Is he only doing it for the money, or is he genuinely trying to make capekino?

Is he only doing it for the money, or is he genuinely trying to make capekino?

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a bit of both

WB has been grooming him since the start. He is one of their home grown talents

He has enough money for multiple life times, only accepts interesting projects.

probably kino
he hasn't been picking projects for the money so far, pretty sure he made bank off twilight

He’s not the type to act for money. After the first twilight became successful, he had a panic attack and was worried about being forced to come back for sequels. Even if he was interested in the money, he could’ve done anything else. If you choose to do Batman then you accept all the pressure and social expectations that comes with it. He’s definitely trying to make capekino.

bro, it's fucking batman, everyone want to play him

Is he a good actor? I've only seen in Harry Potter and that was a pretty minor role

So is this supposed to be a one off like that pheonix joker film?

money, but he will try to make the best out of it

and he will keep making real kinos after he's done with this, he's not a turbo jew

Yeah, he's great, watch Cosmopolis

will they make him shave or will they go for the dirty pubes face look daredevil did?

good time is a must watch

this is true, someone should make a list of all the casting calls they had for Batman, it probably even surpasses Superman for box office draw

Yfw you realize he got the job on the recommendation of nolan since hes starring in his new time travel kino next year

>is [Hollywood actor] doing it for the money?
Yes. Why would you even ask that?

the guy from game of thrones is playing penguin isn't he

dceu is dead, but the idea of a shared universe is still there, WB just wants to move away from Snyder terms by having the heroes do their own things, which you know, is what they should have done, and funnily, what Zack wanted them to do.

Watch Remember Me. This movie is where you realize his Twilight bullshit was just a paycheck and he is actually talented.

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did bale flub his height? I don't mind this though because if by some miracle Cavill comes back, he'll be taller than twilight, making them comic accurate, has he ever bulked out before?

>Joaquin Phoenix is the Joker
>Pattinson is Batman
That's pretty based

Phoenix is only doing one film

a year ago almost everyone on /tv wouldve given their right hand to have Pattison confirmed as young batman

He was fantastic in The Rover

So he's pretty good in everything he's done then... That gives me a little hope.

Hes excellent in Good Time

This board might have the lowest IQ. Robert Patterson IS NOT A GOOD ACTOR YOU SAD DUMB FUCKING NIGGERS

Are you retarded? The guy is a great actor.

He is a kino actor and he is /ourguy/ as well
>that story that came out where he utterly BTFO the famous roastie model that tried to come onto him
Hopefully someone saved it

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Maps to the stars is underrated


Someone post it please.

imagine being this wrong

Attached: cosmopolis-robert-pattinson.jpg (1200x720, 183K)

*The Rover blocks your path*

Why not Gyllenhaal?

>“I had a stalker while filming a movie in Spain last year. She stood outside of my apartment every day for weeks – all day every day. I was so bored and lonely that I went out and had dinner with her.
>“I just complained about everything in my life and she never came back.
>“People get bored of me in, like, two minutes.”

forgot pic lol
both stories are unrelated but the stalker one is kino too

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Not straight enough

My only question is : can Matt reeves give us something interesting

Robert is a member of death grips and stars in absolute kino like 'High Life' and 'Good Time'.
This is going to be the Kinoest batman, mark my words, capeshit is going to become some high-brow Artkino.

why is he the batman?

Instead of him being Batman Marvel should've gotten him for Dr. Doom.

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He can do whatever he wants after Dawn of the planet of the apes

>brings Death Grips backstage to meet Beyonce
Are we sure he shouldn't be playing the Joker instead?

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he baste

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That's a Mr. T impersonator

British actors don't care, they can do capeshit one minute, and low budget kino the next.

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why does ride look he don wanna be there?

he's trying to score a hot one for his boy Mr. Grips.

He's just a really sad dude

downers and alcohol

>when you meet your dream girl but shes surrounded by white boys

You know he could do both right?

He doesn't even look the part. What a joke.

Pattinson is based. I genuinely have a better opinion of rererebooting a non-dceu batgod with him on board.

Because fuck you, that's why.

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He needs the white eyes batman mask

Pattinson as Terry McGinnis

I think it will be ok. He could do a good batman, I think, it's all about the script and director. The fact that he doesn't look super huge and imposing actually could add a bit of coolness/mystery to the character that's been missing since Michael Keaton.
The director, Matt Reeves, is pretty mediocre. He hasn't directed anything amazing and is pretty mediocre or miss. The plot and cast will decide whether it's good or not. My forecast is: 75% of being forgettable and mediocre with many fans complaining and 25% chance of it surprising everyone and being a very good Batman. There is potential here, they just need to go with a more Keaton-like batman and try to replicate the cool snyder-like action scenes. I doubt they will be this creative. If anything they are probably going to try to return to the Nolan-style Batman films.

I'm not surprised. He's Australian after all.

WB is low key building a femcel cinematic universe. Yasqueens and pretty boy actors are all we're going to get from now on.

I'm all for another British Batman. Despite the American Keaton being the best one yet.

Attached: englishman christian bale.webm (959x720, 1.35M)

People are forgetting that Reeves is really great with actors. Like Mangold or Ang Lee. It's gonna be more character than action centric.

nice dubs.

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He's mysterio in Spiderman. Also he's too expensive for DC

After milking Twilight he started to take roles that only interests him

watch high life

Terry is that you?

