Alita: Battle Angel
General Discussion #525
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What's ALITA stand for?
cute pic :3
Hello new bread, please be healed by Arita!
Tried and attested by Hugo. His biggest regret in the afterlife must be not being able to tap that again.
Kiss her, caress each other's tongues ... Then you start to lick her cheeks, beautiful and neat nose. Hear her breathing ... go to the neck, then lower and lower ...
Okay, here's the up-to-date total and complete archive of every hyperlink to each respective /ABAG/+/ALITA/ thread.
That's what I'm talking about. Nice.
hello nu bred plea be heal by abita
I dadpost as much as the next 25+ user here, but the URM didn't design a flat berserker platform. probs just the beer talking tho
thanks for your hard work Archive-user.
Great work, friend.
>not taking the time to lick her teeth
This is definitely spittu poster.
best answer
This movie was absolutely terrible
>mfw all the bickering hasn't budged me from looking forward to the meet-up and i know the trolling is just the usual Yea Forums troublemaking meant to demoralize and D&C
Can the pot psychopaths not shit this thread please? Thanks.
Here’s some cool fanart
> 7 days ‘til beach meet
That's the spirit. You guys are gonna have a blast as always.
I'm right there with you friend. I just got in contact with the CO bros and I just got transportation down to LA figured out; my enthusiasm is through the roof. Even when Jerome dominates the thread his hate will never defeat us.
howdy friend
Why are 525 threads needed for a less than mediocre movie?
>no alcohol
>no weed
>no campfire
>the food will be tainted
>illegal activities are planned
>threats of police harassment
>veiled threats of a shooting
>attendees planning to bring guns for protection
Um sorry. This is one meetup I won't be attending.
Terminator only for
saved & healed
C+ for using an Alita related image, false flagger.
>not recognising the posting style
>being this new to the alita generals
C- for not knowing /ABAG/ history, newfag
New comfy Alita/Gorillaz mashup OC
user, this is so great! Thank you
>"General Discussion #525"
>Movie was came out almost 4 months ago
>movie was
Should I read the manga or watch the movie?
Manga/anime purist you think that the anime is any good for someone who's never watched a single anime in their life?
I think Noodle and Alita would get along
movie first, manga second. there's no reason to dislilke one over the other.
You'll want to read the manga either way.
*farts loudly*
>tfw had to pause bc was getting sad and lonely
>still like 45 minutes in
Is there a medicine that lets you finish a fucking movie
Don't know what to tell you on that one. The sad and lonely phase isn't supposed to start until a while after you finish the movie.
That cap always hits me right in the feels.
>look on the bright side
N-no I don't want to read this, not yet anyway
So the bad black guy's from House of Cards (never finished it), I knew he looked familiar..
The street punk that I knew was suspicious just finished delivering the arms to him, so sad.
>the URM
Oh what the fuck, this is some Gundam shit (never finished it either)
Gonna watch for like 30 minutes with teddy hopefully, then heat up dinner, then watch some more
Weed helps.
Just FYI I am bringing three escorts to the beach meet.
I don't like the smell and it usually made me sick. I'll stick to regular cigarettes. It's safe, it's fun, and best of all - it's free!
Free me from this mortal coil
I'm bringing a taurus
>cigarettes are free
Do you steal them from your parents or something?
lmao this is pathetic
Is it ok If I work deal with one of them for about 15 minutes during the meetup? How old will they be by the way? I prefer MILF desu.
No, I was just doing a funny. It's none of those things please don't smoke.
I know papa used to smoke when I was a kid, I think mommy started because of me though. The smell can be sorta nostalgic bc he smelled of them a lot. Oh well
>cigarettes are safe fun and free
>open /alita/ thread to see why the fuck there needs to be over 500 of the threads
>scroll through the thread
>nothing but waifu bullshit, /soc/ discussion and talk of drugs and hookers
Yah its time for these /alita/ threads to be auto pruned from Yea Forums and sent straight to the
okay but watch the movie tho and thanks for the bump
Could I get this in smol 1K version to add to my collection?
