Is there a single more overrated hack?

is there a single more overrated hack?

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name one bad thing he's made

Probably james cameron, or quentin footentino

>Probably james cameron

Mortal Engines is one of the worst movies ever.

he hasn't made a single good film

literally impossible to be a bigger hack than this guy

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>LotR movies are bad
okay contrarian

Let me guess, you liked avatar too right?

watch them again without your childhood goggles on, they're awful adaptations.
i used to think the FotR was alright but i tried rewatching it recently and couldn't get through it.

he realized he could never top the Lotr trilogy

Quality filmmaker and truly top lad who has a tendency to create utter shit like and King Kong for no discernible reason.

But Peter Jackson was the reason They Shall Not Grow Old and District 9 got made. Also Brain Dead and and Bad Taste were way, way ahead of their time. LOTR is enough to make him an all-time great but he has earned it in other ways too.

>Every film is the same
>Style over subtsance
>Bad writing, worse casting
>Innocent woman in trouble meme
>Woman is secretly a hooker/junkie
>Creepy lolrandom moments
>Campy singing scene
>Whacky hijinks ensue
>Dark noir 2spooky

May as well be Scooby Doo

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i kind of agree but i still like mulholland drive

Dune is the worst movie ever made

It's not close either

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King Kong was awful.

>King Kong

His careers going to keep plummeting for a decade, then he’ll make another masterpiece before he does.

tim burton

*before he dies

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he's pretty much done trying to do anything more than whatever passion project he's sperging out over (it was WW1, now its the Beatles). he basically plays with his planes and bitches to Wellington city council, he's gone turbo boomer.

LotR>> Pile of shit >>>>>Braindead>>>>more shit>>> Rest of his career

The only movie i physically hate, fuckin useless confusing pile of trash for the sake of being "deep"

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>The Frighteners
>The LotR trilogy
>King Kong (It's absolute kino, fuck off)
>That animated Tintin film

Nah, he's bretty good.

I don't think MH is trying to be deep at all, just surreal and intentionally ambiguous


>it’s absolute kino
Finally someone realises this

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Everybody knows it's kino, they're just being contrary about it.

The Hobbit.

Holy shit you fucking plebs do yourself a favor and take an art class or something. Let me guess the only books you’ve ever read outside of school are Stephen king and Harry fucking Potter. How dare you.

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First Hobbit movie is good. Desolation and Five Armies were objectively shit though, I'll admit that.

That wasn’t his fault though, he got shoved into the wrong position and had to brew up the equivalent of capeshit in the span of 2 or so years after Del Toro quit the project. Lord of the Rings took much longer to prepare than this. He did his best with what he had to make thanks to studio demands

>Wasn't his fault
>Still happily went along with it

Fuck off defending the greedy kiwi cunt. He knew he was making shit when the money when into his bank account.

Not his fault though, if they were 2 movies instead of 3 they would have been great, 2 and 3 felt too stretched out with too little content.

i'll never understand why people rag on the hobbit films but give a pass to his LotR ones. there's almost no difference between them.
for instance a lot of the silliness and cheesy moments the hobbit gets flak for were actually in the LotR first. legolas shield surfing or the stupid ghosts acting like fairy liquid at pelennor fields both come to mind.
the only reason LotR wasn't as bad is because jackson was lifting material wholesale from tolkien that was hard even for him to completely ruin.

I think people were mostly upset about the way it was executed rather than the content itself.

>cutting out of a deal that could make you millions for “muh integrity”
>making fantasy capeshit for a quick buck then back to kino
Hm, totally a hack amirite???


Yes, actually. Your shitty little strawman argument doesn't change that. I will FORVER associate him with cashing in his integrity for money.

His reputation is irreversibly damaged.

I dunno, man. What he achieved with the LotR trilogy is really impressive.

With the Hobbit stuff, though, there wasn't enough material for a trilogy in the book even though the studio mandated it and Del Toro pulled out right before it went into production. A huge amount of money was sunk into it and the studio was demanding they go through with it, plus changes like Tauriel to satisfy demographic testing. I genuinely feel like he tried to do his best with them but it was just such an unrelenting shitshow that few if any mortals could have salvaged anything more, and that he now is completely burned out from the experience.

Everything except LotR and TSNGO

He should have just let the production end, or have someone else make it.

Also you are making excuses for executive meddling he is an oscar winning director, when the studio wanted to make "demo" changes he should have told them to shove it and left.



Literally what? Also The Frighteners would like a word. It's arguably his best film outside of LotR's.

you missed out

>t. Hasn't seen Wild at Heart

He didn't direct that.

Just because he makes one mediocre cash in franchise doesn’t mean he’s a hack though

The problem is that people judge other people based on all of their doings, you should judge them individually for whatever they have done.
>This guy saved a woman from a fire
>The same guy raped a child
>The same guy is mentally handicapped
Is this guy a good guy, or a bad guy?

>i'll never understand why people rag on the hobbit films but give a pass to his LotR ones. there's almost no difference between them.
dumbest shit I ever heard
>for instance a lot of the silliness and cheesy moments the hobbit gets flak for were actually in the LotR first.
the hobbit doesn't get shit on for cheesy moments, and the LOTR trilogy has barely any, you're cherry picking
The hobbit gets shit on because it looks wall to wall like ass
a big CGI soulless mess, a 1 book children story stretched to the point of absurdity in 3 movies
there's nothing to compare
the first trilogy was high effort, shot on location, great score, old fashion costume and makeup with CGI used mostly intelligently, and yes based on a much richer story

One of the big reasons he stayed on is that the NZ industry was banking on it. Hundreds and even thousands of jobs directly on the movies and indirectly through the tourism industry were counting on it, and if he left the project it was going to be moved to eastern Europe. He also couldn't guarantee that whoever else got it would really try to make good movies.

He tried. The results were shitty due to the constraints, and Hollywood wound up deeply fucking the film industry in the southern hemisphere because they dragged Australia into the fight and then shat on both countries, but he tried.

You can see the production stills where he is just standing around, this shattered shell of a man, in the middle of the night and trying to figure out what they fuck he should even be doing tomorrow, just to try and save *something.*

Now, sure. In a perfect world, he would have said "I need another two years to get this all set up" but actors were contracted, the production machine was in motion, and anyone who might have been able to do as well as he did or better was eying what was clearly a poisoned chalice and noped out.

The result was pretty crap but there was a perfect storm of fuckery around those movies.

Kevin Smith

>control f stephen spielberg
>no results

>GoT is going up in flames
>make this thread to cope

Seething DnD

>what is a contract

You absolute faggot