Which film is Schwarzenegger's best?

Which film is Schwarzenegger's best?

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Total Recall for me

Conan the Destroyer (is a favorite of mine)
Seriously, though, Conan the Barbarian, Total Recall, followed closely by Terminator 2, and Predator. I can't nail it down to just one film. Even Commando brings warm feelings, as does The Running Man.

Predator. He has a lot of great films, but I feel Predator is the best merge and summation of the tones of the good films in his career.


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Africa Addio


Predator and Terminator 1+2 are definitely his best films, in terms of acting.

Most of his films are too cheesy, at least in those three films he acted somewhat seriously.

I like Conan and Running Man the best

>Which film is best?
I simplified your question. The answer is Predator.


Its hard because many of his films are really good
its crossed between Predator, Terminator and Terminator 2 but I would have to say he was best in Terminator because he was able to pull of sounding and acting like a robot with little emotion pretty well

based. this and T2

Dropkick Nog 3


Last Action Hero.

It's Predator.

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he does Barbarian very well in Conan too though.

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Undercover Cop, the one where he fights cbadd guys

Although he was pretty cool in the Terminator movies I think he was best in this one

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>Batman and Robin
shit taste

Commando is my favorite.
It's odd though, I used to not think total recall was that great. Then I rewatched it for the first time in several years and thought it was great.
Same thing with End of Days.
I am wondering if I will appreciate the sixth day more now. I'm also wondering why I like them more than I used to. Is it because as I have grown my tastes have changed? Are new movies so bad that it makes these seem amazing? Is it because they remind me of Days gone by? I don't know, it's strange.
Total recall has moved up on my list

>that low

Oh yeah same thing happened with raw deal too.
Might just be the only decent action movie to come out recently is John wick but who knows

True Lies. Easy question.

Predator or T2.


No contest. Inventive plot, great production design, a lot of kino shots.

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We on Yea Forums discussed this yesterday in great detail and concluded it was Red Heat

Terminator 2.


>Twins is an 8

has anybody actually seen this piece of shit in the last decade? It's a 3 at best.

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In terms of the overall movie quality? Terminator. In terms of Arnie's acting? Maggie.

Conan, of course


Every film in this picture. But in reality, it's

Terminator 1 and 2
Total Recall
True Lies
Pumping Iron
Raw Deal
Jingle All The Way

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Destroyer was terrible, but not because of anything Arnie related. Mostly it was the removal of Subotai to replace with with a plucky comedic sidekick Mallack, and the focus on a useless woman.


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>Wakanda doesn't even exist. I don't know why all these niggers get so rile-

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Running Man should have been good but they fucked it up

>double foot forward jumpkick a septuagenerian with heart surgery and daily medication in the back
>he doesn't even notice
This guy will be bullied in jail, won't he?

Pumping Iron
All his movies are top kino though

as much as I love Arnold he probably did get somewhat hurt and knew that he was kicked. I mean he looked behind him to see a guy on the ground and his bodyguard carrying him its hard not to connect the dots and he is just lying to make it seem like it wasn't a big deal. Plus I doubt Arnold is going to press any charges because he obviously didn't receive any major injuries

What the hell was his problem? What possess someone to drop-kick Sir Arnold Schwarzenegger like this?

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If that kick was delivered to drumpf's back he would've died


In another thread people have come to the conclusion that the "didn't notice" is legit. He will probably visit a doctor to get checked, but the nog will not get the satisfaction of knowing whether he actually hurt him or not. Arnold is just too much of a pro.

This one.


Jingle all the way and this isn't bait.

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I watched it recently. I'd give it an 8. It's entertaining, lots of entertaining moments from arnie and devito.
Still not a 10, but it's good

Red heat is excellent. Wouldn't say it's his best though



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truly nignogs were a mistake

>Red heat is excellent. Wouldn't say it's his best though
definitely the most underrated tho

Holy shit how can a flying kick be THIS weak?

Agreed. Main issue is arnie has had so many good movies some slip through the cracks

End of Days is top kino.

But Red Heat is very unconventional arniekino. No wisecracks, played rather straight, storyline more complex than average, yet it's still very enjoyable in its own way. I think it should stand out more.
Also one of the select few western films that got to shoot in the soviet union, on the red square no less!

It's because Arnold is such a tank even at 71.

It showed us and them working together. Gorbi no doubt oked it

Its obviously Commando.

>turns out hes a deep cover terminator

It looks like the dude ran up at an angle instead of straight on,I guess he didn't understand velocity

Arnold can act when he wants to, and I think his most nuanced performance was in this low-budget independent short film called NiggaBlocker.