Coming right up!
I know this is bait but I have two close friends who are escorts and did the whole party scene before /ALITA/ so I wouldn’t mind as long as they’re cool
How's everyone doing tonight? Watching the camrip? Cooking up some fresh OC? Making a ritual sacrifice for the Blu-ray announcement?
>I have two close friends who are escorts
Holy shit, Kyoani are more godtier than ever
Not too bad, probably watching the camrip tonight
Falsely accusing posters of samefagging is a bannable offence user.
>It got pushed back another month
They're not!
Th-this sounds terrifying
YEAH I'm about halfway through the camrip, she almost died but then got her new body. I guess it's bc it's an old work, some stuff has been predictable but nonetheless surprising and charming in its own way. Drip-feeding you the mythos through Alita's POV is p interesting - her impatience becomes your impatience.
I also mentioned the eyes put me off but knowing that she's a cyborg mitigated the uncanny feeling.
>that part when she's teasing and annoying people at the bar
Unf I want Alita to tease me 5ever
Have there been any statistics of the Alita theater audience racial demographics posted anywhere online?
he he i like this image a lot!
Keean Johnson is extremely handsome.
bro's how will we ever recover from this?
>implying theaters record any such information.
Now that I think of it, how do they do shit like "such and such theater goers who saw this were male/female"? How do they collect and record this information? I worked at a movie theater, we never did any shit like that. Are they random sampling from registered and profiled Fandango users or some shit?
Autists Legion I Think Alita (is good)
Just give it up. With Disney forcing Fox to only release 3 movies a year from now on, and us just limping to get our hands on the fucking blu-ray, the chances of a sequel happening in the next 5 years is honestly next to nothing. I say that as an /ABAG/ vet.
Animal Crossing, friend. KK Slider's doing a live show at Club LOL. Too bad it's not the Kansas.
Fucking Jerome is at it again with harassing the meetup
How long was it between BR and BR2049? 36 years or some shit?
hails, hugo-user.
I think the only way to do that is just to poll people as they leave the theater
stop shilling your thread here jerome, it was deleted before now he is at it again yikes
Yeah, almost 40 years after the original. And I say this as realistically as possible, Disney gutted Fox, FAR MORE than I imagined they would. They fired almost everyone and they're controlling what comes out of that studio. Only three movies a year after 2021, one slot of that is for Avatar. Alita, unless Cameron bribes them or something, the chances of the studios aligning to get it made quickly, are slim. I hope Cameron formulates a miracle, because otherwise, expect to see news about the Iron City sets being taken down.
Alita wasn't made by Fox so owning Fox doesn't give Disney any control over the series
I'll never watch this movie because you guys always shit up Yea Forums with these threads :-)
But then it becomes a conflict of ownership and distribution, since Fox distributed the first one. If he Cameron switches studios, he has to get the okay to use the same continuity. It's possible he could switch studios, it's a matter of if he would. The problem is this complicates things considerably. It's reached Fury Road and Tron 2 levels of indefinite hold.
>it's a sports episode
I'm almost done it now, so far it's really great user, do give the film a chance, independent of whatever community surrounds it
Great user that's super mature of you
You probably wouldn't get it anyways
when will bluray rips come out?
Have you guys read Last Order? Did you guys like it?
Cameron and Lightstorm own the rights to Alita, just like with Avatar. He hasn't made Avatar 2 yet because he's under no pressure to do so, whether or not Alita gets made is up to him.
> All these Jeromes
Looks like Alita is finna gaining more and more popularity on Yea Forums
Eat my ass
I've ascended to a different level. An Alita sequel would be cool, but the real tragedy of this is what they fucking did to Fox. They ruined that studio in one clean sweep. All those classic films Fox did, don't expect anything similar in the future, that shit's done.
I like it but I had to kind of separate it from the original series in my head in order to enjoy it more
Disney bought Fox so that they could put out those kind of movies without having to put the Disney name on them
>one thread 'shits' up tv
lmao ok bud
Imma need that bluray now nigga!
