Look how they massacred my board.
Look how they massacred my board
a thread died for this
honestly american hours are the worst
say it again so pop can hear
Shut up faggit, 95% of the content discussed here is american made. Deal with it
it was probably a game of thrones thread
ameriplebs dont even know what the word means
what did he mean by this?
One week and it'll go back to capeshit and brie threads.
I look forward to the Star Wars threads
>he thinks the pajeets still have any remaining brie budget
she was flavor of the month, it will be whichever disney starlet has an upcoming project
No one cares, thats why we can go to your country and do whatever the fuck we want. We dont conform to you plebs. Deal with it
People will continue posting shit about her because of the exact reaction you just gave. You fags are so easy to bait.
ameircucks shitting up the place and being proud of it
no wonder they created reddit while Yea Forums was ripoffed from superior Japanese site
*mumbles in your ear*
Go make your own board then, stop sourpussing. Feels good living rent free tho
>implying ive ever posted in a brie thread
>implying this isnt the first time i even typed out the word brie, what face pollution dweeb calls fem celebs by their first name?
what exact reaction? calling out fotm celebs is a reaction that fuels shitposters? nice reverse psych habibi rat youre so basic
Ah, yes European pride. It's good of you to take some time out of browsing American Yea Forums, American reddit, checking your American facebook page, posting things on American twitter, wearing your American Nikes, and drinking American Coca-Cola to make such a great post.
>weeb anime site
Just face it, kid, you're bought and paid for by the greatest country on Earth.
I want you to do something for me: count all of the American things you use before you crawl into your uncomfortable third world hammock to try and get some rest tonight.
but my shoes are chinese
>having accomplished nothing in your life except pride in a nation-state you dont even participate in on a no-flag anonymous board
check out this hoorah white knight
an ied is in your future soon
Made in China, kiddo, contracted by a country from the great swollen cock of the American Republic no doubt.
kek I love the triggered faggots from irrelevant countries reeeeing at the truth
oh youll get triggered alright, one way or another, it's just part of being americlapped
they are literally a chinese brand so I doubt it
Jokes on you, if I stay on 4channel and never go to school, I'll never get shot
> American Yea Forums, American reddit, checking your American facebook page, posting things on American twitter, wearing your American Nikes, and drinking American Coca-Cola
do you think that's a good thing?
t. an american
It's all shit
fuck off. my car was made in Guatemala
And absolutely nothing of value was lost.
This board is exacty the same no matter when you check it. The same memes, the same shitposting threads, the same bait for liberals or conservatives.
> implying Yea Forums was ever good