A black gentleman just dropkicked Arnold Schwarzenegger in the back:

A black gentleman just dropkicked Arnold Schwarzenegger in the back:


Attached: Bildschirmfoto von 2019-05-18 20-58-38.png (1360x768, 398K)

Other urls found in this thread:


We've had many threads on this today, some of which are still up.

Why would anyone go to south africa ever

To see the lions and shit

only nigs should go to south africa

To kill or look at animals

For the safari of course
Have you ever drank a glass of black rhinoceros blood? Of course not, I was just being colloquial to start this story with an anecdote. The first time I had a glass I was in South Africa, taking a celebratory drink in Johannesburg after completing a successful hunt. You see, in South Africa they don't hunt lion, or elephant. We hunted a more dangerous game: the kaffir, or black man. I finally had a 7 year old boy cornered in an Oingo Bongo merchandise warehouse when the thoughts passed through my mind: Should I pull the trigger? Can I ever come back to who I was before this moment? I pulled the trigger, made my first 100 million dollars.


White South Africans are super cool. Idk why they are there tho. They don’t wanna leave and consider it home.


Yeah and now we have another one. Fucking deal with it, prick.

There's probably some strong subconscious appeal to living in a primordial land full of massive beasts and the birthplace of mankind.
but then they have to live with all the primordial humans who were too stupid to leave it

Why do niggers have to do this?


>great greandfather born in SA
>family farm in our hands since 1800s
>lol, just leave
It is home.

Okay stay and get murdered by some ornery bantus

All fucking niggers must fucking hang

Holy shit based.

why didn't he got a lambo from his based wakandan leader, the t'chala, since they are so advanced civilization? i am surprised that they do not give their citizens free lambos, that is very intolerable to treat your people like that!

because white people keep making this face to them

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So this is how the race war begins

>>family farm in our hands since 1800s
Still stolen land, doesn't matter if it was the 1800s or 2000s

>A black gentleman

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>Idk why they are there tho
>They don’t wanna leave and consider it home

You'll get murdered in a decade and people in the west will be openly celebrating

Reminder Arnold is a based anti-racist

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This. The only person I knew who left was a girl's family that moved to my section of farmland USA when all the shit was going down with the change of government in the mid 90's. I think they were afraid they were gonna get purged or something. Of course that Zimbabwe-tier shit is ramping up again now too.

She was my first girlfriend. Big tough blonde gal that fit in with all the Texans except for that nearly British kind of English. I should have married her before I went off to college.

You are lying and you are a virgin

>mfw ever since this meme started I've realized the power move
>started making the face at wh*teoids first
>they are shocked and confused every time
>at least once a day one of them starts seething so hard they couldn't do the face first I can see tears welling up in their eyes

that's white anons for telling me about the face. I've been making your skin brothers fly into rages for weeks

>based anti-racist
Oxymoron nigger


Timestamp is around the 55 second mark.

What does this face even mean?

I don't get this meme, I sometimes do this when I walk by someone but I'm a pajeet. Am I supposed to nod my head instead?

Don't be mad, friend. Tough tomboys are a dime a dozen in the country. Them and Daddy's Little Princesses are like the only two kinds of girls out here. I'm sure you could find one of your own.

Why though? Was there any reason given? Why would you do that to based Arnie.

Attached: arnie and carl weathers predator.webm (1280x720, 2.99M)

Why are bl*cks so violent?

I am required by law to post this because Spitting Image is hilarious even if it's completely untrue.


It's suppose to convey what I aknowledge you but I'm going to carry on with my day and not ask how are you doing


he didn't like his name

For that reason, I'm out.

If you are typing shit that never happened at least make it more exciting.

It's 'groids looking for to complain about.

>We've had many threads on this today, some of which are still up.

Some of us have a life you know...

We are not staying here 24/24! Are you, lol?

>he relaxed
serves him right


It was actually bought, and not even from the blacks who live there now.


