As an Indian guy living in America, this movie gave me hope...

As an Indian guy living in America, this movie gave me hope. Zero is a hero to Indian men everywhere who are unfairly stereotyped as ugly and beta. He's a literal lobby boy and still marries a white woman, based as fuck

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Other urls found in this thread:

he got the bobs and vagene what a legend

The actor who plays him isn't even Indian lol. He's Guatemalan or some shit.

BUT as an Indian man this movie gave me HOPE

Indians seem to do okay in the US dating "market," to be realistic. You guys have higher marriage rates than most ethnic groups.

Seriously, why don't you fucking idiots just shower and use deodorant? It's so simple yet 95% of you walk around smelling like a dumpster. Just shower, dumbass. I have literally shunned an Indian girl who had a huge crush on me because she smelled like ass. You all smell like ass. Shower.

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>still marries a white woman
Irish aren't white

Yes yes, HOWEVER
this movie has given me hope

Thats because pajeets all get arranged marriages with pajeetas

why do keep spamming this same post over and over again?.

Their parents simply arrange marriages with other pajeetas. That's why Indian guys are usually autistic as fuck - dating/courtship isn't much of a thing in their culture.

You'd do better posting this bait thread where it belongs, in pol.


It's not fucking bait
I find it absurd that white girls think Indian guys are "creepy" for no fucking reason, but they have no problem dating black dudes who are often weird as fuck
There are 0 chad Indians in Hollywood, all we get is fucking Apu and Aziz Ansari

Aziz is a chad in a manlet’s body. Check out the girl she’s dating and his ex

Never knew that. Crazy.

I didn’t get the ending

The ending was basically a metaphor for incel whites killing a white woman for being a "race traitor" (i.e. marrying a colored man)

Why the fuck are Pajeets so obsessed with white women lmao

Because white women are beautiful. They are God's angels. It is a dream come true for us Indians to lay with a white angel.

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I never cared about how ugly pajeets looked
but it's pretty disgusting how you self-hate and date out of your own race to get rid of your features by having non pajeet kids, pretty disgusting and embarrassing. The only based indians on the planet are those who date outside their nationality and then come back home and continue their progeny with an indian woman to strengthen their own kind rather than deny it. I will never have respect for any racemixer.

>white women lmfao
latina goddesses are superior

Because you come off as slimy, weird and the self-hatred comes off of you from miles away. Girls sense that like wildfire, dumbass. The problem is with you, not them.

I'm an Indian guy who grew up surrounded by whites. But all my family is Indian. So marrying an Indian woman is boring

Nice cope.
You're ashamed of your own culture and don't want to be a part of it. That's the real reason your family is around whites.

>hurr racemixing is bad Indians should keep their race pure
Everyone in India is already a mutt you idiot. Southies look like abbos, Kashmiris look like Arabs, Northerners look like chinks, and Punjabis are genetically identical to Pakis

Isn't he actually Guatamalan?

What the fuck? My family moved to America for the money

I teach dating to dozens of losers like you. This is just another excuse you tell yourself to feel good about yourself and perpetuate your self-hate.
I actually think you idiots have massive potential but society fucked you over.

>Indian guys are "creepy" for no fucking reason
Well the constant news where indians rape women and children made me feel differently.

What a retard.

Yeah but instead of staying in poo land and making It a better place you ran away to live where someone else made it good.

Ironically you will ultimately destroy the good land you have cone too because now that it’s 55% it’s losing what made it different from everywhere else

>this thread
imagine hating yourself so much you begin thinking white women are angels

and then you wonder why everyone thinks you're weird and creepy, big yikes

The Indians that rape women are extremely poor people in India, not in the US
Go fuck yourself, if you're a white dude then that means your ancestors migrated to the states for a better life probably because their country wasn't going to get any better (like Hungary or Poland). My dad is a businessman and he alone can't turn India into a paradise you delusional fuck
I have only one life so I'm going to live it in comfy America and not waste my life trying to make India not shit just to please some teenage ethnonationalist faggot

The change has to start with you. Break the cycle of pain and self-hatred. If not you, then who? It's not about pleasing some random guy on the internet it's about who you are and where you come from. And so far all you are is a coward and a dumbass. People sense that. That's why noone has respect for you.

>talking to an Indian girl
>she starts telling me how she oils her hair each week
>starts telling me how they eat their meals with their hands because it feels better that way
>starts telling me the reason the left hand is considered so impure in India
It's a real shame Indians are so gross because the higher-caste female Indians look like tanned white girls.

