>conservatives want LIVE BABIES so they can raise them to be DEAD SOLDIERS
wow...how right can one be?
Conservatives want LIVE BABIES so they can raise them to be DEAD SOLDIERS
Other urls found in this thread:
Better than raising dead babies to become live soldiers
i thought the whole debate was the government not paying for whores to kill their baby?
>it's 100% the woman's fault if she gets pregnant
>pay money to let an old boomer soapbox without a single joke for two hours
he supported white genocide?
He wasn't a boomer.
>women shouldn't be responsible for their own bodies
the absolute fucking state of womeme
It's at least 80%, but in 99% of cases it is 100%
Don't give them ideas.
he missed being a boomer by 9 years
Medicaid-covered abortion is lowkey genocide of non-whites and any """"""""""""""conservative"""""""""""""" who opposes it is a fucking retarded Christcuck.
Carlin is cringe and not funny
I don't care about politics either
It's already illegal to use government funds for abortion, unless it's a life saving last option situation. There's this thing called the Hyde amendment, it's been in the books with some alterations since the late 1970s.
He really helped me once when I was 14 on a high dose of LSA woodrose seeds alone, i felt like i was dying and his early 80s standup came on tv and it was like he was babysitting me like an infant. Nothing was really that funny, it was like something you would switch on tv to calm a toddler.
>without a single joke
When I was young, I hated Carlin because my ideologies didnt align with his.
As im getting older and have drastically changed my views on everything I checked him out again.
Still dont like him, even though I share a lot of his sentiments now.
Conservatives want you to stop riding the cock carousel and to take responsibility for once in your life. The only people that should get abortions are rape victims and non-whites
>Medicaid-covered abortion
even his worst special in terms of quality and preachiness was only about 50% stuff like this
>bringing more criminals, losers and inbreds into the world to own the foids
Was he really "liberal" or "conservative"? Just a cranky old man that was funny to laugh at. He's not a role model or anything.
Daily reminder republicans want to ban pills and iuds too so women cannot be responsible for their own bodies
lol. Read faggot.
>Here's why
for attention
he's a hippie
Carlin was actually funny unlike the Bill Hicks of the world, even though he did get on his soapbox too often
>what is closing your legs
Unwanted children of all kinds grow up to be fucked up scumbags, not just the niggers and rape babies. Dumbass.
Children are a punishment and they deserve to be treated with hatred and contempt
Punch the baby, kick the toddler, yell at them, scream at them, bash their head in, insult them, tell them you hate them and they should kill themselves, make them commit suicide, that's how mothers should treat unwanted kids
lots of great men were bastards
Doesn't work when a man is forcing them open against your will
Stop letting Tyrone creampie you then you utter retard.
Less than 1% of abortions are due to rape.
Maybe you should've conceal carried and shot his ass for raping you.
Oh wait liberals want to ban guns too.
Sorry Tiffany, guess you're gonna have a baby now, lol.
So the issue is rape. Ok, prevent rape then, don't go out in dangerous areas alone, don't dress like a whore when going out into dangerous areas alone, don't walk alone into a known rape forest and then get surprised if you get assaulted, don't go to nightclubs alone, don't drink random drinks guys at nightclubs give you, don't grind up on all the guys in a club and then not go any further. It's rather simple, but I assume that's too much "oppression" for women, so yea, go ahead kill some babies
visitor from the long past here, wow, Yea Forums has gotten really weird if it's defending american conservatism
good point
Most rapes are unreported because men don't believe women.
Tyrone can still force your legs open. You want women not to be able to prevent pregnancy.
Hippies care about the environment, endangered species etc. He didn't and actively shit on people who do. He wasn't wholly part of any group, really. Just a dick who would shit on everything.
The reason "people" like you always deflect from the rape issue is because you know you can't address it without revealing yourself to be a psychopath or full of shit. If abortion is really baby murder, then there would be no exceptions for rape, because who the hell would smother an infant just because it was conceived as a result of rape? On the other hand, even you have an inkling that normal society looks down upon rape victims being forced to give birth and would view you as scum for disagreeing.
Can you prove that the unreported rapes raise it above 10%? That's my cutoff.
Conservatives want BLACK people to get JOBS so that they can DIE of SLAVERY.
Remind you of someone?
>because men don't believe women
Because women have a track record of lying about everything. When you cry wolf too much the town doesn't come running when you do need it.
WWIII will be fought with armies of undead fetal soldiers
How about we only make abortion legal if you get raped? There. What's your counterargument?
Conservatism became counterculture during the Obama years. It would have flipped again if every media outlet didn't attack Trump all the time. People here see that normalfags get extremely mad about Trump, so they support him. Simple as that. Yea Forums is and always has been contrarian and will take the opposing side to whatever is considered status quo.
>nasa found a clump of cells on mars!, they found LIFE on another planet!..I fucking love science! this is why we fund nasa people
>errrrgh abortion isn't murder its just a clump of cells!.....nazi
Not all soldiers die.
More men will go to jail over more false rape allegation.
We just hate women who can't shut their legs.
>Most rapes are unreported because men don't believe women.
