What was his problem?
What was his problem?
Other urls found in this thread:
It was afraid of humanity
jews probably
A completely innocent victim of a false flag attack, sacrificed to keep the militant fascist government in power. Without an enemy to fight their society would collapse
Excuse me, honey, but you can't just assume someone's gender like that.
Vaginas are gross.
did anyone get this version of the fleshlight? I heard it was a pretty decent texture and was considering ordering. thanks
>Sucks prisoner of war's brain out while their still alive
>Completely innocent victim
I bet you root for the non-humans in Small Soldiers and Avatar too
That was mirrored at the end of the movie when they showed the brain bug about to be experimented on while it was alive. Only faggots would actively root against humanity in starship troopers but you also have to be blind to not realize everything the bugs do is mirrored
Jokes aside it probably has 12 genders. Bugs are fuckin weird.
He's half a universe away from good Thai pussy
They aren't literally bugs you retarded incel
None. Reminder that welfare queenies are always retarded. There's no "bravery" at all, they're all obese rednecks too dumb to learn how to read
Post a picture of yourself with timestamp and a ruler besides your erect cock
Only good bug is a dead bug
It never met the giant dick monster that would penetrate it and stir it's insect loins
Can't negotiate with retarded hive-mind insects
Imagine belonging to a civilization that can't come up with a single pronoun for a person of any gender
Nigga, it has a fucking vagina. It's a her.
Nah the feeding tube comes out from there
Looks just like my moms pussy. Don't ask me how I know what her pussy looks like.
Its an alien species, for all you know they are incapable of sexual reproduction
It's a pseudo-penis just like a hyena
is that what your tranny uncle told you when you two were alone at the swimming pool?
bugs have the same or less sexes as us, dumbanon
What the fuck you talking about? Pseudo-penis actually exist.
he/his is actually the gender neutral word and traditionally been considered grammatically correct
they as single gender neutral is informal
>bugs can be transgendered
>12 genders
>Human laws
>any other definition of good
So the brainbug was evil even unintentionally. Reminder humans decided murder was wrong before we invented God.
Biologically illiterate retards.
There's a bug species where the females have penises, which they use as a straw to suck up sperm. There are species of frogs and fish that change sex as a part of their life cycle. There are a great deal of hermaphroditic organisms like snails and worms that are both male and female, and even more asexual organisms that are neither, and just bud. There are bacterial colonies that don't fit any of theses labels, because they just openly share genetic information.
This is all on our one single planet, god knows what else is out there.
>There are bacterial colonies that don't fit any of theses labels, because they just openly share genetic information.
fucking sluts
every goygonite pos should be strung up and shot
It was a etaphor for the Chinese
This joke was worth a chuckle the first time it was made like a year ago.
make since, if we just nuked them in the 50s like MacArthur wanted we wouldn't have to be dealing with them OR North Korea right now.
What did he mean by this?
it was afraid
This, he genuinely considered China to be a growing enemy and knew that if they weren't dealt with then we would end up having to deal with them 100 years from then.
we also should have nuked the soviet because Patton
t. Species traitor
you gotta wash that up bro
>if we just nuked them in the 50s like MacArthur wanted we wouldn't have to be dealing with them OR North Korea right now.
What makes you think USSR would not have intervened and boom you get nuked right back?
>The point of divergence is November 1950, when Chinese troops intervene in the Korean War, and do a much more thorough job of destroying various American forces between the Chosin Reservoir and Hungnam. (In OTL, the U.S. forces were defeated, but were able to successfully evacuate from Hungnam and inflict heavy casualties on the Chinese.) This prompts President Harry Truman to allow General Douglas MacArthur to use atomic weapons in Manchuria in January 1951, which prompts the Soviet to attack in Europe in retaliation. They drop atom bombs of their own in England, France, and West Germany, forcing the United States to join a hot war to defend its NATO allies. A ground war breaks out in Europe in February, 1951.
like said
We shoulda continued the war and pushed Russia's shit in like Patton wanted, obviously after Japans capitulation.
no one asked you fucking retarded incel
Russia wouldn't be able to deliver the nukes
Good movie but the director absolutely did not understand the source material. Heinlein was not a fascist at all, and neither is the book. Guy didn't even finish it
The soviets were absolutely not able to nuke London in 1950, sorry.
