I have just named my firstborn Sawyer

I have just named my firstborn Sawyer.

Attached: Sawyer-lost-23102783-500-281.png (500x281, 252K)

>not bane
leave this board

I named my son Chuck. Then I immediately had it legally changed to Sneed

So now he's Sneed, formerly Chuck?

No, he's gone now. The janny got him

Sawyer is an actual good name tho.

only call him smartass nicknames for his entire life

Absolutely based. Works as a boy or girl name too.


better as a girls name desu

Get him an asian friend so you can recreate Jin yelling

His name was James you dunce

>I have just named my firstborn Soier

Attached: soiboy-train.jpg (1200x900, 308K)

Are you handsome like Sawyer?

Obviously I know that.
Nobody is as handsome as Sawyer but I am pretty handsome.

>I am pretty handsome

So why didnt u name him James

Because Sawyer is a better name. It's 'hip' enough that the kid will face no issues with his peers, but it's not retarded like Aediyn or something dumb, it's still a name that has existed for a long time.

Plus Sawyer is based.

Should haved named him Linus

Post pics

good name

Should lost be on my Yea Forums bucket list? I have never gotten past the 2nd season
tips for hanging in there?

I recently re-watched all of this JUST before Netflix removed their contract earlier this year. I had just come out of a pretty nasty breakup and was looking to binge watch something.

Honestly, this show got a lot of flak for the magical "woo woo" factors of the island, as well as a open interpretation for the ending. It left a ton of criticism and jokes to be stirred up about it and I feel like all of the real true beauty of the show got ...ironically lost? The character development and story arcs where amazing to follow when I had the chance to binge watch the whole series. The life lessons about love and legacy tucked away in Jin and Sun's story had a huge impact on me. The lessons about addiction and the analogy that Locke used for Charlie with the cocoon. Sawyers entire story arc and especially the whole pig episode lol. The scene that really blows me away is John saying "i hope some one did for you, what you just did for me." was also a pretty incredible moment. I feel like the story arcs and character development got back-seated because of the "magic" of the island.

The entire series is absolute kino, with the understanding that season 6 is a slight dip in quality but worth it to tie the series together.

If you need tips for hanging in there in season 2 then I'm not sure LOST is for you, but I can assure you that some of the best episodes in the series (and even in TV history) are in seasons 3/4/5.

The series should pull you in even more as time goes on as the beauty of the show is the growth of the characters.

There is something to be said about a show that unabashedly allows the presence of a god or higher being to influence the story. Many shows would feel the need to eventually explain what was happening, but LOST treats “the island” like a character of its own whos actions speak for themselves. Very fun watch.

God I want him to breed me so bad..

>Don't tell me what I can't do
The characters were what kept me going during this show. From the backstory to their growth on the island. I don't think there is any other show with so many characters that manages to give at least 75% of them as good of arcs as LOST does. There are a few duds (Kate, Locke in s6, etc), but for the most part I enjoyed all of them. Bonus points for most of the female characters having good arcs too.

Based. I hope you put a picture of Sawyer above your wife's bed, so your wife would see it every time she goes to sleep. That way, the kid will look like Sawyer too.

have sex

>tfw my wife is hotter than Sawyer’s
How is this possible

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Race traitor

LMAO I've been actually ashamed of hooking up with women hotter than that. Come on Sawyer...

Posting to keep comfy lost discusson up

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Yea Forums is now too young to appreciate lost..

Make more babby pls

I've been read only mode for this thread.
But my deside to say the following forced me to post.
Current Yea Forums knows Lost, it's just proved to be shit.
Now if it had continuity like Fringe then it would've been a true GOAT all along.

Fringe is the show that time forgot

I'd say they are tied with Lost in that regard.
Although I'd like to clarify that I didn't mean that Fringe is better.

>tfw my full name is a translation of John Locke

Attached: 1402342975592.webm (1067x600, 2.81M)

Juan Candado?

brainlets don't understand that it was always about the characters and them getting over their shit, not about surviving on the island

damn you actually kinda look like me but I have a lot more chest hair

Does anyone actually understand what the fuck was happening on that show?

Yes, most mid-level IQ people can get it

You know Tom (Thomas) Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn are two characters from a famous Mark Twain novel, right? Right?

Is there a brainlet flowchart for the rest of us?

Yes, but we named our child after the Lost character. You know James "Sawyer" Ford is a character from the TV series Lost, right? Right?

Get out of here with your Reddit
>you do know that ____, right?

I just named my first born D U R N

Attached: images-4.jpg (186x270, 9K)

>Sawyer the character from Lost
John Locke dad?

extremely based

Do you shave your body hair?

This is not me (OP), but I don't look too different from this fella.

Kino combination

No, all natty




If I had a son I'd name him Kiril.
Daughter would be Esther or Freyja.

>not taking the yellowpill

Kate defeats his cock until he becomes an incel

Are you fucking stupid?


>Giovanni Chiuso/Lucchetto

>falling for the ince meme