Reminder of the 70+ GoT threads last week
>tell alita she's cute when she's angry
>or tell her she's overreacting to something
>or express doubt when she says she's okay when she's clearly upset
>she punches a huge hole in something nearby
Its not one thread that is the issue in and of itself. Its the alita topic on the board non stop. It brings in the lowest common denominator posters. All of you alitfags are off site trash that arrived when the movie was in the theatres. The movie release is over. You fags have overstayed your wlecome. Your presence is shitting up the board. Its time for you to leave and take this /alita/ faggot shit with you.
Science has gone too far
trust me, I took a screenshot of last week. Yea Forums is full of shit. /alita/ bothers nobody but shitheads try to start shit despite jannies knowing we're the best general here.
>70 threads popular with a majority of Yea Forums posters is bad
>our alita thread we spam post in to keep on the board is good
Get off our board you fucking tourist scum.
>we're the best general here
>our shit doesn't stink but everyone else's does
typical liberal tranny mentality
Thread OST
>shitty reddit tier meme
Wow. I've never been so btfo.
you're welcome to start your own general, friend. try to break #50 threads lol
We are the cream of crop and jeromes and other jabronies can't handle that truth.
We did it guys. The thread has been deleted.
What's there to even discuss?
Weebs need to fuck off back to their home boards
>525 is 1
you're not wrong and the LA meetup will only prove it.
That's the problem with you alitascum. General threads aren't wanted around here. /alita/ is wanted around here. You aren't wanted around here. Wipe that stupid smirk off your face and look around you. This isn't reddit. Its not supposed to be reddit. Stop trying to make it reddit. Fuck off back to where you came from you fucking reddit tourist.
Keep it up we could use a few more bumps
This is our home board
Sure would be a bummer if the meetup got btfo and people ended up spending the night in jail. That probably won't happen. I'm sure it will be a great night of fun instead.
>tourists now claim Yea Forums is their board
Allowing these threads was a mistake on the one hand. When they finally get nuked your ass pain will be delicious though.
It's 1 at a time, it's not like we have 10 Alita threads going at once. Filter them out.
>thread about a movie on the board for television and film
>not the right board
can you make her skin a bit tanned user? that would certainly look good with the curly hair
he can't because he loves them, he just can't admit it to himself
everyone loves them
Having so much fun that it makes people jealous and we get thrown in jail for a night is still better than being too lame to have a decent meetup
>General threads aren't wanted around here.
sure they are, you liar. Just be genuine.
4/4 meetups went fine so stop being a naysayer.
i heard that there's a pedophile protecting these threads
>threads filled with waifufagging, /soc/ discussion, random conversations and spam belong on Yea Forums
General threads are unwanted cancer and so are you.
There is. You just wait. They will be around soon and delete everything that displeases them in this thread.
If that were true then all the loli porn wouldn't get removed
well if that's true he's doing one thing right
You really don't know shit about Yea Forums, its guidelines and how far out of them these shitty threads are do you tourist?
why yes... I've watched Alita in theatres 5 times and can safely say that it is one of the best movies over the past decade
go complain to any other general then if we're so toxic you whiny babby lol
Why do alitafags post and act like newfags?
>generals are cancer and so are you
Well you're on the right track there
can you guys stop giving jerome his (you)s?
>poster count hasn't budged in half an hour
Jerome's really going all out tonight, isn't he? Must be a pretty miserable way to spend a Saturday evening.
Thanks for the bumps anyway, champ.
>whines incessantly when it is pointed out what /alita/ has become no longer belongs on Yea Forums while falsely accuses others of whining
Beware the alitafag who will cry out in pain as they strike you.
i hope so. nothing better than solid proof for the pizzagate autists from 8/tv/ and /pol/ to get them riled up
the janitor or mod from what i've read is into the boy side of things
ok no (you)'s
just putting a curse on him
>the janitor or mod is into the boy side of things
That is really fucking gross.
hey bro, I've watched it 17 times and I'm going to the 5th LA meetup. Glad to see a regular /alita/ bro posting here.