I think black man's actions were justified. Why would this white boomer come to SA? Just to flex his muscles around malnourished locals? To make kids beg for his signature? Does he have a god complex? Why is the part where he shouts "White power" cut out?

lmao maybe git good nigger. its what you get for not arming and defending those mud huts.

any south african to translate what he was saying?

im guessing arnie slept with his wife

>Black gentleman

Fucking Zionator


>he relaxed

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that's how white people smile at you on the streets so you don't punch them

I thought this was gonna be cringe but it was actually based, pleasant surprise.

Yeah but its going to be taken from you by some apes. Get out while you still can. Or stock up on guns and especially ammo.


Don't complain when blacks kill whites then lol

It wasn't stolen they built that country, the Bantu don't have a fucking claim to the entire continent

Based, niggers just bounce right off him!

Nigger, we are all living in stolen land. I'm in the middle of England which was stolen from the Anglo-Saxons who stole it from the Celts, who stole it from the Romans, who stole it from the Brythonnics, who stole it from God only knows who--probably some pre-historic chocco who was stranded in Blighty after the ice fell and the poor shagger found himself stuck on the cold side of the Channel. Claims to land ought to only last for one lifetime--if you can't get back what was yours while you are alive then your descendents lose all claim to it.

That's how anyone fake smiles when they really want to frown. It's a grimace.

What a fucking 13/50

A country for every race. Blacks in Africa. Don't complain about how the native blacks treat whites if you also don't support immigration to the west.

blacks are only alive because other races have pity for them, that is literally the only reason, whites, arabs, chinese, any of them could eradicate the entire black population in a month


i've never thought about this before but you're actually totally right

They were there before the nignogs wennt there. Afrikaners and Bush folk lived for almost 200 years in relative peace before the gibsmedat nignogs went there and ruined everythinng. The banntus and zulus who rule south africa atm are not nnatives, they just migrated there, killed a ton of people annd multiplied ad infinitum until the country's infraestructure broke down.

The Day of The Rope will NEVER happen, unless you /pol/tards hang yourselves.

His name literally means "Black Nigger". That's racism. He deserved it.

>I have to have a neutral face so the poc won't interpret any emotion I have as racism
>Little did I know..

I think eventually it will be the arabs who get sick of their antics and slaughter them like farm animals

They're more useful alive - they mine diamonds in slop and pick bananas and shit. White people aren't going to tolerate the treatment the blacks do. Whitey always revolts.

he barely moves lol


absolute unit

>dropkicking the Terminator himself

Pretty ballsy desu

The Saxon has hated before, whites created the modern world with their “evil” colonialism, conquering, settling, etc...
The Saxon will remember to hate eventually, it will just take time. Day of the Rope is inevitable, just a matter of will it come soon enough to save whites from extinction or not.

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Almost looks like arnold got niggered by a schwartz

>nigs so weak they can't even take out a 70 year old man by surprise


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I feel like the floor did way more damage to the nigger than the nigger did to the arnold.

No it won't and you'll keep jerking off to your Turner Diaries while crying about Jews or latinos or something.

Only thing worse than niggers is /pol/. Trannies come in third place.

we need to hang all the niggers though, nigs and leftists are inferior subhumans

I actually started making that face at niggers when the meme started and I found out that it annoys them. Now I can annoy niggers without even saying anything to them. Pretty great.

thanks for posting this so I didn't have to.

This is the most trannied post i've ever seen. You will NEVER be a woman. Gass the niggers!

>muh /pol/ boogey man
You do know niggers and transgenders need to be lynched right?

> You will NEVER be a woman
No shit Sherlock, I'm a lean mean fighting machine.
>Gass the niggers!
Could care less, gass em. Gass every mental alt-right/alt-left fag while you're at it, and leave us normal people be.

you mean stay!

>I'm a lean mean fighting machine.
cringe. This is /pol/s board get use to it tranny.

You're acting like you're any better. I'm not having it. All of you shall be lynched, in one diverse group.

