Who is your favorite comedian?


Who is your favorite comedian?

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>no protect me from words

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even Yea Forums doesn't make rape jokes desu

Sargon is in UKIP?
Do I have to wear my clown paint now?

>Sargon of Akkad

Is this brainlet seriously the best /pol/ has to offer?

Shouldn't it be called a anti-rape joke?

What are his opinions on miscarriage jokes?

I'm enjoying how utterly cucked Batten has been by this whole debacle.
I know UKIP aren't exactly the brightest bulbs, but imagine being so fucking stupid that you honestly think the best direction of your party in the goddamn EU elections is the teenage shitlord demographic.

>curious about what the actual controversial comment is
>it's this
The fuck?

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Stop bringing /pol/ at everything you retarded faggot

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isn't that the Pug Nazi by his side ?

wtf happend.



>54 seconds in

LOL he has a real spring to his step.

>hating based sargon
go off yourselves tranny freaks we’re gonna save the west


>The only people with any kind of public respect jumped ship to Brexit Party
>UKIP is now just Youtubers saying edgy things for attention and Tommy Robinson


you should see mike cernovich or baked alaska. somehow even worse than this imbecile.

/pol/ doesn't even like him because he isn't a racist, whereas SJWs hate him because they think he is a racist. It's kind of funny.

i've never seen him mentioned on /pol/, only on leftypol raids on Yea Forums

I would rape you, user. I would rape you good.

lurk moar

It reminds me of when people accuse Jordan Peterson of being /pol/ when the prick actually wrote an article claiming Jews are genetically intellectually superior to white people and therefore deserve all of the political and financial success they've accumulated

Holy shit im UKIP now wtf

Oh please you can't even work up the nerve to have regular sex, you're not raping anyone

He literally started on /pol/

*Destroys Sargon and triggers /pol/*

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Can't listen to sargon without having a massive cringe attack.

He clearly isn't nearly as bright as he think he is. Only reason he gets away with his dumb shit is because of his british accent, which american right-wingers confuse with intellect

Who remembers?


I've seen /pol/ appreciate these kinds of e-celebs since they are a gateway drug for underage normalfags into more radical views

But they also despise them for being too soft on the jews

It's a love hate relationship

Is Sargon going through a redemption arc right now? I used to dislike him for being a cuck, but seeing how unapologetic he is about the rape comments is making me like him

Fuck journalist!
Fuck the media!
Fuck the lying press!
Fuck jews!

So wtf would >she even have to talk about beyond want to cut their dicks off for free?

Sargon is the last hope for cucked Britbongs before they become a socialist Muslim dystopia.

Sargon is an undercover commie sent to destroy right wing parties from within

Being openly leftist on Youtube takes balls desu

I know you sent one of these from your PC and the other one from your phone

He's 5'6 irl. Note he is also wearing big boots in this clip

The duality of /pol/.

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>brits offended at someone saying that they wouldn't rape someone
>meanwhile in murica

>plans to cut their dick off
>this owes me somehow

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LeftTube is getting bigger now, guys like Three Arrows and Shaun are good at using actual facts and research to destroy most of the horseshit the popular alt right youtubers say.

Too long shit like "durr hitler was a left wing socialist it's in the name!!" bullshit has gone un-challenged on there

Only one man can stop Sargon now

Attached: destiny.jpg (590x334, 22K)

14:20 is the timestamp

He has literally destroyed UKIP, Vote Brexit Party with Nige if you want brexit

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Tbh, i think that now that trump is president, and sane people see that the right is way more corrupt than the left i feel like the tide is turning.

fucking kek


He didn't stop anything

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>hitler was a left wing socialist

This is true though, no matter how much collectivists try to deny it.

lmao no

>"durr hitler was a left wing socialist it's in the name!!" bullshit has gone un-challenged on there

As a german this argument makes me massively cringe.

If Hitler was such a leftie, why was he hanging out with other right-wingers like Mussollini or the japs all the time ?

>gender is arbitrary
>sex and biology are arbitrary
>let's redefine everything
>lol women in manual labor jobs? no?! nobody should be working those jobs!
hang yourself dgger.

>debates destiny has lost
>gives 5 examples out of the 100 or more he has done
not bad desu

Now that mainstream gets more rightist the teens become more leftist again

Such is the circle of life

Yeah bro, just ignore all of Mein Kampf were he shits on Marxism and says it'll lead to extinction of the human race, all the socialists he sent to concentration camps, and the banning of Trade Unions.