>On January 23, 1951, the U.S. dropped several bombs on strategic points in Manchuria.[7] Within hours, Truman appeared before the country explaining the action and his reasons for approving it. He also emphasized that Soviet territory had not been attacked.[8] Despite his assurances that the US had no quarrel with the USSR, Joseph Stalin retaliated on behalf of his ally, China, and ordered six atomic attacks against U.S. allies staged from Pechenga[9]: Aberdeen and Norwich in the United Kingdom; Nancy and Rouen in France, and; Augsburg and Bremen in West Germany
>The soviets were absolutely not able to nuke London in 1950, sorry.
I don't think this is true, at the end of WW2 soviets got their hands on american B-29s which were reverse engineered and their own version was introduced into service in 1949
they would be required to escort their bomber to the target. one bomber isn't enough, NATO were very far ahead in jet technology.
wtf no thats literally from the book ->
Yes, and the peak of alternate history is fucking Man in the High Castle, where Roosevelt getting shot somehow makes the Axis able to teleport invasion forces across the English Channel and Atlantic Ocean. Just because a retard wrote it doesn't make it real.
Are you genuinely retarded user?
>You'll never be in a conscript-level of training fascist military where you use Greek phalanx formations to combat your insectoid sworn enemies, where it requires 8-10 humans with automatic Morita firearms to kill even a single bug, where the concept of armour and /or combined arms warfare is completely forgotten, but you got coed quarters so you can oggle all the sweet tiddies you want.
>we invented God
*he said while tipping his xxxl fedora with one pasty white, sweaty, fat and meaty arm. The accumulated plunges that arm has taken into bag after bag of mcdouble hamburgers, would make the Marianas trench look as deep as a child's back pocket.
Their way of life is incompatible with humanity. Eventually, there will be a scarcity of resources in the galaxy. Whether it be thousands or millions of years down the road. Every bug life is one less human life. It's logical to exterminate them as early as possible.
If and when humanity meets aliens, we should try to kill them if they are weak enough. No matter how peace loving or friendly they may be, they need to die soon in order to free up resources for our far flung descendants to use. Maximizing human lives is moral good, ergo destroy non-human lives is moral good.
Fuck you bug, you will not take my brain juices!
Do you think Homo erectus worshiped God?
>be me, an average brain bug
>life is going just fine, I have plenty of creatures to suck brain juice out of with my appendage
>oh wow a false flag I hope this isn't related to me in any way
>tens of thousands of retarded humans descend upon my planet and start shooting anything that moves
>I'm sitting here like dude wtf but I still send out a bunch of fighter bugs just to get them to fuck off
>they don't fuck off, instead they consider this an act of war for some reason
>all my fighter bugs are dead, they even killed my wife Suzan with an anti bug grenade
>I'm hiding in my bug house
>they find me and drag me out and cut my motherfucking dick off
>they throw a big fucking net on me and I'm too traumatized by this whole experience to even fight back at this point
>Neil Patrick Harris is hugging me and touching me and telling people I'm afraid
>Everyone applauds cheers like they just saved the universe
How does Roosevelt dying affect the British and Soviet war efforts? Let alone gimping the Americans to the point they can be invaded.
>OMG without Roosevelt they can conquer the whole!
Eat shit.
obsessed incel
It fucks up enough shit so that the Nazis finish the Bomb first and nuke DC
I haven't seen the show but that's how it is in the book. Just enough goes wrong so that Los Alamos is delayed for too long
based and homopilled
nigas never saw the third movie
Kill yourself defective faggot
Fuck you bug nigger
He was afraid.
Way to presume shitlord
>actually watching the "sequels"
Holy shit
Sorry bro. Thinking about erect homos isn't my thing.
It would have been better if it sucked out her brains.
you say this as a joke but theres a bunch of people who think the movie is racist against bugs
he hated blacks so thats why he attacked where he attacked
Jews genocided it's race to keep humanity in it's chains.