Feminist make-believe. You have no proof for this and never will. Sorry sweaty.
Most rapes are committed by husbands, exes, friends or family members, stranger danger is a myth. The family home is more dangerous than "dangerous areas", nightclubs or any other place in the world.
How a woman dresses is irrelevant. Cut off your dick if you're an animal that thinks dress is an excuse for rape.
IUDs and pills prevent pregnancy in all cases, even rape. As your husband is more likely to rape you than strangers in a club, you are a retard to talk about "preventing rape".
He forgot the part where Israel profits
>People here see that normalfags get extremely mad about Trump, so they support him. Simple as that. Yea Forums is and always has been contrarian
Oh look, a 15 year old!
The seed of rapists should be aborted and rapists should be killed. Cut out the nigger genes from the gene pool.
Number of arguments found: 0
well unless she is raped... yes
>he thinks this post made logical sense
>observing a phenomenon means you support it
Go dilate, hon.
Especially if you count nu-rape i.e. she regretted having sex with him later.
How can a husband rape his wife? is this a joke?
Maybe you shouldn't have married a rapist lol. If you can't tell you spouse to fuck off then you shouldn't have married them.
All the pro-abortion retort are justifications of poor judgement, and I think abortion should be legal.
How am I going to argue with headcannon of a newfag
>observing a phenomenon
A phenomonon that is maybe 2-3 years old maybe.
It's just nu/pol/. At least old /pol/ was mostly about calling out liberal bullshit, but nu/pol/ is going full boomer, it's really depressing. There even appears to be people unironically defending neocons.
its likely that trump will be re-elected and you wasted 8 years crying about it
>marital """""""rape"""""""
found one of the retards he made fun of
how didn't it?
>Be Colorado
>Make contraceptives and IUDs free or low cost to everyone
>Abortions drop 40%
Why doesn't the South do this?
I converted to conservatism when I realized how crazy the libs were.
>god is stupid and so are u ;)
>*audience claps*
I cant belive this place said he was good.
>The Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) reports that the majority of rapes and sexual assaults perpetrated against women and girls in the United States between 1992 and 2000 were not reported to the police. Only 36 percent of rapes, 34 percent of attempted rapes, and 26 percent of sexual assaults were reported.
You are the problem. No, she did not regret, she never wanted it and her husband forced her. But incels like you believe him because you think marriage is automatic consent to sex when it is not.
False equivalence.
he shit on people who pretend to care about the environment when they only cared about how pollution would impact them
Because unwanted pregnancies and subsequent abortions will go down when you stop sexual education and you make contraceptives expensive.
Conservatives otoh are totally sane, also let's give another 38 billion to Israel and start a few more pointless wars on the other side of the globe.
rapists who would not stop when their wife tells them no, and then blame her when they are the ones who raped her
this is the kind of people that oppose abortion
no it's because people don't talk about rape rationally
>some anons on /pol/, Yea Forums, and Yea Forums are defending Neoconservatism and Warmongering
What happened?
First of all that's a near 20 year old study, second of all that doesn't prove it raises the abortion amount even above 5% let alone 10% like I said.
I don't care either way. Funny how both a libshitter and a Drumpftard attacked me at the same time. You both need to dilate.
>any time you end any form of life it's murder
>a fertilized egg is a person with rights
>being fascinated by the discovery of simple life on other planets means you think people shouldn't have bodily autonomy
like all conservatives you're too stupid to grasp how stupid you are
is your husband having sex with you that traumatizing? even my gf doesnt say no and im ugly as fuck lmao
nu/pol/ aka /boomer/
It's literally not rape if she doesn't report it. You may not like it but if it's actually bad enough to call it rape then it should've been reported to the police.
>and I think abortion should be legal
Can't read huh?
>he shit on people who pretend to care about the environment when they only cared about how pollution would impact them
And the difference would be.....?
>You are the problem blah blah blah
You're describing regular rape, I'm talking about nu-rape which is included in those stats
>leftists want a war with Russia so it doesn't look like they didn't make up everything involving Syria and Russian hackers in the past 5 years
The key is to never trust the government or the media the political parties prop up.
Why do liberals even pretend to be anti-war? They flipped out when Trump said he was going to take troops out of Syria.
This. I believed all the bullshit crazy commies taught me in school, but now that I'm a big boy I realize women and non-whites are subhuman and Jesus is my co-pilot! :D
its not just a clump of cells though is it, otherwise you could use plan b
they are scrambling a forming human fetus
>Democrats don't fund Israel and fight their wars for them
>bringing up Russia in a discussion of abortion rights
found the Russian
you think that was an attack?
You can't rape your spouse. The entire point is that you own each other's sexuality once you're married.
What sort of fantasy world are you living in where you think that's true? States that mandate abstinence only education have the highest rates of teen pregnancy. Every time contraceptives are made more easily available, teen pregnancy rates fall.
No it's because utter mouthbreathing retards like yourself want to use a highly emotive fringe issue to justify your lust for abortion. Less than 1% of abortion is because of rape, this is a fact.
>What sort of fantasy world are you living in where you think that's true?