But it's not

Not to mention the fucking night of the long knifes

What is it with the youtube e-celeb crowd and treating debates like a sport?
>X destroyed Y in debate!!!
It's so fucking childish the point of debates isn't win/lose

This whole "Media is left wing" stuff always seemed strange to me being from the UK. Considering nearly our entire mainstream printed press is right wing


Of course it is

hmm interesting. How is it then that Hitler allied with right-wingers to get into the goverment ?

How is it that communists and social-democrats were his main political opponents ?

How is it that he allied with mussolini and the japanes emperor instead of Stalin ?

How is it that he got massive financial support by big industry in his electoral campaigns ?

Could you even answer a single of these answers ? Just because he wasn't a turbo-capitalist doesn't mean he was a leftist

>Considering nearly our entire mainstream printed press is right wing
It is. But people like Sargon have imported the American definition of left wing now, where literally every enemy is a communist.

Why do feminist love and support muslims and their cultures if they are for womens rights?

why is there a feud between Sargon and Mr. Metokur now? weren't they buddies back in the Gamergate days?

Is he wrong?

But it isn't

>what is Strasserism

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All the tv stuff is left wing and thats the stuff that matters

read Locke.

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Even the "left wing" news serves the rights interests by focusing on fringe issues like trans bathrooms and other stupid shit instead of actual policy, nothing has done more to discredit socdems and their like than the "left wing" media

kys leftypol cuckold

I would gladly hold that manlet underwater until the bubbles stop but this image is pure seethe

>man this sandwich is really bad, did /pol/ had anything to do with it?

No, and they had a fight over Sargon's short lived political party

It pushes the idea that rape is a compliment

What do feminism and muslims have to do with Hitler

You mean like how the BBC had the right wing Andrew Neil as it's main political host, and openly invites a dis-proportionate amount of UKIP/far right debaters onto it's show every week?

>he doesn't know

Sargon was loved by /pol/ once. You might not believe me but he was back in 2016 or so. He posted (still does maybe?) there all the time too.

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This is is how I know you despise private property and also want to chop your dick off.

>Andrew Neil
>right wing

He’s a leftist, speaking for a leftist propaganda outlet.

I think most of them being retards also discredits them


Jess Phillips was raped

Amazing how nobody mentions his tgirl sex tape these days.

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No he wasn't and neither was that faggot milo

its usually short people that make big change
it seems to be that short people are the only people with the balls to go against the curve

He looked at the YouTube accounts expressing support of him, noticed Calgon of Arsecrack's numbers, and thought "that's gotta be good, right?"

>100 or more he has done
>implying any of those are even debates

If you don’t think shit like the BBC is blatantly left wing, then you’re a brainwashed NPC.

Sargon was. Its how I even knew who he was in the first place.

And the Brexit Party is now being treated as financially fishy, and Farage being confronted as the weasel-eyed conman he always was. Fun times.

by any objective standards Milo is a degenerate.

And i'm not referring to him being gay. He clearly is a very disturbed man who couldn't handle the fame and now is in massive debt

Farage and sargon are both overgrown babies

what was bad about that peterson arguments was he said because they are more intelligent its good for them to control us

How's my form bruhs?


Little did he know the fanbase is made mostly of teenage American kek boys.

Then you would know most of /pol/ hated him for taking and ruining the pepe meme

>94 posts
>38 posters
Every. Single. Time. Discord trannies are an absolute plague.

It's not rape if you're Chad enough ;)

The accent and the resonance of his voice. They think he's Hitchens reborn.

Anyone else tired of the reduction of political views into an apparently static left vs right binary.

>Sargon is campaigning with Milo now
Is he retarded. Why is UKIP allowing this?
>hated him for taking and ruining the pepe meme
That came later.

Attached: milo.jpg (480x360, 33K)

>Andrew Neil
what are his thoughts on immigration

So please explain to me how UKIP has had over 10x the amount of guests on Question Time over the past 5 years than Green Party, Lib Dems combined despite having 0 (ZERO) elected MPs?

Please explain to me how before Question Time goes on the air, they "warm the crowd up" by making jokes about Labour MPs, and then cut off Labour guests with literal incorrect facts and statistics that the guest doesn't have time to dispute?

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yeah, I'm sure that's the part that made /pol/ mad.

Hi Ben

Milo has tried to sell his "throne" three times on Ebay and had 0 bids

>Tried $2000
>Tried $1500
>Tried $600

It's pathetic to see

yeah but then he went full ben shapiro "i dont care about the browning of europe or if white people go extinct"
so hes a fag now

al though still better than most politicians, which is sad

It's time to let go Ben

>destiny fan
Watch out, we got an """"""""""""independent thinker"""""""""

just say you're a centrist and watch them sputter with rage

Nazis watch out!

