Alita: Battle Angel
General Discussion #524 - "Drive closer so I can hit them with my sword!" Edition
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I want to fuck her and I'm going to fuck her

furb fur compy post

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Good luck with that lad!

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Hello new bread, please be healed by Arita!

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>why yes, I did watch Alita Battle Angel in IMAX 3D and write a 5/5 review of it on Rotten Tomatoes

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Can someone explain why Rosa is all always whoring shamelessly in front of cameras? Its embarrassing for her to do this. She must have no dignity or self respect.

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Mah image had been made into bread crust. Ahm so proud T^T

"You seem like a true gentleman of the finest taste, character and moral fiber. You will fit in well here."

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I'm closer to fucking Alita then you realize. I'm only a few hundred short from getting her sex doll. I should have it on order in a few weeks. She and I will be fucking sooner then you'll be getting laid.

Acquire sexual intercourse, you involuntary celibate.

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Shit, very nice user. I'm impressed you took it all the way. Give her my regards.

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>Getting to the point where a sex doll is necessary...

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It has a lot of advantages. You can't get it pregnant, and it won't ever give you superaids.

I already told you there is nothing valid about your statement. I have a steady girlfriend and we do have sex regularly. Unlike Rosa my girlfriend isn't a whore though. She doesn't post half naked pictures of herself in comprising positions or doing disgusting things. No women with self respect does that. Free free to try to explain away Rosa's whoreish behavior if you want. It work though as there is valid argument for her gross behavior.

when's the sequel?


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They are nicer to sleep with then a real woman too. They don't move around and steal the covers waking you up. They are also always the perfect temperature to snuggle with if you get the body heater with thermostat upgrade.

No sequel.
Movie didn't make enough money

Latest rumors are there won't be a sequel for the theaters. Disney is gonna turn Alita into an animated series to be released on their streaming service.

>It won't work

>Disney is gonna turn Alita into an animated series to be released on their streaming service.
that's even worse than them doing nothing with it

>latest rumors
no this has been in the mill for a long time and is frankly fearmongering/trolling at this point.

sequel is not yet confirmed but it isn't denied either

Jesus fucking Christ, why does every thread have to begin and end with trolling?

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Jannies please just start deleting these on sight

>posts no proof for either statement
Wow. We are all so convinced.

How are you mentally disturbed retards still going with this shit? I thought it was ironic at first but you've been going at it for what, 3 months now? No way you're not mentally ill to keep this shit up over a mediocre forgettable movie.

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>asking for proof for something that would be accepted as fact by anyone who had actually been in this thread for any real period of time

You are either a tourist trying to start shit or Jerome himself.

Jannies wont delete these threads because Jannies post in them. They are responsible for the spam that keeps the threads from 404ing. Someone needs to get a hold of Hiro and tell him to ride the mods' asses to force Jannies to do their job. We should get on and raise a shitstorm until Hiro responds personally.

You should see the movie tho

Hiro probably personally loves the movie and would just tell you to pound sand.

Good luck with your crusade, though.

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First for death in the shape of a Panzer battalion

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It's th circle of life

>you don't have any proof and i don't either so that makes me right and you wrong

Fuck, I've been listening to The Last Stand almost non-stop all night.

Sabaton is basically my favorite metal band ever.

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Hiro loves money more then he cares about movies. He can be persuaded to see that not only are these shitlita generals a waste of server costs they also drag the board quality down. Neither are good for profit. At very least he will understand that these threads are off topic for Yea Forums now that they are primarily waifufagging, worthless posts and trolling. Clearly they belong on or in the


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> 7 days ‘til beach meet

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Morning repost for new bread and old friends. Enjoy your Saturday, everyone!

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>trying to convince Hiro that a single thread that is almost the only sliver of unique content on an otherwise uniform board is a negative thing, much less worthy of his personal attention

Clearly you think he has a below-room-temperature IQ, since he would have to in order to not instantly dismiss your whining for the absurd anti-logic that it is.

I always wondered why they named themselves after footwear. Like, couldn't they have come up with a cooler name?

Pretty much this. These threads started out with a large base of fairly average posters. With good reason these normal posters moved on shortly after the first hundred threads. All who is left in these threads now are no life losers who have glommed onto these threads to give their sad life meaning even if it is a delusion. Getting rid of these threads would actually help these poor individuals by forcing them to leave their bedrooms and get on with life in the real world.

Probably because most people, including myself, have/had no idea it was a name for footwear.

I hate this Alitafaggotry as much as anyone but lets not act like there's any board quality to be dragged down at this point. I just think the 8 people that post here unironically need to be put out of their misery or just go to a subreddit for this kind of thing.

Your delusional. These threads are unprofitable. They did have some profit in them when the movie was in the theater a few months ago. That time and those profits are long gone just like these threads should be.

>content of Yea Forums threads is kept around for profit purposes only

No, you are delusional. 95% of the boards and threads on this site serve virtually no monetary purpose, and advertising here is very limited.

Yea Forums was a passion project, just like Alita, and is intended to stay that way.

It's the armored boot part of a full plate mail.

Sounds appropriate to me, honestly.

Hi Fren!

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I just wanted to take a moment to remind everyone that it has been found out that smoking weed and drinking alcohol on Huntington Beach is illegal. So anyone coming to the meetup will need to leave their drugs and booze in their cars or better yet just don't bring any. Sadly the potheads and boozers are still planning to ruin the meetup with their stench and retardation anyway. There has been some discussion on how to handle this but the final details still need to be worked out. So far it has been decided if anyone wants to break the law to smoke weed or drink malt liqour or whatever they will have to stand by themselves on a different part of the beach away from the main get together because these activities are illegal. It is sad that certain persons can't put aside their vices to enjoy a community event.

It also needs to be discussed that fires are not allowed on the beach unless they are in “approved containers.” We don't actually know what these “approved containers” are yet but we expect they are probably BBQs or something. All things considered this isn't so bad because campfires not only smell bad they are also not good for the environment. Hopefully we can find a propane gas firepit to use or maybe buy one. They burn cleaner and are approved for use on the beach. There has been no actual solution offered yet to resolve our lack of a campfire.

