
Just wanted to post a thread saying how good this movie is. Haven't watched it in a while but I remember thinking it was an awesome movie.

Anyone else agree?

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Saw it for the first time on TV at a relatives. Really surprised me how good it was.

Good film, no complaints. Supposedly has some minor historical inaccuracies but Mel Gibson keeps proving himself a capable director.

11/10 movie. I went to a miserably liberal college (even for me, a liberal) and definitely annoyed some people defending it. Every history and ethnic studies teacher poopoos it

Mel always delivers kino.

Top KINO. Why is it that the """""""racist"""""" director managed to make a good movie about native americans while lib hollywood just portray them as naked feather dancers or some shit like that?

>Gibson bait
fucking cringe

love you too

>minor historical inaccuracies
yeah, mistaking mayan and aztec
next time lets make movie set in middle-east and confuse palestinians with israeli, it's just a minor inaccurancy anyway

I want to see Cortes btfo those subhumans.

It's full of glaring historical inaccuracies that ruins it if you're even semi-informed on the subject. Like
Aztec-style human sacrifice in Maya.

next you’re gonna tell me Braveheart is inaccurate
it’s a mythical tale, like the one told around the fire early in the movie


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I thought it was Aztecs abducting Mayans.

90% of movies I watch makes me feel like I wasted hours

Nah it was all Maya they were speaking Mayan even in the cities.

Moreover the distance between Aztecs and Mayans was quite large raiding parties wouldn't go out that far. They had no horses or wheeled transport vehicles so it would all have to be on foot.

I think the only actual indicator of culture is that they say Kukulkan, which I guess isn't at all related to the Aztec and is only the Mayan and Izta, but still, all those jungle niggers are the same anyway, so who fucking cares.

If you feel that way so often then why the fuck do you keep watching movies?

>blah blah blah here's some insignificant shit that isn't exactly how i want it blah blah blah
Chad Mel doesn't give a shit about nerds like you. He just wants to make a good movie. And it was a fucking good movie.

Not him but I like sex

That has precisely nothing to do with the question I asked.

Really good flick. I was hooked in from the opening quote.

> "A great civilization is not conquered from without until it has destroyed itself from within." ---W. Durant

t. brainlet

Go watch another Dwayne Johnson movie, retard

>mfw spicshow up 600 years early to fight the wrong civilization

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