>poster count hasn't budged in half an hour because we troll our own thread to increase post count while blaming Jerome
We know you faggots are doing this. Your precious Peaches was caught doing it, a bunch of namefags rushed to their defence and many have since admitted to doing it too.
it is and he will suffer for it
What illegal activies?
Fun apparently
>tfw we'll never get a cute fighting game with Alita/the HWs and Motorball stars.
>sportsball turns into murderball
Oh wow and it's double suspense bc of Victor Hugo too, I'm glad he's alright
>dies again
>Nova talking through dying Victor was p sinister though, really introduces the character despite Nova's actual face showing up 3 times total
>Hugo's still dead
Fuck you /ALITA/ for making me watch this movie
>ends as a "first movie" kind of deal
A-are they making more? Thank you /ALITA/ for making me watch this
Ohhh that's where this guy is from huh.
What why
Fuck this guy
I'm assuming he's a semi-recurring character if he's been left alive, maybe
What should I read/go for next? Iirc there's a few Novas but that's all I know. He looks really scary, i want more Alita content
>some arguments/kerfuffles and mentions of a jerome and a janitor
Idk what the drama is but I hope you guys are doing ok and comfy and being nice :c this seemed like a nice place
That would be sick, I don't know if Jim has rights to video games or not
she is silly
>over 175 posts
>barely 40 ips
Its funny cuz this has been posted a couple of days before and everyone hated it lol.
Who, Alita or Rosa
Received my Alita art-book earlier than expected, but I'm not happy.
The book has small indentation on the cover, unacceptable on a collectible item.
Sending it back to amazon for an exchange..
People are planning to smoke weed, drink alcohol, bring guns and have a campfire without of an approved device all of which is illegal.
This user is talking about bringing hookers too which is illegal in California too.
Autism, but you can probably find one in a chain bookstore in Leafland. Then you can see the book's condition before you buy it
>"best CGI of the decade"
>looks like a PS1 game
who are you kidding
I can live without it but as badass as Alita would be in something like MK; I don't want to see her ignominiously dismembered.
I didn't know there was a difference.
Glad you enjoyed it, friend! As for where to go next, I would watch the OVA first (you can find it on Youtube) and then dive into the manga.
>I hope you guys are doing ok and comfy and being nice :c this seemed like a nice place
It usually is, which is why we get our fair share of miserable shitposters who come here to try and tear it down. You've come at a pretty bad time; this is honestly one of the worst threads we've ever had. Shit sucks, but we always bounce back. Hope you stick around, because the good times are worth it.
>from the website
>Violation of any of the above rules may result in a citation, arrest, or cancellation of your activity.
The meetup is gonna get shutdown isn't it?
Dismemberment has never been a huge problem for Alita
>I would watch the OVA first
More videos? I just started reading the mango..
On the bright side, I've only gone out for a smoke just that one time, otherwise I've been in my room like a good boy! Ah, I forgot about dinner though...
>Hope you stick around, because the good times are worth it.
No worries, I'll be here for a while! Hope things get better!
Hope I don't waifu another kind lady aaa
We'll just have to play it by ear but the beach will be full of people so as long as we don't cause problems I think we'll be fine
If the rumors are true I will be calling the NYPD and DSP on you swagshit and redwood.
Take note though alitashitters: I'm not mad about your afterschool hangout. Enjoy it for all I care, but all pedos must be locked up
The OVA is only an hour long, it's two episodes of what was supposed to be a series but they didn't make more. The movie covers everything in the OVA but it's still good if you need your fix.
Can't believe people think this movie has great action scenes. Just look at this junk!
What rumors are you talking about?
Yeah, no. That's not how it works.
It's a fucking product and it shouldn't arrive damaged. What shithole do you live in where getting damaged goods is acceptable and you consider people getting them and being unhappy to be autistic?
If I were I'd get it replaced too.