More info here: huntingtonbeachca.gov/residents/parks_facilities/parks/huntington_central_park/park_rules.cfm

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>Yea Forums was a passion project
>this passion pays Yea Forums's bills
HAHAHAHAHA! Sure kid. Whatever you say.

>/mlp/ pays Yea Forums's bills

Financing of this site is independent of what it contains. That's a pretty straightforward concept, I really don't see why you can't grasp it.

At most, traffic matters to the advertisers (what few of them there are) but those advertisers don't care why people are here, only that they are here.

I'm still not sure if this is an elaborate troll or just someone with a stick in their ass who actually means well

The group in the pics seems like your average college age youngsters. I honestly don't think they're pot heads though.

the lyrics cool but the style of metal is kinda dated and it doesnt work for me.

The poster keeps bringing up these "pot heads" and conflict over substances but the only time I actually see it mentioned is by the poster, and I'm actually going to the meetup, so if anyone should be privvy to discussions about these things, I should be.

Say no to drugs, kids.

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There has been plenty of bickering and arguing over the use of weed at the meetup. If you haven't seen it it because you weren't in those threads.

Alita has a cute nose, I want to boop it.

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I can only guess they happen during the day when I'm either asleep or at work, because I haven't seen any of it.

I know someone tried to smear the CO anons a while back, I'm not sure why that happened, but I guess that would be included in this bickering.

I want to pick it.

What is this "boop"?

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I am going to read this probably in the morning thanks for the repost friend.

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Most of the discussion has been in the late afternoon evening though there have been minor discussions around the clock. It sounds to me like you haven't been paying attention desu. Are you by chance a stoner that is high all the time? That would explain you being oblivious to the obvious conversations in question.

"Hee-hee" or "Heh"? Which is superior?

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Certainly. Always excited to hear your thoughts.

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Its amusing watching you guys bicker as your threads dwindle and slowly slide towards page 10. It won't be long now till these threads are only a memory. They will 404 forever soon enough.

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July 23 confirmed, bros!

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Wouldn't mind getting asuk from her if you're picking up what I'm putting down.

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Why though? Her lips are practically non existent.

>Taking that long

There better be an extra 1 hr of special features and stickers.

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Yes I wouldn't either fren

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The sticker on the front says 2 hours of extras, my blond friend.

i really like this image for some reason


My panzer kunst is ready

imagine typing all that shit

how many subscribers in this subreddit?,

This is the lamest, gayest, and saddest thing I've ever seen in Yea Forums in over ten years

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After all this time it better include over 20 lbs of pussy and ass.

>Replica of Alita's vibrating heart.

If anyone is experiencing withdrawal symptoms I suggest you watch the two Armitage III OVAs. They share many similar themes with Alita.

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hello friend

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good morning ritual-meetup-shitpost.
it's an elaborate and dedicated false flag.

OP demonstrates the viability of operating the Tumbril Nova solo with a vibrosword.

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I've said I'd wait for the bluray, but I can't take it anymore, gonna watch the Mega version. I only managed to see it a couple of times in theaters so don't judge me.

no judgement here. I tried holding off from the rip but caved a few weeks ago. No regrets. I love going through it every once in a while and picking out cool shots.

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Do you realize how disgusting that is? To STEAL something that so many people are passionate about is the lowest act a person can commit. Honestly you make me sick. You couldn't wait for a few more weeks, and every mi it's you spend watching that stolen copy you are not spending with the community here reinforcing our bonds and values. The rest of us can wait and will enjoy the sweet release of the official release together.

This captures the zeitgeist is these threads to be honest

He-he is cuter and for cuddles. Heh is sarcastic and more general.

Is this that fucking 2000s era black guy doing karate cap

Good Jerome.

>Hiro loves money more then he cares about movies.

You've just refuted yourself. Does he care more about board quality or money? Which one is it? There's always 150 threads up at any given time, so that never changes. The more active users the better, because it means more people for advertisers to reach, meaning more and better advertising deals, which means more money. The only thing that would deter advertisers particularly might be NSFW or off-topic stuff, but these generals are the best at keeping everything SFW and on-topic vs. anything else on the fucking board.

>these shitlita generals a waste of server costs they also drag the board quality down

Oh, yes, our one thread and constant source of traffic/ad revenue must really tick him off. Definitely takes up more space than any other type of thread.

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>he saw it several times in the theater
>he is going to buy the official release anyway

Fuck off.

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don't fall for Jeromeposts, frens.

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literally ONE troll who keeps making this an issue. Literally ONE guy who's this uptight about it and LARPs as different people to make him sound like people are agreeing with him. Honestly, he's a total Jerome who's not even going to the meet-up and just wants to mess with us by keeping us paranoid and trying to sabotage the meet anyway he can. Anyone who really actually might be a little uncomfortable with smoking or drinking has sounded totally reasonable, rational, and compassionate about it, unlike this asshole.

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I almost admire his dedication to his shitposting honestly.

this cant be real right?

It's not but he doesn't know that we all love Rosa here

It's not about the money, it's about the damage it causes to the community here. He cheated on all of us who are actually waiting for the OFFICIAL release. We were going to celebrate together and now there is one less true loyal member. He gave in to his cravings and his will is weak. He is like a festering wound in our community, and normalizing his disenfranchised behavior is despicable.

Good morning, /ALITA/. Let's try to have a nice day with /ourgirl/ and our Alitafrens. I'd say no fighting but it looks like that ship has sailed.

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Yeah well assholes that cheat on the community and support fucking pirating is horse shit and pisses me off, and you guys act like it's okay. IT ISNT

we can always be steered aright, don't worry.

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you wouldn't pirate a waifu
so don't pirate a film

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we're watching the rip lol you can't stop us and we're gonna buy the physical releases too.

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Check'd, but

FUCK OFF, Jerome. Without the camrip, 99% of our memes and other OC wouldn't have been possible.

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>you wouldn't pirate my movie, right user?

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beep beep
it's not a 4th of July style explosion of confirmation but it's a small flame growing stronger every day! We will be proven right bros.

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this won't be out until like 2030 though will it ?

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I mean even if it was Rosa could play Alita until she's 70 according to WETA.

anyone kind enoughy to give the megalink for the camrip?



