Have sex

>have sex

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Why? Lost your dick or something?

Linkin Park was fucking awesome. Faggots keep whining about "muh edgy" but idgaf. Hybrid theory and Meteora are amazing.

>6 inches dicklet
>5'11 manlet
>small calves
>small wrists

None of that matters, what does your face look like?

i liked hybrid theory, pnts of authority & meteora. most of the teenagers those days did. here anyway. ive no idea about any later albums, i grew out of it.

trying being me

>2 inch dicklet
>have to wear diapers, shit and piss myself

haha but I'm the bad guy because I can't get a woman of course

points of authority was a song on hybrid theory
you're probably think of the album Reanimation, which had the remix Pts.OF.Athrty

have children

Attached: abe pls.webm (1066x600, 2.92M)

>liked linkin park as a teenager
>hated them for being edgy as a slightly older teenager
>went back to liking them when I became an adult

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>6 inch waaah waaah
Porn rotted your brain, many such cases!

spotted a dicklet

Having sex would fix all these issues.

>Linkin Park was fucking awesome.
A very easy way to spot double digit IQs.

damn dude
im a 2 inch dicklet but at least i got everything else

They went to absolute dog shit after meteora though

Listening to Hybrid Theory as a kid blew my mind, I'd never heard anything like it before

I'm a fan of them as well.

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Brad Pitt and George Clooney are 5'11. And so am I. And you can bet nobody will ever call me a manlet to my face, because I'd break their fucking jaw.

A Thousand Suns is an amazing album and their only actual good

Sadly, there was no way they could've remained popular. Rap/rock got old and they lacked the talent to be good at anything else