Fifth Element

Rental reiew

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Silverman calls Subway a "diet".
James is a beta loser.
Ryan is an entrepreneur and alpha.

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Yeah mhm yeah uh huh yeah

isnt it sad that no matter what show James is part of the people around him have to essentially force him to speak

Is the fat ass getting fatter?

How the fuck does someone not get The Fifth Element? Does James really have autism?

I would love those segments if those fatass geeks werent there.
Angry film nerd when?

I’ve never seen any of these people please be more specific

he doesn’t understand much of anything. In his lets plays Mike has to explain everything to him like holding a childs hand walking across the street.

james cant speak without a script

the fat fucks wont be going away. they are all in this with Ryan

imagine the smell

james has dumb tattoos?

>dude i love plan 9 from outer space and silly films like king kung fu but fifth element? too stupid for me

I heard rlm reached out to James to do a cross over and cinemassacre just loled at their dm and now jays pussy is butt hurt lmfao


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at least james didnt call it a misogynist racist sausage fest

How to get this body type?

>stay away from the racist 3 stoogies
>it was never funny and not acceptable

>implying I watch the videos with the fatbodies
I just close the video if I see them. And if they're in the thumbnail I don't click it at all.

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critique this thumbnail

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Mike needs make up