Rosa had a hard upbringing and thinks that by whoring herself shes finding love. Replacing the family love she didnt have with physical love. Or whoring.
Dont forget she fucks the people she works with


It's this guy again, i wont feed you anymore (you)s dude




lol delet urself

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Hello frens

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>you're no friend of mine

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There was a huge fight over pot like 4 days ago. It was so much it went over two threads. It wasnt just one jerome.

imagine john wick except doggolita was the dog

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Looks like someone shot Minnie Driver with Homer's makeup gun

fuck if i didn't have to be gone all day, i'd make a 3-4 panel oc of homer aiming the gun at marge, alita walking in the back saying "hey guys what's going on-", then marge pushing it so it hits alita and then put that abomonation as the result

calm your tits user, Im just going to rewatch a scene and not the entire movie and yes I'm going to buy a couple of Blurays.


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yikes as if this wasn't horrible the first time it got posted,you somehow made it worse, so props to you i guess

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>open Yea Forums
>top thread is /ALITA/

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thanks thread man!

Nigger, the improved camrip was made by one of us and has been shared openly for weeks. You are not one of us. Please leave.

I fell in love with Alita with the XBet camrip.... I get people wanting to see it in HD for the first time. Or people that don t like watching camrips.

But for people that can stomach them, it shouldn't change the way they find the movie...

How is this

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When the fuck is this coming out on Amazon or Blue Ray? You fucks better know this.


nightmare inducing
July 23 on Blue Ray

Yeah, we get asked every thread, multiple times. Online on the 9th of July and July the 23rd for the BluRays.

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BD release when?

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why are you doing this user?

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>no alcohol
>no weed
>no campfire
>the food will be tainted
>illegal activities are planned
>threats of police harassment
>veiled threats of a shooting
>attendees planning to bring guns for protection
Um sorry. This is one meetup I won't be attending.

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Heres Clownlita
The cutest clown.in town

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I still dont understand why potheads cant just smoke at home and come to the meet up already baked. It makes no sense


>no weed
lmao are you in highschool? thinking other people will find you cool just because you smoke ?

Thats potheads for you. They have to smoke pot in all occasions. Weddings, birthdays, new years, july 4th.
They say pot doesnt make you addicted yet these guys cant have a meet up without blazing it. Even when other people in the meet up are not potheads. How is that not a sickness


has an alita thread ever dieded ?

I just watched Alita. It was pretty good. Better than I expected. I hope there is part 2.

Stoners are weird like that. I mean taking a few puffs from a joint now and then is cool but stoners just take it to another level. They all have that mentality that smoking weed is something acceptable that should be allowed all the time everywhere. They also cop that shitty attitude if anyone tells them no. I hate it when stoners get in peoples faces pushing their drug on everyone.

What did you like about it, user?

Alita could have saved Hugo by holding him with her legs and feet.
The ending when hugo dies is dramatic but she could have held onto him. His chest was right at the level of her legs

What do you think?

comfy thread when?


Oh boy. Here we go again.

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It was pretty emotional, in a good way, it managed me to care about the characters from the start. Great action secuences, not overlong, I dislike action secuences that drag too much, this were spot on. I only missed a grittier Iron City.

snnnnniiiiiiffffffffffff...oh yes my dear....sssnnnnnnnnnnnniiiiiiiiffffffff....quite pungent indeed...is that....dare I say....sssssssnniff...eggs I smell?......sniff sniff....hmmm...yes...quite so my darling....sniff....quite pungent eggs yes very much so .....ssssssssssssssnnnnnnnnnnnnnnniiiiiiiffffff....ah yes...and also....a hint of....sniff....cheese.....quite wet my dear....sniff...but of yes...this will do nicely....sniff.....please my dear....another if you please....nice a big now....
Oh yes...very good!....very sloppy and wet my dear....hmmmmm...is that a drop of nugget I see on the rim?...hmmmm.....let me.....let me just have a little taste before the sniff my darling.......hmmmmm....hmm..yes....that is a delicate bit of chocolate my dear....ah yes....let me guess...curry for dinner?....oh quite right I am....aren't I?....ok....time for sniff.....sssssnnnnnnniiiiiiiiffffffff.....hmmm...hhhmmmmm I see...yes....yes indeed as well curry......hmmm....that fragrance is quite noticeable....yes.....onion and garlic chutney I take it my dear?.....hmmmmm....yes quite.....
Oh I was not expecting that…that little gust my dear….you caught me off guard…yes…so gentle it was though…hmmmm…let me taste this little one…just one small sniff…..sniff…ah….ssssssnnnnnniiiiiffffffffffff…and yet…so strong…yes…the odor….sniff sniff…hmmm….is that….sniff….hmmm….I can almost taste it my dear…..yes….just…sniff….a little whiff more if you please…..ssssssnnnnnniiiiiffffffffff…ah yes I have it now….yes quite….hhhhmmmm…delectable my dear…..quite exquisite yes…..I dare say…sniff….the most pungent one yet my dear….ssssnnnnniiiifffffffffffffffffffffff….yes….

You jadded fuckers piss me off so much. I smoke weed everyday and keep it to myself. I don't light up in the middle of weddings for fucks sake. No one does. I also don't go around parties with a huge bong trying to get everyone high. That's fantasy shit from movies. You guys are blowing the stoner stereotype way out of proportion here. Very few if any stoners act like you describe in real life.


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Absolutely based.

Technically i can see pot as the same as alcohol, a vice to make you intoxicated and feel good in your body. A chemical to alter your brain like alcohol.
Sure, okay. Pot as a plant that makes you drunk is fine.

But the culture and the lifestyle surrounding pot is pretty disgusting. To start off, you have people buying an illegal item that comes from the cartels. That alone starts at a really bad place. You are funding the cartels. Funding human trafficking and stuff the cartel does.
Then the attitude and culture around pot is careless and dont give a fuck about anything or anyone around them. They only seem to care about themselves. Only they matter. There is this selfishness that all potheads share. Even in this thread.

All this talk of weed smoking is giving me the itch. Does anyone mind if I do a jay?

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It literally was. One Jerome and everyone being baited by him and (You)ing him.

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It comes as no surprise that a group of persons who buy drugs that fund cartels who butcher and mutilate teachers, politicians, ect. are selfish. Obviously all they care about is themselves getting high no matter what the cost.