>I hate niggers but I hate people who hate niggers even worse
Makes u think.

holy shit how is this possible

>A black gentleman

His race had nothing to do with it, you racist cracker

>This is /pol/s board get use to it tranny.
It's my board. I bought it 7 months ago.

there's no evidence africa, the continent, is the birthplace of mankind. and SA is far from even the hypothesized origin in the out of africa theory. truly we have no idea where we started.

What's with all the putin rune comments?

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Why lynch EVERYBODY? Why all this fussing and feuding? How about we tip our hats and say howdy-do and get on with our fucking lives?

Pretty much yeah, all haters must hang. That includes black, white, yellow, purple, etc. Males, females, children, burn them all lest they behave like civilized people.

Be normal or get the short end of the stick. Your choice.

luckyman is based
the rest are boomer tier. fuck you boomers

offtopic /pol/ shitposting > offtopic tranny shitposting

russians like arnie

it's a good thing he is mad on the juice right now. if he were a regular weak man his age even a weak kick would have done damage.

People spreading this video are Russian trolls trying to stir up racial divides even though Arnold himself is an avowed anti-racist.

Hey, I'll give you that one.

Announcer : It's been said that the test of a man's courage is how he performs in the face of danger. Well, in the next half hour, you're gonna meet a very unique breed of cat. The kind of man who doesn't know the meaning of the word fear. Rex Kramer, part-time airline mechanic, full-time daredevil. A man willing to risk his life for the sake of adventure. He has to chase it, confront it, and whip it. Rex Kramer, Danger Seeker!
[Cut to a man wearing an Evel Knievel jumpsuit and a crash helmet. He walks over to a group of large black men shooting dice in an alley and stands in the middle of them]
Rex Kramer : [screams] NIGGERS!
[Kramer takes off running and the black men immediately give chase]


I just thought that's weird but then I realized it was stallone who did the anti-russian movies (rocky 4, rambo 3) while arnie actually played a russian once. or do russians like stallone, too?

But you're a hater. Doesn't make any sense, you autistic.

Only to those who are haters themselves. I'll deal with the issue of me once the issue of ((them)) disappears, i.e. never.

Thats a nice car sir!

>Yes it is Mkembe.

What do you call it.

>Lamborghini. It can be yours if you do the right thing.

What do you mean sir?

>Whats the strongest part of the body young Mkembe?

The legs sir.

>No Mkembe, its the brain, but you are an exceptioin,
>for you it is indeed the legs.
>I want you to hit the bad man.

Shall I hit him with my legs sir?

>Yes, this is our plan to get revenge on him.

He is a bad man?

>Yes he is a very bad man.

Ok, I will kick him sir.

>Not just kick him Mkembe, you must get a running start and drop kick.

And this will cripple the bad man?

>Yes, this man said that ass was more important than breasts,
>and for this he must suffer.

Are you sure this will work sir?

>You are a strong young African, in the prime of your life,
>you will have a running start and drop kick a 72 year old man,
>even someone as dull as you can see that this cannot fail.

OK sir, we have an agreement.

what do those parentheses mean to you

Where did you live? I need a tomboy in my life.

Nah Trannies are way worse
/pol/ mostly likes to just shit on blacks in Yea Forums and sometimes fucks with the media
although most blacks are violent there is a minority of them that are pretty cool
trannies however brainwash children, believe that self harm should not be considered a mental illness and are in general disgusting

>black negger attacked by a niggered

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I can't believe that racist called that black king an "idiot" we all know this is basicaly alt-right whistle blowing... That's it, he's cancelled.


>dropkicks an unsuspecting 72 year old at full running speed
>hurts himself
>gets dragged off by the fucking throat by Arnold's swole bodyguard
>Arnold barely notices and thinks he just got jostled by the crowd
>continues on like nothing happened
I guess around blacks Arnold can relax.

Attached: tenor.gif (220x165, 793K)

Why are there white people in Africa? Go back to your country invaders

The scum of the world. Those who wish pain on others, regardless of their aforementioned physical stats.
I firmly believe that evil deserves to be purged from the world, no matter what form it occupies.
Brainwashing people and outright calling for murder are two different things. Regardless, they're both wrong.
For better or worse, being vanilla is the modern day equivalent of being better than most people.
Normies are better in that respect.