Pattinson is British, noob.

I imagine Twilight was a lifetime ago for him.

Attached: sir robert pattinson-2.jpg (1200x1685, 701K)

He's Aussie

Turning down sex with Emily. Confirmed gay and not as based as Batfleck.

He's British incarnate

Next thing you'll be telling me Naomi Watts is Australian rather than British. Get out.

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Same thing

>as based as Batfleck.

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Based taste
Also that teenage girl was 17 during filming, it released shortly after she turned 18.

What's the twist though

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He's an autist with leading man looks, like Colin Farrell. It depends entirely on the script given to him

How tall is he? Can he cycle steroids and look evil?

Batman exceeds Superman’s box office draw by several magnitudes.

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my nigga, i am kinda like this, at first when i saw on a Yea Forums thread that this guy was the next batman, i was relieved, because that meant that several other actors dont have the batman jaw such as kit harignton and hoult were not selected, than i though well he is not really good for batman because in some photos he looks like too prettyboy but than i saw a pic of him and i was like, he could cut it as bruce wayne, with the right hairstyle he can look like a decent bruce wayne, the problem is not pattinson, the problem is reeves, he is going for the muhh detective, and i just have this feeling that the fight scenes will be nolanish, and boring,

>look evil


Patsie is such a lunatic that we can easily have Death Grips in the OST

Fuck DC and their shit scripts

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6ft1 and yes to both.

Lmao imagine what that convo was like XD

>Bats feed of blood
>Vampires are associated with Bats
>Batman shares some similaries with the Vampire mystic(only at night, bat, dark, causing fear on enemies mysterious)
>Robbert Pattinson played a vampire


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yes can he pull this off?

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Movie ends with Robert Pattinson in the twin towers on 9/11

ZOMG so f*cking scary !!

This plus:
Good Time
Lost City of Z
High Life

>fan-art bullshit
Come on.

Snyder got some cool shots of Batfleck.

Attached: batman_ben_affleck_on_gargoyle_by_batmanmoumen_dcr811s-fullview.jpg (1024x576, 58K)


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>in this moment I am euphoric

you mean wear a costume and stand in the dark?

You can just watch his interviews while he was doing the twilight films he hates it

dubs of british batman

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i just cant take a skinny manlet batman serious

he doesnt look like he can kick ass

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This. Bale was fairly ripped but I certainly wouldn’t call him physically imposing.

>that look on ride's face

Bale is terrifying

>i just cant take a skinny manlet batman serious

Say that to my face and not online and see what happens.

Attached: robert-pattinson-the-batman-1171410-1280x0.jpg (1280x718, 127K)

She's Welsh specifically

Only if you are a director of photography.


i bet ben affleck did more weight in bench, squat and curls

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But people love Michael Keaton.

If you thought Bale looked good as Batman then Pattinson should easily be able to get there physically. He’s about the same age Bale was when he filmed Batman Begins.

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What island is Wales on? Despite her being born in Kent, England. But I'll humour you. So go on.

Poulter is the Brit, Better acting, better body, better change.

He was amazing in Twilight.

I said specifically rather than actually

lmao this guy?

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imdb 5.0

is this another Yea Forums shill or is this genuinely pleb filter kino?


It wasn't bad, I'd recommend you maps to the stars but watch both. Cronenberg is the shit. And the rover too

Was Affleck too masculine?

So in reality she's British :^

Attached: naomi-butts.webm (1280x720, 2.8M)

Pattinson doesn’t take roles for money. He only acted in twilight because he thought the first one would be a low key indie movie.

>he actually trusts imdb ratings

despite his muh eyebrows, he's a good actor. do not bully

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David Lynch got to fuck that butt.

Zach Hill could be an amazing film composer.

no, that's why i asked

i usually take it as a grain of salt

He;s a great drummer. This is the age of Trent. Trent doesn't do capeshit.

I think he’d be a good Riddler.

Micheal Keaton still the best


Attached: starred-up.jpg (1024x1517, 197K)

Wait I thought we were talking about Will Poulter. Who’s this guy?

here's another one for your watch list. comfy old fashioned adventure kino.

Attached: the lost city of z.jpg (1440x1080, 1.2M)

>Who’s this guy?

Jack O'Connell.

Attached: jack o'connell.jpg (1200x1798, 346K)

Oh. Then why did you post this ?

Honestly he probably has a several-movie contract with WB since Harry Potter. That was his first big role so I wouldn't be surprised if he got fucked over in some crazy contract.

Warner Bros. had nothing to do with the Twilight series. I seriously doubt that his small role in a Harry Potter movie from 2005 would involve a 15 year long contract, user.

>hen why did you post this ?

I didn't post that.

Attached: michelle dockery and jack o'connell godless.jpg (1700x1125, 321K)

Okay well this whole exchange has me confused then:

Let me ask you a counter question:
>Would any actor turn down a chance to play Batman, the greatest superhero of all time?


Also Check em

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>I seriously doubt that his small role in a Harry Potter movie from 2005 would involve a 15 year long contract, user.
It wasn't a small role for a totally new actor whose only credit until then was one scene in another movie that was cut in editing. People are desperate for their first big break and the studio knows that and takes advantage of them.

Death Grips vs the Paparazzis kek
RPat played the guitar on that one

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Okay well I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that was absolutely not the case.

Okay now this is epic!!!11!