Bugs had no space presence and barely any weapons that reached it's planet orbit. They couldn't launch a space rock into Earth.
And indians scalped your stupid heads, yet you genocided and now pay "sorry" bux to them.
this but unironically
theyre big alien bugs though so its cool to kill them with big machine guns
of what?
Can't they just send all retarded sjw liberals to the bugs, so they suck in stupid and die off?
That guy gave me nightmares when I was a 10 years old and watched the movie. Sure, NPH says "It's afraid", but I was afraid too.
Based and redpilled
This but also on Earth.
and specifically for black bodies
non-black bodies do not matter
Its clearly female or a xher
>wants to get rid of people
>but it has to be across the galaxy to be eaten by bugs
kino execution method
nice bait faggot
With what troops exactly?
Soviets had 4:1 superiority in Europe. 2:1 in China and Korea.
Brits did their own war games with your scenario in mind and they ended up with Soviets parked on the Atlantic coast in a month each time.
Soviet numerical superiority was much more mild at first. It's just that the civil leadership in Western nations decided to disband 50%+ of their standing armies following Germany's, and especially Japan's surrender. US + Britain could have totally fought the Soviets to a standstill otherwise. Then just wait to nuke their cities and bomb their railways - the Soviets would never be able to hold central Europe in such a situation.
>the Soviets would never be able to hold central Europe in such a situation.
Yeah not so sure about that buddy.
>its a christcuck is more fragile than a snowflake episode again
Based biology facts BTFO'ing incels yet again
Just look at the last few German offensives in World War 1. You can have a great week of maneuvering and fighting, but if you can't keep your men well supplied and if they are in constant combat, that success won't last long. Hence why early planners in the Cold War figured that the Western forces could likely hold the Rhine against the Soviets, because by the time the Soviets reached it, they would have no infrastructure for hundreds of miles east of the front, and they wouldn't be able to continue advancing.
If the Soviet airforce was on par with US & Britain, that would be another story, but the Western pilots and planes were largely superior. The Soviet airforce would be more akin to 'fleet in being', which is to say it could only be used to defend their own airspace, which would still likely not be that effective, or for kamikaze attacks on the Western navies.
They already made it to Berlin, take notes from the nazis and crush the rhine
He didnt know internal affairs was setting him up
Not exactly a succinct plan.
The German army was constantly attempting to recuperate loses and draw hasty defenses, quite a different story from the Allies. I'm fairly certain 1/3 strength German brigades propped up by armed pensioners don't fight as well as the Canadian expeditionary forces would.
To humanise the Xeno is heretical.
top kek
Threads always go there, don't they?
>we should exterminate every animal on earth because they're hogging the resources
livestock is a resource retard.
Yes, that is all true. Not for any kind of mammal though.
I concur, detective faggot
Shift those goalposts fagboy
I don't understand the reasoning behind USSR nuking London and France because of something unrelated to either of them happening on the other side of the fucking continent. Besides, didn't US withdraw Marshall aid from the UK because they were leaning a little too much to the left for the McCarthyists?
>its another "detective faggot makes a fool of himself" episode
Damn, vaginas are getting uglier and uglier.
stop talking about Tumblr and talk about the real world.
Just imagine putting your dick in that only to feel its brain sucker stab its way down your urethra.
and he was not wrong. The west has to already censor a lot of shit to appease the chinese and the west is already mimicking their censorship model. The chinese are also buying so many stuff in the west that cities like Vancouver are chinese property and also the "belts and road initiative" is the new way of colonisation
it would have gotten dumber
ferrying trucks from assembly lines in Detroit halfway across the world is already more logistically challenging than just driving from the urals to anywhere in Europe
the galaxy is infinite, and so are the resources
ugh, it's detective faggot again. worst part about this guy is, he's right
Nailed the movie's theme. The book is this but unironically
They are though. Any orifice that goes into the body is germ city. That being said I still am hetero as fuck. I est pussy 3 times a day from my pick of my harem.
You thou doth protest too much heteros are a gay joke.