Nobody cares if you have a beer on the beach dude
We're gonna use the proper firepit
Nobody is bringing guns
What's it matter? Its not like the book won't be cum stained within a week of use anyway.
>Last Order
I like it but it's long and very weird and there's a lot of stuff that isn't super relevant to the rest of the story, it has a lot of good parts but a whole lot of WTF along with it. The tone is a little different and just be prepared for some weirdness.
>going to a Yea Forums meetup
>not carrying at least a small revolver
You guys are nuts.
Suffering user is a gril
In pic, behold Uwe Boll review of Alita.
I don't really have time to check every store.
Easier to exchange via amazon.
Have a thee incel
No cash for a concealed carry permit. I always carry mace tho
I didn't imply they should keep the book. I was saying they can make sure they get the book in the condition they want if they buy it in a physical bookstore.
>150m for this shit
What was Jim thinking?
I can think of no greater blessing than not drawing attention from Uwe Boll
better than Endgame IMO
And this changes anything? Its not like females don't get wet fingers.
>insinuating incel
For your information my wife has jerked me off a few times while I was looking at the book.
Based Uwe
You're only an hour long
Did some skimming and turns out the movie covers vol 1 and 2, but there's some new characters and different writing so I gotta read it anyway
Ehhh..? Well, turns out the movie was only 1/5th of part 1, so hopefully the comic is good and we'll see what part 2 is like, thank you.
>part 3 is ongoing
I suppose it's a good thing that part 2 is long
Hope the meetup goes well(?)
gril? GRIL???
All joking aside, they did use a video game engine to render characters like Grewishka in real time on a separate monitor so they could see what the performances looked like as they shot the scenes. Then the motion capture data from the chosen takes was used by Weta to render the characters the normal way in cinema quality.
Alita is a shit movie and her face is chinese garbage go kill yourselves before the lads do.
Have a thee incel
Haha okay user go see the movie though
One last repost of my latest for anyone who missed it.
And something comfy from a ways back, because I think we could all use it tonight.
Who here would dare to do this to her?
>people who hate this and the movie are shitposters
From the same faggots who can't even make a decent meme because alita's face is such CGI ugliness and poorly attempt to use it as a meme, somehow don't know what a fucking shitpost is. Die already with your homosexual threads.
Does she wear any sexy outfits in the movie? Like a bikini or plain underwear?
Damn this is good.
Namefag worshipping faggots should be burned at the stake.
Even better she has a nude scene. Gonna warn you right now don't let your mommy catch you looking at this.
Sexiest outfit is probably the leather catsuit, she's literally naked a few times but she's all cyber parts so she doesn't have nipples or anything to hide
>look how much better we are then everyone else
Sure smells like egofaggotry around here.
Why is Ido staring at her crotch?
Even when she does, even if her ass is decently tight, her tits are small, her ass is pretty small, her frame is like an underdeveloped girls and her face is a creepy annoying caucasian partly Chinese looking mutant with oversized out of place eyes and a pretty lackluster chinese haircut. There's no winning with trying to jerk it to her. And the whole movie is pretty cringe and shit as well.
watch the fucking movie
I rather pay to watch a black bull do it to her.
>doesn't have nipples or anything to hide
I'm actually triggered by this.
>Super advanced URM tech.
>No nano-tech genital and womb. While we already have that tech today...
Does not compute.
Her frame is only small when she's in the doll body, the berserker body is built like a warrior.
Go see the movie though
i'm glad SA is on our side
Not him but, I saw it (torrented) and it was shit. Now that I've gone past your normal question of asking if I watched it, what's the next step of your master plan? Gonna piss in your hand and tell me it was for alita? Chop off your dick?
I think he's looking at the little tablet she's holding
Wouldn't you be?
>I got blown the fuck out so I will shill the movie as a response
>i'm glad SA is on our side
>our side
It will be nice when "your side" is finally run off this board.
The berserker body was built for combat, you don't need sex parts if you're just killing people. There could still be cyber-wombs and all of that in Iron City, who knows.
I am pretty sure he is looking right past that tablet.
