Alita: Battle Angel
General Discussion #522
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*farts loudly*
that’s what i think of your flop weaboo capeshit flick
Previous Thread:
No worries, friend. We're here now and that's all that matters.
Hello new bread, please be healed by Arita!
I just wanted to take a moment to remind everyone that it has been found out that smoking weed and drinking alcohol on Huntington Beach is illegal. So anyone coming to the meetup will need to leave their drugs and booze in their cars or better yet just don't bring any. This works out well because we didn't want potheads and boozers ruining the Alita beach meetup with their stench and retardation anyway. If anyone wants to break the law to smoke weed or drink malt liqour or whatever they will have to stand by themselves on a different part of the beach away from the main get together. Its sad that it has to be this way but these activities are illegal. So if you are one of these people that can't put your vices aside to enjoy a community event plan accordingly for the meetup or better yet just don't come because you could get everyone in trouble with the law.
It also needs to be discussed that fires are not allowed on the beach unless they are in “approved containers.” We don't actually know what these “approved containers” are yet but we expect they are probably BBQs or something. All things considered this isn't so bad because campfires not only smell bad they are also not good for the environment. Hopefully we can find a propane gas fire pit to use or maybe buy one. They are approved for use on the beach and burn cleaner so they are better for the environment then a stinky beach wood camp fire.
More info here:
Hey there cutie!
Why are you such a square
im fuckin comin and im fuckin blazing and you cant fuckin stop me
The cops will stop you and you will ruin the meetup. Please reconsider.
>posting facts = bait
Hello blessed "HI FRIENDS" poster. How are you this evening?
good evening /alita/bros
>not enjoying a comfy wood campfire
i know CA is cucked but holy shit
>trying to turn the meetup into part 2 of this
Though it was like that everywhere desu, well it definitely is where I live.
So long as no one cums or spits in the brownies that are being brought I am cool with whatever the plan is.
What was this meetup for
Flan time!
you guys are sickos
Sucks for them but the last Alita meets have been a massive success
>I ain't clicking that shit nigga.
Evening user how's it going
>not going to a bar to get smashed and make friends
your loss nigga.
post pics from alitameet
>No panzer kunst
>No elbow blades
>No Zapan
>No Jasugun
>No Werewolf
>No funny Desty Nova
>No flan
I will remind you that this isn't Gunnm
inb4 alitafags cry out in pain as they strike
And what would be the point of an Alita meet at a beach of all things? It's a movie, do you all sit around and talk about how you all saw the same parts for the... what, 500th time? Don't even go somewhere to watch a screening?
Something about all that sounds terribly sad.
They should recast Rosa with Steve Buscemi in the sequel
>a group of similarly sized manlets and one hodor
which one of u is the girl. Post feetsies ploxx
Is that an actual girl, or a tranny?
Really? I don't remember hearing anything about anons in NYC, must be a lot of lurkers
designated shitposting thread?
Actual gril
This We need a more recent higher rez version.
> implying a lot of us aren’t friends already from previous meets already
Yes we talk about the movie, but also a lot of other shit and share our unique interests and hobbies while having a beautiful comfy view of the ocean.
You know, the normal things friends do.
If you had any you’d understand
She looks like a 12 year old. Was she someone's sister?
user im gonna have to inform you that this is a /warwick/ affiliated general and im gonna have to ask you to take your verne troyer pic and leave the premises
kek what episode is this?
holy fuck these are some of the thirsty nerds who have kept 500 of these shitty threads going.
I would've walked out on this movie if I weren't with my girlfriend, who has a super perky rack (C cups very fucking nice let me assure you).
Everyone hated it even the chicks said it was "just OK".
Alita is amazingly, worse than capeshit.
None of this post is even remotely true, especially the part where you had a gf...
> footfags
She's at least 22 she's just skinny
>t. guy who's not coming and is just here to troll
Who is jerome?
i wasnt here from the start
Well I mean he's not wrong about the rules of the beach he's just being a total buzzkill about it
A+ for effort Jerome but I'm brining enough beers if anybody wants one
Just some name that a guy rolled dubs for, to name a resident troll that we had/have around here.
