Dany as a teenager: "I just want a tall, muscular dominant savage man that will fuck me rough!"

>Dany as a teenager: "I just want a tall, muscular dominant savage man that will fuck me rough!"
>Dany as a young adult: "I want that tall, rugged leader of the mercenaries. He's such a manly man who knows how to fuck me right"
>Dany after she hits the wall: "H-hey there Jon. Oh yeah we are totally meant for each other! I just made some mistakes in the past chasing after the bad boys but now I'm ready to settle down with a nice honorable man like you."
Even the Single Mother of Dragons can't break that wall. Good on Jon for rejecting her, let it be a lesson to all women who want "someone taller" when she's young and think that the Jon Snows will just be waiting around for her whenever she's ready to settle down

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It is not about who she has been with, it is about who she is.

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wtf i love manlets now

Have you lost the Plot OP ?

a whore

thx bro :)

epic and redpilled thread

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Frick off.

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You forgot:
>barren as a brick

>gets deprived of sex
>can finally focus on actual problems, such as peasant overpopulation
I don't know, she's redeemed herself in my eyes.

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Single women over 25 are doomed to a life of cats and wine. I feel sorry for them.

Not quite 25, but by their late-20s dating gets harder and if she's still single when she hits 30 the outlook is bad.
But it's usually her fault, she would have had tons of options in her 20s and kept rejecting then hoping somebody better would come along

But that is the plot user

There's this saying in my country.

"Tell me who are your friends so I can figure out who you really are."

She's an emcel now. Incels can move up in this clown world but emcels can only go downwards.

That's not very Aristotelian.

No need to reach 25, user.

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Wtf is an emcel?

yeah and young men really crave the love and affection of wallflower type of women
really nothing to see in this thread, folks.

what a retarted MGTOW faggot. Jon isn't a 'bad boy', but the dude is absolutely alpha. At first when they met, she had only heard tales of how honorable he was, then she expects him to be a little beta cuck and bend the knee but he literally tells her to fuck off, treats her like crap, and even gets her to help him by mining the dragon glass while getting nothing in return, like a G. If he had bent the knee right away and been a little cuck like Jorah, she wouldn't even have been interested. He then proceeds to immediately put himself in danger to go over the wall and gives no fucks that he may die, not giving a shit about how she reacts, a man on his mission. That's what wets her pussy not 'MUH POST WALL ROASTIE' you fucking faggot

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Meme originally used to refer to Brie Larson and shitty cape characters she's playing.

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A targaryen whoooore on an open field, Ned

You guys are mad that Dany is finally smiling and moving forward till all her enemies are destroyed.

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my sister got married at 21 but her husband ended up being a momma's boy kept jew boy that had my sister working while his parents paid for another degree. They divorced and now my sister is 29 and reaching wine aunt status. She's hot and she's dating some japanese guy bc she somehow got a thing for asian men now but i'm afraid the chink will just pump and dump her. Not all women are roasties user, some get played a bad hand

>she somehow got a thing for asian men
asian guys have a reputation for being ''nice guys''.

Poor judgement on her part.

They're really gonna kill her, aren't they lads

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Nah. I'm just jappy that this show is ending soon. Means the roasties are going to migrate to a different YASQUEEN fandom, ebb and flow.

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No, she'll win and she'll live happily ever after roaming the skies, ready to destroy any peasant threat she may find.

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your sister is a roastie

Season 7 Dany became pure again

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It's rare for a woman to get played a bad hand. It can happen but usually if she's single at 30 it's because she spent her 20s rejecting guys that she could have married

My sister is 19 and she hasn't had any boyfriends yet.
She spends most of her time in her bedroom in fact.

If it's any consolation, every character functionally dies in a series finale.

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>Single Mother of Dragons
heh, based (and redpilled)

he's also 5'7" and sexually inexperienced. That's not the kind of guy most women will "settle" for until they hit the wall.

She may have lost the roastie base, but she got the Yea Forums base after she grim reminded those degenerates.

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If she had a medieval Facebook, this is the point where she'd be posting faux-inspirational pictures about "wanderlust" and "finding urself".

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>If you can't handle me when I'm burning an entire city, you don't deserve me at my best

Introduce her to me.

More like this is the point where she would start making fanfiction of her falling in love with Hitler.

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You saved millions of babies from suffering in this cruel world, how can I dislike you for it?

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>Single mother of dragons
Ok that’s honestly pretty funny

More Starbucks my Lady?

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I'm afraid she has a hard time trusting strangers.

wtf, she's not even unattractive, why's she a cat lady

Look at her eyes, she's just crazy.
Looks are irrelevant if your brain doesn't work properly.

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Forgot that time in college -- IE the slave girl where she Dany was a feminist lipstick lesbian.

but yeah, Drogo the nice dancer who was dangerous, left her a single mother of dragons

ignores her orbitor

empowered Lesbian college days

ignores her orbitor

Chad the army leader

gains another orbitor

Goes to Westeros to settle down

bangs a beta , one orbitor dies

beta no longer wants it

She goes crazy and burns the city to the ground.

Sounds like female empowerment to me

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>tfw no crazy qt

They are crazy user, it's not all that nice.

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Would you obey?

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yes mommy

Jon Snow isn't really much of an onions boy, user. Dude has fought in numerous battles and killed many people. He may not be 6' tall but he's still pretty fucking rugged.

EH is cute and canon

Someone’s been rejected one too many time so by the ladies yea?