You are still funding the murderous human trafficking cartels. You are still fueling the head cutting cartels.
Even if pot didnt have a shitty culture around it, you still contribute to the worst terrorist organization usa has right now.
Go watch sicario and watch breaking bad.
Go on, tell me how pot is harmless

This has been going on for two weeks now actually. It all started when one user that couldn't be around marijuana because they have to drug test for work decided not to come to the meetup because weed smoking was being planned. Some of the weed smokers said they would plan accordingly but others made a big stink about it. There may be some fake posts in the mix since then but the weed discussion that has been happening is mostly real.

For sure Iron City isn't as gritty or cyberpunk as Scrapyard. It starts out well-lit and pleasant when Alita is child-like, but its visuals change to become darker and hopeless the more she matures mentally and the more she can see Iron City for what it really is.

Yes, the first person that mentioned having a problem was job user.
Then some pot anons got extremely offended and called him stupid for thinking that second hand smoke would show up in a job drug test.

I'm honestly looking forward to the meetup coming and going at this point so the anons can report back what a great time they had and this lunatic straightedge faggot (and his piggybacking Jerome) can fuck off forever.

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There's no winning. If they do that, people will also bitch that they showed up fucked up instead of waiting to get high later on.

Fuck you, Jerome. Making up lies and scenarios that would never happen.

It's JUST Jerome, don't listen to him.

I know you're Jerome, but I get a kick out of dismantling all your lies.

>You are still funding the murderous human trafficking cartels. You are still fueling the head cutting cartels.

LOL. ALL Cali weed is grown locally in-state by pot farmers, none of whom are affiliated with the cartel. You're thinking of cocaine and heroin and other 'real drugs'.

>Even if pot didnt have a shitty culture around it, you still contribute to the worst terrorist organization usa has right now.

Again, a lie. Also, the 'worst terrorist organization' is gonna be Saudi Arabia, Israel, or the USA, so, fuck you.

>Go on, tell me how pot is harmless

It's fucking harmless. Especially compared to every other fucking drug. The only thing less harmless is probably caffeine, but even that can have unwanted side effects.

>It all started when one user that couldn't be around marijuana because they have to drug test for work decided not to come to the meetup

Wrong. It started with Jerome's ALL CAPS NO WEED NO BOOZE copypasta. ONE person said that about the job thing, but he's never since mentioned it one time. Pretty sure that was just Jerome, and that you're Jerome right now.

>Some of the weed smokers said they would plan accordingly but others made a big stink about it.

This is true, but not really. The only ones 'making a big stink', IE saying shit like "fuck you, I'm gonna blow in your face and you can't stop me", were literally talking just to Jerome because of how much of a fascist asshole he was acting like, and more than likely were kidding about it.

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Just because someone doesnt smoke illegally obtained, sold by the cartels pot does not make them "straight edge"

I can drink wine, i can drink Bailey's irish cream if i want to, i can have fun.
I just do not agree with trashy pot culture and i dont agree with funding human trafficking.

Im sure if Alita Knew how pot gets into the country and if Alita knew what pot funds, i am sure she would be mad about the pot business too. Specially if she knew women were the primary victims of abuse at the border in the hands of the cartel.

Somebody photoshop Alita on the APC from Aliens

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Do you understand that calling anyone you disagree with jerome, makes you look like a lunatic.

Do you wanna talk about ms 13 and the hold the gangs and the cartels have on california?
You are literally lying
Who sells the other pot? Are you telling me MS13 doesnt have a hand in the pot business

Are you 15?

Not enough to bother me but is nitpick. Yea Forums told me that Alita was very good and haven't lied for once. I came here after watching it to see if you were still hyped. I see you are.

Blu ray rip when??

good night alita friends. I hope the next thread is way more comfier than this one.

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scroll up


>qt slightly homely bookworm nerd alita

Yes please. Also good night fren

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>Wrong. It started with Jerome's ALL CAPS NO WEED NO BOOZE copypasta. ONE person said that about the job thing, but he's never since mentioned it one time. Pretty sure that was just Jerome, and that you're Jerome right now.

>It all started when one user that couldn't be around marijuana because they have to drug test

Wrong. Again, the first sign of taking issue was the Jerome CAPS essay of text. THEN this 'job-user' said something about a test, but we've literally never heard from this supposed guy once since that day, so more likely it was Jerome (You)ing himself.

No, I didn't know it made me look like that. I guess it takes one to know one. Thanks for looking out for me, Jerome.

>Do you wanna talk about ms 13 and the hold the gangs and the cartels have on california?

Listen, I don't know what other people do, but I literally get all my weed form my buddy who grows himself. I get my bud straight from his plants, and he's in no fucking gang or cartel. I also started growing, myself, so I won't even be needing him soon.


lol, lots of it is. Why not yell to buy local and support farmers vs gangs and cartel instead of YELLING THAT ALL WEED IS BAD AND OMG SUPPORTS THE CARTEL, MAFIA, AND ILLUMINATI TOO, YOU GUYS!

>You are literally lying

Nothing I said is a lie, actually.

>Who sells the other pot? Are you telling me MS13 doesnt have a hand in the pot business

That's exactly what I'm saying. Maybe in Mexico or South America. There's too much competition from local growers, especially since weed is more and more legal. If you REALLY fucking cared about cartel and gangs and their affiliation with drugs, you'd be FOR legalizing and totally de-scheduling marijuana, and furthermore, decriminalizing all drugs in general, so gangs and cartels would have no black market for such things, because everyone would just buy legally and locally. Ever heard of prohibition?

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This is how you are proven completely wrong about everything.
You lose:

What now ?

Attached: Potcali.png (720x740, 69K)

>Hello there!

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That's the date for the official release though. The HD rip is usually out a few weeks prior.

Refute this sweetie
I proved you wrong TWICE


>jerome jerome jerome
Does jerome work for Newsweek?

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lol A+

Grade A+ work

All right bros what should I see today:
>John Wick
I plan on seeing both but idk if I can get both in this weekend.

Attached: alita-bookworm.jpg (403x403, 124K)

Pikachu. This is not a troll answer either. Pikachu is more comfy.
John Wick is more of a night movie.