Ironically there's also that super fan on Twitter named Jerome who saw the movie like 100 times
>C cups
The only shorty we talk about here is Rosa
>implying that anyone but him is going to follow all these rules
>implying anyone would be so rude as completely ostracize smokers and drinkers like they're lepers
>implying he's going at all and isn't just here to mess with everyone
It's come to represent an amalgam of our shitposters. Trips named and dubs confirmed.
man she really is small. They all look short but Rosa makes them look huge lol
>ywn have a smolfu angrily banging on your door at the middle of the night demanding to be loved
Oh, manga-purist! We missed you!
>>No panzer kunst
>No elbow blades
>No Zapan
>No Jasugun
>No funny Desty Nova
Ah, yes, just as incorrect as ever, I see!
Eh it's good to know we need to be subtle about it now but we're obviously going to figure something out
Someone say Rosa?
Dem hips tho
NOT an Alita meet-up. Check out the post number. It only has 8 digits. Yea Forums is at 9 digits. /ABAG/ wasn't even fucking around back when Yea Forums was only in 8 digits.
Holy shit her thighs are looking really good in those jeans.
She seems like so much fun
Fuck, some HAS to do an Alita shop with this. too cute
I'm with you there!
and make all the coins credits
NOT an Alita meet-up. Check out the post number. It only has 8 digits. Yea Forums is at 9 digits. /ABAG/ wasn't even fucking around back when Yea Forums was only in 8 digits.
Alita is for cuddles
Rosa is for benis
lol, that's like 80 chips to shop
she's so cute!
Ha I knew it
whatever helps you cope
I'm slowly on it...
> 8 days til beach meet
I’m doing really well, just a little tired but looking forward to getting a comfy nights sleep
How are you?
hey alita! take a good whiff!
i'll be bringing smores stuff
all unopened packaging so no one thinks there's any funny business in there
destroy zalem!!!
all I'm bringing is beer. Gonna have to figure out what would be a safe choice for folks.
god i want to fuck that robot
Vodka is better
FUUUUUCK. damn she is fine
I'm bringing chocolate. I actually don't know if this kind would be any good for s'mores
>ywn get slippery with Rosa
does anyone else think she would be so much more sexy as a full-on robot? no humanity, just perfected AI
eh up to you m8. People have to drive and it's easier to regulate with something easy. We'll figure something out.
That would violate a lot of the themes of the manga, user
I mean at least I can go to sleep now...
when's the uk meet bros
Do any of you fags read mars chronicle? I can't find a scan of the 5th volume even though it's out.
I'd be down.
I honestly never would have guess she had pink nipples. Every latina I've ever known had brown nips.
she half Latino half french
this thread is only confirming the “conspiracy theory” that incels are dangerous and murderous
come to brighton
Well It's a fantastic combo if they come out like her.
This was by far, the worst movie I have seen in the Theater, ever. I didn't walk out because it was so horrifyingly bad for what it could have been, that I found myself laughing hysterically. I was alone in the theater, nobody else being around to listen to me actually slap my own forhead on multiple occasions with almost involuntary shouts of, 'what the fuck were they thinking?' or, 'oh my god that was terrible.'
Alita Battle Angel was actually written and structured in such a way that all of the amazing emotional potential that it had, was sabotaged and stolen. The giant reveals towards the beginning, such as Alita's given body by the doctor being the doc's daughter's originally, should have been the set ups. They should have done the doc's story chronologically, as a longer flashback perhaps, so that I could have seen the Doc's joy at seeing a replacement daughter using the body he worked so hard and so lovingly to create. But that didn't happen. I saw Alita look at a pretty body. And then later in a sloppy ten second flashback, I get, 'oop, it belonged to my dead daughter. You should feel sad now...?'
The boyfriend shouldn't have even been in the movie. He was a cardboard cutout that made senseless decisions that didn't need for any reason to be senseless. Not even for dramatic effect, because his choices weren't dramatic. His character stole precious time that could have been used to focus on the father-daughter dynamic that was only introduced and then never explored. Alita acts like a spoiled teenage girl, and that's the entirety of the drama between her and her adoptive father.
