Its an Arnold thread

Its an Arnold thread
>Favourite Arnold Film?
>Favourite Arnold One-Liner?

Attached: arnold killing gunther.jpg (960x640, 76K)

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>>Favourite Arnold One-Liner?
When he whined like a cuck about Trump on twitter

I watched The Sixth Day recently and it was fucking horrible.

Just wanted to say that.

Conan is by far his best film

Great movie with a great underlying message (The Riddle of Steel)

>Favourite Arnold Film?
>Favourite Arnold One-Liner?
you're fired

Attached: arnoldguns.webm (1382x576, 2.99M)

True Lies

>>Favourite Arnold Film?
The Destroyer
>>Favourite Arnold One-Liner?
I shall return


>(The riddle of steel)

lol what? It doesn't mean shit. Even in that Universe it proves stupid. Fucking moron.

The only correct answer is Hercules in New York

>I am not a pervert - Jingle All the Way

You need to make a new thread for that joke to work.

Attached: Arnold List.jpg (1792x3272, 1.71M)

>favourite film
The Running Man
>favourite line

The riddle is that neither flesh nor steel but the will of man itself that is most powerful are you a faggot or something

End of Days

"They caught a train."

>Eraser quote

So exactly what Thulsa Doom said then? Brilliant.

Terminator 2

“Consider this a divorce.”
“Excuse my friend. He’s dead tired.”

Pretty based list desu

Physical flesh =/= inner willpower

Terminator 2.
Eraser -- They caught a train.

Total Recall
>One liner

Attached: tenor.gif (498x280, 2.01M)

the destroyer 2 - consideration evening

"del boca vista, infant"

Two of the same thing where your brain is concerned. The way you feel about things doesn't come from thin air.

stick around

Total Recall
you blew my cover / consider that a divorce / give this people ayore

I googled the answer to riddle of steel to find a better way to word it to you:
>It isn't until his father's sword is broken that Conan realizes the true answer to the riddle: all the power of both steel and flesh come from one's beliefs.

Flesh grows weak. Steel becomes brittle. But the will is indomitable.

Just because one is physically strong does not make them mentally strong.



>But will is indomitable

Holy shit please shut the fuck up. Your will weakens just like everything else does. I can tell you're young because you still sincerely believe you'll feel the same in 20 years as you do now about things, and you wont.

Enjoy the real redpill when it comes, because it isn't just a meme.

Just as i thought you are truly a faggot no wonder Conan flies over your head

>"Get in the helicopter!"

>Let off some steam, Bennet

Not him but I feel a shitload better than I did 20 years ago and have way stronge willpower.

Trump is an idiot. You're a nigger.

T2 but the first Conan is an extremely close second.

Fav one liner is probably something from true lies.

>favorite Arnold film
Predator or Commando
>Favorite Arnie One-liner
Even his worst ones are alright through his delivery, but best Arnold line I ever heard was him talking about living in bumbfuck nowhere EU and he says something along the lines of "I had a choice: either listen to everyone telling me I should stay home yodeling in the mountains or I go out, and make a name for me"

This line is actually the best action movie post-kill pun of all time. Also checked.

AS: "Remember when I said i would kill you last "

baddie: "YYaaaessss"

AS: "I lied"

kills him

t. boomer faglord who made bad life choices gets angry because he thinks there is a deeper meaning to Conan and he is the only one smart enough to understand it

GEOTUS forgives you, for you do not know what you say.

Was anyone else duped into watching Killing Gunther only to realize he is barely in the movie?

Bonus round: write your own one-liner for Arnie.
Setting: Arnie has just fed the main baddie into a wood chipper.

Dont even give hin that credit hes a moron who doesnt understand what willpower even means

>ctrl+f "red heat"
>0 results
I am disappoint.
Most underrated arniekino

Attached: red_heat.jpg (210x350, 31K)

T2. It was so far ahead of its time. If it came out this year it would still blow people away and be the best movie of the past couple of years.

Will we ever see another arnold in entertainment? Not even the huge manly part but just how fucking big (in the star power sense) he was and the amount of kino he was in.

Being twenty years older than when you were fucking 1yr old doesn't count.

Looks like someone needs to contemplate this on the tree of woe

Not wrong. T2 is utterly brilliant.

If it bleeds ... we can kill it!

How anyone can like End of Days is beyond me.

That's actually a pretty sound assumption.

>Batman & Robin
>not 8/10 at least

Let's break some ice

Because Red Heat is complete shit.

Kick some ice*

Attached: movieposter.jpg (279x402, 39K)


maximum tastelet

>implying I'm not embarrassingly old to be here

Last Action Hero
Pour qui sonne la glace, celui-là je l'ai refroidi.

Attached: 1532750818082.jpg (1200x1200, 152K)

this prompts for a rewatch

I know this is not a popular choice, but my favorite film of his is True Lies, since he does both action and comedy in that one.


Too cone a phrase

>he does both action and comedy in that one.
Have you not seen any other Arnie films?

It isn't peak Arnie but it's still good. If you want true shit, there is that action movie where he looks like a guido.

If you admitted your actual age you'd be bombarded with paedos giving you (You)s and also get a permaban.

>but it's still good

lol no it fucking isn't.

yes it is


>Favorite Arnold film?
Terminator 2
>Favorite Arnold one-liner
Not necessarily his, but I love this exchange between him and Richard Dawson in The Running Man

I love the way he screams Killian throughout the movie

Why are you so desperate?

Why are you so bothered? Literally why do you care?

It's half one in the morning, and I have nothing better to do. That's it.

>T2. It was so far ahead of its time.
meh, it stuck to the hollywood formula of "the black character always dies"

>Half one in the morning
>Half one
How fucking retarded are you?

I'm British; so quite retarded?

You arn't British because unless you are a paki you would just say 1:30 in the morning

Nobody in Britain says "one thirty" lol