Are you guys enjoying it?
Are you guys enjoying it?
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No, user. Everyone here absolutely hates it
I live near a nuclear power plant.
Shit is scary.
A Manipulative piece of modern leftist propaganda
I wish they went into the situation that caused it more instead of starting after it already was melting down.
I live near a highway.
Shit is scary.
It would have been better without that female know-it-all scientist they made up out of an amalgamation of irl people strictly so dumb roasties could get a speaking part.
>I wish they went into the situation that caused it more instead of starting after it already was melting down.
>retard commie shits disabled a bunch of safety features in order test the reactor
>shit goes wrong cause commies are stupid
>nuke half of europe
Watched first episode, it was melodramatic but decent. Dropped when i heard it introduced some power womyn who schools everyone.
I was hoping it'd essentially be The Terror 2. Unmitigated historical kino.
I live near an Arby’s.
Shit is scary.
I live in a town with nuclear power station
I live near a hospital with no iodine pills
yes. not necessarily because it has no niggers
I rate it 3.6/5, not great, but not terrible.
but it's HBO so it's not really a surprise
>muh strong woman saves the day
most of the characters reactions were fairly tame considering the extent of the danger theyre in with episode 1, with the exception of a few characters who are closest to the reactor. If you were an employee there knowing the effects of what you were dealing with on your body you would probably be panicking at least a little too. But the issue of melodrama is more apparent in episode 2 when the specific effects and dangers are more explicitly stated, where as just implicit and shown with visuals for the majority of episode 1
You guys need to spend less time on the internet.
Living near a highway increases your chance of lung cancer. Living near a NPP does nothing. How fucking ironic.
Come on, you got memed on.
The "woman power" stuff is reasonable and there's just this moment when she has a discussion with the litreal embodiement of soviet corruption. She walks off the office and give iodine pills to the poor secretary who does all the stuff. That's it. The rest is great.
what went wrong
>what went wrong
The pilots didn't have enough to drink
Melodrama was probably the wrong word. They made the event more apocalyptic than it was irl. With a towering volcano spewing ash. Turned me off as it disrespected the reality and made it feel cheap. I did like the first episode but im so sick of lecturing politicized media i didn't want to continue with some forced modern feminist dream.
Melodramatic flick, that's all.
Most of people which they showed haven't acted like this at all, plus all stuff like "trowing out of helicopter" and "I will shoot you" is pure stereotypical cranberry
Why Yea Forums considers this barely decent garbage good?
It's historically inaccurate, badly acted and corny as shit. The only actually good thing is the scenography.
For the rest Chernobyl was kino in itself, all the allure of this show is due to the kinoness of the IRL event itself
>They made the event more apocalyptic than it was irl.
I was 6yo and it was pretty apocalyptic desu
no, it doesn't exist.
>woman walks in
>sand and borium
Based and 3.6Roentgenpilled
They just made out a non existed girl power character and even got told by NYtimes
It's really something wrong if even nytimes hating it
>triggered Jews scrambling to ensure their communist history is portrayed accurately or in a positive light
Imagine my shock.
Yea Forums is too fucking retarded to enjoy anything. Shows like chernobyl, with top notch directing, acting and scripts always remind why i fucking hate this place so much. Its even too dumb to be pretentious. Its just an ugly, reactive, slimey ball. I cant put into words how much i despise this board
>triggered Jews scrambling to ensure their communist history is portrayed accurately or in a positive light
I think it would have been better if they divided half her exposition and work with her assistant or whoever the guy she was with was.
im loving it, its fantastically directed, all the actors are top notch, honestly, i dont how you cunts are bitching about it
Already stopped watching
Fuck you hbo shill
>there's just this moment when she has a discussion with the litreal embodiement of soviet corruption
How could they get away with this scene?
The factual inaccuracies are a bit annoying, as well as the over dramatization. Also mary sue
Seem like historically unaccurate is the main reason
See you in the next GoT thread!
It’s not 3 roentgen. It’s 15,000/10.
Every thread needs an incel triggered by a woman / minority character.
Go to fucking Reddit to have a "real " discussion and get the fuck out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
FUCK HBO pure trash
The rotors clip the crane, you can see the wire get cut and start falling with the chopper.
everyone can see that
I live by blacks. Help me
Why do they have British accents
the reactor has design flaws too
you are in shock. janny get him out of here
join the KKK
>yfw Jared Harris is actually Richard Harris' son
fake russian accents are ridiculous
Can someone explain how the fuck those three swimmers made it back unschated from going that close to the reactor (Ananenko & co.) and continue to live to this day?
But disabling the safety features was part of the test
But was her character historically accurate? there are some clever stem girls out there
God intervened
Look at that Ronald Weasley looking little shit.
It's great. Not sure why everyone has English accents and not Russian
Watched the first episode. Didn't feel compelled to come back for the second.
Let's unpack this... yikes
It's almost as if TV overdramatizes everything! gosh
it's not that exciting. They disabled safety features and station blackout, Slavs being dumb and it went boom
Because those english chav/underclass accents is what commoner ukrainians would sound like in-universe to a russian audience one would assume
Personally it makes suspending disbelief easier for me
Is the woman who comes out of nowhere a fabrication of the series?
dont listen to this idiot
blend in become them buy paint
report back to us on their movements and plans user
Your sacrifice will save countless lives
have sex
the radiation isn't neccesarily close to the core at any one moment, and at the time there was a lot of dust and moisture in the air and heat convection which was constatly desettling the atmosphere so emitted particles were being moved all the time. Being below the core was also considerably safer than above it since the reactions with the floor caused so much vapour and IR that the radiation was mostly forced upwards.