I'm guessing the sole voice that can be heard at the end is the guy that kicked him but what is he saying? I can only make out "help me" and "i need an opportunity"

Also hot damn Based Arnie barely moved from all that.

you're not too bright


I was just in Kenya on safari. one of the coolest experiences ever, though every African I met had terrible BO and the cities were pretty unpleasant

Yeah that doesn't have any power if you do it.

Same as calling them crackers.


I'm used to being hated from both sides, since both sides are adamant in their petty little belief systems.
Those who are truly free will know that I am right.

comfy basedposting

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>although most blacks are violent
It's possibly not even most since it's mainly young black men.
How does that even happen? Like 7% of the population at most is committing all this crime.

Why does every nigger do this dropkick?

>Help me, I need a lamborghini
Basically, a nigger is butthurt a rich white man sponsored a fitness event in South Africa and assaulted him from behind.
>he's white so he must be racist
>gib ME lots of money so I can buy a sports car
And if the skinny wasn't so small, Arnold could have been crippled by a direct blow to the spine.
Around blacks, never relax.

niggers =/= black people, so in that respect I agree with you.

cringy teenager tier post

why did Yea Forums let this happen?


Doesn't matter if it's teen-angst tier, edgy, emo, or whatever other buzzword you can think of. It's true.
Judge individuals and not groups, it's as simple as that.


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Dude you're clearly underaged, go back to r-ddit you're obviously not ready for this site.

Exactly what a black would feel when whites say something like 'nigga.' The face just doesn't suit them

Russians don't care about being depicted as villains, they like Arnold because he's strong as fuck and manly.

you're simple

The blacks living there are newer immigrants than the whites, you dumbfuck.

How you down a bottle of those pills /pol/ talks about?

Not ready for what exactly? What does this site have to offer that is worthwhile or can expand my mindset? Edgy content doesn't cut it user.
I can't say I don't try.

>I need a lamborghini
Holy shit he is actually saying that, i was almost certain he was saying opportunity. Fucking disgusting.

>Yeah man whites were always in South Africa bro
Really makes you think...

>in an Oingo Bongo merchandise warehouse

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He got old. He relaxed.

Leave it to a nigger to attack an old man by his back.

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Yes, but less that arnie, since he is less popular.
Also people didn't really read into movies back then that much, especially 3rd and 4th installments in the series.. Also USSR fall was recent in those years so people dissasociate themselves from the old regime.
Modern Russians would hate those movies though, probably.
>hitting old guy in the back... shity trash/hick. Hope they put him in jail
>Actually this was a dangerous kick, could bracke the spine and fuck that's it, you are crippled. blackfaced condom should be put in the zoo, he should jump there
>Did they break fucking face of that rat that atacked grandpa from the back
>black racist atacks from the back and even then falls on fucking face, hope they "explain" to him that he shouldn't do that
Last comment is boring won't bother with it.

Ready to shitpost/absorb shitposts without being triggered and/or indoctrinated you fucking cringy teenaged little shit.

>kicking an old man in the back like a pussy

Niggers are scum.

Seriousl, there's a bad /pol/ problem on Yea Forums. I mean, what the fuck? You push back the furries, make sure the pony fuckers get contained, yet these cock suckers are allowed to shit up the joint? C'mon Mods, they have to go back. And before any you bitches cry "SAFESPACE", what do you think you turning Yea Forums into? A fucking /pol/ safe space!!

It is completely true.

>promotes calm demeanor
>proceeds to display triggered behavior
Yeah, no. Look, I honestly don't care about any of this enough to get angry over it. I'm just stating my truth, similarly to how you're attempting to guide me towards another direction.
Me and you will never agree. It is what it is.

Somewhere around Ethiopia is the current best guess. S. Africa is farther from Ethiopia than France.