Wait these faggots still fight for this gamergate shit? What the hell? Did they not get a notice that this meme has been over for like 10 years?

thats some sad moving the goal post
is they guy that made that pic really supposed to list all 100 and reasons

>I wouldn’t even rape you
Just comes across as really seething honestly, like something an incel would say when everyone knows they wouldn’t have the balls to even if they wanted

This is it. I mean, can't he hear the transatlantic tinge to Calpol's accent?

I'm am enjoying immensely watching you children from both sides of the imagined divide flinging shit at each other. heh.

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>thinks it's just left vs right, and not all sorts of political groups throwing in
You're not actually paying attention, are you?

ESL poster please leave

Rape jokes are the only acceptable jokes

yea the jews will win the battle by smearing him out of the election but now instead of whining about protagonists in video games for the next 20 years he's actually going to attack these (((globalists))) where it matters

So why are people seething so hard that he said it then?

Who cares if people are white as long as immigrants integrate to western culture and values? Skin color literally means nothing.

There was some ridiculous shit where Ben contacted Metokur and others to try and convince them that Gamergate was the key to Trumps election, it's Ben's entire life

His views are the complete opposite to you’re boogeyman. I recall one debate with spencer that he said he could give a rats ass about identitarians or “whiteness” he reads locke like it’s the bible. He doesn't like SJW or equality of outcome and how it fucks people over, maybe because of this you think this makes him a nazi? if you honestly think this guy is a pol nigger you are completely out of touch.

Nobody is seething, they are just taking the opportunity to bring him down lmao

2016 was a mistake

nobody likes carl.

he gives of the "kid who smells of petrol and made dinosaur screams at girls" kind of vibe.


>e-celeb crowd
>why are they acting retarded
Come on user
You have to be retarded to be a part of that group or to follow what they say
Especially if you mainly discuss gender politics or feminism, both sides are so cringe

I actually think the left-wing and right-wing spectrum explains a lot of political ideologies even if it in reality it is way more complex.

Left-wingers believing that most things are artificial and can be constructed and deconstructed by society, and right-wingers believing that there is some kind of natural or in some cases god-given nature, which you have to preserve or get back to.

I think you can map most political ideologies on this spectrum

i'm richer than you

why would you want some other group controlling you? and act like that's a mature opinion

That seems cheap and also would be playing into the binary.

Are you? Did you even read my comment about how political discussions always get reduced into the binary never allowing for any more nuance?

He claimed he was 2 degrees of seperation from Trump too

He was right. Gamergate was responsible for Trump's election.

Sargon literally failed all his A-levels, including a D in general studies. UK anons will know how retarded this makes him.

you have a long way to go foolish cuck
also very disingenuous to act like race is just skin colour

Where would that guy be now if they hadn't made a big deal about his Pug?

Gamergate was responsible for all kinds of cancers

They don't have a smear an idiot who makes fifty percent of the voting population hate him. UKIP did very well with middle-aged women. Not anymore.

I don't think disaffected boomers living in flyover states forgotten by the fed gave much of a fuck about some slut rooting game journalists for good reviews

because ukip are controversial and need to be knocked down a peg in the public sphere by the "official" parties. nobody gives a fuck about green and lib dem.

He is right, intelligent people earned their spot on the dominance hierarchy. Low IQ people don’t belong in positions of authority.

yh, saw the majority report videos abou this.

I kinda feel sad for him, because i really believe he's mental and needs help.

Then again he makes a video, which is anti-muslim in the most primitive way, and i start thinking he deserves all he gets.

Guess he's just has the self-destruction trait some people have. Wouldn't surprise me if he ends up with an overdose or suicided

No, you see, politics is an arena of combat. Politicians fight with their words. A politician who says stuff like that is cutting his dick off before the fight's even begun.

nice bait

Why did Nigel even leave UKIP?

That still seems way to narrow minded. Like wouldnt marxism which claims the natural state of man is communism would be a rightwing view point?

Got too retarded for him

carl is such a brainlet he thought he had the same local popularity and name recognition as trump, so any smears would just roll of his back. Now, because they are sticking and it's the only thing people recognize about him, he and his acolytes getting upset.

I think everyone is missing the point of what he was saying, even he just brushes it off as "a joke" on tv but he doesn't explain what the point of the joke is: that being that feminists will get upset at anything regardless of intent.

However sargon is still a retard for thinking this would help him as a real politican where conservatives are already useful idiots.

Nazis and far-leftists are ideological equivalents, they are both authoritarians who support violence against people that disagree with them.

