I saw Daisy Ridley in a bus today bros

I saw Daisy Ridley in a bus today bros

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God I wish those sneakers were crushing my balls

I hate women so much.

why is she on a bus with poor people?

In a bus? Not ON a bus?

Why do british actors use public transportation unfortunately i live in new york and dread having to use the bus and trains

This but unironically

imagine the smell of her stinky cunt

She is inside the bus, not on top of it. Why is english so retarded?

Thats just a couple of random people, you faggot

More comfortable than driving in traffic

get a load of this brainlet

i do too hate all women except my mom

and my aunt

Nah its her, that rombus patern Chanel bag is the same as in those pics she is going to the gym. And the hairstyle is the same as from last month.

Some asian bong caught her in the bus yesterday.

Jews are good at that infiltration thing.

sorry i forgot to mention my grandma too from the both side maternal and paternal.

Anybody got that webm of someone bashing a bus seat with a mallet and releasing all the brown shit-dust from the farts absorbed in to the foam seat padding?

hire a driver

>Daisy me ridlin'

Don't have to worry about some deranged paki with a tnt vest in my car in traffic.

aunt diane?

I'm certain there's an etymological reason. These little quirks are what make English the best language.


>aunt diane
no my aunt is not diane my aunt is named julie.

she's both on and in. prove me wrong.
you can't.

Was she going to a fertility clinic?


Saying "yea cuz im on da bus" is easier for negroes than "Yes, I am inside of the bus."

Have snax

There is, since you are taking a ride on the bus and the verb `to ride` is almost always paired with the "on" preposition rather than the "in" preposition.

I want to be both on and in her if you get my drift

No one said on top of the bus, retard. When you're on the bus, it includes the platform the removes you from the fucking street.

Faggot, jews are killing your people and you guys suck their balls and instead blame innocents
t. A paki

Wish she were on top of me

The one in sneakers isn't Daisy, the one sitting next to the one in sneakers is Daisy. lol

Based and cringepilled

I jerked off onto my friend's couch today. I put my penis in between the cushions and fucked it until I came. I used a pillow to help smear or wipe up the cum but I'm worried that it will smell like cum.

False. You ride in a car, in a truck, or in a van.

Leave her alone you creepy incel. Keep yourself to yourself. Poor Daisy can’t go out without you disgusting losers harassing her.

no she's ON the bus. not IN you imbecile. on as in OBOARD!

How much for original photo?

Based cumposter

It comes from when people rode trains all the time, where you are on a train because its on a track. Its to define that you are on some sort of track which only has specific destinations and not in a car, which could be going anywhere; unless followed by "on X road"

Stupid fucking esl faggots, arent you the ones who say stupid shit like "the man is wearing shirt purple"

Probably on, as in onboard.

The word "bus" pre-dates motorised road transport. It's short for "omnibus".
The first omnibuses were large horse-drawn carriages for transporting a dozen or so people around cities.
The word "train" also pre-dates the invention of the locomotive, since you had wagon trains in the past.

Many of those would be open-topped, which could explain why you ride ON a bus or a train. Or it could be by nature that they were horse-drawn.


I do not
explain in the elaborate and detailed way possible

>invaders are innocent
nice try, Bahumbu but you're going down

you only know one language so how would you know?


it will

>These little quirks are what make English the best language
Every language has "these little quirks" my dear Burger.

even the quiet girl who sits in the back of the classroom?

user means they want to slice her open and lie inside her like a hotdug, bathing in her juices, therefore being inside and on her at the same time.

>asain bong
the brown, bearded, stinky kind?

It's to do with getting onto the bus like it's a platform

When you get in a car you go straight into a seat, when you get on a bus there's an open floor and you can even stand.

It's like how you get on a train or on a plane but you get in a car.


This but unironically

how did it smell whilst you were in the vicinity of a movie goddess?

you put a hotdog on a bun not in

So ? Nobody is talking about the ugly cunt

if a terrorist blew up a bus whilst you were driving nearby it would affect you as you drive in your car too, user.

pretty funny that more care about discussing "in the bus" versus "on the bus" than discussing daisie ridley. her career is dead and she looks like a boring frustrated cunt in the latest teaser.

>b-but it's only a teaser, not a full trailer!!!
shut the fuck up, disneyshill. the teaser did show a lot, such as old pando, and yet still its fizzing out. they fucked up big time by making the thumbnail her frowning face. only shitlibs want to see that shit. and there's not enough shitlibs to keep pumping $ into movie tickets.

>she looks like a boring frustrated cunt in the latest teaser

It's the coke.

Every single day.

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Is it me or do non-Amercan actors seem more grounded, Like they see acting as a well paying job and Americans see it as a status symbol

But when youre onboard, you're on the outside of the boat. That is, you're on it, but not necessarily in it.


go back to sleep, Jimmy

My mum ran into Rupert Grint in Stoke-on-Trent of all places.

No. British actors are just too wasted/coked out to think about acting or job. And American actors think it's a lucrative job. So they pretend to care. In truth, neither of them actually care.

harsh but fair