You should watch it again to make sure you got the right impression. Buy the bluray when it comes out.
I'm trying out new porn games and they all end up pissing me off. Whoever made Zoe's Temptation needs to off themselves.
Is this intended to be the bulge of a penis?
No, all her outfit variants she has the frame of a child. Her ass is decently tight, yes, but it is small. Her tits are small. Her face is a CGI atrocity.
I'm trying to help you here alright man, seriously. You're most likely gay or a closeted gay if you think this underdeveloped horsetoothed, CGI shit eyes pre pubsecent frame robot is attractive. I mean it man. It's hard but I think your parents wouldn't be surprised. I bet they wondwr what you do all that time in your room everyday on your computer. They most likely have some notion. They probably wouldn't be surprised that you were hiding your fetishizes in there, away from the world.
Would they kick you out? If they're any decent parents, they would or even better, beat the faggot out of you so you'll have somewhat of a life not making these shitty threads on a movie that few liked that came out many months ago. I hope this helped.
Mons pubis
>now shillig the bluray as a responce
You fags know no shame do you?
puffy mechanica
>projecting this hard
July 23, mark the date on you calendar.
Just returned from Gym and ate a lobster.
Noticed that my Alita artbook I just got was damaged, do I requested an exchange.
I still hate waifu-fags and daughterfu-fags.
Lol, you rocked this bama
So you watched the garbage camrip with all the ads and crap on it? Well no wonder you didn't like it.
>I still hate waifu-fags and daughterfu-fags.
What are doing in these threads then?
>implying it would be any better without ads and crap
I don't think so.
Want to know how I know you've never seen a woman naked?
just because I'm glad you're on our side SA doesn't mean I don't think you're a hopelessly bitter person who needs to mature. One day you'll realize this.
>nerdy glasses
>sex me smirk
>choker indicating mastery of dick sucking
>all combined indicates probably into anal too
Whoa. I never knew Alita was so dirty.
Maybe she actually likes the movie you wet sandwich
Damn I thought they'd give her skin covering the body like with her head.
> You're most likely gay or a closeted gay if you think this underdeveloped horsetoothed, CGI shit eyes pre pubsecent frame robot is attractive.
You sound like you have issues, man.
She's not an "underdeveloped girl" it's called petite. Go chubby chase whales if you're into that, but a body like this is literal porn star tier minus the metal of course just talking proportions. It's great all around with perfect sized tits.
It's a womanly body.
You must have fallen for the ridiculous modern meme where disgusting abominations like nicki minaj get shilled as being attractive.
The movie isn't any good though.
She could use a few piercings though
Dang looks like a sequel should be confirmed anytime now
Good idea.
Can someone ad a nose ring to this pic
I've painstakingly written out that post, trying to help you but you keep ignoring me! I'm not the one projecting when you dishonestly call every and anyone who criticizes the movie or the threads as "jerome" a two bit shitty character no one will remember besides homosexuals like you that love his cock. I mean it, your faggot life awaits just out the door. Lift your ass from it's ass imprinted chair for the first time in months, stop making these threads 12 hours a day and go embrace yourself and be true to yourself user. You all should. Hope this /healed/ you.
Needs a few earrings too.
>#525 threads
Good night, friends. Today was absolutely awful, so I guess we'll just have to try again tomorrow.
Well the doll body she's in at first was originally made for like a 14 year-old so that one isn't supposed to look mature, but the berserker body is basically her idealized image of herself
Don't be so hard on SA, she's just envious of our love for Alita.
It's a good movie and we like talking about it
Sleep well, fren
Night user sleep well
You aren't talking about it anymore though.
>being this wrong
It isn't any good. It's GREAT
She totally is but I think it's cute
she loves Alita in her own way. I just think that she needs to be harder on jeromes rather than anons who like Alita as a nice gf/daughterfu figure.
We're literally talking about her different cyber bodies right now
>i don't like what you said so you are wrong.
Grow up.