Really a shame, you guys convinced me that I was about to watch something good, but it wasn't that at all.
How so
this. fuck capeshit
Hey baby
>missed 2 chips
>Rosa still not shopped to Alita
3/10 - IGN
JK, you did a great job.
Man, this copypasta full of lies never gets old.
That's not too far from me, like an hour and a half drive. But is there any other anons that could make it there?
Fuck I didn't even see those, gimmie two mins.
>/Alita/ anons end up getting arrested over pot after all.
Seems like a fitting ending to this whole thing. Rest assure that Jerome will be constantly calling the cops over this meeting and he will be using these threads as evidence.
Yea Forums might be being watched right now
got out of bed and fired up my PC for this, but Ill try getting Alita's face on there tomorrow some time. And make the "coins stand out" less
Anyone wanna help this gal with some signatures for her Alita shirt.
Now be nice 4channel....
>Jerome's already signed it..
You betcha!
you did good
Which scenes would you say the CG was the most "off" and the most "on".
Something new, at long last. I've been burning to write an Alita bounty hunting story for quite a while now, which I suppose explains why this thing took off on me.
This will be a two-parter unless I do something stupid again.
You'e doing God's work, user.
yours, for least well done.
pic related for one of the best.
I swear to God, dude, Rosa would share something like this on her instagram for sure.
I really didn't see that much of a problem with this.
Worst for me were some of the first early shots of her walking around Iron City with Ido, like pic related.
I wonder if it has something to do with that different scenes were rendered by different teams or maybe that some had to be re-rendered after the first trailer
I love this fan art so much
>different scenes were rendered by different teams
Maybe it's a stupid question, but why do this? Why not pic the team that's most skilled and can do the best look and keep everything consistent? I get that one team might have to do underwater stuff, one do motorball stuff, etc, but why change the overall design of the face and body ever so slightly?
Hope your meetup gets Ruined!!
no clue; it makes sense that they'd break into teams to be efficient but:
agreed with this user. For the most part, she is pretty consistent looking. It's just that one gyrobike shot that looks noticeably off.
>her eyes slide around her face
Kinda unnerving
Some of her slight facial changes they did on purpose to show her becoming more mature but I'm not sure why they would split it up like that unless it was just to save time somehow
>Jerome from out of state will randomly call Huntington Police about twenty-somethings on the beach smoking pot and drinking
>implying they won't think it's a prank
>implying they'd give a shit if it weren't
>even if they took it seriously, implying they'd waste man hours combing all of Hunting Beach for 8 people
>implying if law enforcement was that strict with it's enforcement of such laws that anyone would come to the beach anymore or spend money in the local community.
sshh, let jerome have his fantasy
Thanks Thread Man!
>Jerome gets arrested for false report.
>Gangraped in prison 24/7
>Just as he planned
How can one man be such a based homo?
No cute Rosa gf to wish you merry Christmas every year...
The police will catch an easy case and will at least sent a patrol car around.
Jerome knows the exact location and time. Wont be hard to tell the cops.
He can use screenshots of these threads.
He could make stuff up like say the meet up is planning something else
The fact that the meet up might involve minors will make the police be on high alert about it
Who knew James Cameron would have made the racists of Yea Forums fall in love with a latina girl. Hes the most based man alive
Thinking the police would give a single shit, about some teenagers~~ having a few beers on the beach....
>Ok, we'll have a look.
>It's fucking nothing.
Didnt someone mention minors?
Just look at that soft supple booby, how could anyone hate that?
gib me xmas Alita :c
I don't think anybody going to the meetup is that young.
>See minor
>no apparent evidence of abuse
>it's fucking nothing
>go back to eating donuts
more importantly, good look for any cop looking for 8 randos on a huge beach that will probably be pretty busy on a Saturday.
>look at beach
>"fuck this"
*good luck
Wait, the meetup is in broad daylight?
If so, then Jerome is more socially retarded than we thought.