In every church in the united states.
But life begins at conception :^)
why do Americans neglect that a child in the womb is a person?
you are literally murdering a defenseless baby. fact. prove me wrong.
>Restrict abortion
>Complain about skyrocketing non-white birth rates
This truly is clown world.
>tfw I'm pro choice because I personally hold no value for fetuses and I know society as a whole benefits from it
>But I also recognize it's incredibly dangerous to enact laws and allow people to practice such values
>still deflecting
rape is a social construct
All men are potential rapists. Look at apparently normal males turning into psychopaths the moment they're rejected.
Yet you people bitch when a woman treats you like shit when that's the only way to sieve the
>6% the victim can't remember
Getting black-out drunk and letting a stranger rail you isn't rape.
>want to use a highly emotive fringe issue to justify your lust for abortion.
Have to go to the extremes to appeal to your emotions, because common sense doesntwork with pro-birthers.
>I define non-sentient things as people
Yes you can, and no, you don't own shit. If she says no and you don't stop immediately, you are a rapist and you deserve that jail.
>Muh christian purity
You realize the bible belt states have the highest rates of teen pregnancy in the country
>there are people who unironically think Carlin is the greatest stand up comedian of all time
I just don't get it. I agree with a lot of what he had to say but his material always just felt like a witty lecture to me. Carlin couldn't hold a candle to Eddie Murphy or Richard Pryor in terms of actually being funny.
Why don't we just abort all women?
things would be simpler and much safer if people were still placed into arranged marriages
>It's literally not rape if she doesn't report it
It literally is, if she's afraid to report because her rapist husband will beat her the system and you are failing her.
The overtone window has shifted and he's no longer funny, thats why all the basedboys link to him on facebook now to be smug to all their friends who agree with them.
All the funniest comedians right now appeal to conservatives.
>durr it magically becomes a person once it pops out the vagina
so. when DOES it become a person?
The absolute state of Christendom
>if she was incapable of saying no it doesn't count!
go to bed Bill
liberals want dead babies
You're just mad you can't have sex, incel
>dangerous to enact laws and allow people to practice such values
You are phrasing this like abortion is inherently illegal.
Abortion is in fact federally legal and has been upheld by the supreme court. The fact that states are trying to outlaw it with state legislation is why its a big deal.
>and it's all because the niggers
>I've defined them as non sentient so that I don't have to feel guilt for murdering them
>if I don't understand something it's magic!
oh, it shows
conservatives want dead adults. that died defending israel.
>still no argument
>that's a near 20 year old
Irrelevant, as the dynamics have not changed.
>that doesn't prove it raises the abortion amount even above 5% let alone 10%
If the majority of women are afraid to report their rape, how is the majority of women going to admit they aborted because of rape? Retard
China accidentally tried that, now they have 50 million incels
Modern society is basically an uncontrolled eugenics program, by exposing the population to any vice, becoming permissive towards non-reproductive sexuality and making abortion and contraception cheap and readily available it'll be a rough few decades but the people that come out the other side of this will be naturally immune to it. The social damnation of things like homosexuality and abortion is what let those sorts of people fester under the surface, they were forced to be reproductive when they never should've passed their genes along in the first place
>I don't know what sentient means but I decided to chime in with my retarded shitpost anyway
answer the question, faggot.
when does a "fetus" become a human?
conception? 1 month? 6 months? 9 months? you cant answer cause you are a fucking retard with no concept of life.
>and you
What did I do?
Maybe you shouldn't have married a wife beater. If you're scared to report a crime then you don't really deserve the criminal justice system.
Ok söyim, what is the point of being "married" if she can cockblock you? The entire point of marriage is sexual exclusivity. If you aren't fucking when you want to fuck, there is no point in it.
Imagine being this much of an incel that you can't even fathom having enough self control not to rape a woman
based china, i'd rather have a billion incels than a single woman
>If the majority of women are afraid to report their rape, how is the majority of women going to admit they aborted because of rape? Retard
Yikes, 10% isn't anywhere close to a majority dude.
Absolutely not, the husband feels even more entitled to be a rapist in arranged marriages. Things would be simpler if men had a brain chip that killed them the moment the woman wants to kill them. Only when they live in fear do men act decent to women.
I think it's dilate-o'-clock. Better get moving.
>abortion should be a legal right in cases of rape
>rape hardly ever happens anyway lawl
It's a complete non sequitur of a response and doesn't even address the argument. Like I said: deflection.
>I can accurately determine when a baby becomes sentient
>t. tranny/dyke
if they're too scared to report then they're too scared for me to care
rape is a social construct
Hahaha it's so obvious you've never had sex or even touched a woman
I implied it in my post that you originally replied to, mongoloid. Is your attention span really that short, or do you need me to explain what the "big words" mean?
Lmao, so now we've come full circle, women literally blaming incels (people who have never had sex) for their abortions.