Honestly this

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none of this shit is true I am south African and I know lots of nice south Africans and I have loads of black friends and our accent Isn't annoying it's known as one of the nicest accents in the world so I would think before you say something racist

You're not supposed to post before you're over 18, just go back to rddit.

>there's no evidence africa, the continent, is the birthplace of mankind.
have science

best heel heat since Bret got BTFO at the HoF

Attached: Bret HoF.webm (480x480, 2.93M)

there are two things that are unique to this website
freedom to shit talk race
and being anonymous(even then you are pretty much anonymous on other websites like Reddit because no one is going to remember some random Redditor that talked to them)
if you don't like being able to shit talk race then maybe you should go to the dozen other websites that don't allow racism

you are such a cringelord dude, please stop posting, reading your posts is causing me physical pain

lol ok whatever trigger Saffer.

based and sharktankpilled

>throws more buzzwords at me
Here's your final (You) my friend. Gonna go create a reddit account since you're so persistent.

also based Dash with the cheapshot

Attached: BASED Dash cheapshot.webm (720x1280, 2.47M)

>reading your posts is causing me physical pain

Africa belongs to the white man, my friend.

best guess based on what? nothing is left. and analyzing contemporary genetics is meaningless as you can't account for literally hundreds of thousands of years of humans traveling around the globe. we know that humans got to the americas way earlier than was assumed for a long time. if we have to make major corrections to seemingly simple facts like when humans first got to the americas (and admitting he was previously off by tens of thousands of years) then how the fuck do you believe anything a scientist currently hypothesizes about shit that may have happened a million years ago? they're talking about 100k - 200k as being when humans spread out of africa but even if that were true there would be nothing excluding the possibility that humans had previously already spread (from whatever origin) all across the globe a million years ago. the samples are simply too few.

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There are good reasons why underaged are supposed to be banned from posting and you're demonstrating several extremely well.

Oh it's fine, but how come /pol/ gets freedom to do their bullshit on most boards and the defense force is ready cry out?

t. Judge Holden

Yes dumbass, you don't know our history. The Bantu people migrated here after the Afrikaners. The Khoisan were the original people who lived with the white Afrikaners, and the Bantu/Zulu genocided them. Now they pretend to be the originals but they don't look anything like Khoisan, they're a dufferent race. Whites have more claim to the land than these blacks. Just neck yourself, dumb Amerishart nigger scum.

Based, fuck that Trump hating hasbeen.

It's the look of ultimate disappointment



Go cry to hiroshima then, maybe he'll do something about it.

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because this website is mostly dominated by people who are like minded especially boards like Yea Forums
its like going to resetera and being surprised everyone is extremely pro gay and prop transgender


if it wasn't for the whole islam thing arabs would be pretty damn based desu

The white man made civilization in a place no nigger had the brains to do themselves. Then THEY stole the land. Under the white man, SA had the most advanced space program and nuclear weapons. Never again though because blacks are stupid as fuck like you

Most of the blacks in ZA are descendants from the niggers of east africa. Dutch arrived there before them, and the Bantu people only had a small parts of the area.


>all those pol fags in the comment section
literally worse than nigger

Reminder that this is the only sane way to travel in africa.

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And he no sold it like a fucking champ.

>comment section
Where’s the dislike button

Why so many fucking Russians though?

>blackfaced condom should be put in the zoo, he should jump there

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why did he need a lambo for?
couldn't be like one of those movies where mc needs something ridiculous in order to save someone's life?

are you retarded

>these armed dudes figure they could make way more money if they take you hostage and demand ransom from your rich jewfro family
whoops, I guess you didn't think this one through.

The more you just call them kekistani larping incel man babies and then promptly ignore them, the better. They'll just call you a tranny for dare telling them to stay on their containment board, but it's just words, they'll never accomplish their cringy larp IRL

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this is why i come to this site

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A dude is lying because he had a girlfriend? Not everyone is as socially inept as you. People get girlfriends all the time, many of them are people originally from outside the US

Renowned director Uwe Boll would fucking kick both their asses

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Get off the board

Very much true, but nobody cares about that guy anymore.

