How the HELL did they manage to make kino like this, yet pieces of shit like Got got so popular?

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The soundtrack is 10/10 kino, and the extended intro song is great.

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Uhtred is a real jerk

I finished season 1. While I liked it it's far lower quality than Game of Thrones.

There is too much focus on action and too little on intrigue and politics. It feels like it's a more easy to watch simple show instead of a political edge.

That's all okay but everyone was comparing it to Game of Thrones which made me think it was about political intrigue.

It's a very fun "turn your brain off" show that is lighthearted.

i' halfway through season 3 and it gets weak. the on/off-alliance with alfred gets old, also the shit with his viking "family". uthred is kind of a mary sue who can pull every shit he likes, they always forgive him or let him at least redeem himself until he shits the bed again.

it's more spartacus than got and a little vikings.

It shouldn't be compared to GoT really, as they're nothing a like apart from the somewhat medieval setting. It's more closer to Vikings. Netflix injected more cash in to season 3 and it showed.

Most people don’t compare it to GOT they compare it to Vikings which is its thematic equal. Kingdom is far superior to the shit show that Vikings has become.

The author did the Sharpe series too, though Uhtred mainly thanks to his actor hasn't got the charisma that Sean Bean had and Uhtred will either grow on you after a while or not. Him being weak just means many of the other characters shine and are much more engaging.

Attached: Sharpe.jpg (1622x1610, 670K)

And it was made by the bbc no less

the ending of season 3 is worth it though, it's great

Carnival Films is the production company, BBC just commissioned it and Netflix took over for season 3. They've commissioned a season 4 too.

It's a fact that everyone's mum rubbed one out over Bean in the 90s

it has 1/1000th of the got budget

Is the new season going to be any good? Or will Netflix fuck up the only decent series going for them?

I also watch and support this show because some scenes are filmed in Hungary.

well, then I'm going to watch it.

>best girl girl will never have a crush on you and rape you


>I also watch and support this show because some scenes are filmed in Hungary.
brida is also an austrian actress.

also best girl

They didn't fuck up season 3, and if they keep the same writer which is just one bloke in Stephen Butchard who adapts most of the episodes then maybe.

how to get a skade gf?

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Attached: the last kingdom finan and sihtric battle.webm (640x800, 2.81M)

*any military engagement*


I am forgotten.

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I kinda think that GOT was ruined by its own success. If it remained more niche and less normie mainstream it may have stayed kino. Instead we got mad Dany in two episode, cucked Jon and veggie Bran. If GOT had stayed niche it'd be kino as fuck.

that was historically the only thing they had back then

i fucking hated skade in a show
god imagine smashing her head with a rock AAAHHH fuck

People quickly forget how amazing season 1 and 2 GoT is, maybe some of the best television ever made. But yeah last kingdom is not really the same category at all. The few pagan elements don’t push it into fantasy territory at all

pretty unrealistic that this was some innovative new tactic. Shouldn't they all have learned it from the romans.

He was great, there was a time when you felt he wouldn't turn out to be a bastard and commit the worst crime out of everyone

the show* fug

>god imagine smashing her head with a rock

or holding her head under water and feeling the air seep out from her

Attached: arseling son of arseling.png (512x512, 258K)

That's what u get :DD

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Her death was almost as satisfying as Aethelwold's

women are for enslave gbreed and fuck to kill wihtgout fertile

in the first season the saxons treat it like a brand new invention. In the books it's more like a tactic that the danish have perfected, especially when fighting with unknown allies. Eventually the saxons catch up.

imagine veating her to deaht with a heavy rock while she say u cant kil her she curse you AnDF U JUT KILL

which language was this translated from fren?


Any good films or series about celtics/pagans?

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It's lower quality than than s1 got and around S2-S5 but with actual battles and decent characters/acting
The fuck are you babbling on about?


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Edward's actor will really need to step up in season 4 to replace the Alfred void.

Attached: 1543723505248.webm (720x405, 1.58M)

It was a piece of crap shoe, what exactly was kino about it you stupid delusional faggot??


t. retard


State of this phoneposter lmao.

it's impossible. Like no one could replace Leofric.

>Like no one could replace Leofric.

True but Finan is good too.

>season 1
>season 2
>season 3

>Season 1
>Season 2
>Season 3

>Season 1
>Season 2
>Season 3

When does Uhtred bang Alfred's qt daughter?

game of thrones start out strong and got worse with each season
last kingdom start off meh but good better with each new episode
season 3 is better then everything got has done past 3rd season

he hasn't done so far and I haven't read the books so don't know if he ever does.

Gee I wonder who the bad guy will be? I hope it’s another big bad dane warlord that gets built up for half a season then 1-shotted by uthred in the first 10 seconds of combat