>he police will catch an easy case
>implying they like doing needless paperwork and needless policing for a 'crime' nobody gives shit about.
>Jerome knows the exact location and time. Wont be hard to tell the cops.
>He can use screenshots of these threads.
>who fucking cares
>He could make stuff up like say the meet up is planning something else
Well then he'd be breaking the law for a false report, wouldn't he be?
>willing to break the law just to be a dick a rain on a meet-ups parade and keep everyone in paranoia
so clever
>The fact that the meet up might involve minors will make the police be on high alert about it
Then minors won't not be allowed to drink and would be expected not to drink or smoke anyway. And besides, no one's supposed to drink or smoke any the beach anyway.
Even if people don't do anything at the beach, they'll find a way in their car or by the side of the road in the middle of nowhere. Fuck Jerome's divisiveness, paranoia induction, and babysitting.
It's not just Saturday it's Memorial Day
I mean unless LA gets super dark at 5pm-ish it'll still be pretty light out.
is this Thread man approved?
Thread Man is 18 sooooo?
I think he meant the image, because he pretty much insane
JC breaks every barrier known to man
How many of them did she fugged?
oh well in that case yes
what are you're thoughts on this alita anons?
Because black people have never been arrested for having a joint in their pocket. Okay, yeah. No one has ever been arrested for having pot or driven whole high,
I mean, are the potheads on the meet up taking the bus or getting rides? Serious question, how would they get home after getting high?
You dont think the police will care about people driving high? Are you rerarded?
Mentioning pot for this meet up is the most retarded thing anyone has ever done.
>potential nude rosa scenes
>photoshop alita's face onto said scenes
If the rumors about her are true. All of them
good for her? Glad she's out there making paper.
Well Rosa is a huge "Woke" SJW so it was inevitable she was going to do something like that. I just hope Rosa never goes full Brie Larson
Plot Summary:
The film will follow a high school valedictorian who with the help of her two bisexual best friends tries to seduce the school's new chemistry teacher to lead an after-school sex-ed class.
Anyone got some Alita feet?
Hello friends. Is it time for comfy?
Do you think Alita is "woke" or do you think she has an IQ?
I'm glad she's funding work
Indentity politics are secondary to the class split in iron city/zalem
I love how she just cuts his face off with her fucking hand
I hope so, user
I really really like this image
So that's a yes then... great...
Delicious metal kneepits.
>Guys... please
berserker feet
manga anons, up to what volume of the manga does the movie cover? I dont want to go beyond that for now atleast.
>when your ex digs up a random cyborg from the trash, gives her the body meant for your dead daughter, names her after said daughter and starts treating her like she's his daughter
I mean, I would've been mad too. Chiren did nothing wrong.
I believe it's all of 1+2 and parts of 3+4
1 and 2 with splashes of 3
Acknowledging that there is a class divide between the people literally above the poor in iron city is very different to arguing over how many genders there are user
You forgot the part where she ditched everything about said daughter and left her husband to go fuck a underworld lieutenant.
I mean, you're not wrong. I'd be pretty weirded out to say the least. She actually seemed to take it pretty well honestly.
>Because black people have never been arrested for having a joint in their pocket.
lol, there will be no black people there, I guarantee you. We might have had all of 2 black people in these threads, only one confirmed, and I don't think he's near Cali
>Mentioning pot for this meet up is the most retarded thing anyone has ever done.
lifting this from Yea Forums, but it applies to all of Yea Forums
>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
>Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
If she wanted her daughter's memory faithfully enshrined, then she should have stayed and ensured it. Instead, she abandoned it. She has no room to complain, at any rate.
Keean Johnson is extremely handsome.
thanks, i guess there's still a lot for me to look forward to
and Hugo is extremely gone
remember when people thought this general would die at thread 99?
>gives her his daughters body and doesn't tell her
>doesn't tell her what she is
>controls her going out
>doesn't let her get a job.
yeah ido was a real creep desu
Chiren was genuinely a good addition to the story since it gives Ido's relationship with Alita as a father some more context
It's very good.