>teen pregnancy is bad
It's literally when people are supposed to start having children. Seeding your 34 year old girlfriend's Mad Max-esque womb and spawning an autist is a fairly recent norm
Yeah, imo it's way more than 10%. Society needs to stop shaming women for being raped and start shaming men for being rapists. Yes, husbands rape, far more than strangers do, and they deserve to be killed for that. No more "but he's a father of two" "but he's a good christian" "but he's white" they're all rapists and they all need to be killed.
Should people who don't have sex (you) be able to determine policies related to sex?
The answer is obviously no. Just like you wouldn't consult a plumber to build a rocket, you wouldn't consult sexless men to write abortion policy.
wow you're, like, really smart and cool
let's state some facts.
1. it IS a baby
2. you are murdering it
your body, your choice. ok. but you're still willingly murdering a defenseless child.
>science has no idea how living creatures feel and perceive stimuli, it is a beautiful and magical mystery
southern public ed, folks
Wow good come back, incel, as if you don't cry yourself to sleep at night wishing even a tranny would glance your way
I never said abortion should be legal in the case of rape. That's you strawmanning again.
imagine finding out it does when you die and your soul has to go back into one and if you can't its the most unimaginable fate for your soul
but you get into one and die again while millions of other souls are scrambling to come back
still think abortion is cool?
>Missing the point
If 30% of all rapes are reported, more than 1% of abortions due to rape would also be reported...
Sounds like projection. I'm married myself, tranny. I've never denied my wife sex when she wants it even if I have a headache. Cope harder.
Nobody knows where the neural correlate for consciousness is you utter brainlet.
No one's blaming you incel, but it's very telling how consumed you are with your sexual shortcomings that you think men are all just thinking about raping all the time
The earth is 6000 years old, and the grand canyon was carved out in 40 days from a torrential downpour
>muh science
post source if you're gonna spout some cherry picked study bs conducted by "pro-choice" doctors
>when does a "fetus" become a human?
A fetus starts developing what you and I experience as consciousness until the third trimester. I don't mean as ethereally growing into a human being or whatever faggy shit you think matters here; I mean, literally, the fetus doesn't have enough BRAIN until the third trimester.
Hurry up dude, your gash is closing up.
No one believes you
>I never said abortion should be legal in the case of rape
. . .
No shit, Sherlock. Your (paraphrased) response was the second line of greentext.
No, it's the argument the poster brought up and I proposed a counter argument sweaty ;) it's the way internet works round these areas, and since you're the only one who brought up sex it seems there's a bit of projection going on
This is the guy who posts black rape statistics in every single thread.
Have sex
>if the facts don't agree with me, I'll just say it was made up by abortionist conspirators
You could have said this to begin with and saved us both some time.
shut the fuck up, idiot. you dehumanize the baby so you can feel no guilt murdering it, by pulling it apart with forceps.
go fuck yourself. it's a shame you weren't aborted so I could avoid talking with a mongoloid like you.
>Everyone that disagrees with me is a post-op MTF transexual
Totally destroyed by FELLINGS and FEELINGS!
How when women are too scared to admit they were raped in the first place? It makes sense 30% of abortions are due to rape but women do not admit so because they're afraid to say they were raped.
>gf gets preggo
>I'm overjoyed but quickly realize she wants an abortion
>beg her not to
>beg her family to beg her not to
>they try
>my family even offers to watch the kid
>no one can convince her
>she kills it and I break up with her
>gets her phd in biology while I become a hermit
>If you don't wanna get raped don't go out in public
Have sex, incel
it is easier to physically remove the negro than it is to act like a schizo and blame 50% of the population for what 6% does.
>implying I care if some retarded upset tranny on Yea Forums "believes" me
Marital "rape" isn't rape. You can't refute anything I've said. But continue the cope. Your future wife/husband is going to tire of you really fast if you claim he/she is "raping" you when they want to have sex.
obviously she didn't want to settle down with your pitiful genetic material
>Can't into statistics (by that I mean more than just reading them)
>Doesn't know what (((neocons))) are
>Is presumably a gaytheist or, worse, a "Pagan"
>Is literally brain dead
Never post in one of my threads ever again you absolute spastic.
False statistic when 30% of women can't admit they were raped in the first place.
Lmao, keep seething ;)
t. Someone who has never been forced to take care of a retard
For all the autistic retards ITT with siblings, I guarantee they want to smother you to death on some level every single night.
No, not everyone. Just (You).
>Marital "rape" isn't rape
Yes it is. If she says no and you don't stop and back away, you are raping her, and you deserve that jail.
no, i'm saying you're objectively a moron.
premature babies who are healthy adults today aren't people? shut the fuck up, idiot.
nice blog, faggot
Proof beyond your feelings? Proof that it would raise it above even 5%?
rape is a social construct
>>gf gets preggo
>>I'm overjoyed
No one believes you.
We need to encourage sexual education and free contraceptives and use abortion as a last resort. These efforts should be focused entirely on America's inner cities and anywhere that Hispanics congregate
I'm sure no one wants the person who is raping them to get tired of them really fast.
Abortion kills brown people and stops people from having their lives ruined by being forced to raise a retarded child. Are you guys seriously THAT big of incels to deny yourself a win because it makes women mad?