We can make flawless diamonds in a lab, fuck real diamonds

It's ok, I forgive you for being a nigger.

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only good nig is a dead nig

>People who dislike violent ape niggers are worse than said niggers

he should've worn a robocop costume

It's actually not condom, but a derogatory form of condom, but I don't think there is a simmilar word in English.

he based

At first you say
>I hate anyone who talks about hating niggers you're all /pol/
>You're a nigger
Damn Sherlock, must be making 6 figures now eh?

Not anymore white guy. Time to gtfo while the getting is good.

True, but also fuck you. White man has become a joke nowadays. Perfectly equal to your regular nigger.
Into the trash it goes.

you're a pajeet or some kind of SEA monkey? is that why you sound so cringy?

Closer to 5, but an otherwise valid assumption.
And yes, fuck anyone who casts the first stone, be it a nigger or a whitetoid.

Yes they're veing subverted and cucked. Even then, they've made more and invented more for the world abd still are than anyone else. Go kill yourself pajeet or whatever tf you are.

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based and FCA pilled

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No? I'm a white male (not mixed, I'm not from the US of A).
I'm aware of the cringe and the specific way in which I word myself but it feels good. Easiest way to get (You)'s is to disagree with anything remotely /pol/ in nature. Ain't my fault my Saturday plans got BTFO'd. You monkeys are dancing for me and it feels nice.

Why are incels getting riled up by this?

>Fuck whites too
They're better than the rest of them you nihilist retarded teen.

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lol Y?

>be successful strong man
>say something bad about orangeman
It's the perfect concoction of jealousy + political disagreement. They'll get over it. None of it matters in the end.

>Who casts the first stone
Dumb pajeet, Blacks commit 50% of crime here in US despite being 13% of the population. I'll do whatever the fuck I want with them nigger.

Did you post a similar story about an English gentleman, his black servant-boy, biscuits by the fire and a whip made from a rhino penis?

Bit you will never do it because you are pussy.


>the (You)'s keep coming. I'm loving it. I should've larped as a pajeet but was too stupid to see the potential. Please ignore my confession from earlier, I'm a Pajeet through and through.
Keep them replies coming lads, I unironically gain power from this.


You say that word 100 times on the Internet a day but not once IRL. Try going outside, incel.

omg based! BERROOOOO

That's all you have in response? Pretty sad.

You sound like a pajeet too.

Is he screaming after getting kicked?

Wishful thinking nigger. You will hang too.

you are literally not engaging with reality. that's amazing. i bet you're an american

He barely made him move.

Hi Kevin!

>On an anonymous imageboard
If you love attention you're about as valuable as your typical whore without the sex part or female part. You gain a fucking illusion and a better chance of someone tracking you down and ending your cringe life.

What? Of course I do. I call the pajeet at work by his name all the time.

You will never achieve your imaginary race war. You're an incel stuck in their basement spamming "NIGGERS" for the 49th time today.
Rangeban Amerilards and the quality of this board goes up by 800%

Nobody's perfect

>White man has become a joke nowadays
This but with a sightly less amount of irony

Half of those ain't mine, but I'm lovin' it. Keep it up.
>you are literally not engaging with reality
Anything and everything to get you fools riled up. Be /pol/ when the trannies are here. Be a tranny when /pol/ is here. Rinse and repeat.
I'm OG Yea Forums m'lady, something you will never understand.

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Don't make me laugh.

Imagine being proud of a patch of dirt in an african shithole

The guy you responded to didn't say anything about a race war, pajeet. Have a street shit and calm down.

I bet you have so much sex

Thanks for the attention brah. I unironically used to model just for attention's sake. It feels fucking good. Too bad my looks deteriorated.
At least I'll always have you monkeys dancing for me.

He's fucking lying. Trying to not make a big deal out of this because he saw it was a nig that did it. Hope he can laugh off when he gets stabbed or shot next.

cringe (you)

unironically, what are some books and/or kinos like this?