Unfortunately for whatever this is supposed to be, 'not being fabulous enough' isn't a very strong argument against a political opponent.

One day, the secular media will have to acknowledge that the alt right sprang as much from New Atheism as from GamerGate. Encouraging malodorous young men to be nasty to vulnerable people is the essential characteristic of all three fads.

What has he been doing anyways? I haven’t seen or heard from him?

I'm not talking about them "earning their spot" which is debatable

Its the accusation that its good for the people below them
Whites are smarter than arabs, blacks, mexicans, so should we rule over them?

Being intelligent says nothing about your behaviour or empathy. The jews and their psychopathy killed 10's of millions of russians when they got into power in communist russia. Its really low iq to think that just because someone is more intelligent that they care about you and will do whats good for you

Because the media stopped pretending that the party wasn't just a lot of BNP types with a tweedy frontman.

>What has he been doing anyways? I haven’t seen or heard from him?
What? He launched the Brexit party which is polling the highest out of all parties for the EU elections now.

Causing Milkshake sales to be banned last I heard

>vulnerable people

He's good at campaigning but shit at everything else. As soon as actual work had to be done he bailed.

Getting investigated for fraud.

For me? It's Carl Benjamin!

Because of Brexit he had to quickly (and conveniently) distance him from everything to dodge any responsibility coming his way once people would start realized what lies they've been fed all these years, and now he can again play the same old "I'm the outsider populist telling the truth" con under a new party.

>majority report
This has to be bait

Stalin wasn't a Jew, in fact he killed Jews.

An unfortunate reality. Whoever wins, freedom loses.


pure kino

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UKIP replaced their traditional conservative leadership with incel edgelords and unironic racists. Nigel wanted to distance himself from that trash heap.

this our favourite comedians thread?

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His party is a joke anyway, how the fuck did they except to compete against Farage?

>UK suffers a heatwave

>sargon gets milkshakes banned in his local area.

imagine the staff at the mcdonalds explaining they cannot sell milkshakes to some mom with her bratty kids in toe because some youtube ""comedian"" told a rape joke.

With loads of Russian money helping him.

It is, tho. Why do you think so many women claim to be raped? It implies they are so beautiful a man couldn’t help himself and had to commit an unspeakable crime just to sleep with her.

Learn english first spic

Don't talk shite, Nigel was the start of that. He was regarded as a sneering racist upstart by the party's founder. The original membership had already been sidelined and alienated by the incoming Faragist element by the time of the referendum.

Reminder that centre-right is the highest IQ political orientation
>Centre-right: 105.29
>Centre: 102.53
>Centre-left: 100.67
>Left: 97.57
>Right: 95.20
>Without preference: 93.85

C'mon at least try


Tl;dr too many far-right nationalists/extremists in the party which UKIP was never about

>Unironic racism
Oh no, not racism. The absolute worst thing someone can be, I mean only brainlets aren't enlightened liberals surely

It isn't. and yeah, they are extremely lefties and i'm am not nearly as left as them.

But it's entertaining to actually hear intelligent and educated people speak about politics for a chang even if i don't agree if them on a lot of topics.

I wish Patrice O'Neal was still alive ;_;


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there are many people in a government and many people running gulags, and there where mostly jewish

>implying raping someone, for him, is like going for a walk
why is this unstable brainlet in the position to make governing decisions for maintaining a stable society?

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Bonus for you:


Plus they mock Dave Rubin all the time and it's hilarious.

>all those /pol/ cope replies

They were only mostly Jewish before Stalin went fucking ham on the old Bolsheviks

>The only people with any kind of public respect jumped ship to Brexit Party
Yeah, people like Anne Widdecombe, Richard "24/7 twitter tantrum" Tice and the disaster capitalist sister of that autistic victorian Tory are truly reputable figures.

>You might not believe me but he was back in 2016 or so.
I don't believe you, because that image was widely mocked by /pol/ and was posted as b8 most of the time but newfags are always revisionists.

>majority report
>intelligent and educated people
lmao stop

Culture is still overwhelmingly left winged despite Literally Hitler(tm) being in office.
There is no turning tide

Why do janitors allow these thinly veiled political threads?

>Why do you think so many women claim to be raped?
Probably because men are violent raposts

America is a free country tho.

I'm not memeing, it's really obvious. Trump even suggested on Twitter after the Mueller probe that the Russian accusation was started from Britain by people worried about real Russian interference there. If Trump's throwing Brexit under the bus, it's toast.


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Nope, that's fiction.



