Why didn't the machines just create a fucking dyson sphere?
Why didn't the machines just create a fucking dyson sphere?
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>why didn't x just simply do y thing
Retards are the worst!
what would they do with a vacuum cleaner
Who says they didn't? We never see the parent universe outside the simulation
shh don't give the trannies any ideas for their next film
The humans were supposed to be for processing power , wachowski dumbed it down cause 1999 normies didn't know what a cpu is.
This brings up another good point
Why didn't they clean up the atmosphere? Surely they could have fixed it since it's over 100 years
Human can be defined as machines too, theres nothing supernatural about you
That assumes they had the ability to go to space.
If they did they could just stay in space and absorb solar energy with no need for humans.
Because interstellar space travel isn't and never will be physically possible
Speculatively, in reality there may only be just enough planetary resources to begin spacemining asteroids and shit. This is a necessary step towards unlocking some kind of Dyson sphere tech. In Matrix land, it may be that the war with the machines used up the resources that would have allowed that.
We never see the world outside the simulation
You can't use humans to produce power because no perpetual motion machines, humans use more fuel than what you get out
cogito, ergo sum
To an artificial mind all reality is virtual
So you're telling me the jungle rave in the diverse city was just another simulation?
based schizo crossboarder
they dont need to overpriced vacuum in a virtual world
no enough dysons
It probably is part of the same simulation
Dyson Spheres are oribtaldynamcially impossible.
>Neo's wifi powers
I’ve seen some bad posts today, but this one really stands out
do you guys understand what happened when Neo was able to mind-control the machines in the real world?
DId that mean it was just another layer of the matrix or what?
Why don't the machines just harness the energy coming off of those lightnings near their place?
Why don't the machines just get on top of one another to get through the pollution?
If the humans went nearer towards the Earth's core for warmth, why didn't Neo and gf die of cold when they got out of the ship?
If the machines use the dead to feed the living, why don't they just make the 'pods' into blenders to immediately kill and also liquefy them to also prevent survivors?
A Dyson "sphere" is actually a Dyson swarm or ring. Which are both stable.
how the fuck would you know what an artificial mind knows
he'd shown that his influence had reached into the real world, he essentially figured out wifi and talk to them and thus control them irl too. but it was not only too late but not strong enough for them to survive.
it means matrix revolutions was DOGSHIT
>don't they just make the 'pods' into blenders
Because it's expensive to equip everything with everything.
Why didn't they use solar power satelite swarms in Earth's or sun's orbit?
Or simply collected solar energy from satellites... yet they chose an extremely inefficient and unnecessary way to extract energy.. captive humans???
If the Earth is destroyed what stops them from making nuclear power plants? Nothing...
Yes it simulated a Bernie Sanders Presidential win.
Why didn't they stick with practical effects that had been punched up with CGI and camera tricks instead of claymation tier Neo?
why didn't agent smith just upgrade his software?
Because they were not programmed that way.
when will this stupid meme die?
escape velocity
the simple explanation is that the machines felt pity for their creators after they'd won the war
1. Morpheus says the machines used humans plus some kind of fusion to generate energy. But there’s no reason to believe that machines really need humans for energy.
2. Speculating here but I got the feeling (maybe from the animatrix) that the machines didn’t want to kill the humans. After all, there are plenty of programs that are neutral or indifferent. Maybe the matrix was more like a zoo, place to keep humans alive but in a safe contained environment. And you use Zion as a containment board for the shitposters.
this, the architect flat out says they tried to give humans a paradise first time round, humans wouldn't accept it
Why didn't fp just write bp?
Emphasis on didn't.
They created the matrix!
Tough luck for the people who did want to except the paradise. Wtf you know. Fucking upset people fucked everything up. Fuck them. Wish the robots just trashed those good for nothing assholes.
Reminder that the original screenplay is that the computers use the humans for processing power, the computer and the humans are thus trapped in a symbiotic relationship. Disconnecting humans = death of the machines.
The battery thing was made up for normie audiences.
>implying matrix 2 & 3 are canon
user, I...
Because Dyson spheres are the very definition of Awesome, But Impractical.
Youre too addicted to Yea Forums
Even at geosynchronous...er...solar-synchronous distance?
What's so bad?
Why is this picture so unsettling?????
>Why don't the machines just harness the energy coming off of those lightnings near their place?
Why don't WE?
Where the fuck do I find the original screenplay?
>Be Wachowsky brothers
>Shoot Matrix
>First brother start transitioning MtF
>Matrix Reload happens
>Second brother transitioning too
>Matrix Revolutions happens
Am i drunk or this is another "women ruins everything" episode?
should i bother watching matrix 3 if i hated 2
the fucked skies make launching things into space a lot more difficult
Why didn’t the machines just adopt the Green New Deal?
because zion and the resistance are part of the machine's cycle of the one ya goofs
Im so into politics. Nothing like others being upset. So kino
They probably found out green parties are as a joke as the policies they propose.
Because humanity destroyed its satellites and space stations and the Kessler syndrome prevented any escape from earth's orbit.
Why didn’t Morpheus put blue pills in the water supply and wake up the whole planet, depriving the robots of their energy source?
they had no subversive jewish machines amongst themselves. Although that's a strategy the humans from 'Zion' should have used to utterly make the machines destroy their own culture and civilization
Bc hes a nigger, too smart of a plan for him. His right hand being a roastie isnt helping either. Humanity was doomed since the beginning.
nah if you can get the material you can do it
>australian operating systems enthusiast top milf
that's what they have humans in the matrix for
i believe the second one transitioned in the 2010s, well after revolutions was made
If the world isn't real neither is earth so there's no actual sun and the world if flat
She has a creepy rapist stare. Or maybe all Australian women are like that because they all descend from convicts and rapists.
The webcam is also pointing weird.
Humans aren't batteries they're just turned into neural imaging nodes. If it the point is to create a veil of maya you can't beat the human brain and you don't even have to train it to do so.
In retrospect we should've just bought their stupid cars.
>you'll never be as cool as this
Because they were fucking retarded and didn't realise that they'd have to break thermo dynamics in order to harvest more than they put in to humans.
This is the power of trannies
Kinowski aren't retarded, they originally planned to use humans for computational power. But the average american turned out to be too dense to grasp that concept, so they had to change it.
>dyson sphere
because it's impractical
>architect laments that people won't accept the first version of the matrix which is a paradise
>says that they are willing to accept a minuscule level of survival if it meant eradicating all humans
What the hell? architect should've just killed of all humans who don't accept paradise in the first place like
checked and kek'd
your brain has been shaped by evolution for 500 million years to respond to a less than paradisiac existence, this isn't really a surprise
and there's a limit to how much of their crop they're willing to cull
>implying they could have achieved this
>implying any shred of certainty that such a thing could exist
>implying they would even want to
It all went to shit because they keep buying their stupid cars.
it's relatively easy to create diamond
now we just need fusion, ai/digital consciousness and nanotech. just