>To kill or look at animals
Hey, don't call black people "animals"

Like minded like how? I don't like niggers but i have no problem with black people like Eddie Murphy.

fuck you nigger

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He obviously isn't. That guy did literally zero damage to him, made himself look bad, AND got further embarassed by Arnie's genius tweet. Cope femcel.

Based faceblind nigroids

Can /pol/ shut the fuck up about their imaginary race war please? We're not your personal army anyways, so why don't you go recruit the nigger slaying unit on 8/pol/, TDS, TRS, Atomwaffen, and Stormfront. Yea Forums is not the right place to do it.


>OG Yea Forums
>pretending to hate whites and love attention
>"fuck who casts the first stone"
OG Yea Forums hated niggers and were alright with whites. You're some delusional pajeet that's gonna get hacked in a couple minutes and have his internet history sent to his parents if he doesn't do what I want.

I'm close now, only a few more (You)'s till the literal and proverbial fountains. Be there for me as I have been for you.

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Not white trash that is for sure.

>/pol/spie thinks OG Yea Forums started with /pol/

rip america, you had a good run, and you supported your useless negros for centuries, but even you can't afford to maintain civilization with negros and Mexicans draining you

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hey look this relates to movies

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So based that it hurts

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You're not OG Yea Forums.

There's nothing wrong with spamming racist memes but this cringy larp is just tryhard as fuck. It's an easy way to spot the /pol/ newfags.


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OG Yea Forums will always be contratian in nature.
You're a thin skinned bitter old man who has forgotten how to have fun.
I'm literally surrounded by cancel culture whenever I go, even in a supposed "free" place such as this.

Doesn't matter because I'm cancer from 2010 anyways. All I know is /pol/ didn't exist when I first joined Yea Forums and we had a mix of both racist and not racist people. You /pol/ children think this website was a virtual COD voice server, no it fucking wasn't you dumb faggot.

>OG Yea Forums hated niggers
Your newfaggotry is showing. Why do you think people have been using "nigga" here since forever or why we have old school rap and hip hop threads to this day?

I used to dislike /pol/ too until I saw how much it pisses off trannies, faggots normies and (You)

Based Afrikaaner.

to pretend they like niggers for diversity points

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>Using the word racist unironically
Found the newfag

Garden of Eden.

he didn't kick so good

Far from it. With the new fag influx it became reverse contrarian. But I guess that was inevitable right, newfag?

>They mine diamonds

You mean the thing that will never be sold 90%+ of the time in order to increase it's cost?

Turns out Russians like Arnie more than Americans do.

You have a whole board to larp like edgy stormtroopers, this isn't the place to do it you retards.

>although most blacks are violent there is a minority of them that are pretty cool

Look at Africa, and say that again


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Not the same guy but yes. People here nowadays complain about elitists like it is bad thing.

The most dangerous game

I better stop then.

I honestly thought that he was at some random USA public school at first, so many black people.

Attached: Russia x China x USA.jpg (778x1165, 1.21M)

Yes even in africa there more level headed people. Not a lot but you have them.

Whatever dude, have fun with your little safe space.
You guys will get bored with each other when you're all the same either way. You'll be hoping that guys like me come along then, but it'll be too late.

>n-no don't say that word it makes me uncomfy!! :(


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I'd like to see you try.

1 - Don't go to Africa
2 - Don't let people from Africa immigrate to your nation

Following these two rules is the best bet. Sadly the second one is hard to enforce without good politicians.

This always gets thrown a lot but how many of those 13% of blacks actually make those 50% of crimes.

This mongoloid pussy ass faggot getting yous, I hope you get rapped by pack of wild niggers, you limp wristed faggot.

>muhh safespace
Yea Forums is /pol/. Maybe go to reddit if you don't like having your worldview challenged.

Disappointed in niggers not being humans that's for sure.

>Whiteknighting for subhumans on the internet will surely get me laid

Not him, but riddle me this then, if everyone who disagreed with /pol/ migrated elsewhere, would that genuinely better the experience of everyone else on the site? Doesn't that create a safe space within itself? Don't you like to debate with people at least?

lel trannies are reporting racism

It's lie, americans are worse than muslims, specially right wingers, they are literal terrorist.

