Why no uproar when she openly admitted to sexually harrassing costars?

Why no uproar when she openly admitted to sexually harrassing costars?

Attached: melisandre-game-of-thrones-season-8-1556549772.jpg (980x980, 123K)

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I'll uproar because I wasn't one of those costars.

Hot Women cant rape people

post source

God I wish I was one of her costars

Men don't care about being sexually harassed by attractive women.

I once got sexually harassed by an attractive woman at work. Then I fucked her.

Women only care because they didnt get anything out of it

>post face work Carice


Everyone knows Dutch people are weird perverts.

how do you assault a coaster

She must get such a high imposing herself with her beauty

>M-mommy, me wants to raped

have sex

Attractive people can literally get away with murder

It's in the episode commentary on the bluray/dvd, Carice was showing off the prosthetic the artists cooked up for her for the scene where she births the shadow. she makes Davos feel up her "pregnant boobs", he copped a handful of tit and commented on how realistic it was, to which she replied "I would hope so, those are mine"

Attached: davosfingers.png (1304x730, 356K)

there wasn't any grabbing involved.
Starts around 7:45



>it's okay when women do it!

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based retard

Holy fucking based

pretty sure bigger reason is the large physical advantage the average man has over the average woman

It's not that it's okay if women do it, what im saying it's okay if attractive women did it to me

I would let her sexually harass my dick if you know what I mean.

>she openly admitted to sexually harrassing costars?
Wait, what now?

She's hot, I'd let her sexually harass me.

Attached: melisandrae.webm (700x480, 1.59M)

i figured she was a freak

damn, she is good looking but what a hoe


>that scene where she's heavily pregnant and giving birth

My primal male monkey brain kicked into full gear then. My god.

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>That's not what happened
What the hell am I supposed to fap to now

ooooooh my goooood

she's from the netherlands and not bullshit loser america

I had a girl in high school that used to sexually assault me in the hallways, she'd come right up to me while I was at my locker and lick my face and grab my ass really hard. Her friends thought it was hilarious and so did mine until one day I looked her dead in the eyes and stuck my tongue in her mouth. We've been married now for 5 years.

whoa cool story
have sex

that giggle she makes, heeheehee hee.UNGH!

and then everyone clapped

Because liberal men still aren't quite as weak and pathetic as liberal women yet.


Her name? Albert Einstein.

They were good friends, had already known each other for years at that point, they did a film where they were lovers and had filmed a nude scene together.

>implying carice doesnt readily show her tits to the world

>those leaks where she's actually pregnant
My boner pierced the skies.

Get it? Because those pics were taken by Guy Pierce? Nevermind...

Why haven't you ever had sex?

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Why are you besmirching her name? She's one of the few likeable actresses on this shitty show

>tfw you will never see stannis sitting on the throne with her and davos by his side

You would have to be a faggot to complain about a hot woman flirting with you.

oh my lord I love her

uh post proof

Are you retarded? It's obviously different.