How did they get away with this?

How did they get away with this?

Attached: robert_downey_jr.jpg (600x889, 180K)

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A lot of the '00 movies won't get made today, that's for sure

it was a different time

Robert won't. Once he's out of Disney's payroll, media is free to shit talk him however it wants.

Such as? Name one.

he was a dude playing a dude disguised as another dude

did no one watch the movie? ffs

Nah he's under the protection of Marvelfags, they don't care that he's a closet conservative and will tear the media a new one

doesn't matter

it was different time...

Shrek 2

>he's a closet conservative
Bro, you're allowed to like someone who doesn't share your political leanings. You don't have to make excuses like this. It's kind of embarrassing.

>you're allowed to like someone who doesn't share your political leanings. You don't have to make excuses like this. It's kind of embarrassing
You ever take a step outside of Yea Forums?

White Chicks

that was kind of the joke though

the entire bit was about just how racist and offensive this was

That reminds me, we watched Shrek 2 in PE class for movie day when I was in high school, which must have been like 2008, and I was the only one that laughed at this part.

Was I just too mature for my age?

Downey, Stiller, and Black are all jewish. Of course they got away with it.

You evwr have sex?

Fairly often yeah

Apatow's still gold in Hollywood and even some of his earlier shit would get blasted for being "homo/transphobic" if it was released today. Still can't believe no one went after him when he was slamming Louis CK.

all of them, technically

I watched this in elementary school and everyone laughed, maybe your class had already watched the movie



shit man what was it

Some idiot who comes to Yea Forums to discuss /pol/shit, apparently. I'll never understand those people. They literally create threads about whatever the fuck they want, and not only that, their threads get responses faster than actual on topic threads.

This shit is the best part


Attached: 1545031595982.jpg (550x366, 60K)

>thinks its just one person and one side to it
Look at current thread titles. Most are just provoking responses from "pol"
What you're too fucking stupid to understand is that it isn't an 'invasion' from /pol/, real /pol/ could give a fuck but /pol/ makes up 50% of this website's traffic. Of course /pol/ users will be on other boards.
Welcome to a culture civil war (which is turning into an international war). Buckle up, kiddo.


It was genuinely funny, so it gets a pass.

Yeah and even as a joke it can't be made today.

For every level of dude you incorporate before you reach blackface or anything else some find offensive, the level of offense is reduced by a factor of ten. It wasn't RDJ in blackface. It was the dude he was playing, so the offense factor is reduced to a tenth of what it would have otherwise been. That's why it's even less offensive when that dude he's playing disguises himself as another dude who's Chinese.

Basically, it's Dudeception.

Because it was funny.