Fuck you and your shitskin father leave our country you subhuman swine

Being Indian sucks. I wish I was white, black or even a beaner.

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I have lived here all my life I know nothing about Indian culture and can't even speak the language. It's like asking a Hungarian American to fuck off back to Hungary. You're killing his identity. America is all I know
Well its true that we eat with our hands, I don't get why that's so disgusting to you though. Would you eat a burger with a knife and fork?
And the left hand is considered impure because when you use a squat toilet, if you use a lota to wash your ass you use the left hand to spread the water and clean the shit away. It sounds disgusting but if you try it it's actually much cleaner and hygienic than toilet paper
Fuck you we contribute more than your NEET ass.

the fuck is this whole thing with white women? Why do all the other ethnicities crave white pussy? Is it a symbol of "higher status" in your undeveloped brains? You fuckers truly are delusional sometimes..

>I know nothing about Indian culture
>And the left hand is considered impure because when you use a squat toilet, if you use a lota to wash your ass you use the left hand to spread the water and clean the shit away. It sounds disgusting but if you try it it's actually much cleaner and hygienic than toilet paper

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>no fucking reason

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yeah indians are definitely known all around the world for being clean and hygienic

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With a burger though, the bread is there to act as an improvised to keep the grease from getting on your hands. But having Indians around me dip their fingers into rice or lentils really puts me off, but I'm ready to acknowledge that there's a culture shock element.

Also my culture uses bidet which I guess is similar enough to a lota, but Jesus we still use toilet paper at the same time.

Wait for it.

I'd also want to sleep with the people that had three fourths of the world under their control at one point.
(Of course they like to forget that we were a poor backwater compared to China or Persia for most of our history, but not like they can figure out it out).

The rural peasants who shit in the street are the ones that everyone likes to laugh at, nobody cares about the majority of mundane toilet using onea
Yeah I use toilet paper before the lota, but as long as you use soap and scrub your hands properly you can be 100% clean without it

This thread is the bazillionth reminder indians are the absolute biggest fags on the planet.

The only reason toilet boday is popular in your and arab culture especially is because you're all hairy motherfuckers and shit literally clings everywhere down there. And it's not just your ass, it's with everything even with facial hair food crumbs literally gets entangled everywhere. I have light brown hair and it's not as rough as dark black hair and nothing clings to it so toilet paper and/or wet wipes is enough. I can't stand arabs that think everyone is the same and not washing your ass with a sprinkler is disgusting.

Dirty brown watertrash

Ben-Gali ben-Gali

He only wants to embrace your culture and be your friend forever

Its not just an Arab thing, we have it in Italy too and when I went to France they also had it

White skin looks nice. That's pretty much it.

>White facial features
>Skin so brown it's almost grey at times
>Not even black or asian so no girl will ever have a thing for you

Ah, quite unfortunate! Better luck next life I guess, lol

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Is that poo on her face? I haven't seen this film. Not sure I want to.

>basing your self confidence on a fictitious story

You are a fucking pathetic faggot. You will never get bob and vagene, Pajit.

Right, blame it on the white girls. Fucking absolutely pathetic.

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How about lifting your self esteem up instead of trying to please another person. If you can do that and make money it won’t matter what race you are; they’ll all flock becuase at the end of the day, they’re all hoes. Once you start succeeding with yourself, it’ll happen. You just need to be strong
You’ll be fine, don’t let your race put you down

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>Child rape/murders happen all the time
>Family murders members who date someone outside of their class
>Acid attacks
>Designated shitting streets
>”Hello dear send bobs and vagene”
>T O I L E T W I T C H E S

“Creepy for no fucking reason”

Also, ignore the other comments. They are detrimental to your success as a person. Your worth can only be confined to your race if you make it that way.
Make money, lifting gains, good friends and disregard bitches. You’ll see them in due time, you just have to be careful with how crazy things are getting

Ah ha ha ha

Just before this shot, he delicately brushed his left hand down her right cheek...

I hope to god one day i get a white gf, indian girls in the us are repulced by me and would rather dates blacks or whites over me

Everyone is, highest value women on the planet, at least on the surface lmao

Some poo in the loo has better chances with sehorsee than a lesbian goth

O-on the surface?