You should see yourself in the mirror while you kys.

definitely go see John Wick first user.


Who do you think makes these to begin with

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I would be expecting something similar to Shazam, so I'm ready for comfy.
looks like I've got a conundrum

No, you're wrong, idiot. Again, how does buying pot from local legal farmers that you know vs. buying from gangs/cartels HELP the cartels? You're arguing that between the choice to buy from legal/local growers or buying from the cartel to just not by weed at all? Huh?

So, what, we shouldn't buy knives ever, because someone out there might use it inappropriately, or a gang somewhere might profit from some knives being sold indirectly, not even from the ones you buy? What?

Let me actually read this article:

>were underwritten by Chinese organized crime.

lol, so, not talking about MS-13 in this case.

>While California and Washington have mainly seen organized criminals from China buying homes and converting them into grow houses, Colorado has largely been grappling with Cuban and Mexican-led cartels

lol, so, with the case of California, mostly Chinese mafia. Not exactly the 'head-cutting' types

I repeat this point: how would getting pot from confirmed and verified local/legal farmers, or your buddy, or growing it your own damn self HELP the gangs and cartels? it's that much less business they're not getting.

>Refute this

Would be glad to, sweaty.

>I proved you wrong TWICE

Nonce, actually

>Mexican Drug Cartels May Use Legal Marijuana to Increase Their Presence in Northern California
>MAY use
>Northern California

Article basically says some Mexican cartel fuckers are illegally growing weed in the backwoods of NorCal. Yeah, no one can do that, Mexican cartel or otherwise. It's illegal to grow and sell that way. So, less a cartel issue outright, more illegal marijuana farms, which legal U.S. non-gang citizens make all the time. Again, as I've said before, so long as you know your source is legal and verified and on the up-and-up, purchasing pot from them will in no way help the gangs. It will only hurt their business and bottom line.

Now fuck off, Jerome. And go see the movie.

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This is what addiction looks like at all...
You dont sound like a crazed drug addict...
You definitely do not have a problem....
Defending cartels and MS13 taking over.

You definitely convinced me that pot is not addictive and that the cartels dont control California.
Are you CIA by any chance?
This feels like cia shilling

Based retards bumping the bread, thanks!

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Would explain why they are so protective of thiese threads

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>This is what being wrong looks like...
>You don't sound like someone who was BTFO with facts...
>You definitely do not have a gf....

Defending incels and autism taking over.

dot dot dot

You definitely convinced me that abortion is acceptable in the case of preventing such a retarded troglodyte of humanity from being shat out and that the state doesn't have a hold on a pragmatic eugenics program.

Are you DSM by any chance?
This feels like DSM shilling

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kys and livestream it. It would be more content than these 500+ threads

What's the source for these dates?

>tfw there's another argument again

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starve the jerome-posting and it will naturally weed itself out.

Yeah it just sucks to get here and have it be a mess

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Fox updated their website a couple of days ago, to these dates.

The chinese mafia is STILL involved in human trafficking and prostitution from kidnapped women that cant speak english
They control the massage parlors and force women into sex slavery.
They also kill people.

At first you argued that pot was completely harmless, you kept arguing pot doesnt harm anyone.
You argued sooo strongly that pot is harmless

I showed you two articles proving that the cartels Still have their hands on the pot business

Then you move the goalpost
> chinese mafia
> i buy it from my grandma's husband

Whatever, you are arguing about the specifications of the problem
You can keep buying your organic grass fed natural pot from your grandma's husband if you want. Thats fine.
Keep altering your brain chemistry and keep inhaling chemical smoke into your lungs

But dont fucking argue that pot is harmless asshole. It clearly isn't.
Chinese mafiaor not, cartels and mafias are still involved in your hobby.

Dont move the goal post and try to play it off as harmless.

You think this "Jerome" is the cause of your concern? You are mistaken.

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don't let it get to you. We can always get back to comfy.

>everyone is jerome
Every single person in here has been called jerome. Everyone that disagrees with someone is called jerome.
We would have to ignore everybody.

Deluxe box set is 35% off


intentionally divisive, repetitive whining isn't the same as a difference of opinion.

>weed itself out

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Nice referral link

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B) glad it made somebody laugh

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Motherfucker, you're the only one moving goal posts. First of all, you don't answer any of my points. You see you're defeated and move onto something else, "see, see, X is happening!" without responding to any of my points about how you're strewing nothing but bullshit.

>The chinese mafia is STILL involved...

Sure, I never said they weren't, but you were entirely focused on MS-13 and Mexican cartels, lol, proving you don't know shit what you're talking about in general. You didn't even mention "China" or "Chinese" once. I pointed it out to you because I actually read the article. Smoothbrains like you only read headlines.

>I showed you two articles proving that the cartels Still have their hands on the pot business

Which has NOTHING to do with my argument that buying pot in general doesn't help the cartels if you, shocking, don't fucking buy from them and verify you seller is operating legally.

>Thats fine.

I know it's fine, and it is fine. That's for agreeing with me and, more importantly, acknowledging the truth of the matter.

>Keep altering your brain chemistry and keep inhaling chemical smoke into your lungs

Learning how to play an instrument fucking changes your neural pathways and brain chemistry. So does eating food. The 'change' in and of itself doesn't have to harmful. There's plenty of case studies of various examples of people relaying that they are generally have more ease of mind, less stress, less depression, and enhanced creativity when using marijuana. Also, vaporizers eliminate smoke from the equation.

>But dont fucking argue that pot is harmless asshole. It clearly isn't.

How is it harmful? How is it a plant's fault it's being used for nefarious means? If they were doing shit shit with stuffed teddy bears instead of weed would you blame the teddy bears and say they're inherently bad and we should never make or buy them again? You're so fucking stupid.

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Idk I was just looking for fan art on reddit and somebody posted that

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Real Jeromes are obvious shitposters, baiters, use ALL CAPS, derail the thread for no reason but to cause havoc, use copypasta, etc.

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I seriously hope you kill yourself

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I had a pointless but amusing thought, where the punchline would be "Cap. Marvel 2" and bombs would got dropped in response.

>how is it harmful
The money that comes from pot funds the cartels and the mafia.

