First of all Halle Berry ruins the entire movie. After that it just gets worse. The dialogue is embarrasingly bad, the guy whi plays Bronn is a horrible actor in this with a porn parody accent. Halle berrys dog dying giving her character her own John Wick moment. I am only a third of the way tbrough vut I can just tell it is going to have too much focus on halle berry. Also the characters keep remi ding us how this is all down to a dog, and reminding us how stupid the premise is.
Also Keanu Reeves can't act which is bearable with the first two having great action
>I am only a third of the way tbrough Based baiting retard
Henry Davis
I can't handle anymore, Jeremy Flynns attempt at an accent had me laughing but then Halle Berry just ruined the movie .
I genuinely think the mivie is utter dog shit
Caleb Long
Shut the fuck up retard
Brayden Anderson
thank you for the hot take
Henry Wilson
I've alerted the cinema falcons, they'll be swooping by momentarily to confiscate your phone
Ian Gutierrez
>Halle berrys dog dying giving her character her own John Wick moment this is how i know you didnt watch the movie
the dogs didnt die
Bentley Flores
Well the first two are garbage so I'm not sure what you expected
Justin Jenkins
Yeah user new wick's a shitload of bullshit. I felt like watching avengers endgame or some other alco movie. They just took a shit and oh my god they're going to eat much more next time. I just gave up on this.
Joseph Richardson
>am only a third of the way tbrough vut I can just tell it is going to have too much focus on halle berry
oh no, women! she has less than 20 minutes on screen you sperg.
Halley Berry has literally one (overly long I admit) scene and then fucks off on the desert. Her part might be around 20% of the movie at worst. I'd say action is still pretty fucking awesome and choreography of fights are brutal and creative but attempts on humor were odd to say the least. Plot is very poor and plot twists seem quite nonsensical. Imo weakest movie of all 3 but still solid 7 for action alone.
Levi Watson
Halle Berry isn't even there for half an hour and she's hot as fuck
Is it this guy from fortnite? I didn't know he had his own movie.
Anthony Jenkins
Keanu is literally the only actor that can get away without acting
Julian Howard
action of the final fight in the glass room was ridiculously stupid. You need two hands to count how many times John Wick was kicked through glass. Overly repetitive in nature.
Nathaniel Lee
Phone posting should be illegal
Daniel Watson
>OH NO A WOMAN IN A MOVIE Yeah, gonna need you to have sex bud
Gabriel Thomas
Bentley Robinson
Oh I agree on that one. It was bad. No idea if they meant it to be a slapstick because it was like watching game qte with someone missing all buttons to block
Chase Martinez
I was like "Oh do it again, do it again i didn't see it like for 4 times already!". Felt like they treat me like a retard that doesn't get the point so they have to do the same thing over and over.
Elijah Ortiz
Honestly I didn't enjoy it, the passing was terrible
Nathaniel Green
I do more than you faggot lol XD
Dominic Ross
To be fair all of the times it happened when mad dog and the other guy were absolutely kicking his ass seemed to be repetitive on purpose as a joke and straight up happened back to back
Jeremiah Nguyen
it's a homage to old martial arts films, which you'd know if Yea Forums was about critics & kino instead of /got/ and capeshit.
Ryder Sullivan
Movie marathoning boomer. How do you do it?
Brandon Martin
Do we really need slapstick in fucking john wick.
Aiden Cooper
>First of all Halle Berry ruins the entire movie stopped reading here she's in the movie for like 20-30 minutes
Jaxon Brown
>Halle Berry why the fuck she is still a thing? i thought her career is dead. i didnt heard of her for years
Jackson Rodriguez
The action was severely lacking as well. Keany could barely keep up with the choreography and most of the time was just waiting to block attacks before they even got initiated then the poor sods had to slow their movement down even further for him to catch up. It was a shambles. The only decent parts of the entire movie were the Kung Fu Hustle and Key & Peele references.
Blake Lewis
>Kung Fu Hustle and Key & Peele references. What references?
Adrian Jenkins
>Go to see Fight Choreography III: The Movie. >Get mad when they find excuses to do cool fight choreography retards
>Also the characters keep remi ding us how this is all down to a dog watch the movie you fuckwit, it's literally the opposite
Alexander Carter
t. Brainlet
If I wanted "cool choreography" alone I'd have watched any Donnie Yen or Tony Jaa movie.
Xavier Nelson
> I am only a third of the way tbrough vut
He reviews murky cam rips.....
Jaxson Nguyen
why would you bother after the piece of shit the second one was.
Jason Martinez
>g-go watch Endgame again
Luke Mitchell
>First of all Halle Berry ruins the entire movie >Movie has a woman Why am I not surprised a Yea Forumstard hates it.