Overbearing dad is much better than he is in than volumes 3-4 of the manga
Alita was suffering amnesia and clearly took risks without understand the consequences. What's worse, after he her cybercore wasn't just something found and installed in a rando's head, but that she was an actual URM beserker, he found himself responsible for a weapon of mass destruction.
I would have denied her the possibility of fighting too, until she demonstrated more maturity.
Since when was Battle Angel Alita this popular? Coming from somebody who read Gunnm and Last Order, where did this fanbase come from? The manga doesn't even seem adaptable given how all over the place it is.
No one has ever gotten in trouble over something posted on Yea Forums. Got it.
Get as high as you want you waste of life.
>doesn't let her get a job
Chad traditional Ido wanted Alita to become a housewife
Whatever do you mean? Ido's clearly a selfless, loving father figure!
I've never seen this movie but I live by huntington beach. Gonna crash this thing with me and my degenerate friends.
Since the movie came out
I have the feeling he won't go that far in the movies. But he might, Waltz can definitely pull off both the good dad as well as the crazy dad.
One of the biggest fans of Alita on YouTube, black.
Nah that's Nova's thing
>daughter dies
>the last thing that gave your life meaning, gone
>you find meaning another way
>try to protec
>it's a little stifling
>the world is terror and death tho
>this is being a parent
Stop putting good men in the creep category, thanks. There's enough of that crap from feminism already destroying society.
Also hi frens, glad to see this is still a thing.
If Alita was told about white privilege and was told about toxic masculinity and socialism, she would definitely be a big lefty. Specially since Nova represents all of that. Alita could be taught that white people are inherently racist and privileged and that men are the cause for the suffering in iron city. Even her own father Ido
>Alita: 47 chromosome angel
See the movie, friend!
No one cared who I was until I smeared on the blood
Fuck off, Leeta.
God bless this man.
Men can't even walk down the street with their own fucking daughters without being accused of being a pedo these days. It's legitimately out of hand.
yeah, but he doesn't lurk these threads.
Unless you do. Hey, dude!
Shes like a child you stupid cunt
Stop putting good men in the creep category, thanks. There's enough of that crap from feminism already destroying society.
chill out you baby. it is clearly meant to be questionable about him putting Alita in that body and naming her 'Alita'. Gerhad and Chiren are justified in being suspicious. Yes it works out in the end but you can't pretend like what he did was totally fine.
Nice try, Leeta
>mfw everyone starts fighting
>bleary eyed, unshaven, totally out of character for composed doctor
>clearly Ido is hurt by Alita's running off after all he did for her
>acts like a hurt person
Oh no, what a demon in human form.
>Justified in being suspicious.
Neither one said a word, or acted. It was clearly not scripted that way. You're literally trying to force a perspective on Ido because he's male, not because he actually did anything wrong.
Yeah, in this part of the manga even she admits to herself disappearing was pretty shitty.
Keshiro broke this line in the same volume.
Similarly, Keshiro used the Ido Maniac Killer line only in the first volume, in case the manga is closed.
Would you kindly kill yourself?
If Ido did to a real girl today and bahaved the way he did, he would get metoo'ed fast.
Some women are saying that men shouldnt even change diapers or give their daughters baths. Some claim fathers should never get custody. Some women are fighting hard to make fathers obsolete.
Even a farher taking his daughter to the mens bathroom for her to go number 2 gets the cops called on.
Im sure the lefty anons in here can tell you about their lefty sjw friends
Modern concepts of discrimination are irrelevant to iron city since cyborg bodies materially change how we deal with issues of race and gender. The only relevant revolutionary point is the classics cyberpunk tradition of a ruling class which is more technologically advanced than the underclass
Seriously, fuck off, Leeta, and get a real job.
Just because i know how my enemy thinks, does not make me like my enemies.
Thats the bullshit i have to hear in college. Literally hear it from feminists yelling in my campus
Seriously dude get off /pol/ most women aren't out to ruin your life
Who is Leeta? I'm only very occasionally around here.
Zapan: male
Nova: male
Vector: male.
You are right that race and discrimination of it might not take part in iron city.
But racism definitely existed between cyborgs and meat boys like hugo and Ido.
