Peak physical condition of Batwoman

You might not like it user but this is what peak physical condition looks like in a female.

Imagine what this Batwoman could do to Bane...

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No no no. Skinnier and less muscle

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>peak physical condition

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>auschwitz, day 31

>dem giant clits

I’m not even joking but it would not bother me in the least if Batwoman had this body type.

However I do have a kink for Amazonian women so maybe I’m bias.

which one of them will play Bane?

Tries to use the grappling gun and it rips her arm out of its socket.

She isn't an official Bat Family member anyway just a poser wannabe

Almost like mentally unstable lesbians are unstable in other parts of their lives.

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I'd hate to take a punch from her

I wonder how many roles she's lost because of her tattoos

She can’t act, how the fuck is she even getting roles?

The body says poor nutrition, but the tattoos say gypsy who spent a nickel in the gulag.

This bitch is vomit inducing lmao at the frail goy boys and roasties that will watch this.

you guys ready for her origin story about becoming a lesbian? shit gets pretty graphic

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Damn, and I thought Murphy had it bad in RoboCop...

>be an actor whose job it is to embody different characters from different times and places
>get crazy tattoos all over your arms and body with references to random shit

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Looks like a crack whore with a dress made out of an actual garbage bag

>i like muscle women
>im straight
pick one

Sometimes they give lulz though.

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There are few things trashier than getting a tattoo of someone's face.

Christ Im rock hard. What has this place fucking done to me man

Do cartoon characters also count?

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Did she orgasm?

She looks like she takes dick.

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A difficult choice.
They all look like big guys.

How bout this?

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whats wrong with her face

I'm not opposed to tatoos and triggered by them by /tvpol/ but what is the appeal or aesthetic of "just draw random shit somewhere on my body?"
Like at least make it an artful design in an appropriate location

>Getting a tattoo of a nigger