Posting this won't fix your world. This is just a time waster.

poo in loo

The correct term is "vomit" incel

i usually don’t like smelly pajeet but zero is based

Because India is a Hindu country, Muhammad.

indian men are absolutely bottom tier for white women, the only men worse are abos. although some wouldn't even consider them human.

white women would rather fuck small dicked asian guys (inb4 somebody tells me indians are asian) than poos

it goes like this
white men
lightskin niggas / ambiguous ethnicity alphas
darkskin niggas / hispanics in general / lightskin arabs
arabs / other trash
East Asian Men / Southeast Asian Men

and that guy is not a poo, he would right in the arabs / other trash section.


Blacks are on par with Asians and white women are also the least likely to date or marry outside of their race

Why do man of color think they can only make it in life if they marry white? Stick to your own poo race, faggots.

As an Indian man I think you should unironically rope yourself if all you seek in life is validation from a white slut and for caring about what whitey thinks of us. I should remind you that they are getting outbred by mexicans, muslims and niggers as we speak and it's likely that whitey will vanish from the face of this planet within the next 50 years if we're lucky.

you smell bad and you're short and brown
nobody wants that
if indians were tall and known for having thick hogs like the blacks, you'd get slutty white girls, but you've got absolutely nothing
white dudes have everything
black dudes have the aforementioned shit
latin dudes are thought of as being passionate and can basically look white at times
asian (actual yellow asians) are known to be intelligent and successful

if this was an RPG indians would be the shitty race nobody picks because humans, orcs, elves, and like lizardmen are interesting, and indians aren't

this racebait thread gets posted everyday. wonder if it really is a pajeet or a /pol/ psyop used to increase tension between races.

why can't you just be happy with your own women, I'll never understand why you would want to make things difficult for yourself by dating outside of your race. White women, for example, are the least likely women to date outside of their race in the US, despite all the coal burn memes, it's not very common. Indian men are making themselves depressed by thinking they can force a whole race of women to like them, know your own sexual market value for god sake, stop living in the clouds pajeet, life isn't a movie.

Says who Ahmed. You britbongs are the ones who aren't white.

What do Indians look like if he doesn't look indian?

>Condoms 'too big' for Indian men
>A survey of more than 1,000 men in India has concluded that condoms made according to international sizes are too large for a majority of Indian men.

Indians have even smaller peepees on average than Chinese.

>But Indian men need not be concerned about measuring up internationally according to Sunil Mehra, the former editor of the Indian version of the men's magazine Maxim.

>"It's not size, it's what you do with it that matters," he said.

>"From our population, the evidence is Indians are doing pretty well.

>"With apologies to the poet Alexander Pope, you could say, for inches and centimetres, let fools contend."

Beautiful inspiring message. My eyes are getting teary.

Same, OP. Pic is me, going too get a white gf.

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For me, it's just a matter of feet. White and Latina girls have the best feet. Hence, I want to fuck the girls with the best looking feet. It's only natural.

sounds like cope to me

Have you ever seen an Indian dude on social media? They're bunch of creeps

all you gotta do is have arranged marriages and bully women into having kids

This hit right in the feels because it's so true.

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Why are so many Indians awkward pervs though?

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I dated a trinidanian indian for five 5 years.
very beautiful and petite women
why not just stick with them?


A shower won’t help. It’s their genes. The poo has seeped into their very DNA.

>wanting to be a nigger
you're literally the only person I've seen saying that. Have at least a standard, retard

send bobs n vagene stupid bitch lasagna

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Whitoids are going to go extinct dumbass. The real power race is to become a based Jew.

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She looks like she could beat him up.

That's not my point, retard. Hell I'd rather be a filthy like than a negro

what's worse being a poo in america or white guy in a 3rd world


>I teach dating
Oh so we have someone important here!

>but they have no problem dating black dudes
They do. almost as much as with dating Pajeets

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I'm Indian and want to fuck white women as much as I can before I marry. Unfortunately, the only white girls I get to fuck are escorts

Indian here, being white in 3rd world country is much better. My brother who lives in America said everyone thinks you're hitting on them for a green card.

>white girls I get to fuck are escorts

>Unfortunately, the only white girls I get to fuck are escorts
You should consider yourself happy. You wouldn't believe how many sluts take white customers only.

