You know it wasn't long ago you used to post on reddit, and as far as I'm concerned YOU SHOULD STILL BE THERE

you know it wasn't long ago you used to post on reddit, and as far as I'm concerned YOU SHOULD STILL BE THERE

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Other urls found in this thread:

Woah John, take it easy

Woh oh oh John what the FUCK.

your wife is fat




what is this the fucking UN!!??

stick it in your ass

Im just here to screenshot you edgelords and take it back for karma

I hear this guy's wife had a 98 pound mole taken off her ass, lol!


Do I need to repeat what he said? He broke my wife's honor, I demand compensation.
You know in the old days we wouldn't even need to discuss this.

i was fuckin around, you never made a joke about jenny sack?

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So this actor was just a nobody and wound up being one of the best actors on TV in his first real role? Does this just prove that actors are all frauds?

total non-sequitur

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What's next? He gets to fuck her for a million?

do you not know what that means?

I'll crack him good. I'll give him a three day ban.

it's just a goat

i'm guessing you don't

I tell you one thing and I'm not ashamed to say it: My estimation of user as a man just fucking plummeted. To post on reddit like a woman? It's a fucking disgrace! Let me ask you this if he makes Game of Thrones threads on Yea Forums and if he's that weak what the fuck else will he post about?

Throughout the show they make a lot of allusions to Ralphie being the devil. This scene basically confirms he burned down the horse stable.

What are the others?

He wants to fuck her?

Why is everything Phil says so quotable?

>Grilled meme off the radiator

lol nice

No you fucking mong. It means that Ralph was a SCAPE GOAT. See, you literally cannot point out other instances of Ralph being the devil. If he were the devil why didn’t he use his demon powers to kill Tony or some shit you stupid faggot

Tomorrow I'll be unbanned but you'll be unpaid forever

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why did Sack cry being taken away on his daughters wedding?
couldn't wait til hes in the car

imagine having a head of hair like that until your deatbead...

>no one posts quotes of him accidentally calling his wife fat


was Phil in the closet?

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He compromised

Weakness of character, just like admiting the existence of our thing in the court

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fucking kek

PEEPS?! It's a fuckin nickname...

>comes out of the closet
>to kill the guy who was in the closet

Ginny can get heavy.

Dumbasses think that makes him a secret fag instead of cheeky.

Men in the closet typically don't frequent leather clubs in full costume.

>Next time you come in here, you come heavy or don't come at all
Did James Gandolfini really have much of a choice?


Jonny Sack is arguably the best character on the show.

quiet quiet quiet louder louder LOUDER LOUDER!!!!!!!!

Watch it user

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it was a spiritual closet tone, but I had to do it
he was a finook and he was part of my fucking family

It was a joke and the blood pressure medication

Vito truly was a fucking idiot

So was it a power move when John said shit like this and forced people to keep a straight face or was it accidental?

>an entire episode of vito fucking his gay fireman

That's deplorable

You gotta admire his choice to die rather than wagecuck

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I hear Vito Spattafore is an AYSSS MUNCHAH

>That monologue about time going slow
Literally me at work

You think about those sandwiches Jim made for you, you big fat homo?

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Ralph wants to fuck ginnie?

Chase confirmed Ralphie burned stables in Sopranos Sessions.


Well that changes everything. He says “no” at first though. So was he just fucking with Pantoliano? Because now that guy’s convinced Ralphie didn’t do shit

hey johnny i heard your wife needed a mole taken off her fat ass. you hear anything about that?

>*Himmler screaming into SS barrack*
>"Dirlewanger, in my office. NOW!
>Your actions in the east have the führer breathing down my fucking neck
>You are a loose canon, but GOD DAMN YOU BRING RESULTS" *slams fist on table*
>*bullet cases and knives collide*
>"You are a good soldier, but Hitler wants his way
>Hand over your bagde and luger
>And your other luger
>And your other bagde
>You are off the front, report back to me in berlin"
>*Wanger speaking*
>"Give me 3 months and I have every partisan from here to moscow either in chains or dead"
>*Himmler turns around to light a fag*
>*takes a short pull and blows smoke at the window*
>*SS man enters office and hands himmler a note*
>"The kcazinksrecz village just got raided by another bolshevik partisan group"
>*Himmer turns around and yells*
>"In GERMAN, god damnit"
>*SS man rolls eyes*
>"Yet another communist uprising in poland, sir"
>*Himmler flicks the cigarette and faces Wanger*
>"You have 2 weeks, I am giving you a new parter. Name is Berger, he does the job by the book.
>Now get out of my office and take your stupid hat with you"

Attached: oskar-dirlewanger-wearing-hat.jpg (600x319, 19K)

*chains smokes 5 cigarettes*

I have used Yea Forums for 12 years and have never once posted on Reddit

*Record scratch*
Baaah baaah bah

His name was Johnny Peeparino.
His name was Johnny Peeparino.
His name was Johnny Peeparino.

His work day montage was fucking hilarious.