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That doesnt mean anything as political affiliation is mostly a personality and situation thing, not an intelligence thing

115iq jews vote left in america. In their own country of isreal they vote very much right and want strong border controll etc, because that's a different situation were they actually care about the soil and the people.
Its the same with arabs voting left when in white countries, but right when in their countries

Many people vote left not because of their intelligence but because they feel it is the virtuous thing to do, running on news propaganda and lack of information etc

Praise kek, shadilay

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Alt-righters and /pol/tards hate Sargon though because he isn’t a racist retard. He’s just an independent, pro-capitalist centrist.

he'd be busy being a faggot somewhere

Communism is less of a government system, and more of a tool of replacing the current government with one that fits their ideals.

Except for some key issues that separate them entirely. Namely, the spiritual connection vs the materialist world view. Nazis believed that the nation would become strong if the people were strong. And if the nation is strong, so is the land itself. Thus, strong land = strong people = strong nation. The seductive power of the Nazis is due to this working of the spiritual need (both for God and reverence to the environment itself). This same spiritual need is completely annihilated in communism, with the near worship of material goods and money. The Nazis don't seek to remove God, but to augment God. The Commies seek to replace God with the Party.

The Nazi reverence to the land is a complete and stark contrast to how poorly handled Russia's nuclear waste removal program was. You never heard of the Nazis flat out poisoning entire lakes due to sheer laziness or making land completely inhospitable. Or completely drying out lakes. Or introducing pesticides that would kill crops because "what the fuck is agricultural research."

Really, only their authoritarian methods are comparable.

He works quite hard in eu parliment tbqh senpai telling them all exactly how retarded they all are
Hahaha you are saying this as though he is responsible for the other leaving groups propaganda. What did he say exactly that was bs please?
This was my take. It's unfortunate how many racists politicians with nowhere to go since BNP went down the shutter and they all hid in the Tories and UKIP.
It's very difficult to objectively critique Farage because of all the slavering brain dead morons he attracts.

>retarded Internet personalities bitching and moaning endlessly about the fact that lots of people don't like them
>can't be more than 20-30 attendees in a formerly strong UKIP region in a substantial city
>a kid in a literal fedora
Jesus Christ

Rent free

>Muh Stalin killed Jews
Fucking kikes I swear, they loved Stalin when he was exterminating Ukrainians and Russians and Kazakhs and Tatars and everybody except Jews but he purges one or two of them and all the sudden you hear conspiracy theories about a 2nd holocaust and how Jews were the worst victims.

>In their own country of isreal they vote very much right
There are a ton of right-wing Jews in America.

Accrding to Leftypol, /pol/ worships anything they don't like.
They're too stupid to understand the fact that not everything they hate is in one big faction.

>Destiny refuses to acknowledge that he has empathy for animals
Based. Fuck zoophiles.

just out of curiosity.
Where do you get your informations from ?

>an independent, pro-capitalist centrist.
Who makes rape jokes.

>Banned from twitter
>Banned from patreon
>Youtube channel demonitized
>Name smeared all over the papers
>About to lose election and be blamed for the fall of UKIP
Is he going to kill himself bros?

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There is something very satisifying about seeing a fraud being exposed as what he is

Hope so, it's better this way for everyone

>Leftists getting big on site owned by leftists
how is this surprising?

why would you say something so stupid
we are talking about averages and amounts

>Being openly Leftist on a platform that actively promotes Leftist bullshit while throttling or outright banning anything remotely rightwing for the crime of wongthink takes balls

How fucking delusional are you retards?

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Meant for

*destroys xer dick*

Youtube is the ultimate in neo-lib shite

He's baiting, just ignore it

Not from the majority report

>the right is way more corrupt than the left

This fucking delusion.

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>guys like Three Arrows and Shaun are good at using actual facts and research

I literally can't stop laughing.
Please tell me this is bait.

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>Youtube bans right wing shit
>Varg is still allowed on the platform
Not buying it

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He barely turns up to work in Brussels.

Farage intentionally and deliberately attracted the racists, and is one himself. He was known for this.


That's because he's a larper

At this point his only option is to pull a Tommy Robinson and spend the rest of his life as a far-right jukebox parroting the same insipid stupid shit in exchange for donations from inbreds.

I'm talking about averages and amounts. The most politically influential Jews in America are all on the right, and have been since the 70s at the latest.

>Too long shit like "durr hitler was a left wing socialist it's in the name!!" bullshit has gone un-challenged on there


Literally nothing that you faggots don't WANT to be "Socialism" ever seems to be "Socialism". It's never REAL Socialism to you faggots. Ever.

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No, socialism has a precise meaning which everyone knows. The Nazis weren't socialists any more than all those countries in Africa that call themselves "Democratic Republics" are democratic.