Liking this movie and talking about it is being true to myself and what does my sexuality have anything to do with it
That's whats called "waifufagging"
Its not movie discussion
Pretty funny thing for you to say considering how often you guys toss around the term incel as an insult.
Digital release is early June I believe
It's very relevant when we're talking about cyborgs.
are they retarded? its going to be motorball Jagushan competition, and then Zapans revenge sponsored by Nova.
You really haven't seen the movie have you
We do? That insult gets thrown at us all the time, not the other way around
next thread will be comfy, right?
Like seriously do they even know anything about the thing they're trying to shit on
The sequels are practically confirmed by now.
this thread has been decently comfy; but yes, I'll do my best to make next bread comfy.
I hope so fren, we'll try our best
stop implying
stop lying
Does anybody want to make next bread or should I just do it
Yea Forums has never been known for being comfy or nice
Robert Rodriguez and his Spy Kids style of filmaking made Alita, let that sink in while worshipping this shit
Go ahead my love
No. No alita thead will ever be comfy on Yea Forums for you. If you weren't so new you would understand Yea Forums culture and not be so whiny. Get off Yea Forums and take your shitty general with you if you want to find respite from business as usual on Yea Forums you fucking tourist.
i agree:( well goodnight friend
Motorball definitely feels like spy kids
Don't make another one. There is no point. Clearly we are being raided. Lets take a break for a while.
I honestly feel like the people that constantly ask for these threads to be comfy never posted on Yea Forums before this movie.
Sounds like something tumblr or facebook would have
Get the fuck out of here with the whining. This isn't the board for you if you can't handle the bants.
You sound miserable. I hope you find something that fulfills you one day.
>newfags trying to tell it like it is
>muh Jerome boogey man
does alita wear pantsu?
This. These are thinly veiled /soc/ threads for some of the most autistic people on Yea Forums.
Yea Forums isn't supposed to be a happy safe space newfag. Toughen up or move along.
Holy shit you are delusional.
>jerome hours
Motorball was kino action, very well shot
>Everything I hate about Yea Forums is Jerome's fault
You think this is some kinda "safe space"? We deal with trolls every day and it's the trolls who get sad and mad.
Absolutely ridiculous the mods haven't started nuking these threads
The players were too shiny like spy kids 3 chatacters
you say it like it's obvious or like you picture proved that she wears pantsu
cry about it bitch
Those aren't troll posts you fucking tard. Those are standard Yea Forums posts you are whining about. If you weren't so new and had experience on this board other then /shitlita/ you understand how fucking retarded you sound right now.
I really like her green shirt.
Yea Forums is the biggest cesspit on this site you unbelievable faggot
better than anything in capeshit anyway
Oh little babby got sad, boo hoo
ahaha holy shit are you serious
this movie wasnt that great and the mangas just average
stop circlejerking over it 24/7
That is what those posters were saying you fucking retard.
What the fuck are you on about?
I was implying that shitposts are the norm you fucking idiot.
Are all three of you samefags? No way three posters could be this mistaken unless you are all clinically retarded.
Yes they are retarded, this is nothing more than speculation. Please stop postibg that link, it makes us look desperate.
> When “Alita: Battle Angel 2” returns, it is expected to feature the same actors led by Rosa Salazar (Alita), Christoph Waltz (Dr. Dyson Ivo), Jennifer Connelly (Chiren), Keean Johnson (Hugo), Mahershala Ali (Vector), Ed Skrein (Zapan), Jackie Earle (Haley), Michelle Rodriguez (Gelda), Eiza González (Nyssiana) and Lana Condor.
> Robert added that Nova is a character they wanted to work on the yet-to-be-confirmed Alita: Battle Angel 2. The writer even stated that another character, named Clive Lee, would be introduced in the theoretical sequel. "I figured we should save him for a sequel," he divulged. In other words, aside from Alita, the imminent second installment could focus on Nova and Clive Lee.
____________________kill yourself
>gets btfo
>tells poster to kill themselves
Real mature kiddo.
Updated version.
enjoy the Yea Forums post