YOU might not be giving money directly to the cartel and mafias, but your dealer probably is, and your friends.

Drug and pot money funds these entities.
They commit a lot of crime.
The biggest crime they commit is hunan trafficking and sex slavery.
You can have a clean conscience by telling me that you dont buy from the cartel or the chinese mafia. But what about the rest of the potheads?


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right on schedule:

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>It's JUST Jerome, don't listen to him.

Man why are you this defensive over pot? Does it bother you so much that someone is talking shit about your pot smoking? You are coming off as autistic. Who cares if you smoke or not. Getting this assblasted over pot and writing a book to defend pot smoking is pathetic.


Idk how I feel about this one.... I dont love it but certainly dont hate it...

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I will work on it more. Maybe a better lipstick.
I will do a preppylita with your pic too

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You're not appropriating our slang correctly, Jerome.

>Man why are you this defensive over pot?

Because Jerome was on the offensive and was spewing uninformed bullshit.

>Does it bother you so much that someone is talking shit about your pot smoking?

He wasn't actually talking about my pot smoking or pot smoking in general, but how buying pot (or even growing it yourself, somehow) is always mutually inclusive with funding gangs and cartels, which it isn't.

>You are coming off as autistic.

Meme to you too.

>Who cares if you smoke or not.

Apparently Jerome, and apparently Jerome cares about lying to people about the marijuana market and the choices consumers have (or don't have).

>Getting this assblasted over pot and writing a book to defend pot smoking is pathetic.

I'm not assblasted, and no where did I actually defend the activity in and of itself. There are plenty of good reasons to not smoke pot, but none of them have to do with IT'S SO HARMFUL FOR YOU or OMG HURR DURR THE MAFIA/GANGS/CARTELS!!!

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tl:dr just like all your other retarded posts in this thread. Seriously though stop giving your imaginary friend (you)s. You're shitting up the thread.

Fuck off, Jerome.

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Luv Motorball
Luv Alita
Luv the championship's
Luv Iron city

Ate' Zalem
Ate' dem bounty hunter's

Its quite simple

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>Real Jeromes
>"Jeromes" being plural
Um no sweetie. There is no gang of "Jeromes". There is only one Jerome. That Jerome is me. I am the one responsible for every post in these threads that bothers you. Every one of those posts in every thread all they way back to ABAG was me. All of them. Stopping giving credit for my work to others.

it's the opposite for me
reminds me of all the shit memes dissing the movie

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Nice try, Jerome-wannabe. You're not even A Jerome, let alone THE Jerome.

>take break from /ALITA/ this morning because bickering
>come back hoping to find comfy posts
>instead bickering is still ongoing
ok guess I will come back later

Attached: 1552439623493.jpg (700x700, 124K)

Be careful with that image. Jerome's gonna call you a pothead.

Just ignore the bickering, and try and be the change you want to see.... as there will always be some lonely asshole lurking these threads wanting to start shit.

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>heeeey jaron, I saw what daddy did to you yesterday, I'm so glad you came to that decision to get that ol dusty neovag removed and replaced with that robust piece of pipe he laid down there for you
>speaking of laying pipe
>y..you know you have to break in all your new parts, right jaron?
>you can pee right? Good. Have you tried the.....other functions? I...I can help you if you want


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>suddenly jaron(formerly jazz) starts to feel something moving around in his pants, something new....something Ido gave him
>Alita's eyes get even wider
>let me help you jaron, have you ever done this? No? Oh that's right, those sick doctors mutilated your last one
>well I always like to be the first one anyway
>alita tucked her little robot fingers into jarons ironic robot print boxers and began to tug
>Jaron shrieked
>oh Jaron, it's okay, I'm sure daddy didn't give you anything to be ashamed of
>it was true, of course. It was his greatest work, his masterpiece. It was the finest robot wiener in all of iron city

Henlo frens
I said this place was nice, and I got the ok rip of Alita from one of you guys
And I have sodas and chips so I'm gonna watch it now!!
Should I post reactions along the way or try and get through an entire kino in one sitting

I'm so excited

holy digits speak the truth

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just watch it undisturbed, enjoy user.

We'll I just dont get why people come in here and see the bickering, complain and then just leave. Instead of actually trying to help fix the bread, with comfy and conversations...

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>Alita: Battle Angel made her move and swiftly pulled down Jaron's (formerly jazz) underwear and shrieked
>aaaah dad what the heck did you do?!?
>Ido ran in surprised then saw what was going on, and smiled, admiring his work
>alita, I gave him two penises!
>I know, but WHY
>ohh alita, you see, Jaron (formerly jazz) is now a multifunctional wiener bot. Do you see all the metal ports all over his body? Those are wiener ports. You can do many things, for example...this!
>with the push of a button he pulled off one of the robot wieners and carefully made his selection, examining all of his options, knowing he selected each location for a very specific purpose
>aaaaah this is perfect. Click* the neck port. You see with a neck wiener, there are a lot of things you can do!
>alita stood in horror as she watched her father remove a penis from his multi penis robot creation and stick into jarons neck, looking more proud than ever. Jaron stood in silence, unsure of what he had further become. He looked as if he longed for death until....
>alita in this position, there are many options. Say you are stroking Jaron with your little robot hands but also want to suck him. Well now you do both!
>the doctor reached down and grabbed one robot wiener while kissing the neck wiener simultaneously making strange grunting noises. Jaron looked like he was about to fall over

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Uninterrupted, friend. It's the best way to go. You can always come back when you're finished. Enjoy!

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Yeah watch it undisturbed for the first time at least., but make sure to let us know how you find it afterwards!

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I don't either, I tell people to starve Jeromeposting of yous and that we can always recorrect ourselves back to what we want but some well intentioned user will always bite the bullet. Like I say all the time; it's nothing to get worked up over. Comfy always prevails.

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It's up to you friend either way we're glad you could join us

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Based GoT petition helping /ourgirl/ get another 10k+ signatures in a day or two...


I know the petition means nothing, and would barley influence the decision. But Its nice to see the support!