You just admitted you refuse to argue in good faith, you little rat fuck. Last (You) your bitch ass is getting from me.
why cant liberals just be honest and say "yes, it's a person but I can legally murder it, it's my body."
stop with the bullshit "it isn't a baby" nonsense. you know it is.
Nobody said that but your seething maw. I'm simply saying the fetus lacks a conscious brain until the third trimester. Keep seething, moralfag.
Woman sanctuaries exist, user. At least here in New Zealand.
Then why did they marry them? This whole line of thought makes no sense. Just get a divorce if you can't stand having sex with your partner.
>We need to encourage sexual education and free contraceptives
Too bad the same people who want criminalize rape also shut down sex ed and free contraception.
It's almost like they have an agenda.
so it MAGICALLY becomes a person, in the third trimester, despite a brain, arms, legs, a heart, and cells like you or me, well before then.
>what is the point of being "married" if she can cockblock you?
For a lot of people marriage is about love, not being a rapist. If you don't care how she feels you don't love her.
>The entire point of marriage is sexual exclusivity
Again, no. Marriage is supposed to be about love. If you hurt a woman by raping her forcing sex she doesn't want on her, you don't love her.
>if you claim he/she is "raping" you when they want to have sex.
Let's break this down.
>he/she wants to have sex with you
>you don't want to have sex with them
>they have sex with you anyway
>you "claim" rape
How do you personally define rape, user? Serious question.
Is still like Carlin but Eddie did have the two funniest specials of all time imo
Lol, funny how every one of you break down into a fit of rage when you get BTFO'D
>gf gets preggo
>tell her to abort it because she's asian and I don't want some r/asianmasculity poster spawn
>she wasn't even pregnant
>made it up to test me
>Then why did they marry them?
Because a fucked up person can bide their time until their victim is in the perfect position to be abused. Or you know, marital rape isn't real. Your call.
it's almost like all boomers are retards
a cockroach has a brain, arms, legs, a heart, and cells.
Are you literally retarded?
>tfw had a disabled sister who was on the cusp, but just couldnt quite take care of herself
>was delegated out of all the siblings to be the one to take care of her
Its draining and sucks the life out of everyone in the family.
And I loved her and still feel grief over her death, but honestly its not a fulfilling existence.
>like you or me
Speak for yourself, but thanks for lowkey admitting you're brain-dead.
>stages of development of the brain in the womb
The alt-right is so fucking stupid, holy shit.
Why does anybody care if women get abortions? Most kids are pieces of shit anyway.
premature babies are not people?
>Marriage is supposed to be about love
Fuck off Boomer
>Then why did they marry them?
Men lie and you people bitch and mock when women are rightfully paranoid of men.
No one believes women. That's exactly the problem.
>"""love""" someone
>put no effort into sexually satisfying them to the point where they get angry enough to force themselves on you
If you're definition of person is that broad, it has no inherent meaning.
Based and eugenicpilled
you have no brain as you are objectively a fucking idiot, but does that mean you aren't a person?
you idiot abortion kills black babies most do you think this is about politics? it's about innocent lives, faggot.
Not to mention the earth is too overpopulated anyway. And as a man I like to know I can fuck and not worry about raising a turdtastic kid
First of all that's a near 20 year old study, second of all that doesn't prove it raises the abortion amount even above 5% let alone 10% like I said.
Calling them retards is giving them the benefit of the doubt. They know exactly what they're doing. They just cry crocodile tears over embryos to mask their evil as virtue.
>t. dyke/tranny
He's right, no one believes you or cares about your opinion.
>it's about innocent lives, faggot.
Innocent lives that should never have happened.
So instead of fixing the mistake, you are dooming that child into a life of pain and poverty.
sperm go in, baby come out
can't explain that
user I....
just admit you are killing a living baby and we will agree.
your body, but you're still a murderer.
>muh nu/pol/
Ive been browsing /pol/ literally since it was created. The only change it went through was from being 50% nazi, 50% right wing libertarian to 90%, nazi, 10% libertarian. But /pol/ has been posting le happy merchant for almost a decade now.
>dehumanizing people is bad BUT YOU HAVE NO BRAIN HAHAHAHA DUMB LIB
Exactly, does anyone think that the child of a roastie that'd kill their own offspring was going to contribute anything to society in the first place?
How does a site full of wastes of space NEETS come to argue for the sanctity of life? You are living parodies of the hill on which you're willing to die.
how is babby formed??
Yes, you fucking retard. Unless they’re raped, they can choose not to fuck some stranger from tinder if they don’t want a kid. There really is no excuse with all the pregnancy prevention methods these days as well.
just admit you are killing a baby and we can stop bickering
>it's not a baby!
you say that to ignore the fact that you are a murderer. just be honest.
You have no right to force yourself on someone else, you hurt them far more than they ever could by asking you to respect their lack of desire for sex. If you want sex, divorce and find someone compatible to you. Lack of sex is no excuse for inflicting horrible trauma as rape.
>that's a near 20 year old study
As I said, irrelevant, women are still shamed and harassed for reporting rape. Especially when the culprits are white men.