The African STICC versus the Austrian THICC

>will surely get me laid
What the fuck are you talking about? Are you mentally ill or something?

/pol/ is not one person, it's not even one ideology lmao

Every single percentage because all darkies are criminals

okay, point that out to me on a map.

Cope, cucks.

I have a feeling posts like these are meant to stir the tension between the right and the left further.
You Russians are really outdoing yourselves, I must say.

cry more nerd

Imagine being Arnold in that scene

If leftists could meme or make coherent arguments to the contrary it would be a loss of good discussion, but that's not reality.

Talking about your dad again, huh, are you faggot just like him or you just do to survive.

t. Election baby/Phonefag post-Chanology

it's a joke darkie, lighten up

Not everyone who tells you to stay on your containment board is a leftist or a tranny. Get better buzzwords, you're just shitting up every board and making it unusable.

Oh look the terrorist got triggered, good thing you don't know where I live.

/pol/ owns 4channel dis ours tranny boi

>If leftists could meme
Oh the irony.

>lighten up
The guy probably spends his benjamins on skin bleaching products how are you gonna say that to thim

>Not everyone who tells you to stay on your containment board is a leftist or a tranny
Yes they are, those are the only people who give a shit about mean words
leftists cannot meme no matter how much they try to copy us

Ok tranny

We are two separate people. I'm not triggered but your post looks like bait.

Honest question, what is /pol/'s endgame? Give me a serious answer lest you be judged as an eternal faggot. I'm not a leftist before you suggest it.

Now if you would just give me somekinda source for this claim.

he's obviously baiting why give him free you's for such a low effort shitpost...


pol btfo!

>We are two separate people
Jesus christ, you're an absolute psycho.

Because I got a few hundred you's with minimal effort earlier. Giving back is good.

>lest you be judged
Oh how diddy kind sir, i tip my hat off to you sire, you sir, have just won the internet, gentleman sir

They have no endgame, just waste their lives away crying about black people stealing their women and thinking their larp of thousands of fat kekistani NEETs wearing rainbow wigs is going to wreak havoc on the United States.

>m-mommy they're c-counter baiting!
ok tranny



I expected a lazy response but this is something else. How are you supposed to lure people into your ideology if you can't even explain what it stands for?


Um sweaty the endgame is mass tranny suicide and hating nigs

why do i have to explain anything to you lmao back to qu*ra with you tranny

A half-assed answer is better than nothing I guess.
But give me more details.
Say there are no more niggers and trannies in the world, then what happens?

He fought someone who had no boxing experience and refused to fight Seanbaby, who was a muay thai fighter.

>i demand you take me seriously and debate me!

>/pol/ is an ideology
OOF how retarded can you be

based varlamov looking for cycling infrastructure in somalia

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colonize spess

>Say there are no more niggers and trannies in the world, then what happens?
The world will finally know peace

holy cringe.what shithole website did you crawl out of?

What is it?

Yea Forumsmblr trannies SEETHING

Africa is not prove of that all 13% american blacks make the 50% crimes.

Are you sure? We still have china and russia.

i think it's a board on Yea Forums

Most of us would be also in death camps.

Since you seem to be retarded i'll lay it out so you can fuck off back to whatever subreddit you crawled out of.
Tankies, ancaps, nazis, cuckservatives, vegans, ecofascists and literally any other weird assortment of fringe ideologies that you can think of exist on /pol/. The board's culture is built upon contrarianism. So pls stop being retarded thinking that /pol/ is ctually a coherent ideological discourse.

>/pol/ can shit up any board we want because we're /pol/!! But if anyone else come we'll tell THEM to leave!! NIIIGGEEERRRRRRR!!

I thought all of Yea Forums was /pol/? You people are fucking confusing.


I don't disagree
I'd probably be the first one to go

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>The board's culture is built upon contrarianism
That's all I needed to hear. Thank you for admitting I was right all along.


Your brain on AIDS