I was very much looking forward to this show, the ads and previews looked so promising .
Unfortunately, it doesn't deliver .
This first episode is an unimaginative succession of stereotypes, much like painting by numbers .
The ingredients, the required scenes and dialogues uttered are all there, but somehow the total is less than the sum of its parts . By a lot .
It's boring - at no time does the viewer get involved, there never is a sense of danger or even urgency, just a cartoonish slide show of one of the most tragic events in recent history .
>gets arrested
>brought to the main guys planning the containment operation just because
>sorry boys, how stupid of you, but I skimmed trough these building plans, and saw some firetrucks, even though they are all 10m away from the building 4, and I wasnt driven anywhere near it on the way here, but I deduced that there's water in the tanks
The character Ulana is made up; never existed, she never happened. Quit watching this falsehood when I found out.
It's not. There was a group of scientists that was united into one strong woman meme
I'm guessing it was a conscious choice that none of the actors has a Russian accents. Terrible decision. Show looses believability and it seems lazy.
Propagandized "commies are dumb and evil" type sensationalist flick to suit politicial interests of our day.
For me the skill I value above all else in TV and film is IMMERSION. To make me forget that I'm watching a production and believe for a moment i'm there.
When it's a tragic incident this is even more important, as we are witnessing an account of real people that were injured and died.
This show does not give me that. At all. The intrusive music, swish direction, slow-motion dramatics all takes me out the immersion - and makes me feel like we're watching a disaster movie from the 1990s.
The worst thing - by a mile - is that they're all British. This was an incident in the Ukraine. Why is everyone acting like they're in Britain? I pushes the show into absurdity. I'm not saying it all has to be foreign language with subtitles, but The Americans was a great example of using real foreign language actors so that when they even spoke in English you felt it was realistic.
The actors you could lift out of any generic BBC police drama - the head of the control room feels like the police boss. The questioning in the 'interrogation' room was absurd and they were seconds away from going "You're nicked!".
They should have just made it a fictional account of a UK nuclear disaster and avoided most of the issues above.
I'll give it two points as set design wise, it looks great
A little less ever time Mary Sue shows up.
Like others have pointed out, this series is - to say the least - not historically accurate. I suspect the changes / fabrications are to make it more effective as anti-nuclear propaganda?
The 3.6 points are for good acting, cinematography and direction. But since the script is mostly made up and a distortion of an important part of history, I have to warn people not to take this seriously and just view it as entertainment...
there's a 'composite character' for all the people who did the right thing but god forbid it's a MALE or even... a WHITE MALE!!!
See girls, you too can join STEM and join the ranks of noble female scianz warriors who expose the evil and incompetence of the patriarchal institution of science who are on the verge of destroying entire continents this very fucking moment. THE FUTURE IS FEMALE
well they they were fuckin dumb and evil
>is made up; never existed, she never happened.
when is 3rd ep?
next Monday
More kino for the rest of us, brainlet
This show is hyped much more than I expected
Criminally underrated
How DARE you criticize a fictional woman.
Imo ruined by the British accents!
Watched the first episode, There was one point where the original language was spoken (about 10 mins in) but apart from that, nothing!
The first episode is interesting. I remember when this happened very well. The only problem I am having with the show so far is that out of all of the Soviets that I have seen so far, NONE of them have even a hint of a Slavic accent, British all the way.
After the first episode.
Great directors job, great shots and great arts.
But really surprised how it is possible for the authors to use in the story the most speculative cliches of soviet propaganda . Dyatlov like an antogonist? U serious? Yes Dyatlov was rigid (rough?stern?) -- but he wasn't an idiot. Legasov (the part of the system) like a protagonist? Legasov who advocated his bosses (the main "authors" of Chernobyl) -- Aleksandrov (the head of RBMK-reactor project) and Dollezhal (a chief designer of RBMK-reactor) in IAEA (INSAG-1 report in 1986)?
English director and american scriptwriter continued the soviet "regime" lies. Amazing.
they probably just think it'd be pointless if it isn't in russian anyway, like with the Death of Stalin, I doubt any of them could speak much english at the time.
The fact that the woman scientist is made up is insane considering the importance she has in the show.
For the show itself its fine there is nothing offensive about her but from a historical point of view....
who cares
You need to spend more time in the infirmary, because you are delusional.
they need the female audience
How's it feel knowing they did all that to get back at Trump. The writer pretty much says so in the first podcast.
I will never forgive HBO decision not to cast Paul Dano
It really feels out of place though. We have every other character in constant fear while she walks around to soldier and superiors telling them how things will be and how she's so smart. Even the coworker that decided to overwork and come in on a Saturday she talks down to.
>shitting on the bloated, corrupt Communist bureaucracy
>leftist propaganda
Just one
This is classic Paul Dano.
Just rewatch War and Piece. It's better than Chernobyl will ever get a chance to be.
Whose everybody shipping ?
I am shipping Uliana and Dyatlov or Ulialove.
RIP user
Almost as if he meant it ironically
This shit is fucking terrifying. Its true horror.
So what the fucking happens to that guys hand when he touches the graphite? Does it just begin to decay?
that shit when the top nuclear dude got fucked and carried out of the facility only to see how actually fucked the reactor was and everyone else was horror kino
worse than decay. imagine your skins and muscle like water, and stones (in this case the neutron bullets) are thrown at them causing ripples or splashes and makes it hot. only after that suffering the decay starts.
How many bullets user?