And Tanji was super racist against Alita for being a hard body.
So in Iron city racism and discrimination based on race and gender were replaced for discrimination based on class and based on body type.
Then you have Vector literally hiring street orphans to steal cyborg parts from the less fortunate in iron city to have better parts for motorball and what not. Not only is everyone in iron city kinda poor, but you have the rich stealing parts from the poor.
Alita would join antifa for sure
She's a photoshopped version of Alita with different hair and glasses and she's like an SJW
Welcome my friend. She's a pink-haired Alita- you'll see when someone posts her
They already spent almost 2 years on post production for this movie. If they hadn't split the workload we'd still be waiting for it to release.
Yeah trying to apply modern political concepts to the last human city after an apocalypse 500 years in the future is not particularly easy or relevant
Never been to pol in my entire life but i watch a lot of Tim Pool on youtube. And i read the news.
Not all women are out to get you but the most haters and the most vocal are changing public perception and changing law.
Universities now fully believe all claims against men and expell men even after the police find out he was innocent.
There are for sure issues with the vocal haters, but the world isn't as bad as you make it out. Don't let the media sell you its lies. You're better than that.
Racism sexism white supremacy and classism have existed for 400 years. America is just as racist and sexist as the time of the founding fathers. Not much has change. Black people are still oppressed and white people are stil rich on top.
Same old, same old
What does any of that have to do with Iron City though
Antifa is a dumb cult with a warped idea of justice though, in fact attempting to achieve justice though fascist means themselves. Alita would see through an idiot cult like that.
Metoo has changed the way men interact with women.
Now our culture is becoming of believing all women. An accused man will have his life destroyed. Even giving a hug to.a woman today is counted as sexual harassment. Even if the woman agrees to sex, if she regrets it tomorrow it is counted as rape. Our culture is changing.
Many men dont interact with women alone in the work place. Many men dont invite women for drinks after work but will invite other men. Many men wont even tell jokes in front of women at work.
Google it. Google the effects of metoo on the work place. Look this up. Enough men have gotten fired over a hug or a bad joke to change work culture
That there is still discrimination and Alita would probably end up blaming men. Even her own father turns on her and her lover was a thief
>all this bullshit
peddle it somewhere else man.
It looks something like this
>Giving a hug is sexual harassment
user seriously I have never experienced this in my life and I give a lot of hugs
>Google it
Isn't that what SJWs say when you ask them to explain their arguments? Doesn't saying that make you no better at arguing than them?
It's true though, and the worst part is actively taking measures to avoid getting metoo'd is grounds for getting metoo'd. We're not making this shit up. Recently a guy provided VIDEO EVIDENCE a girl was lying about him raping her, literally proved himself innocent, and still got kicked out of college.
Feminism is a shitshow right now.
lol, awful
It depends because if there was an iron city antifa fighting against zalem and Nova, Alita would see their terrorist acts as a noble cause.
Are there innocents in zalem? What happens to the innocents in zalem when Alita destroys it?
What if Movie Alita could blow up zalem all together?
Her mission is "Destroy zalem" after all
is this an audition to be a reactionary fox news pundit because you're doing great
>literally true
Even my liberal stepmother has noticed the different atmosphere at work post poundmetoo, all the way here in northern Europe. It's a real problem, and it's global at least in all parts of the globe that matter.
Now this is an SJW response. Great going.
Provide the evidence to back up your claims or else they don't stand on their own.
Iron City antifa would side with Nova, just like they side with leftists and MSM now that generally have no structural goals beyond anarchy, just like Nova. They're mad, and their inane ramblings about gender and the actions of ancestors long dead are doing nothing but tearing everyone apart, analogous to the comfiness of threads being sucked out of the room when they arrive.
Why? You'll just pretend it all isn't real anyway. What level of evidence do you want? Is being pointed in the right direction enough, or are you going to double-down after and demand an entire thesis with citations and footnotes and only accept it if it's stamped by Obama?
Because some people just want to watch the world burn.