>that doesn't prove it raises the abortion
But logically it does as if a woman can't report rape she also can't admit she's aborting because of rape.
Sorry, had to collect my thoughts.
To continue, user, I am a total faggot and dimwitted shitposter. Pay no attention to me.
>hill on which you're willing to die
Why the fuck does tumblr have such a hard-on for this retarded expression?
Asked me how I know you've never been in a relationship with a woman and are a virgin who watches an excessive amount of porn.
Why are you so fucking mad if you're winning this argument?
because it's irresponsible for women to have sex unprotected so of course they should then be forced into a position that requires more responsibility than almost anything else. It's just part of an elaborate NEET revenge fantasy.
My bad i thought for a second that a childs body is a seperate entity which forms inside of a womens womb. Sorry
>that 14-year-old zoomer who attributes an old saying to his internet bogeyman
now imagine this happens whenever you flush a shit down the toilet
what makes me "mad" is the mental gymnastics used to say "it isn't a baby!"
liberal cunts say this so they can feel guilt-free when they have a baby dismembered in the womb (literally) during an abortion. JUST BE HONEST, YOU CUNTS.
>pain and poverty
How do you know that? Ask any poor person if they’d rather not be alive. Go on, do it. I guarantee you they’ll answer no more vehemently than any coddled middle class faggot, because they’ve had to struggle to survive, and thus know the preciousness of life. Suffering doesn’t ennoble people, true, but it does give people perspective.
Friendly reminder it is now legal for you kill somebody's unborn child and it not be considered manslaughter because babies aren't human until they're born.
> a seperate entity which forms inside of a womens womb
>seperate entity
>inside of a womens womb
way to contradict yourself in one sentence, genius
The world needs more dead babies, everybody that is pro life is a sissy bitch
they can literally just not have sex
pop quiz, abortion advocates.
if a baby is still connected to a mother via umbilical cord, and you shoot the baby in the head with a shotgun, is it murder?
yes or no.
>wah wah the bad internet man is dehumanizing me
Lol what a hopeless faggot you are
>"it isn't a baby!"
Literally it's only you parroting this shit. I'm simply informing you a fetus possesses no brain to develop a consciousness until the third trimester. This is how babies develop, nigger. You're misunderstanding the very thing you're defending.
Ok sure. Whatever. You'd still get hit with a serious assault charge.
It's attached to her uterus and leeching off her body. The part where it's leeching off her blood is not a separate entity. If it were separate, it could get ripped out and survive.
>>wah wah the bad internet man is dehumanizing me
t. aborted fetus lmao
Lol what an embarrassing self defeating ideology. The very fact they're alive to preach it proves life isn't so terrible after all.
or they could literally just have an abortion
You hate women, and support anything you think will hurt them JUST BE HONEST
>if a baby is still connected to a mother via umbilical cord, and you shoot the baby in the head with a shotgun, is it murder?
Not in a few states passing full term abortion laws. Babies aren't human until you name them
>How do you know that?
Suicide, drug abuse, and crime rates in poor cities.
You have a rapist in this very thread whining how it's okay to rape his wife if she doesn't have sex with him.
>The very fact they're alive to preach it proves life isn't so terrible after all.
what a horrible argument. you might as well have stopped at "self defeating ideology"
liberals are so stupid
they are being played by conservatives into being hyper-abortion happy and are aborting themselves out of existence
that another turds soul entered your turd but you flushed rendering that turds soul to haunt you until you create another turd to flush again?
I've imagined it, now tell what your point is
Everybody knows abortion is practiced against the mother's consent, right? This is a very comparable scenario.
>distinct genetic structure of the baby is superseded by physical location
What’s it like to be as stupid as you are?
So it's not a problem than you can kill somebody's child and it's not legally considered killing a person?
okay, the mother shoots the baby with a shotgun and it dies.
is it murder? is it still a fetus?
>Waaaah life is pure suffering non existence is way better :(((((((
>Then why do you choose to live
I'm not seeing the problem?
your hypothetical is retarded and meaningless
Most people these days can't afford kids. Any time away from working/school is basically suicide in a hyper competitive job market.
Considering women have access to like 8 birth control options including killing their baby at planned parenthood while men only have 3 it usually is
There are like 15 forms of birth control for women, including Plan B, that will prevent an embryo from developing. So yes, even if a woman got raped, it is absolutely, 100% her fault if she ends up pregnant.
the same reason why extremely depressed people keep on going you knuckle dragger
don't ever repeat this "argument" while outside if you don't wanna embarass yourself
Jon Snow was a bastard. Imagine if Jon Snow was aborted. Westeros would be under the Night King's control right now.
It's not a person so why would it be considered as killing a person?
>Considering women have access to like 8 birth control options including killing their baby at planned parenthood
Well if it were up to me, planned parenthood wouldnt exist.
do women enjoy having abortions?
seems to be a big business, even toys r us went into liquidation but droves are getting an abortion
But they eventually stop going and die? Or they realize they're being a big blubbering vagina and decide to keep living. Still not seeing the problem?