I'm Indian, I live at home, and I'm not a chad

>Asians women hate their own race
>White men are the ones causing the 'genocide' of their own race, yet white women are still blamed by polfags
>Everyone hates blacks


>I'm Indian… I'm not a chad

Dream on, street-shitter.

are you a piece of shit dravidian?

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"Hope" that you can go to a foreign land you don't belong in and racemix with the host population like the little cuck boy you are.

Holy kek is this real?

i have to admire that

your post perfectly sums up why white women are not interested in you

No I'm a hairy northerner. Lightskin. 6" cock

you will never be this man

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>shower without running water

British occupation

I don't get non whites. How can you thirst after our women this much and still deny a racial hierarchy?

lol how is that even possible?

I know this is pasta but
>at the same level of us hot latinos

Just date your own shit women, jesus why does everyone obsess over our women, fuck off

literally every race loves white women, if you dont believe every race who isnt white loves white people then youre actually retarded, non-white males love white females, and non-white female love white males...this is absolute fact....and im talking as a fucking asian person who lived and is been to many south-east asian countries

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Here's a list of bad things about indians:
>Absolutely terrible culture
>Worst accent ever
>Small dicks
>Poor hygiene
>Blame all of their shortcomings on others

I do not want to insult you for the sake of insulting but I think most can agree that this is the Indian stereotype.
The only worse people than you are niggers. But as far as what women like they out rank you.

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American here, hospitaity sucks. If you knew the kind of stuff lobby boys have to put up with in hotels, then you wouldn't do it. Hotel gigs land a lot of dollars, but little free time because guests are full blown retarded.

Lobby Boy will most likely end up fucking loose server pussy, or tight HR pussy.

It's less like that movie, and more like Rusty fucking his own Aunt in Squidbillies


>yahoo personals
>stats from 20 years ago

kek state of white males and their cherry picked faggotry

>hand over your girls, whitey

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wtf i didn't know this movie had saoirse ronan now i have to watch it

hows this look called? achievable natty?

thx for spoiling the movie nigger

Well, pardon us, Mr. Gucci Loafers.

Indians are the wealthiest ethnicity in America. This disparity will only continue to grow because Indians work hard and save and invest their money. In the future white bitches will be BEGGING for sweet Indian dick.

>Why do you want more status?

god this poo hate thread makes me want to go back to /int/ again

They are not your propriety


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And it's from big cities which are full of shitlibs. If this was more representative sample it would end up even worse for you, darkie.

I have an indian friend who fucks white girls but they're all hipster sluts and generally pretty greasy overall. to each their own though i guess, he gets more pussy than me

If they are yours,why do they love suck my dick?

>Literally grasping at non-existent straws.

That study is from 2016 you dumb asian. You will make up some other excuse, Chang.


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yeah they'll be the perfect cucks. betabucks and a dick too small for condoms

>Reading this as an Indian guy who's fucking a beautiful white girl. Oh boy.

You've got to focus on yourself and not fetishize girls desu. Make yourself interesting and worth fucking. Develop interests and throw yourself into living passionately and the girls will come. And be open to all kinds of girls, not just white girls. I've fucked whites, Hispanics, Asians, Indians, Arabs, Persians...

But then I get mistaken as being Arab by both Indians and Arabs so maybe that's why I'm luckier with women. Idk.

>that canthal tilt

>I totally have sex:The post


dogs and horses are at the top of the pyramid retard

not trolling or attempting to insult indians here, but what is the reason they have so small penors? genuinely curious, there has to be some explanation

You are creepy to them because you dont generally look like this. The end

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It's a myth. I'm a Punjabi BVLL and I have a 7 incher

exceptions obviously exist but it's clearly not a myth. again i'm not dissing your people i'm just curious.

I think it's because the average Indian is small framed in general. Asians generally are. I'm 6' and when I go to India I tower over the locals. I'm perfectly happy with my penis as well.

>thinking white women don't love this

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at least you offer tech support

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you think they fucked? I hope so.

No they don't take black customers because they're scared of getting robbed. A whore doesn't care about race all they want is money obviously

That's not the reason.

you guys think too high of white women. in reality they are shallow whores like in very other race.

Are you Latino? I get mistaken as an Arab by all peoples, expecially other Indians/Arabs. I've had entire conversations with them, with them thinking I'm a poo. I'm just a beaner, and I've had diverse girls myself. Dating a SEAnigger rn.

imagine the smell

Jews are going extinct even quicker than whites.

>BLACKEDfag on suicide watch after getting BTFO