Attached: petition.jpg (981x474, 48K)

>Ido stopped, and turned to alita. "Okay demo is over, now it's time for the real thing. We don't call you an angel for nothing"
>"uuh umm okay dad". Alita got up nervously.
>Jaron stood like a dazed idiot who finally realized what it was truly like to have a penis, and better yet, two robot wieners
>"umm I guess I'll start down here."
>alita began to kiss Jaron's (formerly jazz) pelvic wiener, cautiously, becoming familiar
>Jaron (formerly jazz) was gleeful with excitement and began to explore his own neck wiener, grabbing and tugging at his new neck appendage
>Ido spoke up "now Jaron, there is also a port on your forehead for that robot wiener. I think in time you'll figure out what that's for"
>Jaron wasn't sure but became more excited trying to figure it out
>meanwhile alita: battle angel was battling the big robot wiener with the back of her throat as she realized she had a gift.
>she stood up, kissed Jaron (formerly jazz) on the lips the moved over to his neck, working the neck wiener with her mouth
>"alrighty you too, I'll let you get to it". Ido said with a chuckle and abruptly left to the sounds of alita sucking his greatest creation's neck wiener

Do you think it would be possible to get 100,000 signatures? Trump did say he would make anime real. I don't see why he wouldn't respond positively. petitions.whitehouse.gov/

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What the fuck am I reading

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Very nice work.
I try, but it's immensely frustrating when good posts get drowned out by people inexplicably responding to obvious bait time after time after time. Ignoring that trash is the easiest thing in the world but some people just can't seem to help themselves and it fucking sucks.

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Stale pasta from ages ago someone has dredged up for whatever reason. Ignore it.

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Old early thread fan fiction where Jaron Jennings (formerly Jazz (formerly Jaron)) gets help from Dr. Ido

Some will complain but most will masturbate

>most will masturbate

most will fucking ignore it and hide it, like what I did

>hiding posts
meticulous thread management is a level of psychosis I will never understand

Anyone else go back and read the archives for max comfiness?
I started at thread #1 yesterday and I'm currently at #214

Posts like that don't bother me. Why even hide it if it does? The thread scrolls down and it will be gone soon enough. It sounds to me like you give things that bother you too much power over you.

Weed psychos are gone; next thread confirmed for comfy.

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No, but that does sound comfy!

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>give things that bother you too much power over you.
Look man, I fell in love with a cgi movie character, I am not strong willed and very sensitive but at least I know it

I poke around in the archives every now and then. Sometimes it makes me nostalgic for the good old days; sometimes it reminds me that things could be just as rough and tumble back then.

Attached: #199.webm (960x402, 2.76M)

weed is gross and for teens

lol, obviously this wasn't me:
Anyway, to tell you the truth I didn't actually hide it, but I don't want to encourage spammy posts like that by letting some guy say 'it's okay, people like it and are fapping to it' slide by.

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They were both psychos, weed-guy and Jerome, but it had nothing to do with weed, only that they were both psychos.

>tfw to anxious to press play on a simple fucking movie
I try not to do this I don't want to do this
>tfw end up smoking, peeing, checking my 0 new messages, or just lying down every now and then
desu I should be euthanized

Yeah, I could have phrased that better. I don't care one whit about weed good or ill, but both of them make the thread miserable whenever they show up.

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Go for it fren! whats stopping you!?

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I've been doing this, but combing for every new (old) meme or other pic I don't have yet. Currently at #50, but have only spent a total of 4 hours or so.

>pic related

Attached: 1551148474805.png (1920x1200, 1.09M)

>checking my 0 new messages

Fuck you, me.

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>tfw rented an AirBNB with Alita's mom

Just restless, I want drinkies but I shouldn't, if I go out for a cancer stick I'd have to wash my hands thoroughly to absentmindedly play with my TFs, and I probably have some issue about finishing things
>still haven't watched the final episode of the new Twink Peaks, or Kidding

Here's your (Me), me
>put my social media settings to show the news stuff I'm following first
>if it's not the lack of social contact then it's the headlines that fill me with despair
It's probably the subconscious death drive that compels me to live like this, but ofc since we're the same person I'm sure we understand

what does this post even mean?

Attached: 1557548806561.png (622x538, 233K)

it means that Rosa Salazar's mom is active on AirBNB and rents out rooms in her house.

she's also kind of crazy.

>jannies took out the trash again

Attached: koyomi thumbs up.png (298x482, 343K)

>janni is back babysitting this shithole
mentally illness

Because all corporate news, and even most indie news, is total shit, I used to follow Discovery News, now "Seeker". Straightforward most important world events and science and space and innovation and any news, current events, discoveries, etc. shit you'd want to know.

It drove me NUTS. For all the good and awesome stuff in the world, there's all this crap and suffering and so many problems. Drove me up the wall. Stopped following it and had to restrict my general news consumption.

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Why bother allowing these threads and sweeping them to make them look pretty when clearly they belong in the


Attached: capture_001_18052019_134528.png (679x51, 2K)

Well once you find the willpower to get around to watching it, make sure to drops us a bell on how you found it.

Attached: rosa-salazar-7.jpg (521x637, 47K)

Attached: capture_002_18052019_134805.png (619x1153, 129K)

>she is the girl child
doubt. pretty sure she is a tranny.

>born on Washington D.C.
>girl child

Anyway, interesting. She's the only (relatively) recent break-away actress from the DC area besides Mia Khalifa.

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Stumbling across a picture that slipped between the cracks is like finding buried treasure.

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but anyway, the long and short of it is that for $35 a night you can stay at Rosa Salazar's childhood home, while her mother sleeps on the couch.

How do you know she sleeps on the couch?

beyond the fact that she did it when I stayed there?

Attached: capture_003_18052019_135350.png (616x165, 24K)

Also, kek at how Asuka-fag and Jerome have been in the game from the start.

From Thread #50

Attached: Old Friends.png (584x313, 115K)

Oh shit, you're for real. Why did you do this? What compelled you to do this? This is kinda creepy and obsessive and autistic, wouldn't you say?

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she really nice, likes dogs, and loves talking about her daughter :)


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I knew about the channel but not the news thing, glad you ended up cutting a sad thing out of your life though, sensationalist news/consumers live off of pointless suffering and pointlessly knowing/hearing about it

Okeydokes, will do frens~
>slightly wary of the uncanny anime-like eyes the lady has in some images but hoping that it'll be ok in the movie
Sometimes it's nice and sometimes it's jarring, I don't know...

oh shit I didn't realize things had been that bad in the past between them.