>mfw everyone is still arguing
Well it's better than a dead thread I guess
Reminder that you don't argue in public to convince the opposition, you argue in public to convince the audience. Not posting sources when asked for them makes it look like you have no sources.
I'm done with it. He can screech about it all he wants. At least we're close to next bread where this can all be cleansed. Until then I'm comfyposting.
I said google it as in " there are real stories that you can read" not in the antagonizing sjw way. I meant that theres a lot of research.
That's one way to dodge the question and avoid being backed into a corner.
I don't know why someone decided this was a good place to drop their manifesto.
What manifesto?
Different user. I happen to agree with you, but I don't like poor arguments.
I wonder if Alita can get cold
What are you talking about?
In the manga there are revolutionaries fighting against Zalem and they are all anarchists.
It wasn't, it was a debate in progress, which you jumped right into the middle of, "different user."
This is why i hate lefties. They mock and get pissed over stuff that makes them look bad
>we won't get to see her nose and cheeks get red from snow-weather chills.
Literally a sjw answer
I never knew sjw visited Yea Forums unironically
>The next thread will be lewdthread
> cant wait
This is called puritanism.
You didn’t come up with anything new, just put seventeenth-century shit on the Internet.
Not men, women. Again.
>All revolution is anarchy
I don't think so, Boston Tea Party folks for example just had different ideas about how to structure society than the British did.
Nova is the true anarchist, unbound by any societal standard of law or human decency. This is the manga where he just did whatever he wanted, not the movie where he seems to be just an extension of Zalem so far.
There are SJW normalfag caliags among us, have you not seen the meetup pics?
jerome-posting in overdrive tonight lmao
Curious who stole them.
hey guys
>Alita gets a bunch of fans because they were looking for a film to counter Brie's bullshit.
>Surprised at the high amount of mixed politics.
Yes, but, just kick them out, I guess. That's what Alita would do.
u can't trick me, Alita.
>Alita gets a bunch of fans because they were looking for a film to counter Brie's bullshit.
that came afterwards.
You mean the me too ladies?
And lets not forget the leaders of me too were guilty of anti semitism
Oh, yes, clearly. Only after the movie was out of theaters and there was no #AlitaChallenge.
Maybe it is pol who sounds like the current world.
I learned this from tim pool.
>implying Alita isn't /pol/ af
She's a literal space nazi.
Who wants to make bread
I did the last one so I'll let someone else have it if they want it
nice work.
Looks like i'm not going to be able to go to this... i should have a new job and new car soon and will be able to do whatever whenever with you guys in the future, but i'm still a poorfag for now. Hopefully the drug vs anti-drug stuff doesn't turn this meetup into a shitshow so we can all look forward to a big meetup for the blu ray release... good luck guys
Brie seemed to want to be the asshole conductor of the SJW poop train for marvel, but she was really cute in Unicorn Store, which she directed.
I call new bread. I have a nice pic
>just an extension of Zalem
Nova probably sits in this guy's chair.
Alita's such a badass
Too bad she managed to derail both.
Isnt that the movie that mega flopped with critics? Having even woke critics shitting on it
That movie looked like the cinematic equivalent of spilling glitter on your keyboard
Let's not forget the organized harassment on Twitter by Brie and producers attacking said critics and reviewers personally.
Just like what's happening ITT rn.
Really makes you think.
>Isnt that the movie that mega flopped with critics? Having even woke critics shitting on it
Really? I liked it, it had soul. I say that as a right winger.
>woke critics shitting on it
I truly don't get it, it's chock full of leftism.
where's the fresh bread at frens
"Leftys" don't actually care about leftist politics. Just like at Antifa forgetting to be "anti." The only thing they care about is the brand name, and leveraging that for a better job or more pay. That's their entire playbook at present.
New New New New
I was thinking he'd be like a combo of that guy and Aga Mbadi
Alita kills the Nazis with one blow.
No, she kills the FAITHLESS Nazis.
Funny, the shot you posted used to bother me like the first ten times I saw the movie until I realized she is supposed to look dolllike in that shot because everything except her brain is not organic. Her eyes SHOULD look like a doll’s, at least in this scene.