I've only watched the first film and didn't really delve too much into the lore. Can someone explain to me why they didn't use tanks or orbital bombing because their army seems pretty advanced besides the fact they only deployed infantry.
wonder what it would feel like sticking your dick in that
>bug thread
>talking about kra*ts and ch*nks
whats wrong here?
human life is incompatible with humanity too though?
Reminder that operation royalty was actually on planet p, not on klendathu
That the government in Starship Troopers is fascist. Admittedly, it's a full one unrealistic utopian fascism, but it's still fascism. How retarded do you have to be to miss that? Did you even watch the movie?
t. ungrateful europoor shit
without German work ethnic this continent would be as poor as Asia maybe worse so be grateful trash
Here's my hot take: Rico is just a clone with false memories. I mean in which reality could Argentina be white? It makes no sense
Bug apologists get the rope
How are they fascist? Their uniforms? Nothing is shown about the government except that military service is a pre-requisite for voting. Non-citizens like Rico's parents are not disadvantaged in any way.
>parliamentary republic with meritocratic suffrage
More like fucked out her brains,
Also i always thought that scene of him getting his brain sucked out was hot.
Sargoy has made one good video in his life and you somehow missed it
holy fuck dude LEWD WARNING
This is a brainlet post.
No buenosaresposting yet? What happened?
>50 years old
>he fell for the "would you like to know more" trap
"Stop trying to make me become the best person I could be you fascist reeeeee"
>There's a bug species where the females have penises, which they use as a straw to suck up sperm.
Then it's not a penis ya brainlet.
the facelifts make her look worse desu
Still looks old to me
>nigas never saw the third movie
Humor me user. What happens in the 3rd movie?
Humans kept invading their territory.
In a universe where the speed of space travel must make actually empty territory very easy to find.
It's literally the point of the movie that the bugs were the good guys. They put Neil Patrick Harris in a literal nazi costume for all the true retards in the audience and some of you still don't get it.
Yeah, wherever would Europe be without G*rmany constantly ruining it
Not when you have to move those trucks through hundreds of miles of clogged and destroyed German/Polish roads while being strafed by Allied light aircraft. Without rail transport past Eastern Poland, any effective attack on Western Europe in the 40's & early 50's would have been insane. The Western armies would have to have been dealt a killing blow in the first week, because whatever punch the Soviet forces had at that point would evaporate once supplies ran out.
The Allies, however, wouldn't have as much of a problem, as their dominance in the air would largely protect any sort of long term logistical bombing campaign. Anything that the Soviets could have done short term to hamper Allied logistics would have been offset by the fact that the allies had thousand of planes already in use for air supply or that could be transferred to such duties. It's a short flight from London to Bonn, and getting things shipped to England from America was easy as all hell once the German submarine fleet was gone.
No, the book explicitly states that the bugs have space travel. "Stupid races don't build spaceships."
>the book
Post-circumcision trauma
>brainlets read a book and can't divorce what the read from the movie they have just watched
the movie is a fascist society. deal with it sargoy fans.
Vagina monster btfo!
Have sex
godzilla kept trying to fuck it in its mouth
I would fuck that thing in that pussy-mouth hole !
F. She used to be such a cutie.
Does the same logic not apply to the different sub-species of humans on earth?
>thank G*d insects validate my genital mutilation!
so why did they false flag buenos aires? did the space jews have something to gain by genociding the bugs? (who defended their homeworld with the means available to them)
Kill yourself you species traitor
To be true it looks more like a damaged anus
3rd movie shows it allowed itself to be captured. so it could use mindcontrolling powers to fuck over the humans
the sequels are not canon.
>missing the biggest example
Hyenas have girl penis-straws too
Bugs were an expansionary race, just like humans. A clash of civilizations on an interstellar level. It could not be avoided.
Fact: bugs deserve to die horrific and painful deaths because they are not human.
Do you imagine what it feels like to be him? To have your mind and memories to be slowly sucked out of you while the woman you love watches? To feel regret at giving away your weapon to the woman that will cuck you with football chad? And to know that this alien creature now knows all of this as well as everything else about you as it consumes you completely?