So a slightly higher suicide rate or drug abuse rate in a “poor city” is reasonable grounds for taking a life? Sorry, not buying that. And what qualifies as a poor city? Do you have any examples of these supposed wastelands of human depravity, where a baby is guaranteed to a life of abject misery? Or have you been watching The Wire too much?
Abortion is literally free nigger control and you'd have to be a fucking idiot to take that away
I mean FUCK not only is it free nig control but its nig control THE LEFT WANTS
you will NEVER have another concept like this so dont fuck it up. Yes yes killing babies is very sad, you know whats even more sad? A first world country turning into africa over sympathy
Post delivery children aren't people?
We live in a world where women protest in the streets to kill their own children.
>aborting themselves out of existence
>implying conservatives hypocrites never have abortions
>implying political ideologies are hereditary
w e w
anti natalist would probably say something about being a slave to human instinct or something, I'm not well versed
>the mother survives a shotgun wound to the fucking abdomen point blank
What the fuck are you even saying now. Listen to yourself.
>Plan B
I'm gonna tell you something you may find a little absurd
Yes, women deep down inside are so submissive that deep down inside (the vast majority of them don't know it) they wish a big ultra giga chad came and murdered their babies and raped them
Statistically, per capita its most black women so im cool with it lol
>it is now legal for you kill somebody's unborn child
And consumers. Capitalism and imperialism is honestly disgusting.
KILL ALL THE NIGGERS WOMEN JEWS AND FAGS but embryos are precious don't you dare touch them.
>still pretending to care about the "rights" of something with no brain activity
anything to own the libs and women amirite?
you misunderstand, this is getting liberals so excited about abortion they will literally end their family trees over it.
...mission accomplished, conservatives still breed, liberals don't.
thought they didn't want to pay for it
If it were up to me, you wouldn't exist. I'm not getting what I want so you aren't either.
>arguing in hyperboles
and liberals want to literally all white people lmfao
wait this isn't really an hyperbole, is it?
You get the first one for free if you keep abortion legal
>Dodges the question
I accept your concession
It's also legal for you to kill children after delivery. Not until the mother gives them a name and they have a birth certificate are they considered human.
lmao, they genuinely believe liberals don't advocate for this shit. They do it because the GOP hates abortion, and they hate this too.
>If the majority of women are afraid to report their rape....
>The majority of rapes go unreported....
>The majority of abortions are due to unreported rape...
How the fuck do you know all this if they go unreported? Is it just because you feel it in your feefees?
Personally I feel like MOST rapes are reported when we have so many confirmed cases of FALSE rape accusation.
>conservatives still breed, liberals don't
>implying political ideologies are hereditary
at the end of the day abortion kills libtard babies
and that's a good thing!
you're fucking retarded
case dismissed
I'm not. It's disgusting and I'd rather see them deported
Nah, Arya killed that nigger, Jon just stood around looking sad and confused
If you're a conservative you're a liberal too, you capitalist supporting cuckold. Goddamn, I hate Americans and their shitty "definitions" for anything. I bet you think Europe is socialist too.
Is this a hypothetical scenario, because I'm pretty sure you can't just waltz in and wait at a pregnant woman's cunt with a baseball bat under current law
>I have no counterargument!
Thanks for sharing. I'll accept your concession.
they are for liberals, and that's good enough lol
I agree we need to end abortion, too many black babies are aborted, it is disporportionatey affecting black communities and we NEED more fatherless black children running around
Abortion is voluntary eugenics for psychopaths.
If you think abortion is evil, shouldn't you you want evil people not passing on their genetic. Behaviour is mostly genetic
Plus its mostly nigs that get abortions, so it keeps the nig population down
Conservatives love hard statistics that show how awful drugs and crime are in inner cities. How they have no father figure and how they are all on welfare sucking your tax dollars.
How can you suddenly forget all of those the second it comes to wanting shaniqua to have her 9th kid that will end up in an orphanage?
Political outlook is closely related to personality type which are in turn heavily influenced by hereditary factors.
>implying conservatives hypocrites never have abortions
Statistically they're less likely to, they don't need to never abort, they just need to do it less than liberals. Conservatives already outbreed liberals so it's just a matter of time
>implying political ideologies are hereditary
They are, what amount of that comes down to genetic dispositions is questionable but it's a fact that the child of a conservative is more likely to be a conservative and the child of a liberal is more likely to be liberal.
the only thing I'm conceding is my time, which you may use to reflect on why your 'argument' blows harder than your mom when she was in her 20s
He brought Dany who knocked the Night King off his Dragon Horsey, which wouldn't have been necessary if he didn't bring Dany in the first place. Huh
>Is this a hypothetical scenario
No it's being legalized, Virginia was one of the states and they mentioned many more were following.
I think abortion is awful but at the end of the day it kills babies being created by idiots, so it's a necessary evil.
He doesn't even know that the same people who want to criminalize abortion also want to ban birth control.
It's almost like he's an uninformed child who is operating only on his precious feelings.
What if i invent a radiowave device that kills babies while they are in the womb
Is it illegal to go around doing this? Why? If it isnt a life yet and its fine to abort it, why is it illegal to go around with my microwave machine and btfo your fetus? Because you want it? So its... property until its born?