When I was there she'd argue with her over the phone and shit.

I think her brother's still in new york and kind of a druggie.

I wanted to say that it's sad her daughter, even after being a pretty successful actress, can't afford to get her in a place where doesn't have to do AirBnB, but, yeah, greater yikes that, according to Rosa, both her parents abandoned her at 15 when they split. wtf is going on?

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From that article...

>Working girl: When Salazar finally moved to New York at age 19, she worked three jobs to pay for her acting classes

>Salazar emancipated herself when she was 15, allowing her the legal right to care for herself.

>She had to grow up fast - living on her own and becoming an adult, though still a teenager.

>'I lived on my own. I basically raised myself,' Salazar said.

>The actress explained that she did stay in touch with her father until his death in 2012, noting that he supported her early acting career, but provided little support elsewhere.

Attached: ForHer2.png (1920x1200, 1.22M)

Watch it already!

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>there is only one person that creates certain posts
You have no idea how memes work do you?

>can't afford to get her in a place where doesn't have to do AirBnB
I think Rosa has offered her to move to LA and live with her/buy a house for her, but I think Marilynne likes the company that doing airbnb provides more than the money. (she owns a house in greenbelt and one in costa rica, she could sell the one in US and retire in costa rica if she wanted)

I never implied any of that. We all know Jerome is definitely multiple people. Asuka-fag write pretty consistently, though. Regardless, I just meant 'the characters of Asuka-fag and Jerome"

I wish Rosa would call me up and argue wid me..

Attached: Rosa Struggle.jpg (589x450, 28K)

Oh, I see. Interesting. Wow. Shocked there are still people like this, who like other things in life more than just straight money/ easy living. Respect.

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You'll be amazed at how quickly you forget she's CG. I hope you come back afterwards and tell us what you thought of it!

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Wait, why didn't Rosa cut off both her parents completely after they abandoned her and refused to raise her? That's the shittiest thing a parent could do, short of rape or murder. What gives? Why would Rosa forgive them and remain in contact?

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they're your parents, man. Family relationships are complex. She spent 15 of her most formative years, like 18 hours a day sharing a life with them. emotionally cutting yourself off from the person who changed your diapers, taught you to speak, etc is really hard and rarely a good idea.

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Okay I will!!!!! >:P
>she's CG
I definitely will come back, I want to be a part of this comfy place

Well Rosa's dad encouraged her acting up until his death, and she stayed in close touch with him. Leading her she got a tattoo for him after he passed in 2012. So it looks like they made up pretty well, but Idk about her and her mother...

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Its not that hard and can be a very good idea if the parents are shitheads. Generally when it happens its not the the child that is the issue. It is the parents. They get what they deserved. Children cutting off the parents almost never happens if the parents did their job correctly raising their kids.

young rosa was cute as a button.

I can't say for sure, but marilynne seemed more complex that just a shithead.

I'm sorry you seem to be implying that she's not still cute as a button

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Did user ever shop Rosa's face to be Alita's?

Could someone do it now?

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ikr, i cant imagine having a child then giving him/her up to foster care...

But I know its easy to judge and different when your in that situation, but still how could you abandon this!?

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H-how did you guys even get this movie

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Can anyone explain what this Rosa worship has to do with movie discussion related to Alita: Battle Angel? I mean ok, she is in the movie. Worshipping her and wanting to lick her feet belongs on Yea Forums though.

Alita anime when?


there was

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The future is now:


Lol, perfect.

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I meant a new anime series

Haven't gotten round to it, cuz work. But ill give it a shot. And if I dont post anything. Then its because I suck ass.

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No u

I think "she is in the movie" is selling it a bit short

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Holy shit, why did no-one tell me Rosa is representing Greece in Eurovision. All Yurobros, VOTE FOR GREECE NOW!

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that haircut is pretty cute

She's adorabs!!!!
>nurse gave the doc a look when he named Alita
>inb4 it's his dead daughter or sth
I'm really hoping her new friends don't die horribly aaaaa

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I mean that dose kinda look like her, but she's not even greek... sorry gyro bro no vote from me.

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Discussing the lead actress in a movie isn't movie discussion?

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Anons spliced together different audio and video sources. It's as good as we've got for now.

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There is a difference between discussing an actress in a movie and worshipping her entire existence.

I meant from the 26th century, isn't that some form of time crime haha

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Dangerously floofy.

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I mean I got this but its kinda scary, Its hard finding a image of Alita with the same expression...

Attached: Scary.png (600x1024, 721K)

Well their heads are different shapes so it's going to work weird unless you use Alita's whole head

Attached: rosalitafacefade.webm (464x420, 2.02M)

That looks really good actually.

Can you make the eyes bigger? Like distorted big?

Does anybody else panic when they can't find /Alita/? I'll wake up and look and not recognize the OP and scroll for minutes getting worried. Shit's like getting lost in a city.

not gonna lie my heart rate elevates when I can't immediately find the next thread.

I never close the tab and just click to the next one at the bottom of the thread

>not keeping /alita/ open in a tab at all times so you never miss a post

Attached: 44e6.png (412x442, 348K)

Gotchu senpai

Would do, but got no Idea how to blend Ali's entire head into the pic.

ty fren

Attached: Scary1.png (600x1024, 716K)

this makes me think of the big eyed pepe doing that side eye look lol

user asking about Pikachu or Wick:
>saw pikachu
>pretty decent, liked it just a little less than Shazam but still pretty solid.
Next up, Wickzone.

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one without the 2 floating ghost coins...

And I've been staring at it for a good 30 mins trying to fix it, and now its has kinda grown on me and looks okay to me.

Right i'll stop posting it now, unless I manage to fix it/make it better.

Attached: Scary.png (600x1024, 717K)

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You did a really good job blending Alita's face in to the original. I just tossed some cutouts on there like a lazy bitch as I do for most of my OC.

best last img,

And no yeah that works some of the best OC are simple yet effective. Sometimes over complicating things ruins the magic.

Do they sell these? I'd get one for my niece.

Mushroom things? Yes I believe you can get them on Etsy.