h


primal rage is awesome. check it out user kun

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>There are people who think that SH3 isn't the best in the series

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When it comes to atmosphere, SH4 is in another level. Gameplay wise it tried to do his own thing and is quite unique compared to the previous games, but is still pretty great. It has flaws but even considering that, Team Silent really did another fantastic game.

Dunno. Since MGS V I really don't have any faith in Kojima. Problems with Konami aside, a lot of the things wrong with MGS were his fault.

the last horror game i played was OUTLAST
that shit was tense

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4 was better


for a KINO lore friendly experience I recomend this channel

It's what happens when the publisher doesn't let you end your franchise the way you intended.
MGS3 was a masterpiece and all but really the series should have ended with 2, it's what Kojima wanted.

>people legit think the room is the best SH
>a game where you backtrack the same fucking levels half way through the game, except this time you have a crazy hobo blasting at you with a pistol and you have to literally hand hold a cripple

Jesus fuck this game sucked my dick, but yeah, the apartment parts were pretty cool until shit starting like growing out of the walls or whatever.

It's been over a decade my memory is a little foggy though.

I think downpour sucked a lot more than not but it did have a good atmosphere. If it wasn’t called SH it would be an ok game by itself.

inb4 some mouthbreathing faggot says the kadoinkadoink was a good horror film

The creature being a metaphor for a shit parent doesn't make the film any less boring.

Pic related and SH2

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>that bathroom stall opening up slowly after the world changes in the mall
>that wheelchair spinning as you descend the hospital basement with a trail of blood and bullet marks on the wall
>that mirror room you can't help but stare at it and later on find you can't escape it

Truly kino horror


SH3 is like a never ending stream of kino.

Every room, every corridor has something weird and unique going on.

Don't laugh but I like Dead Silence.