No, they want to ban them because they think a iud is abortion too. A virgin woman cannot have a iud inserted for her protection because it *might* someday prevent a fertilized egg from leeching into her body like a mosquito, and Republicans hate that. But guns that might be used to kill people are totally ok.
Of course, of course, whatever helps you feel better.
Oh the Northram thing. No I don't agree with that either.
>If you think abortion is evil, shouldn't you you want evil people not passing on their genetic. Behaviour is mostly genetic
Everyone is born evil, born a broken sinner.
They can be saved by Jesus no matter how bad things get
Not to mention our church really needs that tithe money.
Its way more disgusting of you to force a niglet into life and subject him to a life of poverty AND ejecting him from his country to an unknown labd where he will most likely die anyway
Why not just skip all of that suffering?
nice false equivalency, shitlady
you don't get to murder babies and then justify it morally
Kek. I've been on this site for a long time. Why can't you just accept that this an open forum, no matter how much the "most maligned " tend to spam their point of view? Argue a point. You want freedom of speech? This is it.
Republicans wanting to deprive women of all women's birth control is a fact, sadly.
So it's pretty hard to deny at this point that "slippery slope" is real.
>Abortion is voluntary eugenics for psychopaths.
The problem is that it's being shilled all over the place. It's being normalized. It'll become as normal as condoms down the road if it's not prevented. So then you'll have a society full of psychopaths according to you. Great.
gotta maintain that poverty class
>t. christians are living rent free in his head
I don't think you're allowed to take a baseball bat to people's cars, no.
Yes its illegal to cause bodily harm to another human you retard.
Babies outside of their mother's bodies are still leeches. Naturally, they require breast milk in order to survive. But even if you give them formula, these babies are still completely reliant on their caretakers for survival. They can't walk, they don't have the motor functions to handle tools. They don't have the mental capacity to tell food apart from harmful substances. Babies are still a leech, only in a more abstract way.
The whole, "my body my choice" argument, completely disregards the needs of the life, or even if the life has needs.
you would think conservatives would want liberals killing their own kids the way you go on
yet they are trying to get you to stop
no retard
Empathy is genetic, there is a part of the brain that deal with it.
Some people are literally born without it, these are your serial killers
Other are born with this part of the brain small, or its damaged, or low acting etc
The vast majority of psychopaths are born psychopaths on a genetic level. And nothing you do can make them good
I used to think George Carlin was so wise and clever. Turns out I was also young during this period. Now I see him for what he is. A child of the 60's complete hippie degenerate.
>Christians are living in his head
Does that mean he gets to go to heaven?
yep. he's a stereotypical liberal, and he isn't even special at it
Yeah I don't think slippery slope is always fallacious. I'm just saying my personal opinions on how things should be, and then stay.
It's self-correcting dude, those psychopaths are literally, unironically, voluntarily killing their own psycho babies. Normal, moral individuals refuse to do it and have normal, moral babies
The Ohio bill ban nontherapeutic abortions that include “drugs or devices used to prevent the implantation of a fertilized ovum" and that's all hormonal birth control there is, retard, it works by preventing the egg from releasing yeah, but also by making it impossible for it to attach to the woman just in case preventing it from forming doesn't work
Republicans want to ban birth control
>what is logical conclusion
New abortion laws are being passed that makes babies not human.
> It'll become as normal as condoms down the road
>So then you'll have a society full of psychopaths
it will reduce the amount of psychopaths
yes I'm sure there are tons of conservatives out there who just want to absolutely outlaw ALL forms of contraception, in a country where more than half of all people voted left
you are fucking retarded
>New abortion laws are being passed that makes babies not human.
If its not human than its just an organ or cells inside of a woman. You cant go around damaging or killing peoples organs right?
Yeah, but the normal people who have normal children will end up having those children brainwashed by the culture. Just look at gays. Less than 5% of the US identifies as "LGBT", yet their propaganda is all over the place and makes it seem like half of all adults are gay.
>they require breast milk in order to survive
Nope, they can survive on formula. Lots of women don't produce milk and their babies live off formula.
>these babies are still completely reliant on their caretakers for survival
A volunteer can be their caretaker if the mother doesn't want them. You cannot replace your own body. The needs of life do not supersede the needs of life and liberty of another.
Do you really think most pregnant mothers would be satisfied with "property damage" if you killed their unborn child?
But that's not how it works, and that's what people are realizing. People are realizing you can' give an inch in this society, or else you lose everything, and that's the real reason behind all this vitriol.
>there's nothing wrong with the government not recognizing babies as human
That's the law they just passed in Ohio and all red states are following suit.
Conservatives want to ban birth control.
Yeah, you right
who cares about roasties anyway lmao. don't wanna get pregnant don't have unprotected sex. dumb roasties
>A volunteer can be their caretaker if the mother doesn't want them.
And what if no one is the caretaker? What if no one wants the baby? Should it be legal to just dump the baby in a dumpster somewhere? Like...
>"It's my body, and I refuse to lift a single finger to feed this baby. It's my right."